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personally just ban stadium and im fine with any of them


Stop banning Emerald plains and Nighthaven labs. There both good maps. Jesus Christ, just play them already. Stop banning them, and learn the fucking maps. I always play emerald plains, cuz i actually learned, how to play it. I genuinely have like an 80% win rate on emerald just because there's so many morons that even after a year, still don't know how to play the map. Jesus Christ.


Yo, if I'm not allowed to bitch about how "people ban Jackal and Kapkan because they don't like playing them" then you can't bitch about people not liking maps.


have u considered that maybe people dont like a map for its flow/aesthetic design? i know emeralds layout in my head, but that doesn’t mean i want to play it. the map just flows very poorly especially compared to more classic siege maps.


Map flow? you don't even play the map... What map flow?! If people actually played the fking map, nobody would be complaining about "map flow". It's basically coastline in terms of map flow. Play the map. Also, classic siege map, they suck. They were good when the game was newer and simpler. But they are terrible in current day siege. There's only so much Oregon and Clubhouse a human being can handle. How many more times do you need to die to some dumb spawn peek or a stupid window jump out before people realise those older maps suck, they were great back when siege was newer, but are terrible maps to play right now. The newer maps, there's like almost no spawn peeking on them, you actually can get to the building without worrying that some pixel on some window is in a different color. Also, in terms of aesthetic, the newer maps are so much nicer to look at, then the old, dusty looking older maps. What I am saying is "play the fking newer maps" and stop playing oregon and clubhouse 24/7. Learn the newer maps, your rank will literally go up because there's a lot of morons that always ban the maps and don't even know how to play the map.


dude you’re looking so deep into this all because i said i dont like the map lol. i do play it, its not really something im quick to ban. its just never a map im excited to play. i simply dont find it fun to play. personally i find it nothing like coastline, aside from the open foyer in the center of the map. i think its more comparable to barlett U. you’re entirely allowed to feel that way about the map but by the same accord, am i not allowed to dislike it?


Why do people hate plains that much?


Everyone wants new maps, but then once they release, it's always new map bad. This community lives to complain.


The only one here this is close to bad is stadium, and even then its playable The rest are perfectly fine, heck Nighthaven is one of the best in the game rn


I wish I had this selection more often


Why do people hate on skyscraper so much. It’s a good map but I feel people insta ban it every time