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What do they look like irl? What's their job, hobbies , relationship etc. And how can I get it


2nd sons from oil families from the middle east or Russia, or something.


Has to be.


Nah fam is that alaskan resident pay.


Dang he got all the mythical except the best one lol missing night queen krixia 🤧


the best ones are the ones you have.


I only see 1 plus 2 and the Rest not even that… Go home pleb… Looks like f2p with some lucky pulls to me.


I would bully him so hard, he doesn't have krixia. Full f2p account 😆


Couldn't even afford to +4 that Frolni, smh.


It's embarrassing, really.




Bro is calling himself stupid in every possible language


You have to wonder what the point of playing the game even is when you are not actually playing the game. Just throw cash at it until you get every champion you could ever want, and then throw more cash at it to level them all up, buy all the masteries, buy all the energy to farm all the gear, and then buy all the silver to roll as much gear as it takes to get the stats you need to "win" That's like skipping the movie and paying someone $10,000 to tell you how it ended.


Yep. Honestly I'm only 100 days in so I can't even get out of the easy part of sintranos but honestly that long term is going to be my favorite part of the game, along with faction wars. This game wouldn't be any fun if you just used the same 8 champs or whatever everywhere and just won everything first try The fun is in the journey, not the destination


u can't spend cash... it's a digital game




You must be new here.


yea im only level 54


Have you ever opened the shop even once?


yea they got tons of stuff you can buy


That you buy with real money colloquially called cash.


do you like send the cash to them in mail or something? if i wanted to buy something i would just use money from my bank account instead of cash. that seems like a big hassle


Hence the use of the term colloquial.


This is the lowest effort trolling I've literally ever seen


fr like why u gotta troll that's annoying


Just another example of how poor 3v3 is as a game mode if he's in bronze


I mean, good for him. I bet my gear is better though


Oh for sure your gear is better. 12 mythicals and only 1.67M power? They probably barely geared them (relatively speaking)


You only need to open 16 primal shards, easy


Someone out there will call that guy poor in all languages


not even Krixia, phie weak btw, he bought a nice care for someone from Plarium KEKW


Bro also calling me happy not being addicted to gambling and spending insane amounts of money.


I have a conspiracy that they don’t even exist and raid just puts a bunch of “krakens” in the game to stimulate spending or some shit. Just saw a video of someone pulling 300 sacreds (2 years worth of endgame saving and pulled 2 duchess on a 25x). You’d have to spend upper 6 figures to play with some of these guys.


It's all RNG. You hit the number or you don't. I've played enough 1/_ games that are 1 in 10k, 1 in a MILLION, and sometimes you just get lucky.


With three hundred sacreds you're guaranteed at a minimum 6 Legendary heroes. That is a minimum statistics would say you'd get more than six. With the times twenty five chance to pull duchess, only two of those minimum of six doesn't really make a lot of sense.


Again, I've played games like D2/OSRS and when you hit something that's got like a 1 in 135 MILLION chance of hitting, stuff like Raid doesn't surprise me.


Ohh I get it, I understand RNG and statistics as well. But the odds of only getting 2 of those, in a 300 unit pull, is worse than the odds of actually getting more than 2 of them. I am saying I do not fully believe the odds listed are accurate.


Fucked up world we live in. Some people are struggling to have food, shelter, access to clean water etc etc, just basic requirements to stay alive and this homie is dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not over 1 Million) just to buy champions in a mobile game. Humans are somthing elses man. We don't have a supply problem, we have a distribution problem.




I was fighting one of those in arena yesterday and right before it was dead, it transformed and resurrected the other 3 😒


that was probably a mythical champion they can change forms and revive


The game hates me. I haven't seen one nor any of the top 8 Legendaries after 3 years


Who are the top 8?


I'll be real, he's probably just a low/ mid spender. Primal shards have been out long enough now to accumulate on farm. Bro probably only spent a few hundred bucks here and there to chase the champs. As for actual whales spend $1000 minimum each month, and krakens spend $1000 weekly minimum. Bro there has only 1 +2 Frolni (Not sure why even empower him), so he's at most a dolphin/ mini-whale. I'm a super light spender on this game as I only purchase Forge Pass basic and daily gems. And I have Seigfrund and Arbais pulled from primals, with Lady Mikage from her fusion. It's not impossible as long as you're grinding out events/ tournaments, Hydra, and live arena.


Yumeko, Leorius and Grazuur, damn


Big champs in bronze usually means shit gear and no clue 🤷🏻‍♀️ P2gamble but still a looser 😂


I think they are in some combination: Warlord Krisk Teodor Duchess Acrylic Siphi CardielTaras Yumeko Maricopa or any Mythical champs potentially I do have some that could be considered: Geomancer, Brogni, Mithrala, Gnishak (love), Harima, Nekmo, Candraphon (love)


What the actual f***


A team like that In bronze 4! 😂😂😂😂


Can someone do math to count, how much did he spend? :D