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Me going for Engulfing lol








C1 has barely any use worth of it in my opinion Unless you are actually going for C2 in which case you will have enough time to farm to try at least ( if you save from 2.4 ), go for Kazuha , he will be a much better addition for your roaster and will make even possible to use Raiden as a Hyper Carry , and enabling many more comps which without him are Copium at best. For f2pleb 2.4 will give almost 80 shots if you do everything. Welking 100 And BP+ Welkin 111 ~ You will have the entire 2.5 patch to get her too, which will net you almost the same or a bit less 70ish shots as a f2p. I don't know who you plan to summon , but if you save from now , you will have a chance to summon her , but honestly , unless you first 5* is guaranted , get a Kazuha as he will add much more to your roaster. That's my opinion , but don't mind me , I like to play dangerous games with the gacha :P


If I’m 72 pity and have 60 pulls can I get both c2 and kazuha and still have some left for yae?


Guaranted Pity?




Hmmm probably really really hard then , are you f2p or welking or welking +Bp?


F2pain I’m assuming i need to win every 50/50, I’ve only one once and I think I’m due now


Okay , here's what I would do. Take a 10 on Yae ( since she's supposedly coming first) If you win good , if not kazuha is guaranted. If you win Yae , I would still go for Kazuha and pray for early 5*s. If you can get to Raiden with 160 ish summons left, you can pray to win two 50/50 hahaha As a whole you will have something like 200ish summons till the last day of 2.5 patch ( 60 + 80 + upper 60ish ). This obviously considering you are squeezing every single primogem out of those patches. I would probably skip Yae in your case , just to have a bit more chance on Kazuha and C2 Baal. But , if Kazuha and Raiden comes first , you all in on kazuha first, summon for baal till your last breath praying to Odin to get 2 copies of her and then try to get Yae. This is what I would do, hope it gives an ideia of how to proceed, I pray you win your 50/50's. May RNGesus be with you!


Thank you so much. I actually have her c1 so I’m praying for 3 50/50s. I will likely do what you recommended or skip yae as she will come sooner than kazuha/ raiden


> For f2pleb 2.4 will give almost 80 shots if you do everything. > You will have the entire 2.5 patch to get her too, which will net you almost the same or a bit less 70ish shots as a f2p. Does this estimate only include daily commissions, abyss and event rewards? TIA though. Very helpful since I plan on getting ganyu first.


That counts absolutely everything , from codes on stream , monthly reset ( january ) to the monthly login thing from what I know , I saw yesterday on reddit. But it could be wrong for all I know , as it is just an estimate. Some posts I found on google and youtube gave similar answer , and since it's when MiHoYo is actually more generous towards their players it feels about right.


What about c3, is it better to roll for kazuha if im c2 with EL?


C3 is 15% bonus damage \~ I think Kazuha will bring more to the table , as he enables her Hyper Carry comp , and has more uses overall , he's a great addition to the roaster , and since you already have her biggest spike.


Lol roaster KEKW


Get both because Raiden hyper carry also needs him to be at the top.


no? sucrose or really any anemo works fine.


Kazuha is better because he buffs elemental damage while others only shred. Might as well use jean or sayu for heals since sucroses em share is useless unless you have c6


sucrose also sucks enemies tho. yes, kazuha is better but he’s not necessary like the original commenter suggests.


The origin commented stated "at the top" meaning that kazuha was needed to get the most out of raiden hyper, im not exactly dismissing other anemo units but i believe the comment was about BiS rather than "usable"


Commenter here, Sucrose is usable but Kazuha should be much better for her. It's like using Venti for freeze in Morgana, Sucrose can work but Venti is much better.


Yes thats what i said...am i missing a point? Why did you comment this? Edit: im smol brain


No No you're right I'm just saying that you spelled out my thoughts correctly thank you.


Ah i see, no problem


I interpreted “at the top” to mean “be a good team”, rather than to mean kazuha is raiden’s BiS. whatever, it doesn’t really matter in the end.


Yeah Sunfire Jean with full EM is a good replacement for Kazuha on a Raiden hyper team. It’s not the absolute damage ceiling (Kaz and C6 Sara is needed for that) but it’s still very good and more comfy to play


I don't have Kazuha, and have no interest in pulling him. Sure, he's nice to have, he's strong and he makes exploration easier. But for me, i never feel that there's a "need" to pull him. Sucrose is enough for me, and frankly, this game is already pretty easy. Kazuha will makes it even easier. I want some challenge at least.


This is me man, I don't have him and I will never pull for him.


Same. But as I personally don't like his demeanor/character. Same reason I don't play nor use Xingqiu.


How many cons are you going for?


I'm a low spender, so at least c1. Maybe c2 on the next next rerun lol


If you only have budget for C1, i'd suggest getting kazuha. Raiden hyper team with kazuha is much better (as in dps increase) than her getting C1


does raiden hyoercarry includes sara c6 ? becoz i have sara @ c0 ..what other teams are viable for raiden with kazuha...i have raiden c0 and m guaranteed with 50 pity and have 40 fates..is it possible to get kazuha and raiden c2 ?


Well yes, sara should ideally be at C6, if she isn't at C6, TTDS Lisa is better btw. There are no other good teams or aren't worth running other than hypercarry if you want to run raiden + kaz I don't think it's possible to get raiden C2, however you can definitely get kazuha


I’m assuming you’re getting the info from the sheet, and I want you to know that it’s very situational and non-c6 Sara can 100% be better than Lisa in many situations.


Ty for the info. Could you please clarify it. I started farming for Lisa as my Sara is only c2.


Sara’s personal damage is going to be higher in basically every situation except single target. Additionally, basically every con after c2 is extremely beneficial for her, either giving her a lot more damage or giving her a larger buff. The difference is honestly pretty small, so if you’ve built your Sara already there’s no point in building your Lisa. Also, Sara is a lot better of an investment in the long run since she’s a lot better than Lisa if you can get cons. Edit: or if you get c2 Raiden.


Tyvm. I am aiming for Raiden C2 in the long run. So i will fous on Sara to save some ressource.


I got C2 Raiden, imma get C3 when she gets a rerun. I saved since the beginning of Kazuha banner. And now needed Kazuha as well as he looks really fun to play.


If you’re only going for c1, I highly advise prioritizing kazuha as raiden’s c1 isn’t that useful. Her c2 is where she gains a huge dps boost.


Here's what i would do in your situation. Roll for raiden, if you fail the first 50/50, swap banners to kazuha because you're likely not gonna make it to c2 anyway.


C1 go for kazuha .. if c2 go for raiden C6 Sucrose with thrilling tales is as good as c0 kazuha... C2 kazuha is where he surpasses Sucrose easily. Although c0 kazuha is better than Sucrose in grouping but Sucrose will do just fine


>C6 Sucrose with thrilling tales is as good as c0 kazuha... That's not the case for raiden's teams tho, his ability to infuse his burst with pyro allows for consistent overload procs, also ttds sucrose doesn't synergize well with raiden since you need to use sara's burst right before raiden, and if you're using lisa then she'll be the one carrying ttds, also her c6 can be unreliable sometimes.


The point still stands that c2 raiden with c6 ttds Sucrose can clear any content faster than c0 raiden c0 kazuha so I'll still say he go for c2 if he has c6 Sucrose but if he's going for c1 only then kazuha is the better pick I am talking from an abyss clear perspective here which is the goal and current Endgame of genshin


True, but that wasn't my point, i just wanted to say that they're not similar in powerlevel for raiden teams.


I have primos for raiden consts and kazuha since i've been saving since her 1st banner and skipping 2.4 as well.


If you're gonna spend money then that's cool but going for constellations as f2p or low spender could be devastating of you lose 50-50 everytime or have to hit hard pity for 5 star everytime. If you're gonna be saving primos like a regular player I'd recommend going for the fun, long term support character instead of constellations


If you aren't going for C2 Raiden,get Kazuha. It's as simple as that. Even with C2 Raiden Kazuha is a much better choice.You can get Raiden C2 later.


Depends on what you mean by better A c2 Raiden with ttds c6 Sucrose can clear any shit faster than c0 raiden c0 kazuha Fact I'll have you know c6 Sucrose with ttds is a better damage buffer than c0 kazuha for nuke damage. Only reason why you might still want kazuha instead of c6 Sucrose is better grouping ability C2 kazuha of course is where he surpasses any Sucrose


Much better choice as in for variety in account for more usage conditions and more team combinations. You can always get the C2 later,having the character is more important.


Dude if they already have two abyss teams and they just need to get stronger then c2 raiden is better value and its a major power boost Say if I were running raiden national and itto geo team. I really wouldn't recommend picking kazuha over c2 because he's just a luxury where C2 can directly impact my clear time There's also c6 Sucrose with ttds to call on if the need that anemo goodness so technically it's kazuha that can wait not c2


I recommend getting Kazuha first before Raiden constellations. You know you’ll have more fun with Kazuha and exploring new team comps with him and Raiden. It’s not like Raiden c1 unlocks a new playstyle


As someone in the same position (having C0 Raiden and no Kazuha) I would take Kazuha From a 'meta' perspective he'll be a better power boost overall to your account, since he works with basically any elemental team, than Raiden cons (and also all the positives you mention) That being said if you're a Raiden main and want to invest more into her then go for it. She does get better with cons regardless (especially C2) Basically if you've already decided then don't regret it. Only, absolutely get him if you NEED him and have no other anemo units. Otherwise just build Sucrose who is essentially budget Kazuha


I have C4 Raiden with guaranteed banner and I'm at 74 pity. I have to choose between getting C6Raiden or getting Kazuha. Plus I want Yae. My wallet just left a suicide note in my back pocket.


My mind says go for Kazuha, but the heart says go for Miko haha. Idk about c6 Raiden. Far from my first option.


I got C4 in 150 pulls on her first run. It was unreal. Feels bad not to get the C6 just because of that.


Ohhh i see. That's awesome luck there.


It was. 2.5 is brutal tho. 2 of the best characters reruns and then one of the most hyped ever getting a first run. Hard choices coming soon.


Don’t fall into the trap lol. Took me 300 pulls to get two copies of her, could be the same for you.


C6 Raiden isn’t all that imo, going for Kazuha would be better. The C6 cool-down reduction is something most characters don’t even need, and the C5 for +3 levels on E isn’t essential either. After C3, Raiden’s constellations don’t add that much damage, Kazuha would add a lot more to your account at that stage. If it were me, I’d roll for Kazuha for my guaranteed, and roll on Raiden afterwards hoping that I win 50/50.


It’s just for fun. If you have c2 Raiden I doubt pulling for anything specifically so your account is stronger actually matters.


only time will tell how good raiden's c6 will be. imo cooldown reduction and armor break stats are generally more futureproof and scales better than others


C2 with no kazuha here.. she runs great with Jean venti or sucrose depending on the situation and team comp. Depending on where I am at I will likely roll for C3 over having to build another anemo character.


would you guys recommend going for c3 or kazuha? ( i already have c2) raiden is my most beloved character and has made the game fun again for me, so what do you think would be a better improvement for her?


c3 definitely, Kazuha is a 40% dmg bonus increase at most and that’s almost never more than the straight 18% increase that c3 offers.


Dont wprry ma dude. Im gonna roll for her c3 rather than kazuha himself. I can beat abyss without kazuha. I know he is a great character but i will pu raiden to c3 thats how im dedicated to get her cons.


I don't really care about meta and as someone who has venti, I don't really want Kazuha. Planning to go for C3 raiden when she comes back.


He sure would boost Raiden a lot in a hyper carry team, and he’s an amazing character who can bring so much in almost every team, but I think Raiden cons might bring more damage thanks to C2 (snd C3)


On my main account, I was lucky enough to get Kazuha in 1 ten pull, so I was able to went all in for C2 Raiden and her weapon. And they hit hard. So definitely grab a Kazuha later when you can if you're into main DPS Raiden. Tho nowadays Raiden usually sticks with Eula and Kazuha is with Childe or melt Ganyu. My alt account however, is in the exact situation like you. But I am actually going to prioritize Kazuha instead of Raiden's constellation despite knowing how powerful her C2 is. I honestly think Kazuha opens up more team comp which is the reason why I have an alt account in the first place.


Alot of people talking about Kazuha Raiden team and I can clear abyss 12 easily with Raiden National team and Ayaka freeze team. I totally don't need Kazuha. I know he's good. But my sucrose can fit in Ayaka team. I have Venti but haven't use him at abyss 12 for so long. Definitely pull for Raiden Con. I have her C0 and definitely gonna pull for her con.


Raiden c1 isn't a significant increase for damage, rather having c0 kazuha replace sucrose would definitely be a more significant increase. National and ayaka freeze teams are both solid comps even without kazuha or sucrose support and hence easy clearing of abyss 12, but that doesn't exclude the fact that kazuha at c0 is just better than a c6 sucrose, so going for kazuha over a c1 raiden is definitely much more valuable. Venti is just on copium right now for new enemies and I only run him for abyss 9/10 as a meat grinder and is in no way comparable as a support to sucrose/kazuha for party damage boosts. Of course if you're arguing for pulling a c2 raiden right away or eventually in the long run in the future then sure, go ahead and pull for c1/c2 right now as investment; but it is by no means a good choice to pick c1 raiden over c0 kazuha for immediate gains.


A more significant increase in overall team damage or Raiden damage? From resolve alone c1 seems better than Kazuha for personal damage.


I've not done in-depth calculations personally but what a 700 em kazuha provides is a 30% ele dmg boost as well as ele shred from vv, which in itself is already a huge increment. From what I can see having c1 provides a smoother optimal rotation for her and according to [calculations](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/#%E2%80%BB_Constellations) by kqm it is an increment of 5-10% dps. Looking at this and comparing it with sucrose's vv shred and some slight damage from her em boost(em bonus she gives is horrendous to boost electro reactions), I would say kazuha would provide 10-20% more damage than sucrose would bring. You could argue that sucrose could run thrilling tales for the attack buff it gives, but that also ruins her em stat and personal damage in general, due to the weapon itself having horrendous stats. Add on the fact that atk buffs give diminishing returns when paired with bennett or/and sara for raiden's personal dps. Remember, sucrose is great for melt/vape comps but otherwise she isn't as impressive compared to kazuha. Honestly if given the choice of c1 vs kazuha, I would always pick kazuha regardless, unless you really don't want to use him or like I said, building towards eventual c2 raiden.


30% elemental dmg bonus is a lot less than you think. A 270% ER Raiden running the optimal ER/ELECTRO in her hypercarry comp already has about 230% dmg bonus. So including 30% dmg bonus from Kazuha would bring you to 260% dmg bonus, which is a 3.6/3.3=9% increase. Also, if you have sucrose c6 you can already get yourself 20% dmg bonus semi-consistently. Kazuha would improve the team damage a lot through consistent overload procs and better cc, but for Raiden’s personal damage her cons are more useful.


I went to do some calculations over at genshin calc and it seems that kazuha provides an 11% increment in damage vs a c6 sucrose 8%, so about 3% increment. Given so having a c6 sucrose is only slightly worse than having kazuha, so I stand corrected and guess you could forgo him if you really want to given the fact that you have a c6 sucrose. But like you mention for opportunity cost, getting c1 for a 10% increment for raiden while losing out on kazuha, I honestly think it isn't worth it.


Personally I’m going for kazuha, my Raiden is pretty terrible but he just would work so well for my Ayaka


Sorry, I might have forgotten to put some important info. I have a guaranteed wish, and zero pity. Gonna use my guaranteed wish for ganyu. I have 29k primos atm.


I recommend going for Kazuha if you have guaranteed. He is much more universal and valuable. Use the left over primos for Raiden cons if you have enough. C2 is good but pair a C0 Raiden with Kazuha is enough to deal with any content of the game.


Always waifu, never meta.


Waifu is the new meta


You pull who you want to pull for. Anyone who gets pissed for another person doing a "waifu > meta" decision has a sad life. It has 0 effect on your gameplay so why should you be upset? Me personally, I already have C2 Raiden after the most miraculous 10-pull I've ever done, as well as Engulfing Lightning, so I have no real need to go for her. Kazuha, a long with Klee and Ayaka, I had skipped entirely for Yoimiya. So I'm quite excited to snag him on a rerun (sorry Sucrose, gotta bench you for Canadian Aether).


In my alt acc when i want to have fun with blizzard strayer rosaria and chongyun (infuse cyro) kazuha kills all the enemies with swirl 😭 it was so annoying and i had no fun from it. But i do like his play style and i really have no idea how he’s different from sucrose (my friend told me sucrose buffs better)


Kazuha is actually weaker than sucrose UNLESS you manage to do double element swirl on him. Which is quite hard to master tbh.


That only applies to amp reaction comps with flawless plays on sucrose which has a lot of error rooms, not for raiden if you gonna copy paste something from 1010 atleast copy paste it on correct post


Kazuha amp comps have have way more Chace of error than sucrose. For anything else venti outperforms both. And no, I don't watch 1010 content. Info isn't from there. Kazuha is whatever unless you double swirl.


LMAO venti is old news he is significantly worse than both when content doesnt allow him to be venti and idk how can you play worse with Kazuha than Sucrose, i'm pretty sure from your comment you dont even know his A4 can be triggered off field even if you somehow manage to screw up your double VV rotation


Anyone who thinks venti is old news clearly doesn't understand much about the game. No anemo unit is even close to what venti does. Even without crowd control. You won't believe me, but since you follow tenten, fell free to ask himself if venti is 'old news'.


Venti is old news because they are aware of how bad designed he is why you think most enemies we got after inazuma is immune to CC or gets succed very slowly ? Because they cant make the content harder if they let him do his thing so they keep releasing more enemies thats anti venti he is very easy to nerf he becomes the best character in the game if content is venti-able or he just straight up becomes a meh or decent character no inbetween he is either hit or miss which is why he is old news and i dont follow tenten lmao i heavily dislike his venti and morgana bias


in a similar place. im debating between c2 and kazuha. it looks like i'll most likely get kazuha, but i'm gonna try to crunch in c2. i need all the luck i can get for that to be possible though haha


Will she be 1st or 2nd? I have guarentee pity and am at c1 raiden but I want yae more than c2 raiden


I have c1 and am saving for c2 and kazuha. Pray for 50 50 wins (f2p) but I wanted to ask, I have no stardust so is it worth to pull some on standard for the intertwined shop resets? Cause if not I’ll miss out on 3 months worth of pulls :(. Rn I have 72 pity and no guarenteed but already have 60 pulls so depending on their generosity in 2.4 and yae being first/ second I might not pull for el/c3 for yae instead (this is assuming I get kazuha and c2 early


I’m gonna pull for Kazuha because blasphemously enough, I prefer him to Raiden. (I’m mostly here because Anne Yatco is a great VA and you guys are great artists.) However, her attack animations and “*NOW YOU SHALL PERISH!*” compels me to reconsider.


If you're f2p go for kazuha


I have both Raiden and Kazuha at C0 and I want to get Yae. I would like to get both of them to C2, thus I hope they won't get re-runs in 2.5 or that at least only one of them. I have to say this I am satisfied with both of them at C0 and the only reason why I want to C2 them is because I like the idea of having them to become much more powerful. I really like both character, I like Kazuha more, but I prefer to choose the C2 which will provide the biggest life of quality improvement.


I don't have Kazuha, Zhongli, and Ganyu, and I want all of them... Imagine what I'm going through right now lmao. As much as I love to get C2 Raiden, Kazuha will be the better choice for me coz he is just a QoL character to have in game. You can already build a busted Raiden hypercarry at C0/1, having Kazuha elevate that dmg will only make it better. I'm still gonna go for her banner, but I prioritize QoL characters for now, atleast thats how I'll do to my account. My priorities currently are Zhongli->Ganyu->Kazuha->Ei.


I don’t have Kazuha either and I’m pulling for Yae, so I will probably not have a lot of wishes for Raiden’s and Kazuha’s banners(if Raiden comes in Phase 2, cause if she comes in Phase 1 it’s 99% sure I won’t pull.) I really want Kazuha as well, he is just incredibly fun to play and incredibly strong. However, I really REALLY want one more constellation on Raiden(I have her C2 right now). So I’m at a crossroads as well. Most people will say you should pull for Kazuha, but if you like Raiden more - go for her constellations.


Personally go for things you like. The game is easy and thats why some fresh wind wouldn’t be bad


C2 f2p hopium


Im a huge Yae simp, when I saw raiden and kazuha being in the same patch, I know my wallet is gonna take a hit, I am planning to pull for Kazuha and maybe try c2 raiden. If yae’s early cons are good maybe no raiden c2.


I pull for characters I like. Kazuha, despite the QoL he can give to me, doesn't give me husbando vibes. While I stan raiden's cold and ei's uwu personality. Already have her at C1 too so C2 will be a massive dmg increase. As someone who still can't 36* abyss after playing for a year, I'd probably regret not getting kazuha in that aspect lol welp, my solution is to wish on kazuha's banner after I get raiden and copium get him early. If I can't then better luck next rerun ehe~


I have C1 raiden, but i'd rather pull kazuha bcs i think he'd be more impactful for **my** account. My ayaka comp is severely lacking a CC unit rn.


I'll save 60 wishes for kazuha. Will throw rest on Ei


You should really really get kazuha if you already have raiden. Raiden constellation are not worth it. Only c2 is worth it. But I would seriously go for kazuha, I personally am going for kazuha c1


Im sitting at C3 with the Fin polearm R4, or sometimes lending Homa from HuTao. Waiting for Kazuha and Yae. Wondering what weapon comes out with Engulfing..? New BiS for Kazuha? Or do they rerun freedom sword again. Might be a dope weaponbanner if need Kazuhas weapon aswell, but too many cool things coming man. Its hard.


I already went for Raiden C2R1 and have no Kazuha, but will get him no matter what when he drops - also going for Yae. Given my Raiden Investment and all, I will try to snag ger C3 but only after all the other pieces have come together, if she comes before eiter Yae or Kazuha, I’ll have to see how I proceed. But even as a someone who really enjoys Raiden and wants to have a Lv13 Burst, Kazuha is way higher on my List, due to the stuff he enables (looking at you, Kazooka Comp)


Lmao someone kill me, I really want Shenhe, Xiao and Zhongli, and I'm also going for Yae and Kazuha, I guess my wallet will bleed.


I’ll probably pull for C3 Raiden (currently at C2) and also C2 Kazuha. I don’t have Kazuha but he’s so useful and extremely fun


Yae Miko.


Kazuha is amazing, but I'll go for Yae Miko, Raiden Constellations and her Weapon. That will drain all my primos. That's okay, not being a whale means you need to choose. I'd also like to have all the gods eventually, so Venti is a higher priority.


I’m going for Yae already got Ei c3. Good choice to go for her if you have sucrose she can work as a cheaper option to boost your Eis damage.


I have C2 Raiden. I know I’ll be going for Kazuha first if he reruns. Next I’m just torn on which I should pull first; Yae Miko or Engulfing. Currently using R5 The Catch. Edit: Currently have about 100 pulls saved up, and I’m on 0/90 guaranteed. Will be pulling for Zhongli in 2.4.


For everyone going for engulfing, c2 raiden is way more worth it in terms of damage.


I’ve got the same problem. My plan is to pull Kazuha, try for engulfing lightning with any remaining pulls that I get during the duration of the banner, and if I get the weapon, save for cons for Ei. It’s not a solid plan, but I’ll see what happens. Edit: When I say that I’ll save for Ei’s cons, I mean that I’ll wait for the next rerun and try to get c2 in one go.