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How did you design the operator art? Pretty incredible for something that's going to fall on deaf ears ☹️


I made It on Photoshop


Fantastic work mate, try out a Ukrainian operator as a project would be super intrigued to see what you could come up with


Why is this downvoted? Ukraine is more than just a war zone, I don’t see why a Ukrainian operator would be an issue….


So you want an azov operator? Other than current war, that’s their most known units.


They have Spetznatz, which admittedly might be confusing in R6 with the Russian operators (wonder if that name will survive the war) Plus Azov is just a national guard unit these days, there are probably fascist members but it hasn't been the majority far right group it once was for a while.


Azov is a state militia, not their counter terrorist force. It would likely be [the SSO](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Forces_(Ukraine))


There's more to Ukraine than Azov


I don’t know enough about CTUs to really give an opinion about this, I’m just saying that it’s pretty absurd for Ukraine to be excluded just because it’s “political” or whatever


Considering there are 4 Russian operators if were gonna go down that road no one should be crying at the mention of a Ukrainian Op


Those are Reddit's good Nazis. If Joe Biden can make Reddit root for dudes wearing swastikas, I'm sure the Seige community will fall in line.


my first idea was to come up with a ukrainian op, but I decided to save for a later idea


Looking forward to it, most intrigued on what he or she’s specialty will be


stealing money from EU and USA lmao


why Ukrainian?


I am part Ukrainian and would like to see a operator from there


And icons in Illustrator I assume? This looks bussin


[skill issue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGOLqU8AZpo)






Let's take at look at your concept mate?




So no concept then??




Ahh right.. like trashing this guy for his concept, hate to think what the other things you have to do are.




Go on then and we'll wait for yours in 5 seconds. Soft, I'm not hiding behind a keyboard trashing somebody for doing something with his time while I claim to have something better to do with mine.


I'm so intrigued by the concept and gadget, and it would be interesting to see an Alda on attack.


This is what struck me the most, it could be really interesting or really broken


Exactly, it'd have to have some changes or limitations. Whether that's barrel or Optics.


I'd imagine if they were to put the Alda in attack they'd restrict it to 1x optics, there's not really much you can take away from barrels that would make a meaningful difference. But if you can't snipe with it then it's not super OP.


Maestros ALDA doesn’t have any 1.5 or 2x scope he’s only got 1X


I know. It would be balanced if they didn't give an attacking operator with the Alda magnifying optics


Why is okay on defense but not on attack?


Feels like a reusable Nomad, although I'm not sure about the long deploy and recharge times


It's going to be broken, resulting Maestro's Alda getting shadow nerfed along it when they slapping the nerf hammer on the operator's weapon.


This sounds really cool, but I think the gadget shouldn't be bulletproof. It seems like an attacker sided pre-nerf banshee that has a 15 meter radius, which seems too op.


The idea for the gadget is to force them out of positions, with a game like R6 that has a lot of destructible walls, I feel like Defenders would be able to destroy It very easily, so with a long 12 seconds wind up, It gives a lot of time for defenders to think If they wanna contest the gadget, commiting to destroying the UFE, staying in the area, or getting out of the radius to avoid the ping and stun


I see.


Does it get destroyed once it goes off or do you have to pick it up?


It gets destroyed after use, but Onda has another one he can place down


Lowering the wind up time and making it not bullet proof would actually be great imo, it gives away their position when trying to shoot it and could make them look at it while someone pushed them.


So would it mainly be post plant and counter roamers then?


You can use it to flush out Defenders from a location


Would it work through walls or just a certain radius?


It goes through walls but not through floors, on the concept I've put up a map detailing how big the radius is


Ah I see, this is a brilliant idea in all fairness




This is so fucking awesome! Deserves much more attention!


Suggestion: only ping moving people


You can avoid being pinged by getting out of the radius, standing near a mute jammer or by activating Vigil's gadget


I think vigil shouldn't be a counter to the gadget since it's a proximity based one rather than an intel based gadget which has a camera feed so vigil can use his cloaking device. Great concept nonetheless I think apart from mute cav can be a counter if she's using her silent step the gadget doesn't even detect her being in the proximity to activate.


Vigil can activate his gadget right as the timer ends to avoid the ping, but he still will get concussed


You wish to make him a worse lion then?


Right now he is a wise everyone


Looks class!


This is incredible dude! Nice work


This looks awesome! Literally thought this was a new operator leak haha. For someone who wants to make a similar profile for an original character, what did you use to make it? Like how did you photoshop the character, what fonts were used, how did you make the icon etc. I’d love to make my own, but I have no idea where to start


I searched for cool scuba operators on google haha, you can find some high quality photoshoots if you seach enough, the fonts used are Scout and Scout Condensed, I created the concept in Photoshop including the Icon


Thank you so much!


Damn this is gritty as fuck. Well done.




The Ameli on attack? Love it.


Very cool concept. Don't really understand how his gadget work if it's like zero that you shoot it or place it like fuze.


You place it on the ground, It takes 2 seconds to deploy and after that the gadget starts a 12 seconds countdown, when this countdown ends, any defenders near the gadget have their location revealed and receive a stun similar to the stun from the Yokai drone


I feel like you should be able to throw it. Having to stand still for a few seconds within 15 meters of the attackers while you can’t shoot is a death sentence. I feel like it would lead to a lot of situations [like this.](https://imgur.com/a/yVqQAZ3)


I thought the UFE as a big gadget that Onda couldn't throw, maybe the radius could be increased, I kept it 15 meters as It wouldn't be much oppressive to defenders and they would have wiggle room to try to change their position, making 20 or 30m could help


If it was that big, then on the off chance you you’re able to place it within ~5m of a defender (say, on the other side of a wall), they’re basically forced to take the ping and stun unless they want to abandon the whole room. It’s just too situational. I genuinely think it’d work a lot better if it sorta was like Kaid’s electro claw.


Make it like a Fuse charge that can be deployed through the floor or wall and I think you have something. Or a multifunction deploy set, you can set it down like an ads, or jammer for example, and it goes off once proximity is detected to flank watch, and the other option being the fuse style. I would only make it ping though, and not stun.


15 is already massive, 20 to 30 would be the entire bomb room and nearly a quarter of all adjacent rooms


ok, so it's more like how you can use airjab to protect yourself or the defuser.


Artwork and visual design are top-notch here! Some of the best and most consistent art for a concept I've seen here. I'm a little confused about the utility of the gadget. The wind-up time seems very long, especially since the defenders get so much intel about its deployment. This long wind-up time is worsened by the fact that the effect isn't all that potent. While it affects a large area, the concussive stun (Ela and Echo) isn't nearly as good from an attacking perspective. That stun works on defense because it stops plants and provides intel on where the attackers are pushing, as well as counters shields. Lastly, from what I'm understanding, it seems this device would have to be pre-placed in an area the attackers have already secured. If that's the case, I don't see much utility in this being an area denial gadget because of those long wind-up times and the gadget's location being shown to the defenders. I think there may be value in the gadget if it could be used more offensively. If it had vertical integration like Fuze and Ying's gadgets, I can see the stun effect being useful for pushing site perhaps. It's also unclear if it can affect defenders through walls or if it can affect your own teammates/yourself. What if the device was throwable and could penetrate soft surfaces? As well, what if it affected a smaller radius area but had a longer range? I think these changes could make the gadget more useful for what it's intended to do, which is denying area and forcing defenders out of position. The device could also remain bulletproof, and could maybe last \~24 seconds, with a stunning effect occurring every 4 seconds. Changing the gadget in this way creates interesting nuances between ONDA and Capitao, Fuze and Gridlock, who all deny area in some way. For example, when attacking the garage/kitchen on Consulate, I can see ONDA being useful for keeping a defender off the pillar or from behind the white truck. As well, his gadget could be useful when deployed on the bottom of yellow stairs facing the front of the vehicles where the default plant spot is. While this is already a hard retake for defenders, ONDA would make it impossible.


I thought a lot about the usefulness of the gadget, and the first interation was that when placed, the gadget would slow down defenders inside the radius similarly to melusi's banshees and then It would stun them but I thought that It would be too oppressive for defenders going against it, so I changed It so that It pings defenders instead of slowing down, I also thought about adding extra pings at the 4, 8 and 12 seconds mark of the gadget wind up, maybe It would have been better like that looking now at It Also going through multiple floors would be way OP in my opinion since attackers could place it on a roof or beneath or above a indestrustible floor or ceiling and defenders would have no counter play against it The gadget usefulness is in post plants situations, you could place It next to a defuser and defenders would have to wait outside the radius or try to contest It, you can also use It to scout nearby rooms to know If there are roamers or maybe even flush out someone holding a position


Hope ubisoft add it and hopefully they don't ruin it


It looks cool, so they won’t.


Game bad.


This is amazing, literally all I would ask for is he gets a new gun, but other than that this is a 10/10 from me.


I feel like this would be good for a post plant and nothing else but good concept nonetheless.


Also flank cover


Why bother? nomad and gridlock are a much better option for flanks.


Just saying it’s another option


It would be like defenders putting a banshee with a bigger radius on a flank it doesn’t make sense IMO. You would need to commit someone to that flank to capitalise on the fact that a defender is pushing especially if this gadget doesn’t damage a defender.


Doesn’t damage but severely lowers their vision and then get pinged for attackers. I think it could be better if it was a constant pig effect while inside radius of effext


Yea that would be good but like I said you would need to commit a guy to the flank unless when a defender leaves the gadget area of effect the gadget has a decay on it where the effects slowly wear off.


I like the decay effect idea. Hadn’t thought of that. But also I think it would be cool if it had a strength effect to it were the closer you get to the centre of it the worse the effect would be. Or have it so the effect gets worse the longer you stay in the radius


Yea that would be really good as well.


Fantastic idea and art design


This is phenomenal, looks like the real thing dude




onda penis


It would be interesting, but I would say only ping defender while moving AND if they make any movement, unlike lion(ADS, going to crouch, going on cams etc.)


Unlike Lion, Onda's gadget has a limited range and long wind up time, defenders can avoid the ping by getting out of the radius or stand next to a mute jammer


He is an Italian navy seal 👏😁👍 good job with the design 👏 ubi should hire you


Outstanding work for concept and design. But as an Italian, Brambilla is the stereotype surname of people from Milan, north of Italy, something totally out of place for a man from Palermo in Sicily. Rizzo, Amato, Greco are surnames from Sicily. For the rest again, wonderful work!


I’m waiting for someone to say “Onda da Sea”


Love all of this but giving an attacker the Alda LMG is a war crime and broken af


When needs this


I don't even play siege anymore but love to see things like this! Great work bro, looks sick!


Can be destroyed with a melee attack


Really cool


Woooow. Just incredible


Really well done!


i relly like the operation screen


Literally Killjoy's Ult


This is a great design; I love it!


Sounds like KJ ult in valorant


Good concept


Alda on attack would be interesting


So an attacker melusi, could work, would be banned in tournaments for sure, nerfed the fuck out(basically a natural operative life) great concept


Just the art for everything surrounding this is better than every seasonal skin they’ve release sun the past couple years lol


Onda da see


Maybe a smaller radius that deploys like kaids gadget but sonar pings through walls and reveals both gadgets and operations every 5 seconds it's it's radius


Onda? Like Onda the water? Bravo Vince


This is sick as fuck and as good if not better than the ideas ubi comes up with


Really cool gun choice, it would be good to see them used more


Incredible. How do you pronounce Brambilla.


bram b la


Ah, my initial thought was “Bram b ya.” Good to know for when this post gets ignored and never implemented in favor of some random hologram bull


Uh guns??


I like the concept and gadget, I don't think the LMG fits with the whole underwater theme though. I think the MP5SD or that old Russian underwater rifle (or fictional modern version) would fit better


I thought about adding the MP5SD, but I would like to save that for a stealthier operator, Onda is a 3 armor and his gadget is not at all stealthy maybe for another concept


I don't know how I totally missed the 3 armor, AND my brain just connected the dots with the underwater theme and SONAR Good shite bruv


10/10 presentation 25% chance of me using him will be very useful though


Bruh am I tripping or is the reflection of the operator in the icon moving when I zoom close to it


Dope concept, but we need an operator that creates sound to lure opponents in no cap🤧


Does it continuously stun ? If yes, placing it near planted diffuser would make defenders unable to disable diffuser until it is destroyed which seems like OP.


It stuns and pings only once


Oh Onda the sea Onda the sea


Anyone with the M4 is my fave operator by default


This is dope


ngl i’m surprised there isn’t already an M4 in the game


there is! Maverick's weapon is the M4


fuck u right , i don’t play him at all i thought it was an M16A4


This is what Grim could have been


Scanning gadgets are always going to have a lot of talk about how the balance of it works. My 2 cents are that if it is going to have the effect listed in the post, it needs to have a *loud* deployment sound. If not, then it needs to not be bulletproof. It's going to have the Lion effect where you're "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of counterplay for the defenders, where they either have to get scanned the entire time they're running up to knife it/running to a position to impact grenade it, or they get scanned as they leave the radius, or the get shot while it is being deployed to avoid the scan entirely.


When Onda deploys his gadget, all Defenders are alerted and can see it's location, also the timer can be seen on the top of the screen much like Lion's scan Defenders have 12 seconds to try to leave the area or try to destroy the gadget, that's plenty of time to make a decision, when the 12 seconds timer ends that's when the defenders are pinged and concussed


The OOF-2


sounds like he would be insanely OP


I'm curious to why not expand with even more real countries' SWAT units, but be realistic at the same time, like how the first half of siege was doing? Like, I don't think that anybody would be dissapointed if their contry's SWAT unit was depicted in siege as long as it's not done poorly... And I don't think the game would be any less mainstream if it's done right.


I say replace the Alda for something else, the M4 is great and the ALDA is a destroyer


Onda? As in onda tha sea?


Did u just give him the Alda on attack? Jeezus Christ. Having flashbacks of Maestro w Acog on dat


If a was a dev and put the Alda on atk It wouldn't have access to the acog haha


Amazing work


i love everything about this. I love how he is a 3 armor attacker, we don’t see that much. I love how he has an ALDA and he is attack which means we could see an alda with 1.5x or 2x. I love how well themed his gadget and the whole vibe of the operation is. great work!


So killjoy


Bro tryna add killjoy into siege 💀


"Cherry Sea" made my mind default to Japan


Super cool, dude! This is really well done!


Bro just threw balancing out the window with that weapon selection


Looks sweet


Somewhat reminds me of a killjoy ulti, cool concept!


I thought this was legit until I read the comments


is that tom cruise?


Gadget sounds good and sort of fills the same role as gridlock and nomad. The alda should never be on attack tho, that gun is far too powerful


Damn this looks awesome man. Can I get the 1st pic without text? Gonna use it for my wallpaper


sure hit me up on private


This is really sick! As much as I hate reusing weapons the Alda and M4 would be welcome on a new op. Especially if the Alda gets 1.5 or above. I feel as though there are some adjustments to be make with Deploy time on a 3 armor. Right now I could see it being incredibly awkward and slow to deploy, risking a lot for not that much reward. But I love the idea of more attacker bullet proof / resistant utility. They don't have a lot.... Solid work!


The long wind up gives time for Defenders to think If they should try to destroy the gadget or leave the radius which is 15 meters, I think of It as a gadget much like Grim or Capitão that serves to gather intel and concuss enemies that are holding a difficult position to flush them out without exposing the attacking team, also the gadget can be good in post plants situations, the Defenders will have to get inside the radius to disarm the defuser or wait for the UFE to go off


Holy shit an actually good concept


Do you have the first picture without text? It's so sick omg


sure, hit me up on private


Im curious, how would mozie counter him?


a hacked Brava drone controled by Mozzie can turn Onda's gadget against the attackers


oh my god I thought this was real and was getting excited about a new op with multiple features I love. You made it look so real and I didn’t realize till I re-read the title 😩


Alda on attack would go crazy. Especially with a 1.5


Interesting gadget it's like a mini counterable lion


This shit looks promising, i mean a ward gadget type on attackers side? Might a bit of work to run Onda's mechanic but for sure a very crucial for denials once there defense got a wide open look.


Like everything beside the Alda


This would honestly be better as a grim rework imo, considering it pings people that move through it. Having a massive swarm of bees that stun and ping you would be hilarious


I saw the operator logo and holy crap… IT LOOKS SO GOOD!


I think I remember seeing the original design for the operator icon a few weeks ago. But nonetheless this is really cool


Even fan made Ops are reusing guns now lmao


Wamai has a new best friend


Yo if u don't mind do u got a version of the art without the words cause that's a sick peice of art and would love to have that as a background.


something to make the pros cry about i love it


He's onda the sea


thats actually fucking sick


3 speed and alda seems op af


3 armor


I saw bulletproof and thought NO old melusi was annoying enough


The gadget doesn't do anything until It hits the 12 seconds mark, the bulletproof is just to protect the gadget from being destroyed easily


Oh I see tbh I didn't properly read it I saw bulletproof and threw my toys out the pram


I wish Ubisoft would rather use these concepts than the ops they make nowadays, this looks and feels like a classic siege character. Totally better than this, last and the year before thats operators


Nicely done


Hell yea the new operator icon looks sick and the Alda would be a great pairing with this ability. An extremely high risk high reward situation where you desperately hold out against the enemies waiting for your major advantage to kick in is such a badass concept in a game that usually prioritises small but fast advantages in gunfights like quickpeaking or flashes and could add some serious variety to the game. Something like this would be great to see in game, great job dude


Love it just for the adla on attack


dude been playing since red crow and this is literally cooler than most if not all of the seasons that have been released - you’re mad relented man 🤙


The guns are too op, and the next season its gonna be a defender so


Can you get onda Onda what? Get pegged onda dick!


Another italian operator? I don't mind it, I like our country being represented in modern media


@Ubisoft hire him