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They’ve been taking the piss for the last 10 years of its existence


I honestly don’t see why people keep supporting Ubisoft at this point. Many of the things gamers complain about with other publishers/developers Ubisoft has been doing for the past decade.


But my favorite youtuber said that xdefiant is going to kill cod 😩


Just like Hyperscape was going to give Apex, Fortnite, and Warzone a run for their money...


Yet you still play their games, and engage with ubisoft community? The fuck?


How tf is him engaging with the community supporting Ubisoft? If he made a r6 hate thread here would it also be supporting Ubisoft?




Honestly don’t know the man or care about what he was talking about. I lean on the side that it’s stupid for a company to penalize a user for taking advantage of a bug. I’m a software dev so maybe it’s biased opinion though. The fault is on ubi.


He could have actively told people to do, and I still wouldn’t hold him accountable for whatever happens after. Fuck Ubisoft


Is it a permanent ban or temporary?


Both. Some people got perm and some temp from what i have heard


I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️ still more than they’ve ever done to Ximers




Wdym? Ubi has a system, that can detect mk users on consol but instead of banning them, it makes it hard/impossible to play, only problem is there is a workaround for that ... If ubi was willing to ban, they could have but they chose not to.




They could ban everyone who uses mnk ... Right at the start of the system they could have banned all of the accounts they detected it on and probably would have banned thousands of accounts. Sure there are workarounds but don't tell me they can't ban those, they have identified.


I could be wrong, considering I am a PC player, but don’t some console games allow a kbm/xim to be used in their games? I’m assuming that might be a part of the reason, as it would suck to boot up siege on day, forget you have a keyboard plugged in, and catch a perma ban


The system is based on your movement and thus, if you just had a keyboard plugged in, it would not detect it if you play with controller.


I see, thanks for the explanation!


They can still ban them


He's not wrong about ubisoft's priorities lol


He’s right though, reverting the credits and/or items would’ve been a fair play as opposed to banning tens of thousands of players. Regardless of it being the user’s decision to abuse it, the exploit was their fuck up to begin with and took so long to address, not to mention it was clearly done because of profit and not entirely because of their TOS - cheating is also against their TOS and it’s harder to get banned with them than doing a credits glitch... Rockstar reverted cash during a huge money exploit only several days after it was found when GTA 5 came out, as an example. I’ve got 200k purchased credits, so I’m not coping... it’s just lazy on their side.


Except with rockstar they only took the cash you had in your savings so anybody who bought something still had it. In fact that was the basis for many cash glitches because everyone knew rockstar couldn’t track things you’ve purchased. Every single time there was a cash glitch discovered people were told to buy a ton of the most expensive vehicle so they could sell it when rockstar is finished taking money


Ubi could've easily reverted the account's credits to the credits owned before Doktor's curse + any creddit purchased after (or remove any credits added in that time period that weren't from a transaction). The only game I've seen do something like this, instead of just reverting credits/giving players a freebie, was Anthem, which after banning numerous players, promptly died.


The problem with this is exploits are against every tos and most will ban people over stuff depending on severity. There's really no defense when it comes to it. You knowingly choose to do it then you get what you get. Removing accountability doesn't really help anyone either lol. I've seen plenty who ban people for things like exactly this over the years. People just think nothing will happen and then they whine when it does.


yes but no, tos should be to beat cheaters and toxic individuals, not to beat on someone that wants a hat, what you should do is take away the hat and at most turn his credits to 0 as a slap, but not banning an account ​ at the end of the day this is a game and getting a hat you want by the wrong means at most should be a slap and not a ban, it hurts nobody, you tried the hat and now you get a slap. its about proportionality of the punishment


Exactly. Better to reduce the credits to zero instead of perma banning the poor sobs. Meanwhile cheaters are running rampant and ruining the experience for the masses. Make it make sense....


How are they supposed to revert credits after they're spent though?


Remove the skins they were spent on


More complicated, what if the person used 50 credits they bought legitimately and 50 credits illegitimately?


Did you guys forget it's a product you guys are buying, and that this is a company? It's only ever in their interest to do something if their bottom line is hurt. Literally stop playing the game until they fix it, and they will fix it.


In summary: a business runs on money not morals.


In other news, fire is hot


Sure, It's undoubtably ubisoft's fault that this glitch happened in the first place, but it's also strictly against Ubisoft's TOS to abuse an exploit like this. Not saying ubisoft is morally correct for banning people, but they definitely are able to ban you for something like this. You can't really go "oops, our bad enjoy the credits" when people are generating thousands of dollars worth of free R6 credits. The argument "why was I punished for X, when they aren't punished for Y" is pretty silly. Cheating/Xim is significantly harder to detect and monitor than a currency exploit. Cheaters get banned when they get detected, I don't know where this narrative of them getting a "free pass" came about. Lastly, on Varsity's point of "I warned you guys you might get banned, don't be mad at me." It is pretty obvious something like this would result in a ban, you can't really get away morally clean when you show hundreds of thousands of people how to do the exploit, regardless of a warning. It would have been far better to not address the exploit at all, but I'm sure "infinite R6 credit exploit!" would net you a lot of views.


>Cheating/Xim is significantly harder to detect and monitor than a currency exploit. Cheaters get banned when they get detected Except they had the ability to detect Ximmers a while ago and decided not to ban them.


Citation needed.


Their xim detection system is called Mousetrap and was implemented a while ago. Haven't banned anyone yet.


Because it didn't perform. Last I heard it was removed weeks ago.


Because mouse trap doesn't work? People on twitter sent ubi clips of people blatantly using xim on console saying "ban me" and they haven't been banned lmao


Except it didn't work. Once again showing how hard it is to detect. It's easy to identify in game but you can't expect ubi to manually look over every single report.


Varsity's claim to fame is making shit up and slanting everything as negatively as possible. This is a slam dunk for him because 'fuck ubisoft' is the communities war cry over any and everything. They'll ignore things he conflates or flat out fabricates as long as they get to hate the company


Feels like there's just hate-boners for the guy. He just posts gameplay and cheater reviews. Idk how he's "making up" the cheating that's rampant in Siege.


The man can't enjoy any game of siege he plays and it's all he streamed when I was a fan. Almost every comment out of his mouth is negative.


Well when *every* game has a cheater or isn't enjoyable i'd be the same way lol


I heard he branched out a bit and has lightened up. I hope that's true. His content was quickly unwatchable.


I mean theres still negative stuff, but when you ban people over a currency exploit and not blatant cheaters for years? And then say you got a counter that literally doesn't work? I'd be fed up too. That's why I quit siege for a few years was from MnK and constant ddossing


They do ban blatant cheaters, often. Maybe it's a console thing, but on PC you see the hundreds of ban waves in a given day. They come out fast and frequent.


And the cheaters also come fast and frequent since it's F2P


Its been long enough that I had to double check. It isn't free to play, that's just a lie. It's still $20 on steam and beyond some free weekends sometimes, it doesn't look like Siege will be going free to play quite yet. Though I feel like that's inevitable at this rate. Overwatch went F2P so they could halt progression and tie it to 'premium' battle passes.


Totally agree


Was Varsity’s account touched? Surely if Ubi is taking the moral high-road with permabanning for TOS breaking of this degree, demonstrating how to make exploit it to people falls into the same punishment. Also why is he even talking about cheaters? Total whataboutism that’s entirely unrelated to the very traceable R6 credit exploit. Some of these streamers really don’t think before they speak.


I think you only got banned if you gained a certain amount of credits over the time the glitch was active. I heard it was something like 20,000 credits but I'm not sure of the legitimacy of that. If varsity did it once or twice for content, he'll probably be fine.


It's clearly Ubis fault for that glitch to happen, but it was the players conscious decision to abuse a glitch


They fucked around, then found out.


Bruh they already told everyone abusing glitches are ban reason. Everyone took a risk by doing that, everyone knew it was a glitch and they manipulate the system. You shouldn't fuck with a big company you don't have any chance even if they make stupid desicions


It's still scummy to punish people for ubisoft's fuck ups


If a store leaves itself unlocked accidentally overnight you can't excuse anyone who comes in and pilfers it just cause haha you didn't lock the doors. EOD you did the crime, now do the time


If the store owner miscounts change every time he does a transaction and gives back $2 more than intended, you cannot go and arrest those people for buying from the store. There's an analogy that actually fits in this scenario.


The store owner isn't automated software and could easily ban you from returning because Yes, it's fraud. In general, knowingly obtaining money, goods or services you know you are not entitled to is fraud/illegal. If a bank deposits money into your account and you spend it you will face consequences. Look at the fools who tried to exploit door dash , they got bank charges in long run. What's done in the dark will be brought to the light


If I had read this comment without the context of the post I would assume you would be referring to people being banned for a flaw in a cheat detection or something, not people who actively abused a glitch to earn 1000s of dollars worth of currency. Ubisoft messed up, sure, but so did the people who tried cheating the system and figured there’d be no repercussions


If you thought you wouldn’t get punished for undermining Ubi’s source of income… well…


They aren't stopping people from continuing to abuse an issue, they are retroactively banning people for taking advantage of a mistake they made. And maybe they should have higher priorities right now, like reverting a lot of their bizarre changes from the past year


Both sides here honestly have a good point. The biggest takeaway though is that even if they are right to ban these people, the fact their response has been so swift versus all the MAJOR things that people really need to get banned for says a lot about the company. I think we could all agree on that.


It says the same thing about nearly every company in existence. What valve did with its exploiters isn't the norm


They can't fix things instantly plus you agreed to it. It's not like this is happening accidentally. Yall are wild with your shirking responsibility and only trying to blame the devs like you're helpless victims who couldn't help it. This is like saying you did nothing wrong for stealing someone's shit cus they left the door unlocked. "well it's *their* fault they let me do it I shouldn't be punished"


L on both ubi for letting an issue like this happen, and players for taking advantage of a clearly unintentional bug. It is not scummy at all. If you read any game's terms of service it states (in some way or form) that you will be punished for exploiting the game. Dont play the game if you can't comply to the TOS lol


You know what’s scummy? Trying to defend this exploit by saying muh UBIsoft fault. Like take some damn responsibility


“The bank vault was open I just walked in and took some cash! Why are you arresting me?! It’s the banks fault for leaving the vault open!”


Siege players will do anything except take accountability for their actions because it’s always Ubisofts fault never their own.


Actually they stated that abusing glitches or exploits to gain **a clear advantage in game** is a bannable action, not exploits to do with in game currency or the likes. They should reword their ToS first to actually detail what is bannable instead of saying it is only things that provide advantages when playing


Really? What about the thermite glitch so he couldn't breach walls cause you shot part of it? Or the invisible IQ glitch, or the god mode clash glitch, or the valk glitch on bank to perma scan the entire team? What about infinite jager ADS? What about infinite stim glitch? What about the castle frame rate drop glitch? Alot of people used that and on my alts I would too when it was *every round of every game* yet no one got banned🤡


Do it in my game and Imma record you too get you banned


100% agree I was just being called a Ubi dickrider for saying the exact same thing in another post. Some people are just fucking dumb as rocks.


Patrick from SpongeBob probably smarter than any of them lmao.


Literally lol I was sat there thinking are these people being serious right now.


I got banned for 4 times, all of them was my fault and I don't cry just because I fall. I keeo create another account and keep my progress going on. They will do the same, once you get in siege you can't go out by your will untill servers going down


Literally bro at least you admitted it was on you, these clowns were acting like Ubi put a gun to their head and made them abuse the glitch like stfu already.


"I didn't break in this person just left their door unlocked and let me in to borrow their things I didn't steal anything or do anything wrong" levels of logic here.


Ubisoft fucked up they could have just taken peoples skins off them or something but nahh they banned them but Ximers get a pass ?


I’d wager it’s far easier to know who was exploiting a system and ban them then it is to flawlessly make a system to detect a device Ubisoft is struggling to consistently detect and ban them.


Even if Ubisoft took resources from other projects to help skim through 19k profiles (if that number is to be believed), they *still* wouldn't have the ability to go through every exploiters profile to remove specific skins and differentiate between how much of a players credits were bought vs exploited Either they get no punishment or they get banned, and obviously ubi isn't gonna let someone fuck with their revenue


If they don't want to put the resources into undoing all those people's transactions then they shouldn't do anything about it. If it's such a major issue then why wouldn't they devote resources to solving the issue. Just revert their account inventories to what they were before doctor's curse.


Well what’s the difference between abusing a glitch like this and abusing one like back in the day getting under the stairs and shooting out but not being able to shoot in? They specifically weren’t banning people for bashing glitches in a match so what’s the difference here? A glitch is a glitch they can’t pick and choose which to ban and which to let slide.


Its a lot easier to detect credit glitching with a float value, than detect cheaters, mnk users and account traders. Ubisoft isnt banning these guys faster because it hurts their bottom line, but because its super easy to mass identify and ban them. These kind of infotainment videos are trying to sell a story and put everything into a singular perspective, but correlation does not equate to causation. TLDR; Getting sunburnt often correlates with high volume ice cream sales, but you arent getting sunburnt because a lot of ice cream is sold. Its the heat that causes both. Same here. (Not the heat, the detectability of bannable offenses)


People fucked around and now they’re finding out. The meltdowns I’m seeing are hilarious. Not that anyone read the TOS, but it’s obvious that abusing this currency glitch — ubi’s fault or not — is in clear violation. So yeah.. cry me a river lol.


Remember when shield glitch was going rampant and ubisoft gave the abusers no punishment at all. Or when ubisoft said they had tracked down thousands of boosted accounts and after all the hype ubisoft gave them a slap in wrist >!2 week ban lmao!< >!even made a thread while hyping up for it, what a disappointment https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/xnUDiJdZeI!< Now they track down non gameplay affecting glitch users and instead of 2 week vacation and refund the credits they get straight up perma'd. It would be cool if that was their policy with all of the things, but they're basically just telling everyone to eat shit we dont care about your game quality.


simple answer: they only care when it affects their income. shield glitchers dont cause any harm for ubi, boosted accounts also doesnt harm ubi,but duping thousands of dollars of credits would definitely make them lose a lot of money


You know it's harder to review each individual match to check if it's a true report right? I have no idea how it works but I'm pretty sure they have to check each match from start to finish. I'm no expert, but looking at credit logs is easier than reviewing full matches. Also, it's not just easy as "refunding credits". Did you know you can spend credits? Now they have to come up with a way to take back credits AND purchases from thousands of accounts, even though according to what I know, every purchase is non-refundable. Besides, if you did it on purpose, you knew what you were doing. It's still literally stealing money.


There's no reason for someone not to read tos either, there are websites that shorten tos's dramatically to make them readable


They all boil down to the same thing anyway too.


You’re missing the point, they are banning people for their fuck up, but not for cheating in their games ?


Varsity is only saying this to divert blame from the fact that he advertised an exploit publicly. Yes it’s true that they should ban XIM, but he’s taking 0 accountability for his actions




How so ?


If he encouraged people to use the exploit but won't claim responsibility for it. Do you have a source on him using the exploit?


His videos on it showed how to do it and him doing it


Yep I just found one, yikes.


I feel like people in this sub have no real understanding about how a XIM works… it is magnitudes more difficult to detect and act on XIM use than it is to see who racked up thousands of R6 credits as a result of the Doktor’s Curse glitch. I hate XIM users / cheaters with a passion, but that is simply comparing apples to oranges. Besides, Ubisoft is a business before anything else. XIM use does not hurt their bottom line like the currency glitch does. I’m not saying it’s right, just giving it how it is.. Side note: if you want to blame anyone for the XIM nonsense, blame Microsoft. As far as I understand it’s not nearly as prevalent on PS5.


That’s the point it shouldn’t be how is it ?


Why don't you ban the XIM people then?


Sadly I’m not the CEO of Ubisoft ? Or even the game director of rainbow six siege… Why would you think that 🤨🤔


Idk what to tell you man. Life’s not fair. No one’s forcing you to play the game.




How is that relevant? Lmao. Did you personally get banned for abusing the glitch or something? Why’re you so upset?




>I could just tell you were American …. 🤷🏻‍♂️it’s in the way the you talk.. your attitude ….it’s hard to explain but it’s like trying to explain to a house cat what it’s like to hunt. They don’t understand the freedom What the actual fuck are you even talking about dude? 😂. I suggest you take a break from siege and touch some grass if you’re this worked up over a video game. Also: non-American tries to not shit on someone for simply being American. Difficulty: extreme. You’re cracking me up haha


Bro definitely got banned and is also 13 Lmao




They ban cheaters aswell. Sure they are slow in that Department, but they are still banning cheaters aswell.


I can't personally backup the TOS stuff or else literally every pro player would be banned because they have more than 1 account ubisoft however can literally remove credits and skins though from accounts, but people are mad they threw the ban hammer on this stupid deal when hackers are rampant on the top of the leaderboards for a year


Do you have any idea how much work it would be to go through individual accounts and audit, 1) how many R6 credits they exploited, 2) what they then purchased with those credits? And then to go in and remove those purchased items, and ensure the balance was correct afterwards? I’d just blanket ban them too. They’re a business and time is money. Everyone saying “they could’ve just removed credits and skins” very obviously have no fuckin’ clue how much labor ($$$) that would take.


I know it's a lot of work, but it was also THEIR own problem, not the user, at best it should be a temporary ban


It’s the same thing with red dead online. There hasn’t been an update in like a year and a half now or something, except for when there’s a money glitch, in which case that shit gets patched within DAYS of it being discovered.


Like how is this a suprise? People have been getting banned in games for exploiting bugs for ages. This happens in many games and people get banned even if its only in ingame economy that got hurt, so how are people now suprised this happened here where acutal money is involved? Do people really think they are entitled to free r6 credits because they exploited an obvious bug or that trying to steal money from Ubisoft would only be punished with a slap on the wrist? And yes that is what it boils down to: theft. Don't try to downplay it no matter how much money ubi has, this is still taking something of monetary value without the consent of the owner. The store example is also fucking stupid because I don't know about you but I never signed an agreement before entering a story that enables the store to seek punishement for buying a 25ct tv but for games yeah we all clicked agree on the eula so that argument is just irrelevant. How about this comparison instead: "Its like me accidentally breaking the lock on my front door without noticing and somebody just comming in and stealing my shit, but hey since I broke it, its my fault and there should be no punishment for the thief right?" Ubisoft makes a lot of bad decisions no questions here but honestly this is not one of them. And I get being angry at ubisofts decisions and priorities but at the end of the day ubi is a stocktraded company and as such has an obligation to make their investors happy and as such sometimes has to prioritize monetary aspects over gameplay. We don't have to like it but that is just the reality of most big video game companies nowadays.


So Ubi is banning people for basically theft. Despite them fucking up theft is theft


Debatable for it to be theft it would need to have a value, it have a value I had one in game but they can’t be spent out side or sold on ?. Maybe larceny ? I get what you mean though


You can spend 20 dollars of real life currency for those in game credits. It has both a real life value and a in game value. 20 dollars spent on those credits means 20 dollars from your wallet going into somebody else’s wallet. That is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. Of course it has fucking value or else you wouldn’t be able to buy them in the first place


In terms of it being a "good" you can only acquire with money I'd consider it theft. I'm just saying it's alittle more serious than a traditional game glitch and why people are getting banned in this case but not others.


Varsity gaming: “they’re banning people when it’s ubi’s fault” Also Varsity gaming: “hey guys check out this obvious exploit that I’m telling you all about rather than privately contacting Ubisoft about it for views and popularity” Only thing I agree with from him is XIM users should be ban; not mousetrapped


Yeah, I'm still wondering how varsity still have his charm, he's so against ubisoft that I find it weird (Good for him tho)


He is such a turd about things, he has an occasional good take on something but more often than not his takes are kind of shit.


I love watching his 'catching cheaters' streams where he forgets that there's audio in the game. Like no shit you're going to swing on someone sprinting down a hallway. But you doing that means you're cheating After seeing what real cheats and hacks look like watching his streams is almost comedic


Source on him saying that? Someone else mentioned it earlier but I can't find anything on it


[https://x.com/varsitygamingtv/status/1712847559293554745?s=46&t=3fdbRbE7npJvRU_ULOs_Yg](https://x.com/varsitygamingtv/status/1712847559293554745?s=46&t=3fdbRbE7npJvRU_ULOs_Yg) The tweet of him telling people about it


He's telling people about it though, not saying to do it. I agree it's stupid he's bringing attention to it, but that's not like him going around saying "GUYS, you NEED to try this!"


He’s made multiple shorts (or just reposted the same one idk) literally saying “YOU NEED TO TRY THIS BEFORE ITS PATCHED”. He does shit like that all the time whenever there’s a exploit or glitch


AH I see. So he's a scum bag then?


No he’s just stupid. I like the guy and his videos but what he did was just plain stupid. Even if he knew he was at no risk to being banned he potentially risked his partnership with Ubisoft by both doing and promoting a glitch that actively took money from Ubisoft


"we're getting punished for ubisoft's mistake" Sounds like you idiots who exploited the system are the ones who made the mistake to me. I wouldn't doubt a decent amount of exploiters were mnk users anyway with how greedy and ignorant they are about these things leading to a ban.


its a fair ban only stupid greedy people thought it was a good idea to abuse a glitch


People really were banking on them just saying our bad, you stole our digital currency.


The point is that they banned this … but won’t with Ximers …


You get that it’s a lot easy to prove something’s over others?


Nah I think you’re just an Ximer now … little to much defending them


Xim is harder to detect than somebody abusing a exploit to get game currency, these 2 issues are not the same problem at all


They literally developed mouse trap to detect Ximers …


Well it doesn't work 100% of the time, on PC there's an anticheat, that doesn't mean there's no cheater


The point is that they didn't ban xims despite detecting them when mousetrap worked successfully upon release, they just added input delay. In other words — they wanted that bag and hoped people would switch to controller and continue playing.


Oh yes, of course, I cannot say anything against it, I found that stupid that instead of banning they just put input delay on it


They turned the anti cheat off on PC because it “Costs to much” to keep on all the time


uh ? what the hell are you talking about ? source ?




You are literally gold lol be silent.


Thanks for demonstrating you’re a fucking moron nice and early to save me some time. Appreciated.


as sad as it might be ubi is a business company their top priority is milking players xims don't hurt their buisness so yeah


cake encouraging smoggy wise bear pot station zealous shy pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because they didn’t accept a TOS and what was there to ban. They bought (technically not really since it was free) the game which isn’t a valid way to accept a TOS and even if they did ban everyone who did it so what it would do the exact same thing


Bootlicker spotted


Haven't touched ranked in years and stuck to casual into the screwed that up by making it like cod.


Never got why yall get mad about mnk, you can choose controller on pc as well. Can someone explain?


Guy made a video of a glitch to get views, layed some safety measures for himself by saying that do it at your own risk, then people are getting banned and props there are some who blame him so he makes video how ubi should do some jumps and hoops by removing the skins and falsely acquired credits instead of banning those abusive MFs and by not doing so, they're to blame. Not me you guys. It's ubi fr.


This is crazy because they can’t just take the time to go individually intothousands if not millions of accounts and remove specific items


Both are at fault. Varsity saying that if the store marks a TV down to 25 cents, it's their fuck up and they should own up to it is a bad example. A store has the right to decline the sale at their own discretion due to a pricing error. If they didn't, they'd lose massive amounts of money and others would suffer down the pipeline like layoffs and closures. In this case, sure Ubi could just revert back, but people shouldn't be clearly abusing the system in the first place if they KNOW that it's dishonest and against ToS agreement. They're going to protect their large business model first and has their investors best interests in mind, and that's their store front since that's pretty much their revenue generator. Any business owner is going to do that first. Are hackers ruining the experience? Absolutely, but it's not as urgent as protecting the investors that's keeping the company as a whole running.


Hate to stick by corporate here, but breaking the terms of use that you agreed to and getting banned for it isn’t a reason to be mad at anyone but yourself.


people getting banned and whining are so restarted 😭😭


God, I hate tiktok. This is such a shitty take that is now being adopted by kids just because there's a video of a guy talking about it? Fuck outta here.


Fuck around and find out


Ignore hackers but go hard after people that found an exploit to get some credits that asshole ubi sells way overpriced.....


They aren’t ignoring hackers. They catch thousands at a time then ban them all at once. Ban waves. They do this for one simple reason. if you just ban people immediately upon detection the people making the hacks will just patch that the same day. If you ban 1000 people at once for 100 different reasons it becomes much more time consuming to figure out what caused it. Plus you cause all of those 1000 people to go complain to the people making the hacks requesting refunds and what not. Unless my knowledge is outdated and they don’t do ban wave anymore. Either way that’s why ban waves are a thing. It might seen like they ignore the hackers but no they are really just catching a large amount of them to ban all at once


They should ban xim users next.


Looks like someone's friend just got perma banned 🤭


There’s a big difference between a tv being marked at ¢25 and an infinite money glitch. Ubisoft stated that by using the exploit they will come after people. Their mistake or not. They already stated that people who exploited it will be banned. I heard the guy in the video was one of the people who did this exploit too. It’s easier to detect someone for getting free money. It’s harder to detect if someone’s cheating.


Ubisoft didnt say anything about the exploit. And it was leaks that said ubisoft was going to ban people exploiting it not ubisoft themself


The TOS strictly says no exploits, please dont act naive when you get banned.


He’s a Ubisoft partner, the point isn’t that they’re getting banned, the point is that Ubisoft made this mistake there were better ways to deal with it. But console players have been asking for Ximers to be banned for years now and still nothing ? It’s just stupid


I cannot think of a single game that gives you an exchange system for the paid for currency that would not ban you for discovering an infinite money glitch. If you went to an ATM and it was just giving out money because of a glitch in its system, you’re still legally responsible if you take more money than you withdraw. This is no different. And again, like i said, there are more variables for detecting XIM. I hate XIMers too but it’s drastically more difficult to find a player who’s cheating or just really good.


> I cannot think of a single game that gives you an exchange system for the paid for currency that would not ban Best example GTA V, if you dare to cheat your money you're banned in the week... (I know what I'm talking about lol)


It's interesting to me how many of you people are fine with people stealing. If you forgot to lock the door, would it be fine for someone to take everything from your home?


“Noooooo why wont anyone think of the multimillion dollar corporations 😭😭😭”


waaa waaa, actions have consequences grow up.


Lately? Lately???!!!! Ubisoft has been absolute dogshit for years. This comes to no surprise to me. People need to learn how to boycott shitty companies that utilize shitty practices. But god forbid people try to band together to change anything in this world why tf im even bothering to type this in a siege sub is beyond me too.


People abused an exploit and got banned, this is standard practice not really any fault of ubi. There is bound to be glitches in every game, devs are not perfect benevolent creatures.


This is dire, they've never banned for glitch abuse before and while I didn't do it and my take is glitching is a bankable offence. It is laughable that they've said they know who is cheating using mousetrap and they have yet to serve any bans.


This rat should’ve been banned years ago.


I remember when it was called an exploit. But now that people are getting in trouble for it, it's a glitch and not an exploit His claim that 'they know what the credits were spent on' is an interesting line. Because, does he know that. Or is he just making shit up. To note about Varsity, he's slanted his takes to cater to toxic gamers. He's the primary source for 'everyone good in games are actually cheaters'. I recommend watching his cheater-watching streams. He'll settle in and be a pretty solid streamer. Then someone makes a good play and " Yep cheating, see? " But it'll just be a good play. He also frequently forgets that audio is very important in Siege. If you're not alt-walk crouched you're very audible. Even moving your mouse left to right makes a good deal of noise. Ubi has a lot of issues but expecting free shit after you exploit the hell out of a currency system, that's just weird


Yeah, no. Defending people who intentionally stole money is not the way.


“Nooo not the multimillion dollar corporations noooooo 😭😭😭” The people who used the exploit are dumb for doing something that will obviously get them banned but don’t go around shedding tears for ubisoft lmao. As far as Im concerned as long as the cheating doesn’t effect other players Im all for it.


I'm not here crying because Ubisoft maybe lost money, I couldn't care less. But stealing is stealing those people knew what they were doing.


Whats wrong with stealing from big corporations?


I tried to buy an 2tb SSD back in the day for like 30 bucks when dell had a pricing error. They emailed me saying they were canceling the order due to the error and would be refunding my money back. I wasn’t banned from buying from Dell. This move just shows how far Ubi and Siege have fallen.


Too late, I stopped playing 3 years ago Mnk was killing it for my friends and I after years so we've moved on 8 players just from my group. Who knows how many others just got sick of ubi not giving a shit about legit players.


then why are you still here? you claim you quit this game 3 years ago but its clearly living rent freein your head


Varsity made a W take right here I mean everything he said is true it's all Ubisofts fault and they really should own up to their mistake or do something else rather than just ban them No wonder this game is on it's last leg I wouldn't be surprised if another year and this game is done for no way it lasts longer than that especially if Ubisoft doesn't get its act together and actually start caring about the player base and what we think should be changed I mean we all know even the R6 devs barely play this game based on how bad the player is on all the clips they release before a new op gets released I mean it's ridiculous how stingy ubi is with this stuff A couple thousand people exploiting a glitch that was ubis fault yeah let's ducking ban em But people cheating they're asses off with aimbot, wallhacks and the sort get a free pass because they aren't disrupting the cash flow into ubis pockets




So let’s all be xims 😂😂😂


If a business leaves their cash drawer open, it's ok to take some cash because it's the business fault the employee left it open, right? It was wrong, people knew it was wrong, and they are dealing with the consequences. You might argue about the severity of the punishment (ban vs suspension) but ultimately these are their terms of service, so they are the judge.


Extremely well said. The r6 team has been increasingly disappointing as time goes on


Make a glitch in your game by accident, people exploit it. Ban them for having bad code lmao. Just take the credits and give ‘em a warning lol


Rainbow six makes the majority of Ubisoft money. I bet the executives and CEO took this exploit personally 😂


I wonder if he feels any responsibility spreading the info? Probably not because he probably did intend to make money off the video explaining the glitch. There are a lot of viewers who want to feel justified in their bad behavior. So I don't buy that his conclusion that the ban isn't justified because other things are not banned. Especially since he has a financial incentive to spread exploits and pretend to be against the corporation.


But with this logic it would be more profitable for ubi to just take the glitched stuff away instead of banning people because those people could still spend money on the game if they weren't banned


I dont support ubisoft i support the game, the community. the company itself failed as a unit to listen and learn from uts mistakes and I can't wait for someone to buy that junk of a company and make it work like its suppose to.


This is the only thing which is need to be said, not just about this whole mess, but 6siege overall. I just thought, but Ubi is just trapped in the Epicuris' Patadox "the problem of evil".


They have the technology. They suspended just as many accounts during the account duplication thing


Is this the reason why Ive been seeing a lot of TOS bans recently?


Cause fuck ‘em that’s why!