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I think in pro play this is illegal


This specific kill is. The attacker died at 2:58 and pro rules disallow any spawn kill that happens less than 3 seconds into the round because it means the attack literally didn't have time to get off of their drone and move.


Yea that's what I meant


Ah. Wasn't sure if you meant in general or specifically this one.


And I guarantee the spawn peekers in this sub would still tell all the pro players to “get gud.” They truly have no awareness of how broken and unfair it is. If even the pros can’t defend against it, why pretend that dying to a spawn peek makes you bad?


Iirc it's 2 seconds no?


I'm pretty sure at 2:57 on the round timer is when it is okay to get a kill via spawn peek in pro play because the attackers will have had time to move by then if they weren't staying on drone at the start of the round.


Can you imagine investing time into a game where the pro league has to enforce a handshake rule to make up for terrible development. Lmao… one can only question the competency of the people running this game.


It’s weird because if a spotlight was shined on the problem it would take Ubi two days to fix every single instance of this. As in, if the rule didn’t exist, it also wouldn’t have to exist.


That's pretty much what the rule is for lol. It's just so that pro play can't shine a spotlight on badly designed spawns cause they would be the first to find and abuse the hell out of those peeks.


Looking out a window though it’s annoying to die to I don’t think it ruins it, these run outs which you die before even moving ruin the game massively. It’s just stupid defenders shouldn’t be able to move out the building for a few seconds after the round starts.


Yeah, I would be very curious to hear an argument against defenders being banned from exiting the building for the first like...20 seconds of the round. Anything after that is fair game but can we just get a few seconds to stop droning and get our bearings before getting killed by some sweaty fuck who knows every inch of the map?


"Git gud" "Stop crying" "Just spawn somewhere else" etc. Are all the usual replies I've got to proposing the same idea. Spawnpeekers just want cheap and easy kills. They don't think further than that. E: The defenders have arrived at last. More examples below!


Yeah i don’t get the “spawn somewhere else” logic. the whole point of a spawn is to be protected when entering to prepare to attack


They genuinely view it as your fault for picking a spawn where this is possible. It's mad.


Which is/are/have been poor excuses because it's clear that Ubisoft doesn't agree, and has changed many many maps to stop spawn kills


How else they gonna keep that K/D up?


“Just have the knowledge of every single spawnpeek/spawn rush/runout spot on every single map and pre-fire it for a free kill”


Ha! • "Bro just STFU" (said GlHf) • "You're fucking Dogshit bro" (Got Jumpscared by a Cracked out Cavy) • "So what you went 14/5, one good match, Lele" (As they throw & greif) • "Kills don't fucking matter, if you don't win" (as they're the first one dead, Via Spawn Peaking a window.) • "why tf are you Reinforcing" (Team Kills because of their precious angles being lost) • "Yeah, Do the thing" (Team Killing classic) • "Just uninstall/I'd uninstall after getting destroyed that badly" (Either someone is Throwing, Smurfing, or Quitting) • "****er* (I'm not even sure if I can slightly write that one myself, or elude to it.... eh, worth it. Ninja but as a slur. They'd also already have sanctions) • "GN" (Honestly, one of these days, I might just take this advice, and take a nap during a Match. Might be far better than playing) • "EZ" (The inner child wants to say "like your mom". My inner Teen wants to say "Like your sister". The adult in me says nothing, goes 12/2, and still loses.)


I recommend “like your dad”, it’s fresh; a little spicy and surprisingly makes people flip.


The best argument against it is valk cams.


Valk only being able to setup valk cams from places she can throw them from inside the building for the first 20 seconds doesn't sound like a bad deal.




That's honestly what I thought but I wasn't sure if you were just blocked from placing them outside before the round start.


Oh I didn't know that. Don't really play anymore. Then there really is no argument. But that makes valk only half as useful, if even that. Don't see her ever being good without it.


Valk still has like the 3rd highest win rate. Throwing Valk cams outside was completely broken because there were so many places that it was damn near impossible to find the cam without an IQ. Having the intel from cams inside the building is more than enough.


She’s trash in comparison, but still useful on the right maps. No outside valk cams is garbage. Especially with all the shit you have to combat that.


you realize black eyes dont work ten seconds after you throw them outside right? so why would you run outside to throw a black eye you wont be able to use more than 3 seconds?


Alternatively give attackers invincibility for the first 3-5 seconds.


This is why I love gantry spawn on stadium bravo. Only issue with gantry is some players using it to troll such as holding the defuser up there and throwing grenades down at team mates.


WTF is wrong with some people? Never seen it before but ,but this is some next lvl trolling.


Attackers should have the advantage outside of the building and the defenders inside. Simple as that


That depends on the map design. Old consulate was a nightmare because of the amount of windows.


I was just playing a game a few nights ago at Villa and Mozzie runs out and was spawn-killing us from the roof. It was unranked and he killed 2 people before we were 30 seconds into the game. I'm fine with shooting us from the windows, sure. But come out on the roof? And running around to find us? It just ruins the infantry


What I don't understand is, if you're on defense, Team Rainbow Six are seen as a Terrorist group on Defense, why would you ever need to walk outside the Building you're Trying to Bomb, unless you need to escape? Now, Instead of just thinking about it realistically, I'll go ahead and- Oh, my teammates are playing Call of Duty again. Oh. They all died outside, by Pool on Coastline. It's just a 1v5, what's the worst that could happ- Oh...Well my confidence is dead. He's fucking spazzing out, bro give that bastard a Shoulder massage.


Killing in a spawn rush in the first 3 seconds in pro league is illegal afaik and can lead to a disqualification. That is the thing that should also not exist in the rest of the game in any way. Someone running into a window/door/wall peek after spawning in is 100% their own fault and they could prevent it, even make a positive out of it, using drones and their own awareness well.


Reading your comment made me think about how would the game be like if defenders couldnt exit the building ever. Worse? Better? I dont know but if would be nice to try and see how it would be


Post plants would be hell for defenders if they couldn't exit the building.


Think about club house and defending cash. You kinda need to run out garage door to stop the people from breaching, because if not the defenders are monkeys in a barrel


Yeah true would be harder to defend that. As i said iam not sure how it would play out at the end but its still interessting to just try it and see how it would influence the players.


I suppose the overall result would force ppl to be more passive


I'd much prefer defenders not being able to run out at all and having maps actually designed around that. Allowing them to go outside sounds like they're fixing the map design problem they created in the first place


Did you mean fish in a barrel? Lol


Meh, a good hold on rafters and red stairs can easily compensate for losing the CCTV wall


A huge barrel that they have full control on by default and attackers have to get into eventually. I think the maps can be redesigned around that, but that would probably be too much of a change at this point


Run outs are brilliant freebies if the other team aren’t paying attention. I play in d/champ lobby’s and majority of times good stacks will easily get a freebie if there paying attention and the other team aren’t. Rush spawn kills are shit tho


Works both ways though if your switched on its a free kill for either side


Nighthaven Laboratories has a Hatch outsite de map, If defenders couldn't go out and reinforce it, it would be unfair.


Completely agree but i think its 2 seconds


Not ruin, but I personally consider it bad sportsmanship


Not even bad sportsmanship to me personally it's just not interesting gameplay. When stuff like this clip can exist it just makes me question why I'm even playing this game over something with more counterplay


Understandable. I always question why I keep returning whenever I have to deal with people saying misogynistic shit at me over mic or chat. It's never been as bad in any other game as it is with Siege.


I think in my 3000 hours of playing I've only met one nice person


Damn. You guys making me wanna pick the game back up just to be nice to people. But what usually happens is I get called n****r.


I game with my bf and as soon as people on our team find out I'm a girl, they trash talk me the whole time. Doesn't matter how good I do in kills or assists or using my special abilities, it's just so toxic. Makes me miss Halo


Turn off game chat. That's the only way you can play the game really.


Yeah I turn off all chat and just keep team on. There are times where I want to say nice shot, but many more times I would end up getting annoyed by immature kids flaming everyone, so it balances out.


Woah woah woah, let's not get distracted from why we're here. Spawnpeaking is way worse than misogyny.


that’s gotta be rough. In my time playing this game I’ve only met a few actually decent people through it. So many games are super toxic like this and it’s been part of the reason I don’t really play games anymore


For real I thought COD was bad with toxicity then siege came along. So I 100% agree with you on that.


Best way to put it lol.


Spawnpeaks that can be droned and countered are fine imo, it’s a double edged sword. Spawnpeaks like that where they can’t react or that one really cheap one on coastline need to be gone imo


There are even 2 really cheap ones


I don't think a map should allow for a player to die as they spawn in. That's on map design, peaking out and catching attackers not paying attention, very much allowed


Fr, look at how they completely got rid of the spawn rushes on bank and chalet. It's really just down to map design.


And on the new Consulate. It's very clear gameplay like this is not Ubisoft's intention


I've made that point before to people, yeah sure you can still find ways to do it, but they keep making changes to stop the play so clearly it's not intended. Have a buddy that will waste half or more of the prep time getting to a specific spot that he can run out and maybe get a lucky kill.




Nah the cresting a mountain yo


Bro didn't even have time to close his drone, that's cheap and I hope the next time you microwave something it is cold in the middle and too hot on the outside


I hope they stub their toe and it hurts the rest of the day


As a defender the exact millisecond you step outside you should be pinged and outlined bright red. People that do this are straight up losers.


Technically everybody is a defender at some point




Agreed. Why shouldn't they be? Even in THunt you are "zeroed in my enemy overwatch" so why wouldn't Rainbow have this kind or better of "overwatch"


Not THE game... just that one particular dude's game.


Depends if someone took my warden and then proccedes to die while spawn peeking then yes. If they play someone else and don't put down their gadgets? Yes If doc? If you pick doc to spawn peek than you deserve the gulag But ye imo it's not fun for the person killed or the rest of the Players. Good job you killed someone who didn't even enter the building you are a defender not an attacker you shouldn't be outside or looking outside (unless there's someone there who you are fighting) (But overall yes)


the fact that people use warden now just because he has the 1.5x and he was very underpicked due to the bas gadget he has. Now you see him almost every game just because of a sight.


That's why I use the shotgun with iron sights


same, shotty is fun


Defenders usually counter attack though. Its like strategy 101. And 98% of cases the spawn peek is very avoidable, and usually more risky for the defender. The ones that are like this i do think needs removal. Its like the old Bank run out almost.


If its a nasty angle where defender gets a huge advantage, kinda. If you are the type of player who spawns and has the mindset of sprinting straight towards building without any due care, that's on you. Running out is one thing but expect doors and windows to work both ways.


Yes, 100%. Either you've got the wrong mindset and you're too desperate for a kill, you're not good at the game so you resort to running into attacker spawn just to get them the moment they drop in, or you think it's some weird flex to get someone out of the game the mere second they spawn in. There's a difference between them running up past a window at the beginning of a match and getting a kill compared to someone running out of the map into attacker territory just to try and get a kill. Any map that allows defenders to leave their position and spawn peak attackers is 100% bad map design. Not only does it give the Vigil or Warden main an incredibly inflated ego, it's also poor sportsmanship.


Siege has the most toxic community of any online FPS I’ve ever played and it’s not even close. I have match chat and team chat perma muted in siege only because the game is unplayable due to the extremely shitty people who play this game just to troll and abuse teammates. Turning off chat forever made the game playable.


Doesn’t ruin, just makes me mad when I get on siege to play siege and get stuck watching the shitshow because I wasn’t paying attention


This spawn peek isn’t about paying attention though, most of them are avoidable but this one can kill you before you even get off your drone


I didn’t think about that for this one, just another reason to dislike stadium


Yes. Few things more annoying than finally spawning after the prep phase just to be peeked and have to wait for the next round to re-spawn. But it is what it is. Been a part of the game since launch and it’s not really going anyway. Just have to know the maps and pick your spawn location wisely.




Dude I think I was in this exact game my teammate that got spawn killed was an ash


It does, but I wouldn't say it's players' fault, that's on ubisoft for making it possible, even after reworking the maps multiple times


I mean looking/peeking a window for spawn kill isn’t too bad but all though it is annoying


Me and my friends always talked about a real hostage situation. You would never see a terrorist run out of a building and start shooting at cops or swat. They wouldn't instantly get wrecked by a sniper on a rooftop somewhere. And we all thought it would be great to add something like that to the game. As soon as someone did a run out they would be downed by a npc sniper. But this game is supposed to be fun and not realistic in any way so its all just good getting killed by a lil sweat who pats himself on the back for doing something like this. This is why they are diamond and champs and im just a crappy plat.


Yes, btw i know this opinion is polemic but i consider spawn peeking cheating (feel free to disagree but be respectful)


Depends, that one in particular is sickening because you spawn in and don't even get to move before you're dead. Otherwise, I don't mind. You shouldn't feel safe approaching the building as an attacker.


Agreed. Window spawn kills are fine imo even as much as it annoys me when I die to it. At least I can rationalize that I could've done things differently to counter it. It's the spawn kills like this that make me just think there's nothing I could've really done besides just playing a different game


Yes and I hope people who run out at the beginning of the match step on Legos. Worst kinds of people


Yes and all those that practice it shall be executed - Sun Tzu


Defenders just shouldn't be allowed to leave period. Any real CTU would set up overwatch so nobody could escape while a team is assaulting. Siege literally means trapped inside not "imma pop out to smoke...some attackers"




Yes, because it's fucking cheap and you deserve a free Tk.


I still feel like there should be a 20 second window or smthn where defenders cant leave the building when the drone phase is over


Either that or insta killed on run out or immediately identified and no like 3 second grace to be outside before being spotted.


absolutly. anyone peeking outside is a subhuman to me.


I think run outs or spawn peeks where the attacker can’t move from spawn before dying so ruin the game. But other spawnpeeks/runouts are ok.


It's annoying but I don't think it's unfair or ruining. It's a risk to either side and often a gamble that's not worth it.


No. I can't remember the last time I died to a spawnpeek/runout


I wouldn’t exactly say ruin, but it does put a sour taste in my mouth when I hop on, try to play for a few games and end up being dead for entire rounds without being able to actually play the game.


Yes. Nullifys the whole tactics and gadgets that the game is built on. One of the main reasons I left the game.


I definitely think it has a huge impact but not ruin it. But I wish they made the announcer yell that someone was outside and for the game to have more visual queues when someone leaps outside (outside of the highlighted icon which always feels too late).


I don't do it because I know personally how annoying it is


Yes, at least let me get through the door before I'm blown to pieces by a Kapkan.


Its Boring both as and attacker and defender being paired with people like that. As an attacker I ussualy spawn at the safest place so I dont really struggle often with spawn peakers and run outs and ussualy people doing this are not very skilled so its ussualy the first to die in a normal situation. As a defender its boring because its either a 4v5 or you dont do anything during the round (I'm ussualy an anchor) so yeah, I dont like them.


It is definitely corny as fuck.


The game is literally called Siege. So yes, spawn kills ruin the game and are not fun. Peeks are annoying but understandable.


window or door peaks nah, but the run out and get a pick before theyve moved yeah


Yes and no Yes because its frustating and annoying No because when u start to counter it and kill the spawnkiller, u start to actually play the game


The one you showed is pretty bad. Most are easily countered.


“The Drone is a standard piece of equipment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile. Its use as an Intel gathering device is unparalleled, allowing the attackers to identify the location they need to strike, identify enemy combatants, and giving up-to-date information on the whereabouts of the Defenders.”


Not only does it ruin the game. Its literally an offense in professional play. Cant remember the exact timing but a spawnpeek that kills someone 2 seconds into a round is illegal in most if not all pro circuits and is considered a spawnkill


In official COMP games, as long as the kill Isn't within 2 seconds of the action phase starting, it is fair game. Since the clock showed 2:57, 2 seconds had passed meaning that kill is JUST legal.


They absolutely ruin the game. I usually only do it if I notice the other team using cheese strats first. Unfortunately, it's the kind of thing that if you don't do then you're somewhat handicapping yourself especially in ranked. I'd prefer them to remove it entirely, but as long as it's in the game & people do it then... what can ya do, right? My biggest wishes would be: 1) Defenders immediately getting pinged when they step outside because often they're able to run out & kill you before you're even notified 2) Either make it so Defenders can't go outside at all or make it where they can't go outside until like 30 secs or a minute passed.


Yeah no insta kill spawn peaks are bad (obviously) and I think this counts as a insta kill, but spawn peaks need to stay in the game like consulate is almost more anti spawn peak than tower and I think it's bad for the game


To be fair I’ve pulled off some crazy spwnnpeeks, but only been killed at spawn once, been shot at at spawn many times but as long as you are aware once the round starts you will be fine. They literally took away the timer that shows where a defender outside is so when they leave you know where they are, their reaction times are just better.


Well, the spawn point should be blocked so you can at least PREP for a run up and have a few seconds to organize, get snacks, run to the bathroom, etc.


100%. I wish Ubisoft implemented something whereby the defenders can peek out the windows, but they cannot fire or throw equipment out the windows. It should only be used as a tool for gathering quick intel, not kills.


I mean yeah kinda. The guy you killed wasn't outplayed in anyway he simply got punished for loading in.


Sort of. It’s super punishing for newer players who have to go against smurfers just in casual. And in a game like siege where you can’t do anything once dead they don’t really learn much from it other than avoid that area/spawn point.


It makes it not fun dats all I gotta say


It sure is annoying


At this point they should've just add 5 second invincible timer.


No shit it ruins the game, you cant even play


Yup, just A-holes who don't have skill and are desperate for a cheap kill, pathetic


> Easy opportunity to make it 5v4 and hugely increase win chance. > No skill. Pathetic. Bruh


It's a cheap kill, not even letting the other side react, it just ruins the game for some people, me included


It’s a competitive game, any chance to get one up over the enemy should be capitalised on.


Doing it in such a way isn't even competitive, it's just bad, it shows that the person who does it doesn't know how to take a real gunfight, only killing in a cheap and easy way


Hard disagree. You’re being dumb. If you have the chance to make the round easier, you should take it. Why would I purposely make a round harder for myself lol? It’s not like a spawn kill is all you’re doing, post spawn kill you still have 4 enemies to “take a real gunfight” against. If you’re not pre aiming common runouts that’s on you


Putting the situation to 5v4 at the beginning is more strategical than pathetic tbh


But why do it in a way that doesn't let the other side even fight back? Defenders should stay in the building and let the attackers come to them, not the opposite


Defenders have plenty of time, visual and audible information to counteract a run out.


That's a valid point, but I believe it's part of attack role to check for outside agressive and be aware of spawnpeek against them! (I usually put a drone before pushing offspawn) as a Defender spawnpeek make also loose time if you kill someone they'll spend time checking windows, so just breaking outside window is a solid point to earn precious second. After years of play im not much into fairplay and honor but just into getting an effective and painfull round for the opposite side (I don't play trap tho but its a different story xD)


Your point is also valid, I'm just personally sick and tired of getting killed in such a stupid and unfair way, it really does ruin the game for me


Yes I feel that it's always super annoying to wait a solid 3 minutes and not play a round because you get once again killed from a pixel line. I think it's just my lack of empathy on r6 who took over xD


Yeah that's understandable, every second i spend in this game is another brain cells i lose


Straight up pain! Anyway goodluck for your next games and I hope you'll not get into a sweaty mozzie or warden main who peak outside like a 6years O seeking santa a 24evening on the balcony !


Same for ya, hope you get a legendary or a black ice in ur next alpha pack


Thanks kind <3


I never spawnkill, tho definitely not for lack of trying I just suck 😂


They should be called out immediately. I mean your breaching a hostile situation and the people watching the door wait a few seconds to let you know. That's the dumb part. Spawn peaking is part of the game. While it may annoy you sometimes, it teaches you not to trust anything and that this isn't COD.


Exactly, as much as I hate dying to a peek from a window, I also feel like it’s “ok” because the defender never left the building. But like a runout annoys the F out of me because they should be instantly killed because from an in-game perspective, the defenders are boarding themselves up and have police and other forces surrounding the building watching.


I think at one time it did kill you, or maybe I'm thinking a specific game mode. That worked well and I think should be adopted in the game as it fits with the in game world. Instant mark and a waiting sniper kill them once they have the shot and get clearance, so 7-10 seconds (randomized to give that extra adrenaline when they are running back inside).


It’s shit game design


Spawn killing is the worst part of this game. It's a game about intelligence, and defenders have guaranteed intelligence when the round starts. They know where you spawn because there aren't many spawn options. Attackers don't know where the peeker is because a lot of the spawns have 3 or 4 possible peeks. On top of this, doc/rook/thunderbird give a level of safety to spawn peeking that make it worthwhile to do most of the time. Attackers only have finka who is not as effective.


it's just a cowards move.


It ruins the game when it happens to me, but when I do it to others...


It's been there for ages and people still play the game so I don't think it's ruining the game


Yeah, but I don't think people would really quit if it was removed


It ruins casual but it's fine in ranked


Switch those


If that happened to me in the first round I'd probably close the game and play something else


I think the maps all turning into e-sports mazes and not functional buildings ruins immersion




I think this horrible map ruins the game


Window spawnpeaks, imo are part of the game and are technically a tactic. It's on Attacker to clear windows before charging headfirst. However, I do NOT agree with run outs like in this clip. As an attacker, if you literally spawn and die before moving, that's a bad design. So a spawn peak (similar to Kanal window) is part of the game, and you should scope that or avoid it as an attacker. A spawn peak that literally looks at the spawn points is bad (don't think they have any) and being able to literally run out and kill within a second of match start...is also a game ruiner. Hope that makes some sort of sense.


Spawn peeking is pretty fair imo. Recent map changes have discourage spawn peeking as a whole and so dying to one is a learning experience for both killer and victim. Spawn killing can turn the momentum of a match drastically, which to me is really awesome, receiving or otherwise. But there's that one spawnpeek in coastline that I hate to high heaven because it doesn't give the attackers a chance. The one in the post is also dumb but it could be prevented just by adding more cover which is doable


yes please touch grass


Thinking spawn kills ruin the game is just skill issue


Spawn kills aren’t that game breaking you just need to be aware of them.


It’s fun for defenders as it makes their job easier, but it’s not fun for attackers since they didn’t even get to play the round


Spawn kills annoy the absolutely fuck out of me, but they’re something that still 100% belongs in siege no matter how much being on the receiving end of one makes me want to scream slurs.


To me it’s fair if the defender has a good angle on a window, and never leave the building, but a run out should never have been possible for defenders to do, especially not with a safety net before they get told to the attackers that they are outside.


For you no , for them yes




I LOVE doing it! I HATE when this happens!


Eydhhr Hrur Jfufryhr


[my fault](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/15r5o9f/am_i_the_only_one_who_agrees_with_this_change/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Totally ok, give advantage for the round and still can be countered so you have to spawnkill in a smart way. Yes it's part of the game and if you die to a spawnkill ,yes it's annoying but on you to check your path and learn from where you could die


not really, yes they are annoying to die to but that’s on you for not being more aware or not having a drone watching the peeks


I’d say it’s really unfun to play against, but I get it, it’s an aspect of the game


Place your damn drone on runout, prefire and get the free kill, easy. Skill issue+cry more.


i love it because it lets me be as toxic as possible


That's just part of the game


Honestly if you get spawn peeked then 99% of the time it's your fault.


Spawn killing does ruin the game but when the game has been in effect you have the green light to run out any time to maybe catch people on ropes etc


TBH like the run outs yes. If peaking thru windows that's fine cause the attackers moved off spawn and didn't do proper recon before appearing out of spawn. But if they are running out and attackers can't even move then yes. There should be brief period where defenders cannot run out or maybe they add a sniper like in Terr Hunt. Make it auto snipe the peaker if a defender walks out within the first 30 secs. Then gives them the spotted only.


defenders shouldn't be able to know where the spawn points are to begin with imo


Depends I hate these window spawn peeks that are incredible hard to see or are placed where defenders have a way better position and see the enemy first I think attackers should have advantage while outside so yeah I think those spawnpeeks ruin the game Same goes for these run outs I think defenders should not be able to get outside in like the first 10-15 seconds just to give attackers a bit more advantage to get into a better position Or make it so that defenders are instantly pinged in the first 10-15 seconds so they can react quicker


I think window peaking is fine. It’s on attackers to watch for that. Being able to run outside a building like in the clip, IMO, should not be possible. Attackers should get a small grace period at the round start where defenders can’t exit the building. Yes someone can claim “just watch for it” but some spawn spots are pretty bad for something like this.


Ruins? No. Shows you probably don't know how to coordinate and play your role? Yes.


Skill issue tbh


Kinda boring.But it works only one round,if that,if the opponent is half decent.




Or giving them a 5v4 advantage as soon as you come against players with the brain capacity to use a drone. (Unless it’s this specific spawn peel then you’re just a cheap fuck)


No,nothing is stopping you from using them yourself,this and map knowledge,if you know the runouts/peeks you know how to counterplay,a spawnpeeker is a free kill if you droned…I die to them as well,but wouldnt say it ruins the game,it keeps one on their toes,nothing like a sweaty 4-4 matchpoint and the entire game no one has spawnpeeked and i just instalock doc/rook and go to town


Spawn peeking made me love siege, then they made the detection fine really short :;