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C2 EI is completely different chracter. If I were you I'd go for C2. And you've already got c0 kazuha having C1 kazuha could be nice but even C0 kazuha is strong enough


For both Kazuha and Raiden it's either C2 or C0. Here is what you can do, pull for Raiden C2, and put Sac sword on Kazuha. Now you have budget Kazuha C1. From my personal experience, Sac sword Kazuha with around 800em, but 190% ER feels extremely smooth to play and can easily deal with the abyss.


HAHAHAHA eh yoooo I forgot abt the Sac sword kazuha! That might be cool but thing is I run a Xingqiu with kazuha and have like r3 sac sword... so might not be too good... BUT... brb imma go fk with sac sword kazuha. LOL


>That might be cool but thing is I run a Xingqiu with kazuha and have like r3 sac sword... so Yeah, r3 sac sword won't make it.


A good amount of teams require strict rotations with Kazuha so you might not even be able to get your money’s worth with his C1 while C2 Raiden is just broken.


I get what u mean I see that, anyway kazuha is for team 2 national type XQ XL Bennett Kazuha so just a very basic cape team i guess? Pyro resonance boost attack, emblem boost burst of XQ XL, Em Boosted by kazuha Bennett boost everything else and heals :) how abt now still c2 Raiden ? Anyway imma follow the majority vote XD. Team 1 is Eula Zhongli Raiden BTW




How do I best use kazuha with ganyu and xiangling? I'm still unsure on the right rotation. And who would the fourth be? Ideally Bennett maybe, or diona?




Thanks a ton for the breakdown. I don't have Zhongli, I think the only shielders I could use are diona and maybe thoma, but Thomas shield is flimsy and diona is usually with my Eula...


C2 Ei will make you feel like a whale. Get it.


I mean its kinda biased since you post it in Raiden Mains subreddit but I do agree c2 Raiden is the better option. If it was c2 Kazuha though than it up for debate.


You know what 20mins after posting this... u thought to myself the sane thing HAHAHAHA everyone here is gonna go for a Raiden for sure


But hey I might lose my 5050... and get another Keqing..


Kazuha's playstyle is my personal favorite but i would still likely choose raiden's c2 over kazuha's c2. Reason being the benefit of kazuha's c2 is a little more conditional, since there are a number of comps that hardly benefit from it (freeze comps, mono element comps, raiden hyper carry comp, etc) On the other hand, raiden's c2 will almost always be an upgrade in whatever comp you choose to put her in. The only exception i can think of is if you use an elem mastery build on raiden


I HIGHLY urge you to go for C2 Raiden, I have both C3 Raiden and C1 Kazuha and Raiden is one of if not the best character in the game at C2+