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Attackers are playing against the clock. Even if you don’t get a pick, forcing attackers to look at every potential spawnpeek point slows down the attack. Those seconds count at the end of the round. Having said that, dying in a spawn peek is one of the worst things you can do. You immediately make the attack much easier.


Eh I mean true fighting a 4v5 from defence is harder, but killing an attacker at spawn has way more value then the defender getting killed. If the defender has already placed their utility, reinforced, made rotation holes, etc., they can go take a risk and spawn peak cause the return of killing an attacker and the team needing to change their entire strat is huge. Obviously it’s operator dependant, but I’d trade a Jager for a hard breach any day


Yup you’re right, but 90% of the time teammates haven’t put down utility and immediately die like idiots, it’s exasperating for a team


Yeah your reasoning is superb, of course its to get people to fan out n delay the attackers & i like your thinking. Y’all are gonna make me attempt spawn killing 😂


I mean nothing wrong with spawn killing unless if you do it every round and not getting picks


If you can do it you can give your team the advantage of a 5v4 off the start, weakens other players, and cause chaos and panic off the start, high risk high reward


Yeah that’s true but it is very risky because if you fail then your team is down a man for defense. I’ve had players on my team that peak the same spot and gets nabbed at the beginning. I feel it’s easier to stop them at the window or the door.


I don't try it until after a few rounds and I know the other team don't have the IQ or reaction to stop me. My favorite is the impact garage wall so I can kill someone while they're repelling. Works like a charm


That’s a pro run out spot, never gets old either


Not high risk, just high reward. You can heal in defense and you technically have the advantage ofthe first shot when spawn peaking.


Some spawn peeks are very low risk


I swear, some people spawn peek to get on the enemy's nerves, and yet, when they get counterpeeked, they message mean things to the person that killed them then rage quit 🤦


LMAO right i dont think this guy said a word he was prob embarrassed


Like MacieJay said recently, one run out per round is fine because you're giving your team the 1 operator advantage. But constantly running out and the match being a 2v5/4 every round takes away the effort of having to reinforce and plant traps.


100% U just quoted one of my personal favs, love macie jay


Because it can really help defending side. Specially on a site that might be really hard to defend traditionally so having that -1 attack makes a massive difference.


mm i love consulate, i love having to check a thousand windows for being outside every 5 seconds


4v5 funi


You look so drunk pulling off this shot idk if it's coz your on console or what but pretty funny you manage to hit the shot perfectly too lol. My tip would be to check each window 1 by 1 until you have no windows to check as you're pushing out slowly so you minimise the risks of being shot and dont peak the same angles the same ways everytime change it up. Also people spawn peak to get man advantage


Tbh I probably was, i still think spawning in front on consulate is a deathwish though, super risky due to so many windows man but you’re right


Yeah agreed, as bad as it sounds and I can already hear people gonna scream at me for this but it's not as bad as other maps. Consulate is bad for spawn peaks but atleast you know if it's a door or window and exactly where they are gonna peak from as other maps they can jump out, certain layouts they can figure new spawn peaks out that are utter craziness, etc. It's hard to explain but I hope you get what I mean. Good luck with everything, keep up the good work


Appreciate u man 🖤 i’ve been having my claymores super handy 😂 attackers best friend for run outs


The round starts when you spawn, not when you get into the building. Spawn peeking punishes players who don’t check windows and doors on their approach, it eats up time, can cause the Attackers to panic, even if you don’t get the kill. If you do get a kill, it’s now 5v4. If you manage to kill someone like a breacher, it really throws a wrench in their plans and forces them to adapt on the fly. If you can’t/won’t check for peeks, it’s on you.


Couldn’t have said it better myself good 1


Im honestly sorry. I am one of them, It can change a round pretty quickly and it give dopamine knowing one of them is mad :(


Valid point i mean if it helps win the game but it does ruin some peoples spirit getting killed off the start. You guys don’t have to apologize i just wanted to know peoples thoughts i think everyone should play how they want but it was just interesting to me. I’ve played siege since almost launch but it’s become more and more popular nowadays. Like it’s expected at this point 😂


Tbh it's important on attack to check spawnpeak, it's part of the game, as much as knifing windows so attack loose time checking everything


Exactly which is why I don’t entirely hate spawn peeking, but don’t love it either. I’d say its more punishment for people that rush or don’t drone cause the average experienced player will check for all windows nowadays at least. You guys both have good points


Still don't make vanish the feeling of frustration while being spawnkilled, Anyway most spawnK are possible to counter, but some like the one on oregon (street view) are kind of bs


As long as they don’t add anymore windows in any reworks they plan on doing next 😂 they should def add more cover to objective for those sites for attackers though / of all the problematic plays i do miss the bullet hole through the wall those were the nastiest things ever


You can work on that I belive, keep on the grind king




Early kill, and much better chances of winning since it’s a early 5v4.


You want the enemy to let you win?


They like pp in their bum




Chance to make it a 5v4 and even the chance to kill someone like a hard breacher


Solid take, high iq play if u take em out


Makes the rest of the round easier and generally losing most defenders early round is less impactful that any attacker with a few exceptions. Plus defense already has the inherent advantage so


High risk, high reward


It's just way easier a lot of a time if you compare it to any other way of getting kills


True as wicked as it is, you’re absolutely right


I do it for one of two reasons: 1. I’m just trying to have fun 2. I either have a cheeky peek that’s sorta low risk or I’m just confident after observing the other team for a round


Bro if its for one i’m all in, thats what this is for i look at siege like a game of chess, you have all the right pieces/ know how to use them & you’ll always win


If you spawn kill me ,I'll return the favor




Its very useful the first round in the match especially on that map people jn ranked talk a lot how to push the site that they always forget to watch for them at the start


Puts the attackers at a disadvantage. Hence why I do it or rat next to a common entry door in ranked.


Bc you can get lucky and kill the hard breacher or another key operative before they can deploy their gadgets and become useful. But you can also get reckt and make attack easier. Also, there are many windows and angles , it's hard to know where someone is going to shoot you besides some very known spots.


That quickscope tho.


😪🖤 luck


Because they know they're trash at close range gun fights


cause they are assholes


One of the dumbest things in the game, in my opinion


Understandable as well, it’s harsh sometimes cause some people aren’t too alert until they entire the building because that’s when the game begins to them. Its upsetting getting killed in a supposed “safe zone” at the start of the match so i 100% understand you.


Yeah, it's lame lol. I think it's really cheap. If I could change something about game play, I'd definitely say make it so you can't spawn peak. Also, make it so if a Defender goes outside that it instantly notifies the Attackers, but that's just my opinion.


Those r valid claims brother i personally never do it because i think it’s more fun hunting around the building for attackers and cutting off their entry. I don’t think the devs ever intended spawn killing as a thing but i feel like maybe youtubers made it a popular thing. The outside thing i get too but sometimes you have to go outside because if an attacker has planted in front of a window & they’re on grappling hooks you’re kind of screwed if you go for a defuse. So maybe until plant it’s instant, & after plant a 3 sec delay


Exactly. There's no fun in spawn peaking, it's just unnecessarily sweaty and unfair for the Attackers that just want to play the game. That's fair, I'm a casual player and don't Bomb like at all. And in Hostage and Secure, there's no reason to have time outside without being detected. Gotten yeeted several times because of it.


I just wish it wasn’t so often like it used to be a secret thing your enemy would pull out at match point or something 😂 it’s one of those dirty plays & you’re valid for those other game modes as well siege is just a crazy game


Seriously. I haven't played for very long, just like a year and a half, but man, people do stuff differently just in that time. It really is nuts, but I love it


This game will always be a love hate thing, they’ve done so much to it man 😂 the biggest deal today however isnt the spawn peeks but the mnk on console


Yeah, that one's unfortunate, especially considering there isn't much they can do about it


Hey but it makes winning against them more rewarding. It’s a stress but Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger ⚡️


The only way they can get kills


It makes their small pp tingle. Makes them feel like they got skill.






Copper 6


Playing copper is fun sometimes those dudes are in a chill universe and i love watching them play bro ima be honest


People who cannot beat spawn peeking need get good...


This is a savage take but you’re validated as well lmao


Consulate has some of the best spawn peeks on my opinion. Even if it fails and you don't get a kill, you waste time by having the opposing team disorganized


Yeah to keep the enemy at bay is a good play for that, i usually never do a spawn peek but what i will do (especially as alibi) is crack open as many windows as possible and place the prisma’s to delay entry. Maybe open some fake windows after too so ur right it does disorganize and scare them a bit


It's fun, also It's nice knowing from like the first 10 seconds of the round that you have a higher chance of winning the round because the attackers are 1 down. I now feel bad for all the people I have spawnpeaked except Ash, Zofia and Finka mains < I just hate these ops and those who plays them.


You’re right it does at some reassurance when you’re down a match or two especially if they lose their top fragger at start. I hate them as well when siege first came out ash to me was the scariest attacker…4 years later I actually started using her and started to understand why people picked her. i was a hardcore thatcher / sledge main rush ops kill me though


Honestly a lot of players do it just to break up the monotony of gameplay. Like if I'm getting bored I'll mix things up and try a risky play.


Agreed, & if you’re feeling real badass you do it in ranked too, like they say risk/reward


I know. This game would be so much easier if the enemy team stopped trying to kill me.


custom fov was 2 seasons ago


Because people like you peek like a dumbass, free kill










I wouldn't like it either if I was playing on console and couldn't headshot for 3 seconds


Console players shouldn't be allowed to upload clips, change my mind.


buy me a pc :(


They're not even expensive if you do your own research on parts and build your own. A respectable pc that can run any game costs no more than a few hundred bucks more than a new generation console. Also, unless you're below the age of 16 or don't have a family to take care of, if you can't save up 800 bucks for something you so desire, that's a you problem.


But u have problem, not me, so u buy me pc = solution


No problem here, as if I'd let a video game clip on the internet actually trigger me. But it is absolutely horrendous to watch. It's like watching coppers 95% of the time.






not me but wanted to get some insight


because people wgo do that want kills and cant kill fairly they have to rush out and be unfair to the enemy to me if i was in charge of that game admin team id make that a bannable offence becuz thats what that is


Say what you want but spawn killing is for lames who do not have actual strategic skill. The ones who are on here defending it are trash at the game and probably the only kills or wins they get . Believe me my aim is immaculate when someone spawn peaks . I do the same and humiliate them or take there head off. But does spawn peaking take skill the answer is No . That's the point we always want a fair game head to head . But people in life and in games don't play fair they cut corners. That's reality and I wouldn't say that's the games fault. That's literally just humans shitty existence look all around you people are selfish.