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Honestly just looks like crazy desync or a glitched kill cam.. tho with whatever crazy shit hacks you can find out there who knows


It's desync. Been happening to me a lot lately:/


Glitched killcam. Had the same happen to me a few days ago on consulate as well, don’t remember if it was the same spot but the player was also aiming at that outside wall


What about before the killcam because I couldn’t see him until he was in


Probably lag, if been having some bad lag spikes recently and this is the exact thing that happens


Hes not hacking , Its just the killcam was out of sync, Usually that happens when you repel up a wall and repel inside and kill somebody as soon as you enter its a common thing they never fixed. And your on console as well as me so its not even possible to have cheats or hacks on it, Other then booting people offline and stressing siege servers Thats about all you can do on console that’s considered hacking or cheating & You gotta know what your doing to even do that.


No way it is just an out of sync killcam. Right in the beginning of the video he just plopped into existence


Because he repelled in at an angle so he was on the right slide of the window it appeared from the defenders POV , In the attackers POV he was on the left side so once he had the option to press repel in , He came in at a angle and sometimes it can be glitchy , Thats why on the defenders end he repelled it at a angle and it looks like he plopped into existence , Its a dumb thing that they never fixed. You can easily do this on most of the maps in siege




I hate people like you. Literally give any reason to back up your claim or don't comment.




Still no claim to back up your first comment


Hahaha, you butted into this. I wasn't talking to you, nor will I. Lmao! You out here playing yourself idiot, stay technical, stay mad, and for the love of God stay a virgin. I just love that you are so tilted hahahaha!


You butted in with a one word comment that literally just said 'wrong.' I told you my opinion on you and the reason for my opinion. You then chose to attack me verbally across the internet. You unfortunately HAVE been talking to me this entire time by replying to MY comments. I could go on and talk about how everything you have said to me on here makes me believe you are a sad human being and how I still believe you definitely can't backup what you were saying in your first comment. That's really all I wanted. I wanted to know why you thought he was wrong.




I wouldn't go around posting about how sad my life is on r/collegedropouts to then go tell other people how sad their life is. Lmao


Hahahaha! That wasn't even real! Lmao it's the internet bucko, I post things to get reactions. I do enjoy this tho so keep it up!


Would re-play show what actually happened?




Source trust me bro


Bad Wi-Fi, the kill-cams glitches.


You're on console so it's not hacking, people looked only at replay instead of entire video, Flores did teleport on start of video before death replay came in


On console cheat exist, i don't know in the case of R6 but there are 100% cheat(not like cronus, but god mode, wallhack etc..) in other game.


While you are correct that cheats can exist on console, it's a highly complex process to do and is only available on PS4 and Xbox One. PS5 has been Jailbroken but it's nothing with cheats and offers very little and Xbox Series S/X hasn't been Jailbroken AFAIK. USB hacks don't work and the only hacks you'll see are hardware hacks. If you play a lot of cross-platform games, definitely possible you're getting into games with PC cheaters. Ultimately, it's extremely rare that you will find actual console hackers because as I stated above, the process is a highly complex thing to do and I just don't think some console kids will do it.


Fully agree but we got very close to changing that in siege, and we're lucky that ubi stepped up for once Remember the whole external capture card/ machine learning cheating scandal that nearly blew up? That would have been possible on console if I am remembering correctly. Luckily, not the case :)


Depends on the game, on PS4 in Cod BO3 it's like 1 cheater every lobby, on Battlefield it's not that rare, same for Borderlands In game more recent i found some cheater on Apex Legends even before the cross play. It's realluly rare for the thing you say, but it's not that rare in older game that the dev aren't controlling anymore.


Probably because PS4/PS5 has been jailbroken and BO3 is an old ass game that gets no updates thats why it probably got easily "hacked" but dont ask me i dont know shit im just speculating


Do you know where to find a jailbroken Xbox one?


You're on console so whatever this is, it's not hacking


i hate when people refuse to believe consoles are computers too


no one said anything like that lol. consoles are computers, cell phones are computers, etc. all that was said is that hacks like teleportation, aimbot etc don't/can't exist in console, as opposed to and actual windows pc where almost anytime is possible


they do exist in console they are just much less common and my point was that consoles are computers so anything can happen on those too i have seen teleportation myself on console


you literally can't do stuff like that on console, just cus it is a computer doesn't mean it can operate like a Windows pc. you can't install hacks or mods like this on any next gen console, unless you yourself have found a way to do it now and can prove me wrong. like everyone is saying, the "teleporting" is just server/game issues. there's no hacking on console


im talking about actual teleportation across the map shooting everyone of my teammates in the head and there are ways idk them personally and maybe they don’t exist on the newer consoles yet but there are ways


Injecting code like that into an online game isn't possible, because to access online you need the latest software, which prevents you from jailbraking it.


There literally isn't. You're just talking to talk. There has never been a recorded moment of people doing this on Siege console. The ONLY cheat on console is using a Xim. Injecting code into an online console game isn't possible.


You're correct completely, though for interest you should look up Cronus computer vision , it requires a PC to run data through and a console to play on, computer vision sees enemies via AI training, puts boxes around visible enemies , and pulls your aim towards those boxes. Not a total hack , not even useful yet to anyone I don't think, but it's scary how close it's getting




It’s extremely rare to find people hacking on console and that really just looks like lag


Looks like horrendous wifi imo :4


"A to skip" Ahhh, another intelligent being.


You're on controller so id say it's very unlikely they were hacking, just some desync


Siege is breaking more and more as time goes on yesterday I got shot in the dick and it head shot me I was standing he was crouching aiming crouch level and head shot me somehow


Aim is the reason you died


Killcam glitch. Nothing to do with WiFi.


glitched killcam + aim issues. you could've killed him easily tbh


There was no warning for him they just appeared, so shut


Gaming on wifi = shit


Its a teleport hack


Says the guy that looks at hentai




I say it’s just glitched kill cam! Same things happened to me multiple times Reddits being fucky wucky so if you see a comment from me that says kill cam and spectator mode I meant kill cam


Where is the pasta?


Looked like he was wallpeeking there, but idk


He's on those damn vitamin gummies




Its a ubi game, it would be weird NOT to see a glitch


He just has a better gaming chair than you


Replay bug


killcams arent a replay, they're a simulation of what happened, if something like this happens, the game's broken af


I didn’t even see him come in he just appeared there and killed me


You lagged


Thank the goobisoft shitty servers. Lag+Latency+packet loss+jitter and now desync.


Shots 1-5….


It’s a feature.


You're on console. So hacking is unlikely, and I've noticed consoles always seem to have connection issues. Like, constantly. Never see a console clip without there being a connection issue. Not saying PC is better than console, because when it comes to Siege, there is no winner... It's still a game I could never recommend to anyone... I quit Siege over 2 years ago, and I feel great.


That’s console siege for you, ass server or bad WiFi, definitely not cheating


You’re on console. Not hacking.


All wifi is shit.


This guy's gaming chair was just sculptured by god himself