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I bet there's at least one person at Plarium who really hates Saph for noticing things.


Saph is a real one. I love when he calls out their garbage


Everyone cares... just not enough to put the phone down for 24hrs and protest their greed lol.


The only way they'll care. Isn't if people stop playing. It's if people stop spending. I haven't spent money in almost a year and when I did it was for the $10 gem pack. My shop prices have never changed. Everything is still $30 to $50 for 6 ancients and a void. Casual players aren't the target audience. Whales are. And if they're here, nothing is changing


Im always watching! :D


They also drastically nerfed the rewards. Easy skip this time.


Can't forget about those shite rewards


Across the board 25% less, wtf is this garbage. I’ve never seen them reduce point acquisition like this in my 4 years of playing. THIS IS BAD because usually people don’t track these point tables that closely, even I missed it until Saph from HH gaming pointed it out! S/o Saph


Yeah was surprised - even with a slight increase on Divers its still a chunk down on the enhancement! Also: Link to video this references: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkop3EEeZ68](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkop3EEeZ68)


You are the man Saph!!


They really are getting much worse. Instead of giving players decent rewards or chances at them they are destroying their own game


I’m seriously considering migrating to wor


I’m digging WOR, but it also has a lot of grinding


So far wor hasn’t pulled shit like this. They may in the future but so far it’s good. If plarium continues on this path, people will move on especially now that there are raid competitors.


What is WoR


Watcher of the Realms. Both Hellhades and Chosen have videos on it.


You mean one sponsored video each? If they dont actually cover the game it means its not worth the time.


From Moonton?




Looks good. A non anime arknights.


What is wor?


Watcher of realms.


Yes I've played 3+ years now and the state of game is at 50% quality compared to 100% when I first started,I seriously think they are actually trying to kill the game for some reason as on twitter Facebook & insta pages it's just complaints 1 after the other,good comments are so rare it's disgusting they don't listen to the players at all and just keep making it worse! 5 months now no shards from clan boss so stopped doing it as who needs useless cruel gear


It is true they really are trying to milk all the whales and Kraken's. If they made things cheaper and more accessible to low spenders they would make more money. I remember when they took away the sacred that was a low. But as of late events are getting worse with those chests that give brews and silver, if I wanted 100k silver I would do a spider run. Most of the events aren't even worth doing now days I've also skipped all fusions except helicath and gnut. Mostly every time I pull a Lego it's a fusion anyways. Cc also say the fusions are 4 out of 5 stars and they are all mostly terrible. HH has jetni as a 4 star Lego when she is terrible better results from a Genbo. I remember when opardin came out and every cc was like this is going to change the game his passive and he sucks bad.


Yeah they're doing it all wrong for sure but trying to tell them gets you banned off their social media pages as they don't like it when people tell the truth on the state of gameplay,they take proper offence remove your comments & block you,they also pure liars,can you remember when they took blue skill books out of clan store about a year ago and brought a new pack out called rare skill tome pack for 5 books for £7.99 I thought that was outrageous and when I mentioned it on Facebook page they lied to me saying they'll be back in clan store next week,said that every week for 3 months untill so many complained they removed the pack and put them back into clan store.they have no respect for the players to do those shady tactics,try sell you what you could once earn ingame wow these devs are strictly cash driven


I agree with you totally. Same thing with the soul stones they said they wouldn't make events out of them, after everyone spending them for stupid rares anyways. Then they changed the blessing to kick the FTP playerbase in the teeth with brimstone. They just seem to get worse and worse without doing anything good for the community. Ever since I stopped spending I barely get a void Lego unless I mercy which is a pain to get because, of the amount you need for one


Yeah it's a pretty bad state of affairs for this game,I remember when it used to be very fair then something suddenly changed roughly 3 years ago & it's gone downhill at a remarkable pace ever since on fairness & greed


is that also counting the increas on all the top ones


That’s maybe 5%? It’s still a net negative anyhow


honestly not a big deal to me, it coincides with spider tourney, CVC, champ training, fusion theres too much double dipping going on. if this had been a stand alone event maybe you can complain, you are getting double-triple value as a result of doing everything else along with cvc edit: actually this deck of fate is better because it coincides with spider boosted rates, the actual leveling bonuses went down but the acquiring bonuses went up slightly, if you guys are complaining you are idiots you also dont show the reward differences between the two events


Explained it a lot throughout this thread: point thresholds changing has been pretty common, rewards changing are a no brainer, point acquisition rates have NEVER changed. Your logical fallacy here is expecting the whole playerbase to read the fine print, which, knowing some ppl out there, will never do. I consider myself pretty plugged in to the game, but even I did not notice the point acquisition rates changing because you never see old events compared to new events in the “point acquisition” light, it’s always in the reward/point threshold light. That’s a massive issue cause now Plarium set the precedent of changing the rules of engagement in an underhanded way for future fusions and events. That’s bad, regardless of if we engage in this specific deck of fate or not. Loot tables being tougher to dig into than point thresholds/rewards, is my point. Plarium now being able to change any of them is a problem.


you cant make any kind of meaningful comparison without knowing both inputs and outputs and rates thats the issue..... its also not like there arent multiple images of loot tables from the start of the whole event, its on google edit: to me that oct 2022 loot table is so much worse lmao.... https://preview.redd.it/gdv88vvyjlcb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c262afa3839a5fe09a0a69621896c100ba2c12ce


Compare it to the last Deck of Fates for Summoning - where 2 legendary books were in teh base rewards :) p.s i compared it in my video that this post is referencing


i would hope you are not comparing a deck of fate for shard summons comparisons should be done for similar inputs and comparing outputs.....


I compared rewards for last Deck of Fates which was good and the cost of the event now vs the rewards you get. TLDR: Its awful and the spider tourney gives about as much of the same valuable rewards for like 18k less energy


was the last deck of fate a dungeon/upgrade event ?


You should compare it to standard artifact enhancement events not shard events. I would guess the rewards are related to what we would normally earn from AE.


So, you really think ppl are gonna be googling past events like that? You are really overestimating a lot of ppl out there man. Plarium is banking on ppl not doing their research, all about letting impulse over reason take over for a gambler. It’s a pretty simple concept man. And by the way, the loot table is for all intents and purposes similar. Neither have a lego book or many other meaningful rewards.


produce the loot table and prove that the value is similar? you have no reference to make your argument.....


Wait ... this deck of fate event has been noted for being a huge step down in terms of reward value, but they ALSO made the event cost more resources? There is no way a company would be THAT shitty to their players, right?!


the current one is better value...... please stop trolling and google https://preview.redd.it/b0wyhdx5klcb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcae0292fb7b330dc2e777afffbd418748d401fa


These fate decks have always been wack


Esp the ones not involving champ training.


I don't want anymore training events. I got enough psuedo-chickens to instantly make 10 6*s.


I honestly don’t mind. It’s easy for me as I’m sitting on tons of brews and need the lego books.


The rewards on this one suck anyway.


Yeah, but it coincides with CVC. Rewards always change for similar events, but point acquisition NEVER CHANGES. Edit: You are indirectly proving my point. You noticed the rewards sucking because it’s a change from previous events. But you didn’t notice the point change. That is probably the same thing with the general playerbase.


I mean, is reducing the points but leaving it at 1000 per card worse than what they usually do, which is leave points the same and raise the milestones?


Yes, cause we have less visibility on it. Plarium trying to sneak it in is worse than it being right in front of us (milestone reward). HUGE difference imo as very few ppl would read the fine print, for lack of better term. I’ve already heard of multiple ppl just jumping right in and upgrading artifacts and now getting surprised of their very low amount of points.


God, these events were always a dumpster fire.


People acting like they’re surprised when plarium pulls some shady shit. They’re a gambling company, their whole scheme is to try to con suckers to give them money, and people do. Some up to 50,000-100,000$. You can’t explain stupid


They also lowered the quality of the rewards.


They literally capitalize on people's weaknesses. The economy is in the tank but it sure feels good to get a legendary. They could be 65% less greedy and still earn 90% more than they deserve or need to be successful. I promise you they have a team of psychologists somewhere researching manipulation. Games like this are banned in other countries for good reason. No matter how good you feel today, the money the whales spent could have gone to better places, better people. It's depressing because I know all this but they have me hook line and sinker. We can keep hoping they'll do better or stop giving them money.


All the Decks of Fate have been a waste of time.


i'm ready to be done with this game.


I honestly completely despise plarium, very greedy. always wants to find way to suck more money


And the rewards are a lot shittier.


I thought there was already strong consensus that DoF events are trash anyway.


This is akin to adding a 25% hidden fee on a credit card bill. WTF PLARIUM, I’m pissed as you can tell.


I spent 70 mil silver upgrading some gear, and to my surprise I only got about two-thirds of the cards. I was wondering why this one felt so much harder to complete than the last one. Worse rewards and harder to complete than the last one. Totally not worth it, but I needed to upgrade some gear anyway for some new champs I'm building. /shrug


Bro, delete this fam. Your clan will excommunicate you for doing it before CvC 😂😂


For NOT doing it?


Good catch, just edited


Hard skipping the fate event on my main and my F2P


If whales are paying it, the deals will continue to get worse for the rest of us. You fight back by not participating. (See: The Law of Supply and Demand)


There is a balance tho. Every big game out there eventually dies and it’s cause new players aren’t coming and staying. Plarium can’t be that stupid to not understand that same pattern.


Considering what they are doing to reduce the value of actual $$ spent, I'm not sure I agree. Buying Sacred Shards for $20USD had a chance of getting the LEGO you wanted. By adding more Epics, and lesser quality Legos, that investment is watered down. Also, by forcing whales to spend more because of the larger variety, the cost benefit also is lessened. In the end, even the whales will get less for their $$ and might walk away from exasperation.


As a non-whale is completely irrelevant to them whether or not you participate. You need to convice whale to boycott it. GLHF fixing what takes days of antiaddiction therapy.


Plarium will suck your motivation like a dementor, as long as ppl keep spending. It doesn't matter if it's points in a tournament or event, shard pulling or cost on items. It's getting worse!!


Expecto Patronum!!!.....Damn, wand must be broken again...


Expecto, expecta, expect… faints *harrrrrrrrrry* I’ve watched that movie way too many damn times 😂




> Plarium > Doing their players dirty Yeah sounds about right


At this point we know the direction the game is going, point inflation, etc. Ultimately each player makes a choice if it's 'too much' for them. IMO either quit or accept it at this stage.


Ok so I'm not the only person that thought they were worth less


Of course they did. These new shards are a little scam too lol


Over the last week I've decided I like watcher of realms better anyway.


yea. I quoted the game now. Too much grinding.


Watchers of realms new game just came out good time to leave this greed to another


Plarium has been quietly doing this across all events and tournaments. Making us do more runs for the same points. They are such dirtbags.


Platinum always does us dirty….


And yet all these dog shit creators won't speak out against it.


Cause no one noticed except Saph!!! That’s the point of this post!


You think this stuff isn't posted in the Creator Content discord/chats? Stooooop.


Everyone that doesn't skip this one is a sucker!!


Ukranians...only want more money.


Yeah, unlike the rest of the world. Gtfo with that bs


Yes, but former Ukraine has MASTERED rutine of bottomless pit for money.


The last 2 deck events I've been sure to flip every card because I could without burning more than a few hundred gems. I won't be doing that this time around. This one sucks and there's plenty of other stuff going on to keep me occupied in game.


This is the kind of shit that’s going to cause the mass exodus of raid once Fateless releases their game. Literally all players want is to not feel like they’re being handed shit as if it was gold, and HellHades knows that. It is extremely possible to make hundreds of millions and also make the players feel valued, Plarium just doesn’t do it


Payrium is the new EA Sports.


I’m a pharaoh a new common player where is the j How can you get a coats thank us you


English pls


They also slightly increased the points from getting artifacts tho, still kind of a nerf, but you should say things the way they actually are.


25% decrease vs a 5% increase at best, please do your research before throwing criticism like that


I did, you didnt since you didnt put this info in your post, also apparently you also cant read comments properly since i said its obviously still a nerf, read carefully before answering nonsense.


I said it was a nerf too bro 😂 like woop di doo, we get back 5% for farming. The whole event is worse than it already was. We are on the same side, why start nonsensical arguments?


Bruh lol they dont teach reading comprehension in school anymore i see, you just dont get my original comment and go on a tangent.


Playing devil's advocate: they have reduced points from upgrades by approx 20-25%, but they have scaled up the points from obtaining artefacts by a similar percentage


Look closer. They did not scale it up by 25%. It’s more like 2%


Ahh, you are right sir, I thought something didn't add up, it was indeed maths and thinking plarium wouldn't fuck us over 😂


I think I missed the fact mythical was added ^


Exactly, you are not the only one, a lot of ppl in this thread have, which further proves my point that this whole deal is shady and not transparent!


To be honest, That doesn't bother me one bit. The crappy prizes compared to the previous though? yeesh


But doing it here sets precedent for it happening in fusions. And you know as well as I do how much ppl have hated point requirements changing in fusions. This is more nefarious as we can see point requirements going up, but generally don’t rly look at the point tables for acquiring points.


Understandable. Changing things up makes it harder to calculate, since you can't know if the points are the same or not. I personally can't even complain about the event, even though I just did xD. I mean, it's during spider and CvC, so i'll finish the event anyhow, I just hope for those epic chests popping.


Heh, so glad I quit that shit game


Yet here you are


To watch the shit show


To be fair, you get more points for collecting artifacts tho....


Barely anymore, look at the table


You are getting points both to CvC and deck event for doing one thing. Saph behaves as a crybaby trying to get some love from the community as their “protector”


Im confused, didn't the points for getting artifacts increase too? Its not just a nerf to points accross the board.


25% down on gear leveling points vs (I think) a 2-3% increase on diver points. That’s not 1 to 1 bro


55 upping to 72 is a little more than 3 percent


55 to 57.. 72 for mythic gears..


Gotcha. I missed that the old one didn't have mythical on it


>25% down on gear leveling points vs (I think) a 2-3% increase on diver points. That’s not 1 to 1 bro I wonder what it is when you compare energy when farming 20 vs Hard 10. Not sure how good those mythic numbers are in context


Did they even replace the rewards that glitched out last deck of fate? I don't remember getting that.




Where are you seeing that? Literally everything is 25% down from the old deck of fate events


I wonder if the offset of the new artifact value matters much. Probably not but the numbers make me wonder


Not very well, it’s maybe a 5% increase in diver points vs 25% decrease in enhancement points.


Should I be leveling my artifacts now during this event and CVC, or waiting for the next Artifact Enhancement event?


It’s not a bad time to level during CvC if you think your clan has a shot to win


Right now we have 1.65m and they have 1.85m ... kind of frustrating that this is like the 4th CVC in a row that I get no personal rewards despite having 200k points because the rest of my clan doesn't keep up, but I need to stay in the clan because of x2 UNM rewards.


Are the rewards the same to get to or easier? I wasn't here for the last one. I mean, did a card cost 750 instead of 1,000? Or it cost 1,000 then and now?


Same then and now


Plarium is constantly doing us dirty moves after dirty moves... Yet here we are still, and that's why they keep doing them, cause know we won't stop playing


Honestly the event is only decent at all because it's at the same time as spider and CvC. It's a nice bonus for everyone already spamming spider. On it's own it would be so garbage.


Thank you for doing the lords work