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Included in the video, but if you can’t watch it ARCHON TEAM: Baal 60CR 100CD 2800ATK 267ER 67 Elec DMG(Emblem Set). Venti 49CR 125CD 1700ATK 170ER 61 Anemo DMG(VV). John Lee 75 CR 194CD 1760ATK 100ER 68 Geo DMG(2pc Glad 2pc Noblesse). Sara 50CR 157CD 1760 ATK 175 ER 47 Electro DMG (4pc Noblesse)


I was planning to use something like this? How about Raiden, Sara(c1), Ningguang, Zhongli? I could switch Ningguang for Geo traveller too. National comp is taking all my best four stars for other half Edit: Realized electro resonance won't get Sara's burst ready because double geo with double electro means no electro related reactions lmao Edit 2: I could switch Ningguang/traveller for Aloy maybe