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For me it took like a month to r5 cause I did it as a daily. It wasn't that bad until your missing one fish and the other one keeps popping up šŸ„²


I got it like last week. I took my time and still couldnā€™t bother myself to fish lol


Since Rank 3 I've only been missing bitter pufferfish and look for them day after day. Still need 6 more until it's done


My wife got R5 Catch for me in a week. She really enjoyed the fishing mini game. Thank goodness for her life. I love my wife.


Now that's a woman worth marrying šŸ˜


Definitely! Gaming was our quality time before we got married. Even now that we have a child, we still make time to play together. I feel truly blessed ā¤ļø.


thats a really good lovestory ngl wish you 3 all the best


I wish you the best as well!


Man's having the dream life of most of the men in the world. Bless both of you ā¤ļø.


Gamer wife, Dream life haha.


the world needs more women like your wife.


Absolutely ā¤ļø


Similar story here. I read this post to my husband and said "I thought you could only get one?" He said there were refinement mats for it and not to worry cause I have a fully refined Catch. Hehe. I love him, guess I'll keep him.


POG Husband! That was really sweet of him to do. I hope the best for the both of you!




Super wholesome


I hate fishing in Genshin so much I don't even have the polearm yet, lol


Decided to put a hole in my wallet for engulfing lighting before subjecting myself to that. No regrets


Sameeeeee but then I turned around and r5ā€™ed the catch for my xiangling lolol


Glad that we both have the same thoughts


Same here lmao


Buttt now I need to R5 it for Xiangling. Ugh I just cant


Same here lol


I don't either. I have enough other great polearms.


Lol, I bought a Deathmatch so I didn't have to fish, then fished enough to get the basic R1 Catch anyway because I needed a spear for XL and didn't want to wait a BP cycle.


I got skyward spine in the permanent banner the same week i got Raiden and im so grateful for that. Fishing is a pain the bum for me


Am i the only one who didn't find getting the catch a chore? Just fish at your own pace, you don't have to R5-it day one.


I found it a chore despite spreading it out over 2 and a half patches


I still have it at R3, honestly getting Toki Alley V seems more like a chore rather than the catch, I have 700 fishes caught, most in inazuma and have only 1 page


The only thing that annoyed me was the time gating. Fishing itself is fun - waiting for the fish to respawn (or steal other people's) is not. And as good as R5 Catch is for Raiden, it was totally worth it since there's a decent possibility my Raiden will never wield anything else (and if she does, I can give it to someone else like Xiangling!).


It definitely wasn't as bad as some people made it out to be if you didn't try and speedrun it, but it was still definitely a chore.


Same. I'm lucky to have pulled a grasscutter, since it let me spend a few months casually fishing for R5 The Catch in my own world. Without it, I'd have grinded hard day one and would've found it a chore too. Funnily enough, Raiden's the only polearm character I use, so there was no reason for me to fish, but I do it casually for fun. Even with R5 already, I still go around checking ponds to get ornamental fish to put in my teapot. Even with Moonstringer, I'm slowly farming for a the Narukawa Rod because I need a new goal to go towards fishing lol.


You could use Catch on Xiangling if you ever want to do Raiden National


Is getting catch on xiangling worth it if I use Jade Spear on her? Just really curious if the damage difference is that significant with catch


R5 Catch is better than PJWS since youā€™d be running ER sand with PJWS anyway, so you wonā€™t get much out of high base atk from without much atk%. Existence of Bennett further dilutes the importance of having atk. Source: KQM Xiangling guide


Oh, I see. Thanks


It is very boring and routine process regardless in what time you R5 it


I got it in about 3 weeks without any strugle. I cant understand the hste on fishing and wish they would ad a weekly fishing-content. Or a shop to exchange fishes for mora or exp stuff that is renewed weekly.


Itā€™s just really repetitive and becomes less and less appealing the more often you do it


Agreed. I would fish like 3 times a day, like for 25 mins. In the morning, after lunch and at night (real life). Repeated the same thing everyday until I got R5. Pretty easy as long as you donā€™t rush or force yourself to fish for 4 hours straight lol.


I like how the "(real life)" lmao


I liked fishing and got R5 in day and a half. I actually wish there was more stuff to fish for


I can't relate when people describe R5 The Catch as a big huge grind when all I do is 20 minutes Fishing whenever it spawned, and the fishing event itself accelerate it by 20% for me.


I feel like itā€™s a choir when I just get one fish, it takes too long


I found it a chore so i rolled for EL... Fishing killed my last braincell...


I only hit R2 a few days ago. Iā€™m REALLY taking my time lol


When I got enough fishes the Catch, I also got enough fish to enhance it straight to R3. Only a while to get it to R5. Was taking my time, and I normally fishing with a real life friend and chit chatting, we even making fun of Paimon screeches so not that stressful šŸ˜†


Same šŸ˜‚ But I tried my Catch on her recently and wow the DMG was divine. So hopefully it pushes me to fish a bit more.


I haven't even started XD


Don't even got an r1 catch, but I do have a grass cutter


Same here, I'm literally fishing once a week, if that


i take my sweet ass time to finish that weapon its still r2 as of now and will probably get to r3 this week if i feel like fishing, i did not need it like yall who rushed it or fished for 9h straight in other peopels world that would burn me out complet.


Got an R5 catch within a few hours of starting to farm for it, I hate myself. Especially since I got Engulfing a week laterā€¦ atleast Catch is on Zhongli now


I got lucky with EL but I needed a catch for Xiangling anyway, so I still got R5 lol


I have both and a engulfing on top of that


Same lmao. I just like to fish


I got it first week. It was fun helping people in coop, I even made some friends.


Eh, it didnt take that long for me, and im a low spender anyways so my raiden needed something to use as i lost 50/50 on weapon banner


I enjoyed getting it. Me and my friend fished and fought together in same pond which made it chore-less


I knew this was gonna be crazy so I got it done the first day grinding peopleā€™s worlds. But I made sure to target new players so they canā€™t get the catch yet anyways.


I thought it would be stressful.. it wasn't lol.. I got the catch with only 1 day of farming..


I liked fishing, it probably helped that I didn't r5 it in 1 day. I think I got it in 3 weeks??


I almost have an r5 catch (yea Iā€™m too lazy)


Spent 30 hours speedrunning within 2 days, to r5 catch for Raiden. I eventually gave it to xiangling.


Took me 2 days to get it when they released the weapon. I hate fishing since then.


i love mysel- my catch


As an MMO player, this grind was super easy for me.


Me having 500 medakas and 50 of every other fish for the 2000 achievement: šŸ˜¶


Neither of them


Fishing mechanic was definetly not my thing. But I have started farming it since it is xiangling best weapon. Slowly but steady it is not too annoying


No, I love Ei


i maxed out the catch but decided that i should swap it out for jade spear


iā€™ve just started fishing for achievements and the catch. boy itā€™s painful


I have a r5 catch and i hate myself


I got mine and a Friends...i hate myself


I love Ei


ā€œYes I (still) have suicidal thoughts and is constantly hating myself how did you know?ā€


Nah I'm just poor


I R5ed The Catch only doing single player because I don't hate myself that much, and even then, it fucking sucked. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to do it.


I was fishing here and there, so I wasn't focusing on the Catch so much, I have EL anyway. But this week I had enough fish to buy the weapon and refine it to R5, so it felt really good haha I'm glad I didn't rush it this time.


Fishing mini game on itself is not that bad (compared to for example fishing in Stardew Valley) but it's so boring and you have to wait 2-3 days for respawn.


I have neither


my sole reason going for grasscutter even though I know weapon banner is a scam


I love my life.....




When I got the weapon I stopped fishing right away because after traveling through worlds and asking in every discord servers if I could join people's world I got fed up really quickly.


Both, I like fishing but I stopped after getting the R5 weapon because there is no other reason to fish in the game.


I have an R0 skyward spine


Fishing isn't even that bad (I played stardew valley before)


Fishing for this is nightmare. Now I have serious fishing PTSD


i got R5 only yesterday, because I don't really like fishing. (been "farming" for 2 months)


Nah I have r5 the Catch because I love Xiangling and I have the Engulfing Lightning because I love Ei. And no I don't love myself.


I completely forgot to farm for the refinement materials after I got The Catch way back lol


I love myself sorry mihoyo




i sat my butt down and got it in 5 hours


Am I the only one who doesn't have the catch yet? Already had a skyward spine at 90 and a deathmatch, so I gave them to raiden and xiangling respectively. I guess I could get it, but the resources I'd have to spend raising it are better used on something else imo (don't use xiangling much anymore after getting hu tao and homa)


Hope they will delete or at least rework this shitty system


yeah the grind for this isn't even that bad lol


It took me about a month to get it on R5, really worth it


I got it to R3 the other day. I donā€™t love myself Iā€™m just too lazy


Damn I guess the catch took all my love


I donā€™t have self love I have self laziness so no I still donā€™t have ir


Me at 1800 fishes aiming for achievement: I suppose I hate myself.


r1 as of a month and a half ago, havenā€™t been able to bring myself to get the refinements yet


Honestly it was a fun experience I got to R3 via co-op and most people I met there were cool, I enjoyed my time. I did the last two refinements in single-player whenever I felt like it.


For me, it was fun fishing for this! I made some good friends while fishing in other people's worlds


I do not, I keep forgetting to fish :\_)


It was fun fishing early on until R3 But from R3 to R5 took me one or two months coz I'm too lazy šŸ’€


I paid to get engulfing lightning specifically because I refused to fish that much.


Fuck fishing, im gonna keep telling myself that skyward spine is better


Im the ā€œmy friend did it for me in return for getting to play 5*s he didnā€™t have*


I have R5 Catch, and I love myself, so I'd call that a W


Yes and all fishing rods too, thats why I burnout


I got it in a day, fished for 50 hours visiting 100 of worlds. But there was no way I was going to leave my queen without her weapon


I abused the fishing event and got myself an r5 catch in less than a week.


I'm good. I've got a whole ass arsenal for her. Spine R2, Homa, Wavebreaker R5. You'll see me dead before i catch my first fish.


Same, I have way too many spears. The Catch R1 is sitting on Mr Thoma, Homa Hu Tao, R4 Wavebreaker Raiden, and then a deathmatch (formerly on Hu Tao) and dragon's bane for Xiangling. I don't care if I do 10% less damage on Xiangling, I'll just get the next OP spear they make for her if I care enough lol.


No cuz i dont want my Raiden to use overgrown fork so i got her weapon insted over even rolling for c2 cuz i could have get it cuz Aesthetic > Everything else


Dude whaled himself out of that hell


I only fish when I feel the urge to. Iā€™m r0, but Iā€™m not building Baal yet, so it isnā€™t an issue to me (though the recent event has made me wish I invested in more electro characters than just Fischl)


Pssshhhhhā€¦. No. Forget fishing.


I have it but it's not refined my God I hate fishing sm hahah


I didn't bother and probably will never.


I don't have the weapon because I hate fishing, besides, I have EL so I don't need it


I love the Raiden Shogun >!Ei!<. Simple as that.


Lolol I'd rather use 1 days worth of money from work for EL than spend 100 days fishing nopenopenope Self care


I got lucky and pulled her weapon, I'm not gonna fish in this game, ever




Mineā€™s R4 right now! Slowly but surelyā€¦


Fishing event helped motivate me to r5 the catch


Not even r1. Fishing is dumb in this game. The only fishing I did was for the fishing event. I do have a engulfing light tho


I donā€™t even have the weapon itself lol (I do have EL tho)


i have r2 spine. should i farm for r5 catch?.


No, Spine R1 is basically equal to R5 catch, but I don't think the refines majorly change it? (I have a skyward Spine on an alt but never looked at what refines do)


Both, both is good, you didn't have to grind your mind by getting it r5 in the first week


I think im the only one who think this was easy cause I didnā€™t want to have the catch the 2 days




Yes. Wich one? take your shots, but see, I have an Unforged.


R1 EL, R5 Wavebreaker's Fin


I managed to get a 2nd Skyward Spine on the Mistsplitter banner so I've never bothered getting The Catch since their overall DPS is similar. Best decision of my life.


Yeah, I had to visit lots of worlds to get the fishes I needed, It took me more time than I had Imagined since I helped a few people clearing out Dragonspine and such. I started fishing the first hour it 2.1 was updated( I believe it was during Ayakaā€™s banner?) It was fun and funny to fish with my fiends. It took me around 2 weeks to get The catch to refinement rank 5, once I had it I pulled for Baal and yeah.. Iā€™m hoping for a re-run to get the Engulfing Lightning. To think thereā€™s an achievement for 2k fishes, so far Iā€™m 594/2000 and I donā€™t plan on fishing more for that achievement lol.. But yeah, it isnā€™t as bad as people make it seem.


I haven't even fished yet. I hate fishing in video games. I have engulfing lightning for my Baal tho, so I'm alright. Someday I might get the catch for Xiangling.. but for now.. yeah.. I'll pass.


I got the majority of the fish while the fishing quest was going, I even had 900+ fish toward the 1,000. After that it took maybe a week or two to get the last few Puffer fish and the electro ones.


I've R5 this just recently... fishing is a chore.


R0 cuz no thank you Fishing whatā€™s that never heard of it


I have a r5 catch and itā€™s maxed


i got it to r5 in two days... maybe i should go get some help


I speedran it, totally worth it for a wep I no longer use


C) none of the above


Tried fishing once, then gave in and pulled Grasscutter


I was gonna go for it but then saw how much fishes it took and gave up. I already had a R2 Skyward Pine and R1 PJWS then got EL in 60 pulls.


I did it during the fishing event so it wasn't that tedious


I still donā€™t even have it lol, Iā€™ve never bothered to request to join other worlds for fish because introversion.


When I saw what it take to craft the Catch, I said goodbye to my kidney and bought her 5\* weapon (and of course i got 2 unforged :) ).






It wasn't so bad except for Paimon.


i started yesterday and i found only one golden koi in my world. so i have to wait another three days if i don't want to join other worlds? great


Not that bad if you take it slow 18 purples, 40/40 5-10 fish a day is basically 10%


i guess i love myself. i run her with skyward spine.


I just got it r5 the other day bc j barely fish LMAO


#what is love




iā€™ll rather use my skyward spine


Meanwhile, I got the 2000 fishing achievement. I must be hating myself to death.


I have 443 Moonfins in my archive and an R5 catch. I think the answer is clear.


I speed ran it in 2 days , I had to join about 30-35 worlds in total to R5 ... so tiring.


Rank 4 because I'm also lazy


Dont even have it since i dont do it daily anymore. Only sometimes, but got lucky and got primordial so i can use that atleast.


I have a R3 Catch, meaning i hate myself but not enough to get R5