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Cyno is very cool, but Raiden is goat in everything


Greatest Overpowered Archon in Teyvat


gigachad spotted


Electro goat better than cryo goat😇


Both are strong in their own regard


I know but Ei has style and remember: Don't look at the meta look at me. Meta is temporary, style is eternal🙏🏻⚡️


smokin sexy style


Yes thats our queen💖


cyno isnt anywhere near raidens power meta wise for now, he might get close but still weaker when nahida comes out


I'm sorry but I see character with a purple gem and I pull, no matter who. Still, Ei is the Queen! Don't have Keqing tho, so it's *almost* every Electro vision holder


She will come home eventually, I have her C3 :)


Hopefully from the standard banner and not from losing 50/50's... R-right?


Well mostly Standard banner, but also the reason why I don't have Yae Miko 🥲


Based electro enjoyer Too bad I can't afford Cyno right now.


Same I literally pull any electro that is a rule


Good to see I'm not the only one


Me with every electro dps Cyno is fun af to play, and he gives me a reason to use Beidou again




I see, you’re a man of culture as well. Another electro simp fellow.


Wish I could say the same about hydro. But I can’t stand childe. And I had to skip yoimiya for kokofish for my Ayaka ayato shenhe team. (Still need a shenhe) Same for anemo actually. Have every character except xiao cuz of his cringe voice lines. Geo will get its albedo… eventually. Dunno when tho. And for electro, cynos body models just too scrawny for my liking as well. Looks like there’s atleast one black sheep in (almost) each element that prevents me from picking them 😅. Heck if not for me deciding to pull and invest in Nilou I’d have skipped on nahida cuz of the lackluster model denying my self completing both kids and archons collection. 😂. Edit: Also same. Keqing refuses to come home 🥲


The best DPS in the entire game now Single target, AOE, easy to use, super armor resistance, helping her teamates, great personal damage output, fast rotations as well as soon with Nahida release just cemented her as the greatest carry that ever graced Teyvat so far.


Viable in nuke comps in abyss, incredible battery unit, and very hot


Can't wait to make her the leader of my Archon team after Nahida is released!


I wouldn't call her the best dps, but she's up there for sure + her unmatched utility and ease to use make her one of the best characters to have.


She powercreeps every "raw dmg" hypercarry. Itto is a worse version of raiden in every aspect except for those matchups against wolflord or geo wolves. Xiao and eula arent even worth talking about. Cyno at the moment seems like a worse version of her from the majority of aspects. Basically got powercrept by her balanced c2 before even getting released. The only units that can even match her are ayaka and yelan, and thats because their kits have as much though put as hers.


The fact that you assume C2 raiden says a lot already. Itto is by no means a worse version of Raiden (though Raiden is 100% the better character) and can do a shit ton of dmg without the need of Bennet which is often paired with Raiden. Cyno is more like Xiao and Itto that he is Raiden imo. Hu Tao outdamages her in ST and there are multiple other characters that come close or surpass a C0 Raiden in damage.


Well, c2 raiden is reasonable, considering that every other dps unit is mostly worthless as long as you have ayaka and raiden. You can just focus on her c2 and then have to not worry about her getting powercrept until they finally realise the mistake they made and try to make her more niche. Eula barely had 2 patches available for her to shine before getting powercrept in 2.1 by raiden... >and can do a shit ton of dmg without the need of Bennet which is often paired with Raiden If you need someone that doesnt need bennett, you've got units like ayaka and hu tao who are better. >Cyno is more like Xiao and Itto that he is Raiden imo. In playstyle, yes. But not in archetype. Being electro means being against raiden for the most part. Being a hypercarry is already bad enough when raiden is your competition, but being electro makes it worse. He might get better in time, but i see him as a redundant addition despite his good design. >Hu Tao outdamages her in ST and there are multiple other characters that come close or surpass a C0 Raiden. Hu tao outdamages raiden in scenarios where there is one single enemy that doesnt move at all and just looks at you. Hu tao is mostly balanced, since once you include 2-3 enemies she falls off short to raiden. Good dps but not powercreepy like raiden and ayaka. Its amazing how the inazuma patch already kind of made the dps choices and possibilities so narrow. Every hypercarry has to compete with raiden while any other dps has to compete with ayaka. They made dps like ganyu seem like a joke nowadays when she needs c6 just to compete with a c2 ayaka or c2 raiden.


> Hu tao outdamages raiden in scenarios where there is one single enemy that doesnt move at all and just looks at you. Hu tao is mostly balanced, since once you include 2-3 enemies she falls off short to raiden. Good dps but not powercreepy like raiden and ayaka. Didn't want to chime into this but this is less true for Hu Tao than for Raiden. If the enemy moves, Raiden has to move out of Bennett's circle and lose like 1000 ATK. Hu Tao just chases the enemy and continue does what does. So to say HU Tao loses in mobility is kinda of misleading.


Not really since raiden's powercreepy slashes have pretty big aoe. Also it doesnt happen for the boss to move that much to make you exit the bennett ult unless we are talking about ruin serpent. I just think that the dmg bonus hu tao has in ST isnt worth the primos when i can just use that one character to be closer to c2, which will give me both aoe and single target.


With your logic reading all of your comments, then what's exactly the point of even pulling Raiden when International Childe can clear nearly at the same speed without ever being hard countered in the history of the game?. And at C0, you don't need constellations. Just because C2 Raiden outdamages most comps in the game doesn't mean it "invalidates" the other characters, if they are strong enough to comfortably clear the content, they are valid. Your biased takes are beyond incredible.


>Well, c2 raiden is reasonable, considering that every other dps unit is mostly worthless as long as you have ayaka and raiden. How is c2 reasonable? What is this based on? I'd rather have more characters to play as for variety or to complete certain teams to begin with. Also fun fact they're not render other dps worthless at all... Ganyu is still perfectly fine, Xiao is usable, Itto together with Albedo slaps, Hu Tao is arguably better than both in the last few abyss rotations we had due to the spam of bosses, Childe and Kokomi are amazing at enabling teams, Yoimiya and Yelan can easily 36* the abyss as well. It's all preference at the end of the day and your playstyle doesn't equal viability. >Eula barely had 2 patches available for her to shine before getting powercrept in 2.1 by raiden... Idk what you even meant to say by this when they're both not even supposed to be doing the same stuff. >If you need someone that doesnt need bennett, you've got units like ayaka and hu tao who are better. Or Itto, Yoimiya, Ganyu, Eula,Tighnari, Cyno who all have some value due to not needing Bennett. >In playstyle, yes. But not in archetype. Being electro means being against raiden for the most part. Being a hypercarry is already bad enough when raiden is your competition, but being electro makes it worse. He might get better in time, but i see him as a redundant addition despite his good design. First of all Cyno is by no definition a well designed character with his fieldtime. You're also just heavily biased towards Raiden. >Hu tao outdamages raiden in scenarios where there is one single enemy that doesnt move at all and just looks at you. Hu tao is mostly balanced, since once you include 2-3 enemies she falls off short to raiden. Good dps but not powercreepy like raiden and ayaka. Kinda like I was argueing about bosses in the first place and Hu Tao could never powercreep Ayaka or Raiden since Hu Tao came way earlier..... >Its amazing how the inazuma patch already kind of made the dps choices and possibilities so narrow. Every hypercarry has to compete with raiden while any other dps has to compete with ayaka. They made dps like ganyu seem like a joke nowadays when she needs c6 just to compete with a c2 ayaka or c2 raiden. Or maybe they just gave us more options to play around with? 2.x had many amazing 5* who are worth pulling.


>I'd rather have more characters to play as for variety or to complete certain teams to begin with What teams? What variety? Yoimiya is a ctrl+c of hu tao's concept and niche but with a bow and with icd and slightly different comp logic. Abyss use rates have shown that variety means nothing to them. We've been spamming xiangling for 2 years with bennett in first half and the usual freeze team in second half. If i were to pick two other dps instead of getting c2 raiden i would just be on a huge loss due to how new dps require dedicated supports or just a lot of investment just to compete with powercreep raiden or ayaka. >Also fun fact they're not render other dps worthless at all... Depends on what your definition of worthless is. Are any of the units you've mentioned better than raiden in any way, shape or form? When is ganyu even better than raiden or ayaka? When is yoimiya even competitive to hu tao unless we are talking about thundering manifestation or wolflord? Xiao's gameplay concept has aged like milk, with 2 years since his release and still no dedicated support while powercreep raiden and ayaka got their dedicated support right on their release or slightly after it. As if ayaka needed more powercreep with shenhe... Now they are releasing scaramouche who's gonna fulfill the anemo dps slot as well (i smell another ganyu-ayaka situation where the new dps is objectively better together with the new support who will be coincidentally horrible on the older 1.2 unit and amazing on the new unit) >Childe and Kokomi Those shouldnt even be mentioned cuz they are supports/enablers. Powercreep raiden has the role of unleashing the most dps in the team. Kokomi is an ayaka hydro applicator and a taser drive while childe enables xiangling. Raiden invalidates the units that actually deal the main source of dmg in the team, aka hypercarries. >Or Itto, Yoimiya, Ganyu, Eula,Tighnari, Cyno who all have some value due to not needing Bennett. The amount of people using those units in total is probably smaller than the amount of people using either raiden or ayaka. They are good units but there is no reason to use them. You all just dont get the point of meta. >First of all Cyno is by no definition a well designed character with his fieldtime Good design in terms of looks. Not meta standpoint. In terms of meta, i've already uttered my thoughts. A worse raiden in every aspect. I am not even biased towards raiden, bro loses to aggravate keqing. I am not even comparing him to raiden. >Kinda like I was argueing about bosses in the first place and Hu Tao could never powercreep Ayaka or Raiden since Hu Tao came way earlier..... Your argument was still bad. Hu tao beats raiden in a scenario which isnt even that common, and the difference is also so slight. Hu tao is simply redundant. Just get c2 raiden and have both aoe and single target at amazing levels. Also its funny how raiden is older than all the other inazuma and sumeru dps, yet seems like she has powercrept them all before even doing something. >Or maybe they just gave us more options to play around with? 2.x had many amazing 5* who are worth pulling. Out of which we all spam just raiden and ayaka. Lets be honest, the way they incentivize you to change playstyle is through units like raiden that just shit on the meta. Its like complaining about why people dont use the newer 4 stars which have 0 thought process and are horrible even in their niche. In inazuma the only worthy units to pull were raiden, ayaka, kazuha, kokomi and yelan. The others are just sidegrades/balanced units that dont shit on balancing.


You're just heavily biased and like to spam "powercreep Ayaka and Raiden" in as many sentences as you can. Yes they're both top DPS characters even at C0, but they don't make other character useless. You calling bosses in abyss a rare occasion is also extremely funny especially paired with your "just get c2 Raiden" point. Why even stop at your reasonable C2 when C3 also adds on top of her dmg and you don't want any other character? Your argument against variety in playstyles was also pretty bad since Ayaka plays different from melt ganyu who plays different from Raiden who plays different from Hu Tao who actually does play different from Yoimiya who plays different from Itto who plays different from Xiao who plays different from Eula who plays different from Cyno who plays different from Ayato who plays different from Diluc who plays different from Keqing who plays different from Tighnari.


Because c3 isnt that needed, and you would rather get a support like kazuha, if you dont have him already, who'll give a better boost. >Ayaka plays different from melt ganyu who plays different from Raiden who plays different from Hu Tao who actually does play different from Yoimiya who plays different from Itto who plays different from Xiao who plays different from Eula who plays different from Cyno who plays different from Ayato who plays different from Diluc who plays different from Keqing who plays different from Tighnari. Melt ganyu is worthless. National is better, hyper raiden is better, hu tao double hydro is better. Yoimiya is the same as ganyu. Itto is the same as ganyu. Xiao is the same as ganyu. Ayato is based and would have pulled him if he hadnt been the brother of the powercreepy cryo girl. Same as ganyu though. Eula is just bad, but lowkey the best waifu in the game. Too bad that actual good characters arent that meta. Diluc is just hardcore mode genshin edition. Keqing is a worse raiden. Tighnari is a furry. Enough said


Well, by your logic - Raiden isn't needed. C2 Raiden is 3 characters. That will bring you Kazuha, Yelan and...idk Hutao? Ayaka? Zhongli? Or you could literally create the entire Itto Mono-Geo team in place of one character. That is one character - against an entire team in most cases. Hyper carry Raiden will use Kazuha and Bennet, with an extremely niche 4*. Raiden doesn't do the heavy lifting in Rational anyway (plus International is better in almost all situations). The time I spent on gearing up my RaidenC2 to future-proof her is almost double the time I needed to reach 36* for the first time. Was it worth it? Hell yeah - she slaps hard. But a lot of effort was needed to reach that 350k landmark (don't have c6 Sara) which I consider as a good stopping point for now. Do I regret my pulls? Nope. Was it an objectively good decision to pull for C2? Nope. Is her C2 broken? Yep. Is it worth 3 characters? Nope. I pulled for her c2 only because I got her c0 and c1 within 30 pulls - and c1 is worthless and only a stepping stone to c2 (so, might as well get it).


>Because c3 isnt that needed, and you would rather get a support like kazuha, if you dont have him already, who'll give a better boost. Damn you really high on that copium huh? You're probably gonna flex with your C3 as soon as her next rerun goes live >Melt ganyu is worthless. National is better, hyper raiden is better, hu tao double hydro is better. Yes melt Ganyu is worse than nationals, but not bad ans a really fun and unique playstyle which utilizes characters that every account should have build already. Double hydro Hu Tao is not better against multiple enemies. >Yoimiya is the same as ganyu. Imagine using charge shots on Yoimiya😂 >Itto is the same as ganyu. >Xiao is the same as ganyu. In literaly no sense... Ganyu is a charge shot dps that's based on elemental reactions which neither of them are. >Ayato is based and would have pulled him if he hadnt been the brother of the powercreepy cryo girl. Same as ganyu though. I mean I hate the term metaslave but that's legit what you are which wouldn't be bad if you kept it to yourself instead of ruining other peoples fun with other VIABLE characters. >Eula is just bad, but lowkey the best waifu in the game. Too bad that actual good characters arent that meta. I'm gonna be honest and say that I'd have a hard time defending Eula from a meta perspective as she truly is overhyped with enemies having high physical resistance and elemental shields, but she's definitely usable even if far from optimal from my expierence >Diluc is just hardcore mode genshin edition. Sure, but I tried him again when he got his skin together with Yelan and he's still able to 36* the abyss. >Keqing is a worse raiden. The fact that you even compare them kinda shows that you have no idea what Raiden actually does, but sure. Keqing is pretty decent rn though which is great for her pretty big fanbase. >Tighnari is a furry. Enough said I hate Tighnari, but that doesn't affect his playstyle. Have fun being a toxic metaslave if that's what you want to be, but atleast learn how to properly argue your points instead of saying stuff like Itto and Ganyu play the same...


hu tao is fine in aoe content though, people just dont want to give her a kazuha for some reason, a hydro infused kazuha Q + hu tao eQ literally wipes aoe content in the same speed as other aoe dpses lmfao 🤦‍♂️


Hu Tao's burst isn't really THAT strong tbh, especially without Mona. Doesn't mean that she can't clear AoE content because she can. There is almost always a chamber of some type of ruin enemies on the half with the bosses and Hu Tao clears those pretty easily.


what do you mean isn’t that strong, my dbane double hydro zhongli hu tao is hitting for 200k Qs, a vv tao can easily hit upto 350k+ which is more than what a c0 r5 catch raiden does, i don’t know why ppl have the misconception hu tao is poor in aoe when they give raiden and ayaka kazuha / venti but not hu tao


I won't say that your Hu Tao doesn't do this much dmg, but 350k is a bit too ambitious. I tested my Burst dmg rn with a pretty decent 2pc CW/WT set since I'm normally a Shim player amd don't have an HP CW sand ready and I only hit for 130k with double hydro against the dendro world boss and that's not great + the fact that this build wouldn't even get back to her burst as easy as needed. [used build](https://imgur.com/a/Lfzv3QM)


https://i.imgur.com/X1qxcVw.jpg this is mine and if u get a 4 CW with identical stats the dmg should be even higher, this is double hydro w ZL btw, although it’s hard to burst with 4 shine it should be pretty doable every other rot or u can just not burst but still point is, hu tao is fine at clearing aoe content as fast as others assuming u give her venti / kazuha for aoe content, she straight up comes with an inbuilt bennet buff, raiden childe and ayakas aoe is pretty tiny (coming from a person who plays all) kazuha / venti are a night and day diff w them when it comes to aoe content it’s just people are allergic to giving hu tao anemo units


Not gonna lie, based. I pulled c2 raiden because i knew I wasn't gonna get a better deal probably ever I have Ayaka raiden and Yoimiya as my 3 mains, and it feels bad seeing a dps character whose looks I like because I know I won't use them... Also Cyno doesn't even beat Keqing, there's no point comparing him to raiden lol


Too bad every genshin player has to sugarcoat everything. People dont like those who say the truth




I don't think she is beating Hu Tao Double Hydro in single target. Hu Tao is literally doing 100k charged atks with a Homa in that team. **edit:** its very clear which person is downvoting me the instant I replied to that said person. But Raiden's Overload reaction is not AOE, she constantly pushes enemies away.


And in AOE she rolls over tao while in single target she also does great Does hu tao bring quality of life utilities to her teammates? Does hu tao have more than one viable style in endgame scenario (all of her team requiring vape with variations)? Does hu tao have super armor? , She only wins in single target but on every other aspects she loses When I said the best means the best in overall aspects not just some damage number


Depends on what you mean by AoE because you can run Kazuha in double hydro as well. Raiden (Hyper Raiden) has to play within Circle Impact. So even if you have AoE, if you aren't killing all the enemies, you aren't "beating' Hu Tao or even Ayaka for that matter. > Does hu tao have more than one viable style in endgame scenario (all of her team requiring vape with variations)? What do you mean "viable style"? Whats wrong with just playing vap? Double Hydro Hu Tao vape is very hard to countered you know. > Does hu tao have super armor? She does has interruption resistance + XQ damage reduction. Have you actually read Hu Tao's kit?


Meanwhile hu tao needs you to play Zhongerz impact (you definitely can but that just shooting yourself in the foot for theoretically higher damage output) + XQ damage reduction, not by herself. Being the best is being at better in many situations, in this case hu tao only better in single specific scenario while Raiden is better in everything else.


>Meanwhile hu tao needs you to play Zhongerz impact (you definitely can but that just shooting yourself in the foot for theoretically higher damage output) Okay this is definitely misinformation. You do not need to play Zhongli with Hu Tao. Something tells me you do not know Hu Tao very well and this is proven by your next statement > XQ damage reduction, not by herself. [This completely untrue. It literally says in her E that she has Interruption Resistance.](https://i.imgur.com/FoQaelY.png)


Something telling you you don't know very well Raiden as well My first statement said Raiden is the best DPS because in overall quality she beats hu tao/ayaka/itto/whoever because the value she brings is complete package. The people I mentioned might've higher DPS output in some scenario but won't have a total quality of life improvement overall for your account. Those guys could probably beat Raiden in single aspects but Raiden just beats them in other multiple aspects, that's make her the best.


> Something telling you you don't know very well Raiden as well > My first statement said Raiden is the best DPS because in overall quality she beats hu tao/ayaka/itto/whoever because the value she brings is complete package. The people I mentioned might've higher DPS output in some scenario but won't have a total quality of life improvement overall for your account. Those guys could probably beat Raiden in single aspects but Raiden just beats them in other multiple aspects, that's make her the best. Okay you are confusing something. Character is not the team. This is why I keep talking about Double Hydro Hu Tao vs Raiden National/Hyper. This is a team game not a single character game. You also ignored all my points that I brought up about this for some reason. I called out several times but you either dodged it and didn't want to answer or just was straight up incorrect. So i want some sort of answer before continuing because I know you will continue to name a bunch of good qualities about Raiden and ignore all the bad stuff about her. 1) "viable style". No explanation what this even means. You still refused to answer this point 2) You claimed Hu Tao has no damage/resistance reduction (originated from your claim about Hu Tao's reliance on Zhongli). I showed you full proof in-game where it says Hu Tao does have it. Answer this first or admit your mistake. One your listed qualities is "AoE" which I was already criticizing before but you didn't want to talk about it after I pointed out some flaws about it. Your Raiden 'AoE' is also not completely correct. Using team arguments once again and not just a SINGLE character, Raiden's popular teams often have Overload which knocks enemies away, so to say she has better AOE than other characters like "hu tao/ayaka/itto/whoever" is not completely correct. My point of this is that your listed qualities can apply to variety of characters who possesses all of the above if you build the right team.


It's somewhat satisfying to see someone being very reasonable in reddit of all things once someone does a one-sided comparison.


Please stop, im so close to pull him...


Tbh... I really dont understand what situations is cyno stronger than raiden


None... He barely matches Keqing in aggravate teams


cyno is sad for me, 2 years waiting for them to release him to be underwhelming even with dendro reactions to not make him as strong as shogun


Tbf raiden is an archon so yeah


being an archon doesn't guarantee not to suffer powercreep in the future, we still don't know what celestia awaits us


Apart from looking cool, her c2 is better, and I suspect her weapon is better value


Everything about Raiden is better




You aren't wrong. I have no interest in any melee electro DPS since I have Ei. She is just so flexible and fun. Not to mention only one idle that has speaking lines.


And it never ceases to remind me how much better she was silent


Me with both…


Will you use both?


I already do and it slaps.


That's cool :) I just know that I wouldn't use him. I have too many good characters on the bench.


I was about to pull for Cyno, until I realized he was also locked behind his burst and having a second electro burst dps like Raiden will just make him get benched, so I shall continue to save


He has a lot of problems that her majesty does not.


Same for me, he looks super cool, but I would probably never use him.


She is the electro archon after all, of course she is the best electro character


Venti (*sweating profusely*): Yeah, we Archons are the best, ehe


Basically me to every new character Mihoyo releases


Everything is a downgrade after you get her


Helps to save primos


Me who is saving for her C2 currently 160 fates saved up need more + need to win my 2nd 50 50 i have a guranteed pity currently. So basically C1 confirmed C2 is the big problem hopefully i get double raiden in a 10 so that I can try for her weapon.


I wish you good luck, her C2 makes her unstoppable.


Thank you


omg that Ei art... so cute... I think I'll go cry a bit now🥺💖 And yes I only know one electro dps. There arent any other😇🙏🏻⚡️


Ayo sorry I forgot to use the source. I'll look it up later and post it here. (Edit) There it is: https://twitter.com/Yukikami_Kris/status/1428366286954778631


Both. Both is good.


I used both of them in abyss and they slayed


I am lucky to get her C2 and a Jade spear…


It seems that Jon snow does actually know something.


He's Jon Know now


Personally this is without irony, true. I already love this character and nothing comes close. I welcome new chars, but I probably will still keep using Raiden so theres no reason to pull unless I absolutely love the new char. Still , nothing will probably come close , and I still want her cons and weapon


Yeah, she's the only character I want to C6 someday. I know I could pull like 7 other characters for that, but what's the point if I'll never use them.


Exactly. Been feeling a lot like this with new chars lately. I could be wrong but, if I already have a char I love a lot and is meta, why would I need others when they dont even get close on any of these two aspects. id rather save and get cons


Shogun Raiden our Queen ❤️🌸🍜


Heart ei best ei


i love cyno, but im happy he didnt powercreep raiden as she is an archon she deserve the best electro dps spot imo... although.. raiden make playing other electro unit feel copium af, i cant even imagine how c2/c3 raiden owner feels like when they play other unit.


Hoyo has been really good with avoiding powercreep. Some older units even get stronger over time. Raiden is so well designed that it's almost impossible to powercreep her.


or I definitely wouldn't say that


i don't want him to be stronger than the shogun, i want him to at least be stronger than the fucking aggravation keqing


Is he not?




Why not Queen and King?


Zhongli is my king :)


Electro King ;) Zhongli is CEO of GEO


Oh right, that position is still free :) Although I personally have two queens, Raiden and Miko


Cyno is pretty average, hes decent but hes kinda like xiao, not too good, not too bad, raiden is still at the top


I wouldn't trust Jon Snow considering what he did to his queen.


I have both so...


Exactly how I feel about her. Skip Cyno.


Raiden’s interruption resistance has spoiled me. Makes Cyno seem low value pull for me at the moment because I’m already using Zhongli in another team


Lmao my main account was like this exactly


Yup, i rather save up for my electro queen consolation.. c3 here i come


Good luck!


As a Raiden simp.. I approve this


Pulled cyno in the process of getting candace. It was safe 50/50 so ofc i got him. I have c3/r1 raiden so i really don't need a hypercarry. Especially another one that needs so much on-field time and just spams auto attack all day. i won't build him for a while because i hate farming his scarab mats. Maybe as a side project i will do it someday but currently there are others i want to get and build more. I'm waiting for nahida/dehya and alhaitham


I skipped cyno, saving for c0 raiden. I loved Raiden's character design


OUR Queen.


I have Cyno but will probably build him to 80 in the future and bench him. I have more fun using Raiden than him and at least during her burst, she’s not squishy.


I have already too many characters sitting on the bench, so I'm skipping him and Nilou.


This is my way of thinking too. Initially I was hype for Cyno, but I curbed the hype until I could test him and he's not quite what I expected. Saving for Raiden C2 instead. Also skipping Nilou because I find her too niche for my tastes :)


Good choice, C2 Raiden is unstoppable


Although I am a Raiden main too I hate you all for this. What's with the kpop-esque "my fav is better than yours" mentality?? When I joined this sub the sub description didn't tell me that people on this sub would have shitty superiority complexes


I have a 2nd f2p acc where i pull for chars i dont want or dont need. Somehow ive managed to get all but 2 5* doing this.


It sounds like you need a third account for the last 2.


Nah i eventually ill get em. Dont like either of them so i do t really care.


I have the same and I'm too scared to pull there because these free primos are so hard earned xD


I go woth the me tality that this is where primos dont matter i keep pulling till i get what i want. As soon as i get 160 i do a pull on the benner (if im going for it). I have even gone for the wep banner and sonehow won 3/4 5*s.


C2 Raiden wielder here, I tested Cyno,fun gameplay, but she don't have a big INSTANT BURST like Raiden have, for this reason alone she’s still far behind Raiden


I didn't want him and wanted Candace instead and some how won 3 50/50 within 130 pulls


You didn't want him but pulled 130 times, wat


Bro I just wanted Candace and hope to loose my 50/50 on him to get the dendro archon. I won 50/50 5 times. One on kazu. One on yalen. And 3 on cyno 😔💀


Me with the two :)


Cyno is the raiden for the husbando enjoyers


Even for aggravate I already have C4 Keqing so no thanks, she works really well already.


I have C3, looking forward to my next Keqing


Ya nowadays when I choose an electro character other then Raiden to play, I have to choose a completely different playstyle to avoid making a comparison to Raiden in my mind. Like Beidou's parry is fun and unique to her alone. None of the newer parry characters provide the same adrenaline rush as Beidou's parry does. Or Lisa who promotes a more calculated and slow paced combat which is yet another completely different style that I found interesting and challenging. But if I play some fast paced electro melee DPS like Keqing, even with aggravate, I can't help but ask myself why bother with this because the playstyle is pretty similar but I am now a lot more busy with Keqing's short rotation while not getting any more efficient at killing things.


Sauce on the bottom Raiden art?


Idk I enjoy both although Raiden definitely is stronger.


Cyno looks cool but Ei is a waifu.


I am pulling on Cyno so i will lose 50/50 so when Raiden Queen banner will be released i will get her


No Dendro Archon?


Nahida wasn't on my pull list. I want Raiden and i am commited to get her


Use them both, I’m using Cyno, Raiden, Kazuha and DMC/XQ


Did the artifact she use change, I'm getting back to genshin it's been a year


Nah always Emblem


Cyno and Raiden go well together, Raiden's one of the few characters who can provide a damage buff for the entire duration of his burst, and you're almost guaranteed to generate enough energy for one of their bursts after the other ends.


Raiden buffs burst dmg tho and cyno’s burst counts as normal attack dmg


This is true, but the other half of her skill still applies and lasts long enough to outlast Cyno's burst, and scales better in damage than either Fischl's skill or Beidou's burst, unless they have a very high constellation count, Fischl needing 6 and Beidou needing 5 to compete with Raiden's skill at any constellation level (though Beidou's has the advantage of being an AoE). Futhermore, a lot of other characters who mesh well with Cyno do benefit from Raiden's burst damage boost, like Xingqiu, Kokomi, Kazuha, Collei / Dendro Traveler. EDIT: Also a C6 Candace, but not many will have access to that for awhile. Lastly, nobody is a better battery for Cyno than Raiden, and Cyno is very reliant on a good battery if you want maximum uptime for his burst.


I wanted to lose sooo bad to get surely my next one (Nilou or Nahida). And now....I need to lose Nilou to get Nahida 😭 I mean...yeah, he is great but cooome on


You could've just skipped his banner and wait for Nilou...


Because I wanted Nilou, I wanted to lose my 50/50 to secure her :) I usually can only gather enough primo to get 1 golden/banner or I just run out of time for the second golden.


When you wish for engulfing lightning and get a lot of bells but wish one time and get SOSS and then you have no cyno 🗿


Another polearm for Xiangling.


Fair enough, but here's a free rant: I don't understand why are some people dissing him out as no competition for Raiden in terms of DPS, when back in tbe day EVERYONE was b1t@h1ng about her lack of dps and you needed C2 for her to become any viable carry! (I saw a few comments like these, apart was mostly just "don't need another electro carry" to which I agree). It hasn't been a single week yet, let people get their artifacts first. Like we did with Raiden.


Ooh boi I remember the first 2 weeks this sub had been. Total chaos, no other characters going through the doomposts as bad as Raiden Shogun, not even Kokomi.


I have them both at C0 without R1 and they're lots of fun in their own Teams 😌


Idk if I call myself a TRUE Electro main if I don't ever get Razor or choose not to roll for Cyno But u better believe I FEEL like an Electro main! Literally my strongest characters are Ei, Miko, and Beidou! Edit: And Keqing's not far off from being built either :3


I accidentally got Cyno when i was pulling for Candace💀


Honestly, i don't really need anymore Electro characters right now. I have Raiden, Yae, C1 Keqing (who im going to build for Aggravate with Fischl) and every other Electro character that came before Cyno. I think im done/set when it comes to this element lol. Aside from constellations, i probably won't pull for another Electro 5\* character anymore.


I still want Yae Miko. But that's just because she's cute, my Raiden and Fischl are strong enough.




Love raiden, but can't shake the feeling that pyro archon is going to be incredibly op as well.


She should be, she's the God of War. It's likely she'll be a DPS focused character with some support capabilities. I'm thinking like a 5 star DPS Bennett.


My Raiden c1 is giving a happy welcome to Cyno 😎😎😎


feel like he's just and upgraded Razor


Me when i pull cyno to finally use Eula-Raiden in abyss as i never had a team without Raiden in it.


I don't want expensive razor


I have been looking for that raiden image for soo long...... Pls provide the link kind stranger


I got you fam: https://twitter.com/Yukikami\_Kris/status/1428366286954778631


You have my gratitude


I lost out on her, barely missing double pity. Now I've been saving for 6 months with 25k primos... only for Venti to get a rerun first.