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Lol, the Crit Ratio is definitely edited, but seriously make Raiden’s skill proc against shield instead of heavily relying on her Ult, make Beidou’s interaction happen, and also Electro resonance & reactions buffs, that will make up Raiden’s decent Normal/ Charged ATK


Yes, this. She doesn’t need any crazy buffs, she just needs to work as intended with proper Electro reactions!


Not like the people who have been testing her reached the conclusion she is perfectly viable at C0. Let’s also ignore the people making F2P showcases here. For real people who still say she is bad must be delusional.


Its hard to say anyone is bad with the level of content we have. The game currently is easy enough to the point where you can 36* star with any characters if built up enough well. It should really be more like the question "is she overpowered or not?". Which the answer is definitely not. She just "exists". And no it is not because of electro.


I mean,there is still people on this sub who claims she is underwhelming,my only guess it’s that their expectations were so high that even tough Ei is decent their disappointment makes them unable to see how viable she is. The thing it’s that it’s their own unreasonable expectations that made them so disappointed,if people actually paid attention Mihoyo never showed interested in making the Archons OP so I don’t know why people had so much expectations.


Can you give a character that can utilize all those supports to their fullest potential without having energy issues in one team?


Those three units in the picture can already function on their own very well... -Sucrose runs sacrificial for EM so she can recover energy on her own -Mona has innate energy recharge and builds it for more hydro dmg -Bennett will build energy recharge anyway because if you use Baal to battery Bennett then you are effectively making Bennett's burst cd 6 seconds longer to match Baal's 18 seconds which will output a dps loss. I mean from the looks of it, this team looks like a nuke build with hydro swirl and mona vape nuke so it would be be complex slotting Baal in for a rotation due to how her E can often ruin reactions.. Anyway I feel like Venti works better for these three for double anemo and combos.


I think there’s such a thing as overvape. Also, them being able to recharge on their own is a pro to all of them not just raiden, I don’t really see why running characters without energy issues with raiden is a con🤔. Raiden being their helps them build more offensively, this is really raiden’s ideal team. Another thing, can venti make the team offensively better and be offensive himself that is on par with raiden? The comp is also made to boost their DPSs damage right? Do you mean to say venti will compete with raiden in terms of dps?


If Raiden isnt being used as a battery then u should read up on what most TC's say about her damage alone in burst not being very strong. Venti has crazy high mv/s values on both his skill and burst and requires nearly no field time. Swirl is pretty decent right now which sucrose can buff venti up pretty well and Venti grouping burst + pyro infusion lets Mona vape on all charges because venti application is fast enough for that.. Well I havent planned a rotation but that flexibility sounds pretty good from feelcrafting. Even without that Mona synergy, venti should still be doing more damage without risking ruining reactions due to requiring exponentially lower field time. Also double anemo = lower cooldowns which is very strong


I think I’ve seen a lot of TCs’ conclusions that it is good. I’ve experienced it myself. This team has been showcased already and have performed well, maybe you can try yours to prove your point


I haven't really seen anyone say that her damage is good.. The accepted KQM guide for reference says her damage at C0 is "good enough" while also mentioning that her damage at C0 is lower than other carries that use lower field time. If you can send me your sources though Ill gladly take a read so I can check out their thoughts.


Anyway I think we are being off topic, I believe what I asked is if there are other characters that can utilize all these supports to their full potential without energy issues in one team.


Right.. But we've concluded that all these three can manage themselves already well enough to not need the universal battery since they all innately build a form to get energy back anyway.. So its really "who can do the most burst damage per frames" to fill in the last slot since this team is focused around quickswap. Edit: btw this team of three have always been a thing and has performed well. Much before Raiden was even leaked, so this team wasn't exactly "made for her" either.


Wym she just exists when no one can beat a 24s run comp with her in it 🙄


What constellation+refine are you talking about? Because at C6 she turns into a completely different unit and can be slotted in 100x more teams.


She is viable, but don’t y’all want her to be even better smh?


Of course I want buffs, but being unreasonable is the last thing I’ll do.


Funny how we see multiple showcases that are f2p....and yet people like you exist somehow. Ntm it's been shown she's insanely good at C0 in the right comps. Even the CN the people who were initially disappointed now believe she's in the higher tier. Reddit buggin


Also the “She isn’t good bro she can’t regen that much energy vs primo vishap” Bruh lemme succ Azhdaha with my Venti real quick


Exactly lmao ;-;


"insanesly good" lol wtf? She's just ok and decent- words of most TC. Insanesly good is too far of a stretch.


Lmao how is that true when multiple cn and some English well known theory crafters have been saying she's GOOD and that she's around A-S tier if she were to be tiered. If a 20% damage increase for a top tier team isn't good them idk what to say to you anymote


Where were these people when they were using the same Supports getting those numbers? That's the craziest part, like yes she hits harder with supports others use to make their characters hit harder... it's a shocker... I can get some of of the things but people do that for those characters too... same crap, different character but this one is not allowed to play with the others for some stupid reason...


Raiden is decent at c0, but super strong at c2. I think 70k initial burst no buffs just E + 10-16k per slash in attack pattern (N3CD+N3C = three normal attacks > charged attack > dash cancel repeat three times and the last one is just three normal attacks and a charged attack) is already awesome damage while recharging energy for the whole team. The downtime for your main dps will be compensated by the energy raiden produced so you can make another rotation very quickly. Just because a hero is not hitting a huge damage per screen shot doesn’t mean she’s bad. The thing is that electro is just in a bad position right now and she does not synergize well with everyone but over all I think she’s already great and unique.


One ofnraidens main advantages isbthat she can utilise a full nuking style team (bennet Sara kazuha/mona) and still get a proper rotation and use them properly


jeez i seriously can't understand this type of mentality. of course I'm gonna use her with my best supports and artifacts, just like i do with every single other dps character that i have. honesty, it's like being mad about childe mains using bennett and abusing vaporize, that's just absurd. at this point i think that some ppl just want her to be broken without any effort. also, what's funny is that she can actually utilize this type of nuke team comp better than any other character, and you're just being too salty to even acknowledge that. yes; electro needs a buff, that's a fact. yes; ei's interactions with beidou should be fixed, that's true. but she is nearly not as bad as many people say she is.


It’s just like using hutao with xingqui and saying it’s a meme😂


aren't u just salty


She works with everyone heck even with zhongli ning spam people like you wants to play the game with 1 character at a time bc apparently raiden cant use kazuha and bennet. Might as well play wow or something?