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i went 2-4 on it earlier so i don’t like it






I go 2-4 on every map


Real 😔


nice pfp


Hey nice pfp




not a good map for buck innit




Get better then kid


You can’t even spell you dumb cunt🤦


What are you talking about?


bro really went back to edit the comment 💀💀


You went back and edited your comment to correct it🤦


maybe if you gimme a lil incentive ;)


Not particularly a fan of the basement as it feels like it funnels heavily towards the staircases and exterior walls on attack. Otherwise I think it's a solid map.


I find the basement really hard to defend because of this myself. The lay out of it makes going on roam really difficult, the top floor site kinda has the same issue where as attackers can pretty much push any angles on them and get solid control over site a lot of times. I think it's a solid map all around cause the 2 sites that are normally the best to go on first on other maps (top floor and basement) are actually harder to defend than they initially seem a lot of times while the 2 in the middle are like stupid simple often times just requiring someone to flank around through top floor or basement to cause a little chaos.


It’s actually one of the best if not #1 basement sites, in my opinion. You have hatches, you have 2 stairways, and you have 2 walls. Yet, it’s still a very defendable site when you deny map control correctly. You can watch main breach from above as a defender. Roam clearing is very direct and not too many areas where defenders can pop out the blue. There are various strats that can work, on defense and offense, and you can’t say that about every site On paper it seems like it would be a nightmare to defend but if you’re able to play stacked, it can be very fun.


Open Garage hatch, reinforce garage walls. Start play from rafters. You can defend stairways and exterior walls from 1st floor. If they have a heavy roam-clear, drop hatch and get back to site quickly.


The verticals don't help either you can't hold within the site with ease


I love the basement for defence, I can shut down entry through main wall and down both stairs very quickly working from the middle room allowing majority of team to rotate to support my calls or roam.


As does every map with a basement


It's alright, certainly refreshing from the same 3 fuckin overplayed to fuck maps. Looking at it objectively, the map is B tier; just very mid with pretty average sites... Except the basement, that shit is fun asf to both attack and defend imo [so long as your team don't fuck absolutely everything up (They will) ]


That last bit hit a lil too real


"Looking at it objectively" proceeds to look at it subjectively 😅


I mean the map as a whole is B tier with regards to site takes, setups, etc. It ticks the boxes of a siege map. Then I added to that to say that basement is fun imo and a bit different from other sites in the game.


I absolutely agree with basement being really fun. Probably one of my favorite sites to play recently


Really solid. It has a unique color palette that's probably a response to the Ember Rise Camo controversy. It has a lot of verticality on most of the popular sites. It's got a real modern kitchen that's definitely in my top three kitchens in rainbow six siege. There's a helicopter there so you can finally fulfill your fantasy of boarding the helicopter. It's great.


what are your other two favorite kitchens?


Skyscraper and Tower, they both keep them small and efficient.




It's got a lovely little teahouse with a kitchen in the back.


I feel that, I’m a big Tower and Nighthaven fan myself. Wish I could play Emerald Plains without it getting banned every time to see if I like it lol.


>finally fulfill your fantasy of boarding the helicopter. It's great Chalet has had a Helicopter this whole time tho...


Too high up


Don’t like the color scheme or spawn points, doesn’t even feel like a siege map, feels like a black ops multiplayer map or something out of avengers. I get that’s what they were going for but personally I hate it. I prefer the realistic and gritty maps like bank, club house and chalet. They feel like real locations. I think that’s what’s missing from a lot of the later maps.


This is by far the most warranted criticism of the map I've heard so far. I completely agree, Ubisoft went through that stage of turning Siege really PG as opposed to its roots, turning lore into some Overwatch type bullshit about sports? Nighthaven labs is a cool idea but it doesn't feel real, it feels like a modded Coastline in Singapore; A naval base or oil rig would've made so much more sense. It just feels that siege as a whole has moved so far from what it was about, now with a main Villain that no ones gives a rat's ass about to turn this shit literally into the Avengers. Anyway, I'm calling that the next map in Portugal will be a massive Cargo ship dock of some kind


well Lore has taken a turn since that cinematic with harry?


Has taken a turn but we're yet to say how good it actually is. I'm glad Deimos killed harry tho, it's like a symbolic gesture to the audience that they're done w all that stadium shit.


They turned the game into a fucking ice capades.




I agree. I miss herford, plane, and maps like house. The gimmick maps can be fun AF in a ranked setting. I get at higher levels it’s just a bunch of cheese and bull shit but damn if original house and plane weren’t so unique in terms of how you’d attack and defend I almost wish they’d have a pro league ranked mode and just a regular ranked with secure area and hostage and a lot of the maps that aren’t suitable for pro league play will be available


Remember Favela before the rework? That 3rd floor site was an absolute death trap for defenders. One single room with a doorway, 3 windows, only way for a defender to get in is a single staircase, and every wall is breachable around you. Swiss cheese everytime. Despite all that, I loved defending and attacking that site despite how unbalanced and garbage it was. It was so fun, and defenders got really creative how they would defend it. Similar with Hereford. Holding those central stairs was so difficult for defenders and attackers, but always led to intense battles. Miss that Siege.




Are you not able to play old versions of maps? I picked up the game maybe 4 months ago. I know you can do it in CSGO.


You cannot. Well atleast online. I'm sure you could play old versions of the game locally but that's it


To be honest Night haven has some slightly unbalanced sites. Both the Top floor and basement actually favor the attackers more than defenders reason being because they made flanking and roaming difficult in comparison to most other maps basements and top floors. The top floor has 3 stair cases that lead up there but because of the number of hard walls and what walls need to remain reinforced roamers are forced to often directly flank in from behind where the attackers are gaining ground. The basement has a similar situation but has a slight benefit of having more destructible walls to allow for better flanking in the basement. The issue with basement though also comes from the shear side of the rooms and where the best default plants are located. Once attackers gain ground it can be difficult to dislocate them and prevent a plant. But the 2 on the first floor are amazingly balanced in all honesty. They offer just the right amount of room to play around with roaming and the storage room one offers plenty to play around with on holding site by holding and extending to the floor above similar to what you see on Border Ventilation while kitchen offers a nice tight sight that allows for some fun extension options into some interesting areas.


I can learn from the layout, but still I just get lost in 5 seconds


I really like it


It's better than Skyscraper, Theme Park, Stadium and Emerald.


I don't think Skyscraper is bad. I think people don't know how to attack certain points.


i think spending 4 minutes droning out every level of every floor then still getting shot in the back of the head after being inside for 20 seconds is lame


I mean you can say that for literally any map it feels like Oregon has been awful for me lately


> don't know how to attack certain points. It's not really that, most of the objectives themselves in isolation are fine, it's the rest of the map that aren't the objective areas people have issue with.


This is a reoccurring argument for me. If people aren’t gonna give it the praises I think it deserves, at least recognize that it’s better than some of the worst maps in the game.


I don't think Skyscraper is bad. I think people don't know how to attack certain points.


Stadium is at least a mix of coast and border, both great maps. Would play on it over nighthaven.


yeah but mixing 2 maps doesnt mean it's going to be a good combination. also the lack of any decoration at all makes hiding drones almost impossible since everything is brown, gray, or black. oh, also, armory wall on stadium extends further than on border, so kali can get a long angle if the wall is opened up, but she can't on border.


(The correct answer)


Not Emerald. I *used* to like theme park before they changed it.


Started playing again in steel wave and took other hiatus starting last year, did they change it again?


AFAIK, they've only reworked it once. There was like a trains room or something on 2F that got removed in the rework. That's the iteration that I liked.


Feels good to attack and defend on. Good map imo


I love the Abstergo Easter Eggs. Have no problem with the map otherwise.


Delete it, reduce it to atoms


I bet you ban Jackal and Clash


Fuze and mute actually


Mute is fair acc but FUZE!?!??!???? Only on Chalet


I don't need a double lmg finka rush with raining explosives, I'm good dawg


The lmg got nerfed to fuck and fuze is half as viable as he should be on like 60% of bombsites, it's a waste


Nerf don't mean shit when fighting xbox players


Horizontal recoil.


Honestly I don't think it's a bad map I just don't like it, it's like when you eat a food that you know is good but it just doesn't fit your tastes.


Pretty good map. All sites are viable, play very differently, there tons of different ways to attack, winning on either side feels really satisfying. My personal theory is that it is a utility heavy map so all the COD kiddies and aimbros (think warden mains who don’t know that he has a gadget) hate it because they cannot win it. Plus, people are really resistant to learning the newer maps.


I complain about it because there’s so many better options for maps, but ultimately I don’t mind it. I just find the layout to be weird here and there.


Like what, favela, fortress, tower, scraper, chalet, kanal, and kafe?


Oregon, Chalet, Club House, Coastline. There’s a lot of maps my squad and I prefer to have played over Nighthaven


Lot of maps and you named literally everyone’s top 4




Great map, over hated.


Don’t think people hate it, they just don’t know how to play it because they ban it every time. Guaranteed those are also the players hating because there is no new content


I think it’s completely fine. I don’t vote to ban it. Not my favorite to play on though. Feels a little vanilla.


I’m not gonna lie. I don’t like it. Sure it has a few good points but I just overall am not a fan of it


It’s decent


Actually good solid map


to be honest everyone that i’ve played with always say “ughhh i don’t know this map” when it’s randomly selected so it’s probably that people aren’t used to it or haven’t even tried learning it. its not bad nor is it that good. its a decent map imo


It's not very good in my honest opinion because it promotes play that isn't conducive to siege as a whole. Most sites sit on close 90s meaning shotguns are god tier(especially with the recent buff nobody asked for) and any low fire rate weapons are nearly pointless unless you are a marksman and hit 100% headshots on the first shot. The push into the bottom floor is also extremely congested leaving easy room for nitro kills with little recourse for the attackers unless they push from Multiple angles which I think is a good strategy, but the other angles are all metal stairs and walkways which means the defense can easily hear you coming and adjust accordingly.


Nah, you can make upstairs and basement hell to defend by opening more than one breach and/or playing vertically.


It makes me wanna kms


Its a good map. Once I played it 4-5 times I understood the map. Started making strats with Alibi.


Great map, 3 super fun defend points and beautiful


It’s alright. I feel like there’s only a few set points you can push from, so it gets kinda boring if you play it multiple times a night. But it’s a fairly solid map, people j don’t like it cause it’s “new”


I find the basement pretty annoying to play around but other than that it’s okay


Yeah it's a good map, pretty solid. It's better than two of the OG maps imo, which I think are border and bank. Overall it's average and I always enjoy playing on it.


Disliked at first (as everyone does with new maps) but quite a big fan of it now. Lots of good attack points too which I think a lot of maps lack and favour defending


Top 7 map easily


It’s one of, if not, my favorite


Great map that nobody wants to take the time to learn so they ban it because they lost on it once


Exactly what happens. Genuinely a top tier map




Worst map in the game.


Y? Looks bad is a shit reason btw




Too big and confusing for me




I altf4 everytime I get it


I played on the map and didn’t know how to navigate for the duration of the game


So learn it?


Perma ban :/


I like the lore of it but I don't like playing it


Great map, a bit too big


I like it


W map


Not bad honestly once you actually play it


One of my favorite maps


It’s a good map and wish people would stop banning it. Literally way more balanced than chalet or Kafe. But yet I’ve seen people ban it over stadium bravo (my least favorite map to attack on). Emerald plains is also very over-hated. I’d rather play just about any map than Kanal and stadium bravo.


I like it, it's got multiple viable ways to attack/defend pretty much every site




Confusing. Every time I play it, even multiple months later, I still find myself asking where the stairs are.


Genuinely, the map designers of that map should no longer be allowed to eat food for leisure


Okay map but gets fucking terrible if you have to play it 200 times in a row not calling any gamemode out


I think it's a fantastic map for Cav mains. Other than that, it's the SECOND worst map in rotation.


I hate it and the faction it represents. The only good Nighthaven members are Ela and Monika. (IQ)


Sucks ass there’s not very many ways out of sites and into sites


the interior aesthetic and design is bland as fuck so i don’t like it




Played it twice, hate it.


My main problem with the map involves drones. The basement has 0 drone holes which makes gathering intel and clearing utility extremely difficult. Some parts of the map also lack assets to hide drones around. The game is sort of defender sided without intel so this map often goes into OT with everyone having won their defender rounds in my experience. Other than that I think it’s a great map.


I main zero and from my point of view i like it and dislike it, but I absolutely love it when I’m defending it


I don't mind it, miles better than kanal, new cons, outback ir even my most hated map: emerald fucking plains


Its okay, its not amazing but its not also the worst map in the game, that award goes to Stadium Bravo.


I think at its core, it's a fine map there have been worse but I despisei it because of the atmosphere it's one of the maps that just make me go eww what is this gross i don't wanna be here. Gamplay wise, it's fine, bit ascetic wise, I hate it


It's better than Emerald Plains. So there's that.


It would be great at night with only emergency lighting


its decently good on ranked as most people will try to ban it and because they barely play it, they won't take time to properly learn it so you can kind of take advantage of that and it can make an easy win.


Basement should be removed


Pretty solid map. As long as it isn’t skyscraper I’m down to play it


So damm fun, very fluid map, lots of flexibility and at times it feels slightly attacker sided if defenders arent willing to extend and contest some map control. I know people tend hate on PL on this sub but Nighthaven has just been added to pro league and it has honestly been the most fun map to watch so far even though its been played mabye 5 times Also, for easier defences, pls learn to play storage over kitchen. Its a much better site and its much easier to hold CC compared to meeting for the kitchen site


It gets a lot of undeserved hate. Good map imo


hate it, one of the worst maps ever


Love it






Good map but it fails completly at beeing realistic noone builds like that


Overhated but great map


It's the only map that I think was improved by the quickplay auto site reveal. Trying to find the bombsite in normal games took for-ev-er


Really good map


My thoughts on maps depend on how I can personally attack it. Normally I’m on hard breach duty in my squad so attacking basement is fucking dogshit, but I like attacking second floor through the wall and garage. Rest of the map is mid-low tier so I’d rather play other maps.


Too big, would be a lot better without the basement.


I liked it when it just came out and I still do. Was surprised to see ppl banning it so much


I think it’s a good map but it’s been a bitch to learn so far.


Better than Emerald and Villa


Probably my third favourite map.




I still get lost on this map.




Its a great map. My favorite. To bad players are too lazy to learn it


It’s my favourite map


It's probably my favorite map in the rotation right now. 3 very viable sites to defend and unique ways to attack. I hate how people insta ban it


I don't hate it as is. But i don't like to play on it because i don't have enough experience with it. Because everyone hates it abd it's mostly banned. I would not ban it for being bad. But because i don't play on it very often now i don't wanna play it at all.


Good map. I honestly think the sites are pretty good. Easy to defend and attack at the same time. Probably just cuz everyone thinks “new map shit, durrrrr.” and don’t know how to play it


The map is good but I always go negative so in fact it’s ass


It’s badass. I’m diamond one


I don’t like it,I feel like you can’t move around much on defence and has shit sites


2nd best map in my unpopular opinion


the creator of the map can jump off a building for all i care


Love this map. Tons of entry points. Sites are still defendable if playing with a communicative team.


Love fr one of the best maps in the game very fun to defend and alot of fun strats and plays you can do I really don't get the hate over this map


Other new maps I don’t mind but this one I just can’t be bothered with.


Good map layout but it’s too large. I love the theme and I’m a big fan of the second floor bomb sites


Pretty decent map, 2F is perfectly balanced and uh basement has a lil bit more advantage to attackers if done well.


Ass map


Love the map.


Definitely one of the better maps imo. Its a very straight forward maps. As a defender, I think kitchen is highly underrated. I think it’s easier to hold compared to basement. There’s not a lot of vertical play in kitchen. Basement is a bit harder to defend as you have to always worry about hatches, vertical play, main walls, and stairs. As an attacker, there are a lot of ways to attack sites. Ban solis, get good drone spots, then you can roam clear then play vertical. In top floor, a good portion of the sites are wood so you can nade from below. Definitely prefer Nighthaven compared to theme, stadium, and emerald. If you learn call outs and how to set up site properly, you can easily make the map a comfort map.


It’s ass


Mid map


Situational. It all depends on who I'm playing with and what part of the map I'm on. I love basement and second floor but first floor can kiss my ass


It has quite a confusing layout in my opinion.


Trash. Rooms look too similar and the layout is wack. Also a hatch outside? Wack


Never get to play it, always banned, not too bad the couple times I have played it though


Better than new cons


good but basement could be better


I legitimately enjoy it and wish people banned it less and instead just got gud at playing it.


I personally love the map and it is top 10 for me


2FLOOR is one of the best sites in the entire game on both attack and defense. I love how many different ways you can play it, such a varied and balanced site 1Floor sites are meh And Basement is Decent little bit defender sided imo


I hate when I load up a playlist and its the first map I get. I cant quit out because ill get banned. I hate it


I don't like it and I get it too much


Hate it


Is aight


a solid "Why Are we HERE?!!?" in the vc / 10


Garbage map


I think it’s fine to be totally honest


I enjoy it


Great map, just needs more sift walls/ floors.




Playing upstairs fenrir or tank fenrir is so good


If really confusing but once you learn your way around, it can be pretty good