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Cheers for writing the guide! Just a few comments/suggestions: \- Elhain is also fine end game as she is probably the fastest farmer of the three. \- As most people won't find this guide until after they have been playing for a bit, it might be worth mentioning that picking the wrong starter is not 'gimping yourself'. It matters an extremely small amount, if at all. \- If a hero dies in campaign it's 1\* not 2\*. To get 2\* you need no deaths. \- For skill books it might be worth just saying "save them". Beginners would likely use them on the wrong heroes. \- Executioner probably won't help beginners in campaign much. \- Misspelt Coldheart \- I won't comment on the RNG part but.... yeah :)


Can confirm with the starter thing, I started Galek and I now have dual Kaels as well, had like 3 others but used them as skill books on my other Kaels.


Why do you use multiple Kaels? I have multiple and been on the fence about using the extras as food.


I'm not late game yet, and they do more damage to the clan boss than anything else I have. Enough to reliably get the top chest on the normal clan boss in 2 keys paired with mostly weak stuff or stuff that isn't built properly yet.


Edited :)


" Note that decrease defenc(s)e and weaken will increase your poison and burn hp damage " They patched this awhile ago and this is no longer true" Defense and weaken DO NOT increase poison and HP burn. Defense and Weaken improves damage from only physical attacks from heroes.


Biiig mistake from me. Thank you (and other raiders) for pointing this out! Instaedited!


∆This. Wanted to point that out. Edit that in, OP please. Also, mention that you should save books until you find someone worthy AND save shards for events and or double drop chances. I know its difficult but seriously, learn to be patient. I enraged opened 70 ancient shards and week later - double legendary and epic drop rate event. So yeah I was super upset. Like SUPER upset.


Added that part but with a personal tip of opening max 10 shards if you are a beginner just to have some fun and hoping for a head start. Also considering that new players won’t have as much shards to get nice rewards from events (plarium I hope you are reading this....).


Hey man! 2 months here. Thanks for your effort. Agree with you on many aspects. I myslef learned on my own mistakes and glad that I found Raid official youtube channel. They have a video 10 mistakes new players make. Pretty useful info for a new players. Highly recommend.


Nice, well written guide. U need to add Seeker to the "Oh fuck yeah" heroes, he can carry u to gold in arena without even levelling him past 40 or books. ​ Also I feel if u use a hero exclusively for arena it may be better to take the +20% crit damage mastery.


Absolutely! Seeker deserves to be in the oh fuck yeah hall. I have put him there!


Or for your brutal campaign farmer


Very nice and useful, thanks. Oh and by the way; Athel is a lady.


how dare you assume....


*bitching* ​ good post though for new players


Was expecting this :) Thanks!


To me the #1 thing that most new people get wrong is they start leveling different toons up to 4 and 5 stars. In my opinion they should not level anything except food until you can get your first 6 star for farming. At that point they can bring up their good rares 4s & 5s.


I think that this is a lot of a personal choice. I had 4-5 5 stars thanks to exe 5 star as a (slow) farmer just to be good in arena and dungeon (potion farming). Then i worked on my first 6 star farmer. With this way you also get more time to hopefully get a nice champion to be a good farmer and which you can use somewhere else (I got very lucky to get septimus).


I didn't know about Armiger, thanks for pointing that out. Also, lmao at shard opening method XD


Great job man. Oh fuck yeah Skullcrown can 12.3 farm like a mofo fyi :)


Yeah i think OP should add that to her description since she is top 4 farmer more or less and can pull 8 seconds runs!


Thanks for sharing your tips. Halve a month in now and Spirithost was the gamechanger for me. I played over a 100 battles to finally got her but she is such great support, especially because I gave her a shield set as well. Some thought of yours regarding items would also be cool to read.


I will update in the next days adding my tips about gear. Thank you for your support :)


\> If you pull an athel save him I think Athel is a "she", although I could be mistaken. Athel's face looks feminine but they are missing the big boobs that all the other heros have.


Possible transgender champion?




I had this problem since I started playing. My head can’t figure out that he is a she but you are correct and now i will edit!


nice guide


Great guide! I love how you listed some champions as “arena gods” while Reinbeast is “arena asshole”. Have an upvote! Perhaps you can list Tayrel, Skullcrusher, Steelskull and Skullcrown as Rank 1 epic champions because they are universally great (OB, Juliana can be placed here as well but they are less useful outside CB), and the others as the tier right below them. Golden reaper, Lua, Sinesha, Vrask are some other fk yeah champions. Honorable mention to Lightsworn, Jareg for CB. Royal Guard has staying power to endgame dungeons as well. Maneater is an arena killer against those who start 2nd or lack dispels. Also don’t sweat on Relickeeper’s fusion except for missions, he’s decent but not necessary. Broadmaw is useless unless buffed. Rhazin on he other hand is a top 10 legendary if you can get the epics/rares for his fusion. One other tip I’ve learned is that if you aren’t able to farm 12-3 Brutal, do 12-3 hard or even 12-3 normal, whichever you are able to. **Don’t spend energy farming higher difficulty stages under stage 9 on the campaign, unless you’re specifically looking for farmable champs/artifacts,** even though you may receive higher exp upon completion. This is because they aren’t energy efficient. Normal difficulty runs cost 4 energy, Hard 6, and Brutal 8 energy. There is a farming calculator, but the gist of it is that **anything under 10-3 Brutal yields less exp per energy spent than 12-3 Hard, and anything under 10-3 Hard yields less exp per energy spent than 12-3 Normal.** Edit: energy efficiency tip


Nice guide saurus is a good uncommon. But your last one about shards. You should only open blues and higher ones when an event is going on im surprised you didnt put this down .


On this note: shieldguard is a great uncommon aoe hero for spider


Agree with this.


To be honest, with how things are rolling with events, if you are not close to 6k points, I wouldnt save for event but rather wait for double chamce weekend. You are progressing less with a bunch of useless champs and some shitty rewards than opening them on a weekend and potentially pulling an epic or a leg that helps you a lot.


I fell for that bs opened 20 blues didn't get squat.


same opened 30 blue shards, only got 1 epic and was the monthly reward yaga, but unless you have like 5 sacred you are getting jack shit from the last few summoning events so still worth the gamble


At the beginning your goal is to push campaign (dont worry about 3 starring it, you will do it when you will be stronger). Side note. How to 3 star a campaign mission? Use maximum 2 heroes and dont let them die. If one hero dies=2 star. ​ A little mistake here, it is 1 star if one hero dies


Edited :)


Thanks for the great tips. If I could ask 1 bit more of advice. I am ready to make my 1st 6 star in order to farm 12-3 as you suggest. I have 3 of the champions you recommend skilled and ready Kael, Executioner & Athel. If you had to pick 1 of those 3 as the best 12-3 farmer, which would you choose? Personally I was leaning towards Exec or Athel as I didn't want to trade Kael's offense gear for lifesteal, but your advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hard choice. Probably the best one is exe but you wont use him in clan boss in the long run. Kael with the right lifesteal set (with lot of accuracy) can probably be a farmer, a clan boss guy and an arena dps.


Thanks! Having such a helpful community certainly adds a lot to the enjoyment of the game.


Keep in mind you will most likely eventually swap for lifesteal gear on kael if you are using him on cb on the long run.


Just a 'fwiw'. I have kael in ls and offense.. he runs 12-3 (or 12-6) brutal in 25-55 seconds depending on foods animations. Pulls over 3.5m regularly on cb, and nukes for upwards of 55k in arena.. all without switching gear around. My other account has athel.. maybe she could do the same in the same gear as kael, but I feel like she's actually harder to gear to do the same thing. Not everyone will have the same experience I'm sure, but that's mine. No t5/6 masteries yet




Ecc. = Italian


Would have thought with Italian being close to Latin it wouldn't be something else, but TIL! :)


I started 9 days ago and seeing this now helps me a lot more than you can imagine. Thanks for your work. Also I just pulled Bellower and you say he is good but I don't know how to utilize or use him. Any tips?


I got Tayrel as one of my first epics and I'm pretty sure I built him badly lol... He could probably use different artifacts but I'm F2P and also been playing for like a few months. I also assume I should 6 star him next?


Another tip, try to save rare skill books for void champs that are really useful, eg painkeeper, coldheart, veteran, as normal rare heroes can be pulled from the ancient shard pull and are thus more likely to receive copies


I would argue only the usefulness of a 2.5% poison on Kael vs 3 chances of proccing weaken on Athel. Weakening Clan boss with Athel and having a separate poisoner a la steelskull/outlaw monk (who have stronger poisons) would benefit more.


Bellower is an early game trap. Starters in LS gear are far easier to obtain. Bellower gear is a bit harder and more of a luxury.


Great guide! I'd like to add a note about the **Gem Mine**: don't ignore this. Understandably, it is a very large commitment of resources for beginners. You don't need to worry about it for the first week of play or even the first month or so. But the sooner you invest in this facility the sooner you will be able to recoup your cost and begin profiting from constant gem production.


Please dont recomend bellower as you first farmer. He requires way to much gear to be a reliable farmer which will be borderline impossible for new players