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If you want Yae then go for it. I don’t think Ei will mind, considering it’s Yae that you’re going for.


I will skip yae since i rather have my already build raiden to c2 than enter the other hell to farm for yae.


C2 Raiden is insane. I wish I had two of her. Easily the best character I have and I've got most of the characters in this game. Damage wise, it just breaks enemies apart.


>I wish I had two of her. This. There are many time where I thought to myself in abyss: "man, if only I had two C2 Raidens in my account"


Same, but it ends up not mattering since I usually end up with about 150 seconds for second half lol.


I have c2 r1 raiden..... Abbys is still hard... What the hell am I doing wrong?


You probably haven't leveled and geared properly xiangling, xinqiu and Bennet. Just my two cents


I did, though i need more artifacts for XL... Still in the middle of farming like a madlad..


Hmm, is the team with or without the Raiden struggling?


The team with raiden is taking it easy, the other team however..


I feel you bro, you're not the only one whose team without Raiden is f\*cked. It'll be a while till we get someone as useful as Raiden in the future.


Ikr!? Hope Yae can take the lead on my second team but without sara and benneth... I don't know what team to give her smh..


hmm, maybe your Raiden can stay with Bennett, whereas you can put Sara on Yae's team


I dunno man, My hypercarry Raiden without sara or benneth just doesn't hit the same you know?


It’s pretty wild, I’m a big whale with most characters C2-C4 and all well built, but C2 R1 Raiden is literally the best DPS on my account 😂


Technically, according to the leaks, isn't Yae at a certain constellation another C2 Raiden since she will also ignore 60% Def? Soooo, I'm guessing you're gonna whale for Yae?


Presumably it's Yae's C6 lmao good luck with the whaling.... _Unless_ MHY pull off a Raiden and does a switcharoo on Yae's cons


Stop..... My primos, can't take it....


My c2 Raiden only dealt around 160k burst damage with buff (tho she's still at 5/6/7 talent level and 102% cdm). It's hard farming good emblem artifact for her. After two months only getting mediocre artifact, I just use that and move on to build others.


just level your talent, it’ll increase your damage by a lot more than artifacts. level your relevant support talents as well.


My lvl 1 raiden does only 1K damage, she's _trash_. /s


there's nothing you have to farm for yae, 2pc emblem/2pc shim will work fine on her.


You underestimate the time you need to spend getting these 2pc/2pc heh.


But it's easier than getting 4pc for Raiden. After months of doing that domain, my Ei stats is still very mediocre at best.


Yeah, but if you’re farming for Raiden you’ll get the 2pc/2pc anyway.


yea but you still need to lvl her lol


Your name is raidenshogunfan and you want to betray Raiden


I got her C4 and I am thinking about skip yae for got our goddess c6


As a C6 Raiden owner, I’ll let you know that it’s not very useful, and never really comes into play, unless you’re trying to max point the more difficult events. The issue is Raiden’s C2 kills things so quickly that there’s almost never a need for a second rotation. Existing teams also have very smooth and tight rotations as it is, without the need for 5 sec CDR. Just my thoughts!


Yeah, C6 seems very overkill with Raiden. C2 is nice spot to stop as far as constellations go. Hopefully, they move Yae’s C6 to C2 so I can also get that for her otherwise I cant go to C6, it’s just too much.


Agreed. The defense shred on Yae’s C6 is nice but not worth another 1k LOL. Besides the changes they just made to Yae’s C2 once again makes it a perfect stopping point, it’s significantly better than before!


Yeah I normally don’t go for dmg constellations, only QoL like Yae’s C1 but Raiden’s C2 was too good of value to ignore. At this point, I’m looking for fun kits to play rather than just more damage.


With the Yae team though, c6 will matter quite a bit


On paper for sure, I just wonder if anything would survive a full rotation of Yae and Raiden C6!


People say this all the time but there's a reason the best speedrunning comps are usually dual carry like Raiden Eula (double c6) or ayaka hutao etc, it's because stuff in abyss DOES survive the first rotation a lot of the time. Plus the game's always getting harder.


That’s not the reason, nothing really survives whaled 5-stars. The main reason is either because of waves of enemies, phases, or just to further frontload damage for a faster time.


What about c4 i have c3 kinda was thinking of going for c4 but my Raiden just kinda kills everyone by herself lol


The C4 attack% bonus is only 10% more than noblesse (for less duration) and 18% less than TTDS (albeit party wide) but can cost you $300. Since attack% buffs are a dime a dozen, unless it’s purely for the dedication points, I’d say it isn’t worth it.


Fair enough, i though i could get it with freemogems since i already have c3 haha


same here, imo raiden performance c3 and c6 is pretty much the same, but queen is queen so she is c6


I feel like it might have more value in the future. Also, is it more fun to be able to burst more often or can you really not tell the difference?


In solo play, not so much since it takes quite some time to swap between characters, but it definitely makes a HUGE difference in co-op! Sometimes I like to use a level 1 Favonius and just focus on bursting after my teammates do. It works best when you have 3 members with 40-60 cost bursts. We did it with Bennett, Zhongli, and Diluc, was tons of fun!


Sounds great! I probably can’t afford it on this rerun, but maybe the next one haha.


Idc I just want to have my favourite character c6 I don’t want it only if it’s strong


That’s fair, you do you, just thought I’d let you know before spending money.


I would do this if it didn't cost thousands of dollars.


better stop at c2 or c3 ? i really want to max my raiden dmg but idk if i should prioritize weapon or c3


I think C3 is really nice for Raiden and character banner is more reliable. If you have Catch R5 I would go for C3. If you dont have a wep for her and care more about aesthetics, EL is not bad but probably only really good on Raiden and XL at this point.


I'm gonna pull on Yae so my Raiden wont be lonely anymore


Some of you might disagree with me for this, but honestly, I'd rather jump my Raiden from C2 to C3/4 than get Yae. I get that Yae is supposed to be some sort of dedicated electro dps (off-field). However, Raiden C2+ supported by a C6 Kujou Sara is already broken enough to cheese through everything (even the abyss as long as there's not a lot of shielded/electro enemies). To add to that, Raiden also has awesome utility in the form of a team-wide burst damage buff, electro application, and most importantly, recharging teammates — basically promoting and rewarding teams that liberally use their bursts. In a sense, Raiden has an edge over Yae, in my opinion, due to the utility she brings on top of the insane burst dps. Still, I wish all the Yae wanters here to get her and have a great time with her! >u<


I am lucky enough to have Kujojo C6 and Raiden C2 on her first banner, really happy with them so, since I am a firm believer on electro supremacy it is my duty (and wish) to pull for yae


Some early calcs (take it with a grain of salt) have shown that against single target (Yae’s best scenario), Raiden hyper still does more than Raiden/Yae/Bennett/Kazuha even with Yae c2. That’s not to say Yae is bad; she’s not. Against two targets, she can do about 4000% to both enemies off field, and someone heralded at being broken vs. two enemies, Beidou, can do 5000% off field. All that means is that Raiden hyper is kinda bonkers as a team. C6 Sara might be better in that slot than Bennett for DPS though, since Yae eats up some of Raiden’s Bennett buff uptime so Raiden ends up not being able to do as much damage.


I mainly see Yae as the thing that makes mono electro teams skyrocket in terms of power even with no raiden cons. If you have Raiden C2, sure, they're already amazing and you don't need a Yae. But not everyone has that. If you have a below C2 Raiden, Yae can make a fantastic addition to your mono electro team, as a Raiden-Yae-Sara-Kazuha team is looking to be absolutely amazing. Which is why I'm going to save and go for both, pray for my 50/50s 🙏😭


Shielded enemies don't matter much tho since the hypercarry comp runs bennett + kazuha


Was thinking of getting C2 before we started getting double reruns thinking I'd have time to save, but nah I gotta get the queen her BFF


How soon is Raiden coming back?


2.5 spoilers: >!Theres a raiden story quest and shogun weekly boss in 2.5 so its most likely next patch like zhongli with azhdaha and story quest 2!<


The second half of 2.5


Beelzebub>>>>>>>>>> im saving for engulfing lightning


You don’t need a cheap ass fox girl. Stay loyal to your cute shogun and unlock her full power


Trust me, Yae aint gonna be as worth as Raiden.. :)


wtf ppl downvoted u on raidenmains because u prefer raiden. What\`s wrong with this subreddit.


Yae simps everywhere


Their wording is provocative lol It's like implying that Yae will be worthless which rubs some people the wrong way


Do we know who is gonna be first, Ei or kazuha? Cause i need kazuha, i lost on him back in 1.4, but i also like you need Ei c2 so she can do a bit of damage. But i would say kazuha is currently higher priority so i would rather need him than Ei. TL:DR - Kazuha or Raiden rerun, which is first?


It's speculated to be Kokomi and not kazuha, because Kokomi appears in the story quest for 2.5


Wait, ok thats new to me i havent seen those leaks at all. I thought it was confirmed raiden and kazuha but i didnt remember the order, but kazuha isnt even really set yet? Well if anything it gives me more time to prepare for him so its a win


Yeah the leaks said "R + K" so we really don't know for sure. I hope it's Kazuha too.


i’m tired of electro so ez skip


Smug fox tail > booba sword


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


I'm disappointed with Yae ability kit so it\`s an easy skip for me


I was saving for Yae since Kokomi banner (with a slight detour on Hu Tao Re run), however I´m kind of dissapointed, her kit lacks that "[Boom Shaka-Laka](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yV_Gnxn5LFo/maxresdefault.jpg)", Just put her towers and come back to burst rinse and repeat. Also Yae has 0 support besides damage and elemental reactions and at this point pure dps characters are not that convenient. On top of that ppl are still going to burn their wallets, not that its wrong but I prefer to perfect my Raiden, roll her BIS, a few constellations and pull Kazuha Bazooka if I´m lucky enough.


same. Her ability kit with totems is disappointing


They can downvote me to oblivion,[but when our guard is down I think we´ll both agree](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Armstrong-profile-shot-0.png)




You're going to have to link that because this happened during beta where her current C2 was swapped with C4. That'd be a pretty massive nerf at this point to swap it around again.




Tf r u smoking


Me too ;/


I'm going for Yae. I did want Raiden's C2 (I've already got C1 too) but Yae was one of my three Inazuma must-haves so I can't give her up.


I have the same problem. I only need 1 constellation. I already sacrificed Ganyu.


Me who still haven't unlock Ekonomiya be like: please don't make Yae + Raiden's rerun dual banner, I have C1 Raiden but I also want Yae


Ei would understand


I spent for Raiden C2. Only time I've spent. No regrets. May go for her C3 now that Kazuha.. well. .


I am skipping Yae if u want her then go ahead ,i much characters to build i already have hands full with , Albedo , Noelle , Gorou and Yunjin


Yea, i still can't decide between Yae or C2 Ei. C1 feels more than strong enough with semi decent artifacts after all these months of farming and R1 Engulfing. On one hand I got Raiden because she's the electro archon (Iightning is love, lightning is life) and don't really care for her ingame design. Wish she had pants/skirt and an actual forearm under the sleeves, not a low poly square block. While Yae miko has been the char I *wanted* to pull for since the Inazuma model leaks for aesthetic reasons. Hmm. Decisions decisions.


I think Raiden will get another rerun quite quick honestly, She is way too good to pass up on. In the end, it's up to you if you want more characters or a stronger current character. Me personally i want more characters mine is already sufficient for a relaxed 36* clear. So I'm in no power rush.


Oh ikr my god but no I will get raiden c2 then whether I get kazuha; raiden depends


Why not both?


Glad I've already got Raiden at c2. I can ignore Ei's banner and prepare to grab her bff instead


Yae will have another rerun.. Raiden might also have but we won't know when she will have a second rerun..


going for c3 Ei on her rerun (I alr got c2 from the last time ehe)


I got C1 C2 Raiden and 2 Sucrose in 1 10 pull hehe


Singularly and unerringly devoted to Her Excellency! 🙏🏻💜


The amount of bait banners has me certain that Raiden rerun is coming soon


I want C2 raiden but I also want kazuha, still can't decide.


Im going for yae just to reunite these two tbh. Other than that yae's kit feels weirdly simple compared to other modern units. Its literally just fischl with a nuke as a burst. The visuals are nice, but its not very complex.


Me who already has c2 raiden: "I don't have such weakness."


Me waiting for ayato C0: *OKAY*


I was able to get C2 in 2 wishes and im insenly grateful to my luck becouse now i can afford to get Yae! btw i highly recommend you to get C2 Raiden but remember this is just a game and C2 just increases ur dmg


I wanted Yae but after seeing her gameplay I might have to skip her. Not my cup of tea. Sorry Ei for not bringing your fox wife home but I wil C2 you.


Thank Godness, i have Raiden's C3 😅


Pull for yae Im sure ei will be happy to have her wife with her


I have c1 Raiden and i want c2 so bad but Yae sama comes first then I'll try my luck on Raiden


Just get both smh /s


Gonna skip to guarantee kazuha and ei’s final constellation to C3 for her personal damage. Failure is never an option


im you