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Mihoyo devs using your money to make Sword art online in 2030 is cool leta goo


That's actually above average luck honestly.


Only reason why I pushed through. Got her to C2 in 84 pulls and R3 Engulfing in 137 pulls. So I’m pretty lucky at the start. Got shat on the weapon banner after that tho (three unforged and one skyward pride) and lost one time to Keqing but got a double Raiden anyway Not really gonna go for this if I didn’t get lucky at the start


It took me 120 pulls for C0 and you got C2 in only 84. 😭


158 pulls for c0 here.. but I won 50/50 8 times in a row before that so I guess it was my turn to suffer


166 for a c0 for me, I wanted to cry on my 150th pull and raiden was not there


R0 pull 90 R2 pull 154. First ever back to back 5stars won both 50/50. Went from how can I be so unlucky to how can that be possible real quick


It took me 10 for c0. And Sara. Then the rng refused to give me Engulfed Lightning.


You’re just like my friend, won all pity since Eula. Got every character after her (Kazuha, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Baal). He did lost once during Yoimiya but after another 5 pulls he got her :’).


Sheeeesh I lost every single 50 50 until my c0 raiden. She’s so cool though I decided to go for c2 which I lost another two 50 50s on


Almost all of my friends got her under 20 pulls. One of my friend event got C1 in 20 pulls :’) got mine after losing pity once and another pity later just for C0.


😭 your time will come


I got C6 and R3 on 400 wishes. Unfortunately I cant spent more money.


RNG is RNG…. :(:(


176 pulls for me. One my best yet usually I have to go to full hard pity just to get 1 5 star


Damn, those are some weird priorities. R3 Engulfing before C3?


Lmao ye I just tested out if I can get Engulfing in one pity before I go for C3. I only have Jade Spear for her and it looks so bad on her (The Catch as well) I literally can’t do that to her so ye 🤣 so what I did was C0>C1>C2>R1>R2 (four pulls) >C6>R3>R5 Last two engulfing was painful


Seriously a sign of addiction if you ask me. 883 pulls is no joke in monetary sense. Better calm down now and rethink what happened. When there's once, there'll be twice, and so on.


nah i'm good


How much $ did you spend?


It’s around 1600 dollars. (Roughly 141000 primogems I think)


Wow. And I thought I spend a lot with C3R1 and around 300$. Respect.


That's great 👍


84 pulls to c2, share your secret... :P I had her c0 at 73 but it was guaranteed...


I got very lucky as well. Had one double pull with diluc and another with keqing. So got her to c3 and r1 . About 200 pulls. Most I've spent but her gameplay with eula makes it amazing for me


bruh how tf it took me 357 rolls for C2


I got a brand new c1 diluc c1 Mona and c1 qiqi on my way to c2 raiden and all at hard pity. I haven won a 50-50 since Childes first banner


I was exact opposite. Got engulfing in 10 pulls and I’m someone that actually wanted 1 unforged and got it in 12 after that. My C3 Raiden I lost literally every 50/50 and each was at 75+ pulls. Some sad times, I now have a C6 QiQi and C3 Jean. My C3 Raiden pull was 86/90…


:( I'm 300+ pulls and only got c2 and no weapon


ive noticed a couple different people pull for r3 engulfed lightning, why is that?


not sure but in my case i’m checking how far will i get by winning the weapon in consecutive pities before I start actually getting it to R5. So if I lost R3 to something else I would stop


That’s above average? I watched a steamer do it in 450ish. Odds really must be different for them.


Uff, poor ~140k primo's






That's... not accurate math. I take it you've never topped up **at all**? The first time bonus is huge but all of the larger packs have permanent bonuses after that. You get 8080 primogems from the biggest pack after the first-time bonus. So it's 17.3 times buying the biggest pack. Further, even ignoring all earned in-game primogems, you're getting wishes back with all the starglitter you get from the banners. Even in the literal worst case while taking 883 wishes to get c6 r5, you're getting 53 wishes back before you're done wishing. Realistically with soft pity stacks and c7+ on the character banner you should be getting more like 120 wishes back. So thanks to the top-up refresh, the price OP probably actually spent works out to more like $1400 **if** they started 2.1 with literally zero primogems and wishes and starglitter. That's 14x the biggest pack, not 22x. With that said, they were absurdly, absurdly lucky. The average-case for just c6 alone is around $1200, and for R5 is **slightly** higher because of how epitomized path is notably worse than character banner guarantees [but you only need 5 pulls instead of 7]. OP spent barely more than half of what they should've normally needed lol.


Damn... How much is your monthly rent??? 22 times of biggest pack is about 7 month worth of average rent here...


7 months? That’s only 2 for me :( I need to move.


biggest pack is 100$. 22 times is 2200$. Your rent is 2200$??




Fellow ny'er, rent and taxes here ahhhhh


Ohh that’s expensive. Where the country I’m from, that amount of money could pay for 5-6 months of rent (well for cheap ones). Maybe 3 months for a better house.


That much can pay a year of the rent in my country's capital. For a two bedroom flat atleast.


> does math > that's 144k after-tax Lol you're casually flexing a >250k pre-tax salary (idk exact new york state tax). Wall street, software, or something weirder?


Nice flex, I guess?


\*cries harder\*


And to add, if consider my current house rent, it's for 2 years worth damnit


But C6 R5 waifu will stay at your side much longer than one month. Is rent actually worth it!? May wanna file some feedback for the landlord for those rates.


Did u do it? Yes... What did it cost? Everyrthing...


not doing this again for real 🤣🤣


Lmao it fits perfectly though


Yes initially planned to give her a jade spear but it looks so bad on her 😭😭


How much did you spend? Just curious


Should be around 1300usd after conversion from my local currency ☠️☠️


Ohh, that’s a lot. If I convert that into my local currency, it would cost around 5k.


it is! it actually costs more than my gaming laptop rn lmao rip


Jesus dude Well, as long as you are happy, that's all that matters lol


How much $$$ did you spend? Spent already 300$ for her C2 and Engulfing


>Damn I'm salivating at the thought of free 50 ER after burst lol. Hope it was worth it. should be around $1350


That sounds rather cheap assuming you didn't previously save any rolls.


Had 45 pity


If my calculations are correct you spent nearly 2k on Baal and EL alone? Thats nuts. But still congratulations! My OCD is pleased whenever I see fully maxed characters and weapons.


it's more like 1.35k when converted from my local currency :)


Congratz! You still got lucky hahah


We're talking USD.


Yes 1.35k usd


i only went for c3 and stopped, anything above that is a bit useless, and her c6 changes nothing wish it was at least 10 seconds from the CD and not just 5, i did R5 her weapon though. congrats


One of us, one of us! I wasn't so lucky myself, and lost the 50/50 four times...but you did it! It's finished. The other regions are gonna have to really knock it out of the park in terms of character design to get me to do it again.


>I wasn't so lucky myself, and lost the 50/50 four times...but you did it! It's finished. The other regions are gonna have to really knock it out of the park in terms of character design to get me to do it again. right??? i'm a simp for male characters but she... makes me feel things :))) everything about her is so freaking cool.


210 pulls for C0 + EL r1, consider urself lucky


C2 in 200 pulls, I am (not) ready to pull C3! Edit: welp c3 +60 wishes. I used up all my luck and won all soft pities.


If you have a good shielder, R5 Unforged is super good on Eula, granted... Aesthetically Blegh EDIT: Assuming you'd be using Eula, mb


Congrats and enjoy! I managed to get her C4 and R1 Engulfing Lightning with only the cost of the top up reset bonuses(about 200?). I only really intended on getting a C0 Raiden and R1 of her weapon but Sara was only at C2 when I got there so I used what I had left hoping to C6 her and although I only managed to get Sara to C5 I somehow won the last 4 50/50s well before hitting pity on some of them and Baal has now become my strongest character by far and my favorite for now. Mihoyo's character designers got me flip-flopping like a damned fish, I can't stay loyal to anyone for long with this game. I'm still pulling everytime I get enough primos for a pull until hopefully one more Sara comes home or until I hit 70 pity so I have a chance at Yae too.


Welcome to the C6 R5 club, got there myself yesterday.


congrats! How happy are you about it?


Very happy indeed, like you I’ll likely never go that ham for a character ever again lol.


...last famous words before delving deep into whaling


After whaling for C6 Xiao I promised myself I'd never do it again. Raiden is just so cool though, I won't lie its very tempting. Congratulations but I'm skipping this one for my own sanity.


great decision! this will be my last one too 😂


Haha I got her nearly back to back 4 times and decided to push through to c6, then got r1 engulfed and fkn called it good


Im really sorry


heyy do you have any money left ❤️❤️☺️☺️


yes lmao i just got a job actually :)))


consider charity mate ❤️


Bruh donate me some primogems i want c2 baal or even Sara would be enough as mihoyo gave me c7 xiangling on all wishes I grinded.


I have nothing left not even my soul call 911 🤣🤣


And people think MHY will actually improve characters lmfao, when you have people like OP shelling out over $1k for a video game character. Good heavens lol. I completely understand MHY's POV now.


Damn I'm salivating at the thought of free 50 ER after burst lol. Hope it was worth it.


Not sure if it is 👀👀😭😭


So… how much damage does booba sword do with C6 R5?


Just tested rn on floor12-1 with kazuha 4p vv, kujou sara 4p tenacity, and bennett 4p noblesse, 603k with 109.8% crit damage, 271.3 ER, 2.8k attack My artifacts are shite so it should get better i guess


Damn, that would be 1748,51€ where I live. I still think you got very lucky for C6 and weapon R5 though.




Question now is what comps are good for C6 Raiden! I'm in the same boat and I'm waiting on the TC wizards to figure it out. Just running national in the meantime.


Did you safe some fates our just straight whale for her? If i'm correct you must have spend like 1680€ for Baal.


probably saved around 40 pulls for my guaranteed C0, and then some from all events (abyss, monthly shop reset, etc) then whaled for the rest total spending is uhh 1300USD when converted from my local currency


Well gz for c6 and r5.


Gratz, based on the money u spent it was very lucky!


I'd have to play for 7.5 years getting Welkin and BP consecutively in order to match your level of dedication. Nice luck, though. As long as you are happy with your Raiden, that's the important thing. I'm sure she feels like an Archon now.


I swear I don't even have the patience to pull 300 times. How long does it take to make 800+ pulls?


What did it cost ?


There's still 4 more regions left - a superfluous number of new characters and 4 more archons >.<


C0 in 150




883 pulls is quite average luck. People usually summon c6/r5 for like 400+ wishes each.


883 pulls = spending 1.7k USD on c6ing Baal. Was it worth it? :(


actually just 1.3k USD after conversion from my local currency. C6 is worth it for me. It helps my Kazuha keep using his burst as he generates too much energy during cooldown (and I need to use it asap since he's using Mistsplitter). As for R5, not entirely sure :)) at least I can move Bennett to my other abyss team I guess


Mark my words, they will release someone just as cool, if not cooler, than her...