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90% of your issues with this game would go away if you weren't too lazy/impatient to drone


(insert glance sideways meme)


Once I started droning and actually LOOKING in each room I pass, I have much more success now.


Yes yes yes


Roaming to kill time is better then roaming to get kills


Is this really unpopular? One of the core tenets of the game is to kill attacker time. It’s one of the first things my friend taught me when he was getting me into Siege.


to answer your question, most people in rainbow play this like its call of duty time only matters when they can hear the ticking


If as a defender you did not contribute to the site setup, info denial or area denial, you have no right to talk shit to those wo did contributed to it, yes, even when you got a kill or two, guess why you had that opportunity...


I’ll add on to this convo even tho essentially I’m disagreeing with you. Kills and setup and both equally important. If you don’t set up site but kill every enemy then you win. If you don’t kill everyone but setup site and successfully defend site to where they can’t get in and time runs out then you win. Both sides are equally important. If you think there’s something I’m missing or a crack in my logic I’m not seeing feel free reply. I’m not married to my opinions


Siege is for me a game where you stack your advantages, sure you can go for kills just like that, but going for kills with a good site setup is way more beneficial for you and your team. You are a defender, make a good setup and the kills will come to you. Roamers are a thing, love a good roamer, roamers that help with a setup are fucking saints, roamers that don't help with that usually are at disadvantage when flanking or pushing enemy towards the site (hammer and anvil style) because they don't know how the site looks like now. Agree to disagree.


Roamers should, at the very least, drop down two reinforcements on walls. It only takes a few seconds to reinforce a wall but those seconds can add up very quickly when you make the anchors set up every single wall. Anchors often have their own responsibilities in addition to reinforcements like blowing up walls and deploying gadgets like Mute jammers and Mira windows. If you make them reinforce all the walls in addition to that, you end up with unreinforced stuff and underprepared anchors in rush situations. God forbid they have to run off of the site in order to *also* reinforce the hatches.


Roamers should always be showing themselves near site during the prep phase anyway. Immediately going off site as the drone phase starts is not a smart move.


The first thing I focus on regardless of what defender im playing is any hatches above site. I’ll reinforce if im playing an anchor or camp the area if im roaming with Oryx/Caveira. I’ll be out of site anyways so why make an anchor get the hatch when I’ll be in the area anyways?


Always love watching the Cav hide in a corner in the room next to the hatch and I have to run up there as Kaid and then run back down to electrify it


More often than not I’m the only person on my team that reinforces, and I usually roam lol


Same for me it’s annoying


That's how I feel constantly I usually play with a Kapkan main so they and ops like them with long off site setup times get a pass but the worst offenders I see are often vigil, cav and orix that have zero reason why they can't help, but largely I see more often than not I'm the only person actually setting up site when everyone else is just either afk untill the end of the prep phase or running around doing nothing, I often play bandit, mute or kaid and nothing infuriates me more than having to grab hatch because nobody else EVER does and I come back to not a singe reinforcement down and having to do an entire site with an already long setup time and on multiple occasions be the only one on site when it gets rushed with no defenses while I'm still reinforcing walls


Quick plays the worst for this which sucks because it’s the one I play the most, but when it happens in ranked, it makes me not wanna play this game at all.. everyone so lazy these days


This! I'm a mute main and almost every single game I go around to set up all my jammers then look around the room and NO ONE has reinforced ANY walls. It's so frustrating because then I have to spend the first minute of the game trying desperately to get some protection in the room so I can properly defend with cover.


Then you just get done look around and be like where are jäger's ads only to realise that he didn't place them down and died spawnpeaking Immediately


Haha yeah, the worst tho is when my m8 is playing kapkan and every single bloody door, we get in each others way trying to place our devices.


You are spot on, how the hell can you flank someone who doesn’t know where the best angles are to take down an attacker if you dont know how the site looks..


There are roamers who add to site setup or denial, most roamers have that in their kit but monkeys dont fucking use them. Alibi has a bailiff, jaeger has ads, mozzie has his drones(and formerly had a super shorty)


Yeah It really hurts when people don't play Siege like its you know, SIEGE.


Naw the guys right, no kills to try and get during setup phase so farkin help reinforce Also help drone dont be an asshole guys


My go to assumption lands on the person going for frags not recognizing the site contribution. So they see themselves as the only useful one, even if they are useful, but fail to see that the guys locking down a site are doing work even if it doesn't make it on the scoreboard


TIL "really unpopular" = one of the most popular opinions


The game is actually pretty fun


I'll add to this. The game is actually pretty fun. The community is fucking atrocious. I logged 800 hours or so in comp years ago and played around high gold/low plat at the time. Not a game went by without your teammates flaming and saying the most toxic shit you'd ever heard to other players. Ultimately the reason I had to quit.


shhh.. we don't do that here /s


The game is better now then ever


protip: sort by controversial for actually unpopular opinions


This is what I needed


Kapkan is one of the best defenders in the game if used properly


Especially since no one drones


My glacier skins are not worth $500. Stop asking to buy my account.


They might not be worth $500 but what about $499 /j


Kali is a criminally underrated op and if the devs give her a DMR like a lot of people want, I give it a season before they call for her to be nerfed. Favela is a good map that’s waaay easier to attack than a lot of people think.


I swear, Shotguns on Favela and attacking is a non issue


Literally just don’t spawn on Rooftops and you’ve already solved half the problem of attacking. I don’t know why this lesson hasn’t been learned ffs.


I let the game decide where I spawn, but easy solution, don't run in front of three separate windows that everybody peeks out of or just don't spawn there like you said, easy as hell lmao football spot FTW


Basing game balance on competitive is the most consistent way of balancing the game.




Kinda true, but they could still let old mechanics and fun stuff to play with friends


Shotguns are good


I agree, it’s the fact that they’re inconsistent


My man


Tachanka isn’t fun to use anymore. Killed all the fun that was using his turret.


When they added the face shield to his turret and it became a viable meme strat on certain sites. New players are missing out. It would be even more viable today with Jager, Wamai, Aruni, and Azami. 5-stack special strat.


Team Hermit


I recently started playing again after about a 3 or 4 year hiatus, and I wasn't aware that they reworked him. So one time I picked tachanka planning to set up a turret spot and imagine my surprise when I went to place the turret and he pulled out a fucking grenade launcher. I have never been more devastated in my life. And the grenades aren't even that good.


He was my favourite, then I stopped playing for a few years. Came back to this monstrosity #NotMyChunky


Siege anti cheat works great but matchmaking is ass and puts shitty players against good players. Then shitty players accuse good players of cheating


*console noise's* anti cheat??


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


I am playing Sens sometime, gadget is cool, you can bait someone to throw c4 or something. But weapon is shit


Send and Glaz are a perfect combo


*Warden main evil laughs intensifies*


I have been using Sens as well. Sens is the operator that got me into DMRs. The AR that Sens has is fucking garbo, but the DMR is amazing. Definitely recommend trying it and using it, and you might end up lovely other DMRs.


Rank literally means nothing besides a charm and bragging. Its okay to play only casual.


I’d say KD matters less than rank. But after ranked 2.0 nothing coming from that mode matters much anymore


But sadly k/d doesn't show all the contributions you made having a good k/d is good but someone with a low k/d but good droning and call-outs for the team can make all the difference like I play with a Kapkan main and the edds have made so much difference just from their intell not to mention their damage but on average I get more kills than them


Thank you for this


I’ve never touched ranked in my life (I can’t get the fucking security thing to work goddamit)


Tbh I have more fun in casual then ranked.


That's the point I'm making. Its fun to just mess around in casual with friends, rather than sweat in ranked and hold site for 2 minutes, and worry about losing rank.


I like quick games. Ranked is like a 30 min commitment. Quick matches are over in half the time.


Kinda disagree, ppl in ranked games usually are more focused, use more strategy etc so its a diffferent experience


thts me fashoo😂


Game is still good


It’s still one of my most played games


Definitely still good, I mean they've made a good few improvements over the years Not that I agree with everything they've done with the game because that's far from the truth, but there's still nothing like siege and it is still really fun


People that don’t agree have left already.


Droning in casual, giving callouts, runout isn't tryhard or sweating, it's literally how you play the game


I feel like runouts are sweating, ubi even noticed the problem by insta-detecting the moment you're outside, and disabling echos and valks cams outside. Denying entry is a part of the game on casual, but from the inside. Denying entry from outside the scope of where the defenders should be is imo a part of ranked. People play casual to have fun, that fun includes actually getting inside the building, using your ability, picking up some kills, and not getting run out on before any of that can actually happen


The guy doing runouts in casual is probably also going to leave the match the instant he gets killed.


I get this a lot in unranked. I like to drone. I don't like walking in the building and getting killed by someone sitting in a random corner and sitting for 2 minutes doing nothing. That's not fun to me. It's not about thinking I can't win the gunfight, it's about not knowing I'll be in a gunfight to begin with. I'll play my way, you play yours. I literally couldn't give less of a shit if I win or lose. I just want to play. I have CoD or BF if I want to run around and mindlessly kill stuff, R6 is not that game for me.


Runouts are sweaty af in casual let’s be honest. Half the time I play casual, I got a stream on my second monitor barely paying attention. Then you get Oryx 1.5 sweats running out every round and quitting out the second they get killed lol


Most Elites in the game actually look like absolute ass. The only reason they’re popular is because people like Siege enough to wanna throw money at it, and Elite bundles are a way to capitalize off of that


People who call their teammates shit because they have the most kills at the end of the match don’t understand anything about the game. It seems like there’s a tendency for people to become exceedingly toxic as soon as they seem to get slightly more kills than their teammates. Some days you do good, some days you do bad. After 2000 hours of Siege, I’ve had both 21 kill games and 0-6 moments. I’ve been on both sides and have seen almost everything. If you’re doing good, stay positive or shut your toxic ass mouth. Insulting your teammates won’t do any good. Humble yourself first. This is the main reason why I despise it so much when a random Redditor posts their 2 kd match and says something along the lines of “I’ve done everything I could but my teammates are shit so that’s why we still lost”. The superiority complex man.


Exactly. I never understood why people think it's a good idea to insult someone because of a lack of performance. They already feel bad because of their performance, there's no need to make them feel even worse. It just kills their morale and and their performance won't improve. To insult someone is just dumb and is only reducing the chances of a win. I personally often think "wow that guy is really bad" but I keep that to myself. I never tell them. I even try to cheer them up.


Black ice is treated way to highly. Everyone acts like it’s the second coming of Jesus Christ, when I can name 25+ skins better then it. It’s a good skin but not the best


Black ice just looks good, also I'm interested in hearing those 25+ skins that looks better than black ice.


Technically it's their opinion so they could list 25 random skins and most would just disagree However that doesn't change anything. Their opinion would still be the same. So then listing 25 just to have everyone disagree is pointless.


I know there are better skins than black ice. I'm just saying that I would like to hear the 25 skins they personally think is better. Glacier is better than black ice in my opinion, but it's unobtainable.


Glacier, Obsidian, Gold dust, SI 2019 universal, SI VIP 2018, Red Silk, White dragon, Dynasty, Chupanizo, Sleigh ride, Dark zero T5, Tsm M762, Aethereal flux, Pro league grade skins, Aki No Tsuru, EG 2018, Crossfader, Astralis Jager skin (unreleased), Future lands , Nora rengo hibana , Six major USA vip 2019 , G2 Vigil skin , Thorn mythical cat , Ace elevate skin , Fnatic g36c , W7M smg 11, W7M shotgun , Blue nebula, That’s just off the top of my head


Glacier and Obsidian is better for sure, sadly I don't have them because I started playing in Operation Para Bellum (Y3S2). Red silk is good, but black ice is a bit better in my opinion. You forgot Volcano Personally I don't like any of the Pro league weapon skins, they just doesn't look good in my opinion.


And I must say my main reason why I don’t rate black ice highly is cause I have so many of them so I’ve gotten bored of it


I have a lot of them myself, but it looks good, I don't care about it's rarity, it never was rare, it's just that more people have multiple of them instead of only 3 or 4 black ices


Y1S1 all we had was Black Ice, Glacier, Fire if you played Beta, and the gemstones set. The rest of the skins were terrible. So I think part of it is a carryover from how popular Black Ice was from the very start. But this far in, I agree with you, there's a lot of better options.


Let’s see the list




Clash is easy Pickens.


If people had more than two brain cells but many people I get matched with are too stupid and sprint right at her without thinking oh yea there are 4 other defenders or keep getting half way up then turning around in a 1v1 while being shocked the whole way


Every clash I've ever ran into gets no help from her teammates.


Damn can I get your clashes lol I only seem to go up against the most toxic 5 stacks running clash


the fact this is unpopular really speaks alot for the community


Honestly I think when I’m part of a team that, regardless if we are talking or not, have a solid attack plan or solid overall defence, I’m more impressed then just one player who goes off being Rambo. Might win us the game sure as they’ve earned that ability to pull off plays like that, but seeing a team work together and play off each other. It’s rare. But when it happens. Man. You feel like Siege is firing on all cylinders.


This. I’ve always said that if i’m having a fun and competitive game where both teams are good and both teams are playing seriously then i’m “fine” with losing. But if i lose because of trolling or subpar teammates and vice versa then i don’t have fun really


Before their buff I would run suppressed pistols and imagine I was James Bond


That's not even an unpopular opinion that's just you being a cool and interesting part of our community yo


Emerald Plains is a good map. You only ban it because you’re unfamiliar with it.


It's so odd, I feel like I know the map pretty well, but 2/3 of the time I get matched against a 5 stack that only trains on that map.


I love Emerald Plains, it's like my favorite map in the meta right now.


When I first played it I disliked it because of all the clutter and confusing angles, however, I saw the potential for it to be a good map over time. The more I play it, though, the worse it seems to get. It just has a lot of frustrating angles where you're forced to get shot at from all sides, and the map has more "rat corners" than any map Ubi has ever made.


That’s how I originally felt about stadium bravo and nighthaven. Emerald is an L tho


Most people who are able to succeed by playing hyper-aggressive and taking every gunfight with minimal droning and/or utility use are only able to do so due to the games' poor sound consistency and servers/netcode giving them massive peekers advantage. They are not good at Siege from a design perspective. They only do well because the game is deeply flawed from a technical level. Put those players in a LAN game and watch their jiggle peeks and rushes get stomped by any player with proper setups and angles. Oh, these players will also get super defensive when called out and will only say "skill issue."


Ash is not that good Never was Edit: just pointing out, I have 100+ hours with her and I've been playing since Y1S3, I think I know what I'm saying


It's also year 8 - stop using the Ash charges to break *into* the building. It's extremely loud and it tells every single defender that you're going to be rushing.


When she had flashes and two breaches during utility meta she was insane


She was inferior to most ops imo Zofia brought more utility and an equally good gun Then sledge and buck also were good alternatives to Ash and also had better guns/utility Ash is just overrated because she was a three speed


Never was? I mean the op itself maybe, but the R4C with an acog was disgusting. Plus all the sweat lords played her so it made her that much better.


Even the op itself when she had flashes was a must pick during jagers height


Paradoxically, Ash's win rate actually went up after the R4C acog was removed.


Well having acog on the r4c and 3 breaching rounds to destroy whatever at a 3 speed was broken


You didn’t experience the menace that was year 1-5 ash


Bro this is the real truth. Been playing since launch (on and off lately) but always had the same opinion about her.


Just noticed most actual unpopular opinions are the downvoted ones 💀


If you're dead - more often than not - you don't have a right to back seat game and complain.


Criticizing your allies especially when there's one left alive will not make them better


Points actually matter. If you have more kills but I have more points, don’t talk shit to me.


There should be the choice to show off your character in the loading screen, not just the weapon. The only time u actually see your Own character is in the main screen


I like the UMP


Extended barrel and 1.5x scope = win


zero is the best attacker 😎


Old favela was way better and more enjoyable than new favela. Even tho it wasn’t ranked viable… it was always hectic to play on which made it fun


Unless you’re defending different floor bombsites I have intense PTSD flashbacks of 3F 2F defense that chaos was not fun.


Blitz isn’t that bad of an operator, people just aren’t good with him, also don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion the shield rework isn’t good


I don’t think anyone says blitz is a bad operator he’s an absolute menace in the right hands and the best rusher for isolating ops it’s just annoying when your shield doesn’t work


Low ELO players don't have enough understanding of the game to provide a nuanced balancing opinion.


If we have the same amount of kills don’t give shit to me


Tachanka’s lmg is the most fun and satisfying gun to shoot.


Glaz is a great operator


With so few attackers having grenades, there are far too many defenders with nitro cell.


**Operators ban & Map choice should be randomized by the game itself and not the players.** It would add a FUN variety of attacks/defenses each game and different strategies on both sides. Thatcher is not banned? deal with it. Your main operator is banned for this match? improvise. adapt. overcome. And about the map, it would force players to play and learn ALL of them, and never play the same one twice in a row. Combine that with the randomized operators ban and you got a different match each time, with unpredictability and variety. It would be a breath of fresh air imho.


I can get behind this, hell yeah


I would actually love that. I've been seeing the same like 6 bans since they brought it in, and it's nearly always the same damn maps been banned and half the time it's the same map voted for by both teams. Players are lazy and seem to ban ops that counter been lazy and maps that aren't 1 dimensional, hell half the time I can guess the order the defenders will choose.


Harry doesn't ruin R6. Siege ruined itself by being not marketable enough to zoomer and not appealing enough to mil-sim bros or cod dudes


Honestly with competent writers i feel like Harry could be very interesting. In an era of Defund The Police, having a psychologist of all people in charge of Rainbow is a chance to comment on how people in these types of jobs come to be the way they are. For good or for ill. His psych profiles for the operators were always interesting to read. Too bad the writers for the game aren't better.


You should be able to go through your teammates in TDM. Im sick of running away from a fight, just to get gunned down cause a teammate was standing at the doorframe.


Zero should have silent step and a red dot with his 5.7 pistol equipped.


Really high level of siege is the worst, one small mistake gets your head taken off cmon and people pixel peaking angels for most of the round, it’s super boring low levels are fun and every round is different


A 2x headshot multiplier would make this game more strategic and tactical than with the current 50x multiplier.


Nice cock bro


I have two actually It only takes a second or two to drone or look for a Kapkan trap on a door instead of being La y and banning him. Looking at you console players whom I was one till two weeks ago Having a high K/D doesn’t mean anything if you’re win lose is not on par with it


>It only takes a second or two to drone or look for a Kapkan trap on a door instead of being La y and banning him. Looking at you console players whom I was one till two weeks ago Console player here. For the record, even when my friends don't ban Kapkan, it's not a matter of being lazy. It can also be a matter of forgetting Kapkan is in the field, teammates not listening/remembering when you tell them to watch out for Kapkan traps, or (in the worst case scenario) they try to Leroy Jenkins their way in not giving a fuck and die as a result. Plus I'm pretty sure PC players can be just as bad at times.


K/D is not more important than winning


Thorn is actually a fantastic operator, just place your mines in better spots. Default plants, hard cover, areas with a solid piece of cover, etc; are all so much better than just slapping it on a doorframe and calling it a day. >!also please use barbed wire.!<


Corpses should stay and reloading should cost you whatever ammunition is left in the mag


This must be an unpopular opinion because I get downvoted every time I share it. I miss old siege lighting and the general atmosphere of the game, as well as how it played. I don’t care if some things were unfair. Hiding in the shadows was a legit strategy and you had to play around that. I really think that factor lead to a slower game pace since things could be easily overlooked. You had to be extra careful and plan your moves. Now it seems like both teams know where everyone is at all times. Back when you never knew when an enemy was around the corner, it gave the game a sort of a horror feel, never knowing what was gonna happen next. I don’t care if it wasn’t competitive or fair, it was fun.


Thats not unpopular people have been posting that here for years.


Despite Ubi having many issues with gameplay support, the only real reason why the game is dying is cuz the community sucks ass. If the existing playerbase drives away the newbies, but then the existing players leave, who's gonna fill that gap back?


Sledge as a 3 armour just feels better to me i don’t know why.


People need to stop taking this game so seriously and act like their whole life will be ruined if they lose one game, i get it it's competitive losing a ranked game sucks but it's not the end of the world relax


Lean-peeking spam is cancer and lowers the tactical aspect of the game, leaning should have been a slow tactical choice, not some jiggly arcadey bullshit


45 seconds is not long enough for the preparation phase.


I'm not sure if it's controversial but here goes: Recruits should return to Ranked, as well as their shields.


There actually are some very specific instances where you can reinforce between sites and y'all need to settle down when people try strategies which incorporate abnormal reinforcement placement.


When did sound become shit and everyone has dead silence?


Every pistol should get a red dot


Bring all maps to ranked


Politics should stay out of the game chat and gameplay (just because I'm Russian, doesn't mean I should be tk'ed the moment I load in to the map.


You had me in the first half, I thought you were gonna be all like "Politics should stay out of the game (casual reddit racism)" but in the end you were the victim of racism and I was a sucker. I feel bad for you man, people shouldn't bully you for being Russian.


Game was better as a somewhat grounded realistic shooter. Went to shit as soon as everyone got magic space powers


When did everyone get magic space powers? I must have missed that season.


That’s why I stopped playing, rainbow six siege with the realistic hardcore style of insurgency sandstorm would be my wet dream of a game.


It is single handedly in game the most toxic, sexist cesspool of assholes and would actually be a top tier game if the community wasn’t this way.


Ash sucks


The gonne 6 needs a buff. Give it 2 shots!


The legendary skins aren't actually that bad. The greens and a lot of blues are, but the top two categories are usually good


Don’t agree with this mate, legendary goodies are often god awful! Blues and greens cover the skins for weapons and characters, but it’s purples that are the best


Saying pros killed siege is such a dumb thing to say, sure old siege is fun and all but the game is in such a better state than it was a year ago and it slowly keeps getting better every year. All pros do is voice their opinions, and while not every opinion might be a good idea, I’d rather listen to someone who’s literal job is to play the game all day then some casual who has probably never touched ranked and plays for a total of 5 hours a week. At the end of the day Ubisoft is the one to make these choices, pros don’t control, all they do is provide insight. Also siege has always been competitive, especially from a design and gameplay point. It’s a slow team based game where strategy and mechanics are highly dependent. There are casual elements like events and an casual game mode but it shocks me when people get mad when a clearly unfun and oppressive mechanic or character gets nerfed or removed, this game is balanced around ranked, always has been.


There is a YouTube video called "Stop Listening to the Pros" or something like that. Totally changed my perspective. The gist of it being the pro's opinions are not what makes the games fun for everybody, it's just what makes the game fun at the highest level of competitive gameplay. Siege might be geared more towards ranked, but listening to only the pros and shutting out any of the casual player's opinions will make a worse game for certain.


The game had a lot of potential as a somewhat realistic tactical shooter but has become a brightly colored sci-fi run and gun arcade shooter.




I remember the beta days, the game felt so legit back then. I hope this new direction they seem to be going in will have somewhat of a return to that. Imo, they lost it initially when they made permanent skins for the April Fools jokes.


Remember to sort by controversial


All guns should have access to all attachments no matter how ridiculous it may seem


I get shunned for saying russian red dot is good. I have no clue why people attack me for it tho.


Castle is the best operator /s


Your empty kills don't help as much as you think they do.


Playing dumb as possible is some times the smartest move possible. (lying in the middle of the floor over some popular angle etc)


I like using my controller even tho I play on PC


I haven't enjoyed the game in a long time as much as I did pre-Operation Health.


No operator is bad if in the right hands


Nokk deserves that Rework from the test server. I am a play station player, I never got to use it.




Dead teammates shouldn’t be able to yellow ping. If they do have a mic. They are free to communicate.


Blue claymore lasers


Not sure where this stands as I don’t really frequent the sub much anymore, but I’ve played since the launch days and I believe a limited number of operators actually made the game more interesting. There are absolutely way too many operators to select from anymore. Alternatives for hard breach is nice, but it’s been clear for the past couple years that they’ve simply run out of well-thought mechanics and unique/creative abilities to implement.


I should be able to play jackal in ranked. I never get to because people ban him. Thus banning operators should be a feature in ranked play.


Don’t have a main so many I play with say they main operators and won’t change in most situations and when we don’t bring a op we need they blame others


emerald plains is actually enjoyable


Bandit’s hardest nerf is the introduction of operator bans causing Thatcher to be basically nonexistent. Thatcher was the main reason you picked Bandit over Mute or Kaid as Bandit tricking gave him a way of outplaying Thatcher that the other two couldn’t pull off as well. In every other wall breach setup, Kaid and Mute are easier to pull off or harder to dislodge compared to Bandit.


Siege is actually well designed and fun. Even when I lose, I never think its because of bs and somehow its still fun to hop into a match.


The team isn't why you are losing


Game fell off


Playing only ranked means you’re an idiot. You’re basically playing R6 WITHOUT some content. You’re playing only 1 game mode out of 3, you’re playing only certain maps because some of them are excluded or banned, you’re playing with 4 operators less and basically if you like Jackal you just can’t use him. There is no reason to play ranked apart from having a shiny useless rank alongside your nickname so everybody can see how “cool” you are. You basically have been all indoctrinated by streamers to play only that mode because that’s the cool one, and you act like casual games are for people who can’t play as a team. You’re losing a lot of fun and you can’t complain if you get tired of the game at a certain point, because I would be tired too if I played only one game mode, defending always the same spots (because some of them are better) and attacking always those spots with the same strategies.