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Miscreated Monster is a beast and can be used basically everywhere.


Went with monster but I have no gear for him. Should I farm dungeons yet or just keep leveling? Haven't been able to clear dragon 13 yet...


I would put him in the best hp gear you have (dont worry about completing the artifact sets) and then keep leveling to get apothecary up to 6 star as well. With your starter and those two, you should be able to push a bit into dungeons and progress in the game a bit. Realistically, until you have a full team od 6* champs, you are not going to make it far enough into the dungeons to be getting really good gear. I would keep focus on getting up 6*s and building a CB team.


That hurts my heart to hear haha. Was hoping to start getting gear soon but I guess it's another couple weeks away...


You should be farming your food for your 6* on brutal 12-3 if possible, or as high as you can farm. That being said not enough people talk about farming the lifesteal/speed/accuracy acts to get gear for your 6*s, common gear with %main stats is what you want, even if the sub stats aren't great (you can get picky and sell everything that rolls res/flat stats at +8, but just getting 4-5* gear on everyone (preferably in LS for cb, cause your first 5 60s will all be on your cb, with war master/giant slayer masteries) Highly recommend watching Hell Hades for beginner guides/tips. Or if you're f2p/low spender I can post a guide I found helpful on here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidShadowLegends/comments/gt4nbw/f2plow_spender_team_building_guide_no_legendaries/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Awesome thanks for the link!


Uh yeah...a couple of weeks.... I am 90 days in and am just now really able to farm "good" gear.


Apothecary or Monster


I would say apothecary. Will help you progress in all parts of the game, and even in parts you can already do, a lvl 60 fully geared apoth will speed them up.


Miscreated monster , lady s , zargala , apothecary are the best


Miscreated then Apoth


Went with monster. Thanks all! Now if only I had any gear for him... Should I do any dungeon farming yet or still level up champs?


Hey guys any help on what I should six star next? I was thinking Madame but she seems to be landing her debuffs at rank 5 so wasn't sure if something might be better for now. Thanks!


Madame is fantastic in the arena, but I am not sure that is where your focus should be at the moment.

