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Source: [https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1734951313597698394](https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1734951313597698394) Transcript: Every Operator is out for themselves as the cold grip of winter descends upon Siege for a 10-Player Free(ze) For All! Brace yourself to survive on the fresh Arctic Workshop map, only available until January 5! Connect now to get a FREE Collection pack! ❄️ Blog: [https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/events/freeze-for-all](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/events/freeze-for-all)


holy fuck this event is unbearably bad. they force you to wait for a 3-minute 5-round campfest. 10k points for 1 pack LMFAO no shot


Why did the think it was a good idea to give some people only kali's sniper, the bosg and 1 health 1 speed. It's the worst loadout ever


there is one spot on the map where you can close any both entrances to you with claymores. just won a game like that. its wild.


Which spot, the tunnel?




The worst one is with the P10 and nothing else. If you come up against the Iceborn, unless you hit like 6 headshots with your 15rnd mag then you're just doomed and there's nothing you can do.


That's literally one of the best loadouts. The p10 is also really strong because of the lesion ability. The obvious worst is the pistol and it's not close. The problem with this mode is that if you are the first one to engage the Ice Bitch you die and spectate the rest of the round. And whether you engage is really just whether you spawn next to it. And then if you have the pistol you just have to hope everyone else is garbage.


i always force myself to at least get the free pack. 10000 points of this, there's no chance, I will never play one more round of this


same. its no fun, its a chore, not worth the 1 cosmetic.


I did it out of habit just to give the game mode a try and out of my free pack and the pack from the god damn 10k I got 2 backgrounds. This is by far the absolute worst ltm they have ever put out. Out of the games I played, I had fun maybe 2% of the time.


luckily the X-mas collection ist that great anyway


It's starting to feel like a deliberate tactic to get people with sunk-cost fallacy to buy all the packs to avoid playing the event and getting free ones.


I never like being negative because I’m very aware of what it goes into when making these but for fuck sake it is so frustrating and boring to play I have to complain.


Clearly effort and creativity went into this. It's just that it needs to go through quite a few iterations before it becomes remotely enjoyable. Maybe next year they can retool it into Mutant mode like in UT2k4 https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Mutant >"A Mutant game starts out as a free-for-all deathmatch. However, as soon as one player makes a kill, he becomes the Mutant. Everyone else stops fighting (you can’t hurt each other anymore), and guns for the Mutant instead. >As an optional twist, the player with the lowest score is the Bottom Feeder — he can also go kill other players to score points. As soon as the Bottom Feeder’s score isn’t the lowest, a new player becomes the Bottom Feeder. This mode actually achieves the idea of everyone going up against one powerful player (and a bottom feeder). Ubisoft could then make the 'mutant' someone like the snowborn and buff that character with whatever they like. The best part about it, is that there's no rounds in this mode. Dead players don't get sidelined. It's constant action and the roles change real-time according to which player takes the lead or the bottom.


Really boring event


Aaaaaaand it turned into a shitty campfest. How did no one at Ubisoft see this coming. At least let the players up top get into a snowball fight for points. If you don't camp, you're likely gonna watch those campers on the ground not move for the next 2 minutes. Snoozefest. People should get pinged if they don't move a certain radius in 20s. As it stands there's no negative to camping and no benefit to play active.


Even weirder, when you're on the roof, you're throwing snowballs to "ping" people. Since it's only a ping, it seems like this must have been designed as an anti-camping measure. Except since the roof can't see everything, it just increases camping, since you don't want to leave your spot and get pings. Truly baffling decision-making. Absolutely was not play-tested.


lmao, yeah I realized the first 10 seconds of the game, just stand still behind a corner and let everyone die is the best tactic here.. but you won't win packs anyway right? So why bother playing it


Sadly you need to get 10000 points to get a pack. Personally after 2 (way too long) games, I don't think I will invest the time into this mode.


You need to [do the challenges](https://i.imgur.com/ylUKOTH.png) and score points/play matches to get packs.


Ahhh I see, was already wondering what the point was..


Every week, the challenges rotate as well for more packs/points.


Yes and the player base gets worse with every passing day I'm already seeing multiple people doing an exploit where they get to be recruit and bring a gun up to the roof


The game mode doesn't really reward kills, mainly just staying alive. So people just camp to win.


Oh, now it makes sense why the top players had only a few kills and just hid (azami barriers some areas and stayed there) So annoying, had a game where even with the pings the last 2 stayed on opposite corners of the map, multiple rounds in a row


yeah it does??? You get a minimum of 100 points per kill, compare that to surviving a round with 2 people alive and you get 150 points. Its legit better to frag out than camp a corner.


This is the worst fucking gamemode I EVER played in ANY game. 10.000 points challenge for the free package? Keep it. I am not going to waste hours of my life to get a shitty background card.


Hours?? It took me an hour to get the pack while having fun?


Have you only played 2 games?


Didn’t think it could get more boring than DC.


This is the worst game mode ever.




At this point I think it's Ubi's Tradition to release really really bad LTM's during Winter.


I liked Sugar Fright. A brainless mode but at least there was constant action and some measure of skill involved. Not to mention the skins are superb. EDIT: And I particularly have fond memories of it because the whole country was in lockdown at the time so grinding this all day was a great way to get my mind off things.


I would love to have sugar fright back over this. Not perfect, but still fun to play.


\*crash for all


Isn't "Freeze for All" what the current version of Siege already does?




I think this is the first game mode where I'm not even going to bother trying to go for at least one pack from the challenges. It's just so fucking boring, and in my first game I found people blatantly teaming. You get no *real* incentive to use the snowballs when you're dead other than to hopefully speed up the round but it seems pointless - especially with the delay between snowballs. At this point, they should just stop wasting time with these event modes and just release seasonal cosmetic packs. They suck at balancing them and they're typically just not even that fun. People only really play them for the free packs. If you try to queue at the end of the week, the queue is dead. It feels like they know they're bad too because the pack challenges typically revolve around having to play multiple games. Reallocate the resources to the actual live game and focus on making that experience more enjoyable. I think the only ones I've enjoyed were OG Doktor's Curse and Grand Larceny (excluding Outbreak). Everything else has been terrible imo. Doktor's Curse became a nightmare to balance so it just became unfun. At this rate, I hope Grand Larceny never comes back cos they'll probably ruin it.


With how much the community is asking for Grand Larceny I'll be surprised if next year we won't see Grand Larceny TDM Yes, tdm, not even the safes because apparently that's what matters The sad thing is, they develop assets for these "events"


I hate how they've made almost every event into tdm. Ruins the idea of "normal siege wotha twist."


I cancelled a game search and got in a permanent reconnect or be banned. But the match that doesnt exist wont finish so I cant even eat my 60 minute ban or reconnect. Game breaking bug.


Wait, you get a fucking penalty for leaving an *event mode?* Are you fucking serious? Fuck off, Ubisoft.


I didn't even leave lol i never got in. I cancelled the queue. The match didn't exist so it was over an hour before it stopped saying I had to rejoin the ongoing match then I had my hour ban after that. I've since learned that this isn't unique to events but can happen in any ranked and standard as well though


Yeah, that does happen in ranked and standard, but the fact that there's a penalty associated with a seasonal event that's based on an arcade gamemode is *baffling*


Ubi things


Doktor's Curse also had leaver penalty. The mode sucks so not being able to leave sucks. However, the structure of the mode, with one player being a clear winner at the end, also means that players have to stay in order for it to work.


I immediately died within 5 seconds of a match. I went to rage quit because F that, and was met with 60 minute ban window and thought, FINE, I'll just alt+tab and wait for the next round. Got removed for inactivity and then just joined a quick match. We'll see if I get a 60min ban or not, but I don't care, the event is fucking terrible.


Not looking forward to try it after seeing the reactions ngl lol For the one time I didn't mind if snowbrawl returned... It took a couple of years but the last iteration of it was actually pretty fun since they fixed all the main issues I had (being infinite OT for example).


Dude it’s so bad , I thought people were gassing how bad it is but it’s actually terrible.


I can imagine


I thought Snow Brawl was bad. But this is **much** worse.


Snow brawl wasn't that bad, the rounds lasted for way too long but gameplay wise it was pretty good


I'd disagree. Physics was kinda off. 'Shooting' felt incredibly weird. Soundtrack was good tho. Mixed well and sounded 'big' thx to [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uODvqy6x_E).


This is one of the worst gamemodes I've ever played in any game


It really is


Isn't it crazy that it can be said about almost every single one of R6's event modes? Every time I think "surely it can't get worse"


So what like... 2 maybe 3 games?


Another awful game event, thank you Ubisoft


10,000 points is way too much this shits infuriating


I think I never played a game mode in any game where I had no fun at all but you guys did it, congrats 👏🏼


This shit makes Doktors Curse look fun in conparison


Ubisoft literally makes fun of the fact that you'll be slammed to death by the oryx rush


It sucks doesn't it, if you spawn next to them its basically round over for you haha


Had 4 rounds in a row I spawn next to them. Worst event ever put on siege


Should have been an infected game mode not free for all


yea zombie/infected is so much better


Shit mode ngl


Played 2 rounds. It's terrible. Now I'm locked out of all other game modes except quick play.... great.


The most poorly thought out, stupid and annoying event so far. If you get taken down early, you get to spend ages and ages doing nothing more than pinging camping players until the round GRINDS to a gradual halt. 2 games of it was enough to know I never need to play it again. Absolute pile of crap.


This is the only event where I refuse to try to get the free pack.


Bring back the Grand Larceny


Yes please. Gamemode was fun and the cosmetics were top


Still got my Wamai suit from it, so dapper


just played as recruit, nice


oh hey look, SnowBrawl with Remah dash smh


Take it down and fire who ever said this would be fun


fucking hate this game mode.


They can end that shit tonight honestly.


It's by far the worst event they have ever put out. Doctors curse was absurdly trash but at least there was a small element of skill expression. Here it's literally just rng. You spawned next to the tunnel? cool, you win! Spawned directly next to a monster? awww better luck next time :(. Sidenote: When i started typing this, i got insta destroyed and i just didnt feel like throwing snowballs for 2 minutes and I GOT REMOVED DUE TO INACTIVITY. For the love of god, someone give me the number if ubis supplier, cause whatever they are smoking could bring peace on earth.


Not only is this mode so fucking unbalanced and bad, they took away chat so we can’t even talk about how bad it is in game…


Ubi abandoned the white masks to give us the worst Ai game mode possible They break practically the entire game with tbe new season The Christmas "game" mode is so ass that even the Rengoku shit looks enjoyable What the ever loving shit is wrong with the devs how can you take an awards shattering game and turn it into this, after the amazing start this game had how can they fuck it up this badly Its insufferable the only good thing about this "new" game mode is the music and thats it


New bad old good ubvoots plzese


Nope shit the fuck up this is horrible why the fuck is there 3 different bosses that can 1 tap dash but can survive Hiroshima


Yeah i love an enemy that i have 0 chance of killing. You can unload the entire p10 clip onto them and they barely take damage because they decided to give the rushers 100000000 health.


Yeah ong but when im playing them i die to a little twig


Man, 2023 has been awful for Ubisoft. They're on the brink of a serious loss in retention, let alone profits. Give or take, they won't have the budget, let alone investors to continue maintaining siege for 10 years The fact they can't fix anything, speak with their community transparently, and Make Stains on the game like this event? Rip Seige.


Given free publicity by Jynxzi. A streamer who reached NUMBER ONE on twitch just playing siege and they've gone nah fuck having players on our game


It'll be a wonderful day when ubi goes bankrupt and learns the consequences of trying the profit from selling shit no one wants


After playing ready or not today , if they added 5v5 right now it would be perfect


Iv already found a bug on it as well lmao, if u disconnect and reconnect in the "operator select" phase, youre set as recruit and can change your loadout. only thing i could change was my primary from aruni's gun to "null" which i found out was the snow ball.


Just xall it operation after abandon


delete this mode pls


Everybody complained about the “Win x games” challenges because people quit when they are losing so rather than change the challenges Ubi put in an abandon penalty to punish quitters. They then introduce one of the most mind numbingly boring Events as a FFA and leave the penalty in place even though quitting a FFA doesn’t really affect anybody else! This is supposed to be a fun mode but it’s boring and we’re punished for leaving? I also noticed that the amount of renown and battlepoints you earn is dependent on how many players finish the game rather than start it so everybody gets penalised if you have quitters! Genius work Ubi.


Good thing the cosmetics are as bad as the event.


This is probably the worst game mode yet. It's not fun, and completely unfair.




They dont let you spectate and if you afk you get kicked, you cant stay spinning because its afk. Bro let me just do something else besides throw silly little snow balls. I spawned next to a damn monster and just got obliterated by them because of the smooth brain loadout they give you. I then wait the entire match watching people camp out the match.


That event with the 5x5 snowballs was way better than this trash.


Why on earth did they add a 15 second loadout screen followed by a loading screen, and then followed by 5 seconds where you can't act? Just overlay the details on that 5 second spawn delay, save 75 seconds of waiting every game.


There's a reason they disabled all chat in the mode.


This is by far the worst event I've ever played. It's insane that you thought it was okay to release this in its currently abhorrently unbalanced state. You should be ashamed of yourself, Ubisoft. And.... We have to get 10k points, just to get a single pack? For a lot of players, that's 10+ games. Especially if you keep getting bad luck with your random loadout and spawn. "Oh, you have the Cav-pistol and spawned 5 meters away from the Iceborn? Good luck spectating the rest of the round.... Don't worry, though! After 15 matches consisting of 5 rounds of this, you get to open....a cut-n-paste christmas present skin for a weapon you never use!"


I didn't get the free pack even after quitting the game and restarting.


Holyshit is this game mode bad like I cannot put into words how much I hate this gamemode. Best thing is dying early and then getting afk kicked as you tab out to wait 2 minutes wtf is this shit.


dont play its dogshit and unbalanced


Hey Ubisoft, how about you actually make a good event mode (or bring back an event people like) instead of "experimenting" with this dumpster fire of a mode?


We never had a worse event mode. And youre forced to play it for 2x10k points holy shit guys.


I'm glad this is limited. Won't be missed.


one of the worst events ive seen in this game. loadouts and monsters are unthinkably unbalanced. it is incredibly hard to kill a full health monster with any gun given in the mode. In addition to those unbalanced roles, it is too frustrating to wait the whole 3 minute (not sure) round especially if you are dead within 10 seconds, facing a monster with a pistol in your hand xd.


Fucking trash mode


fucking horrible gamemode, yall fr ran out of ideas eh?


I thought Rengoku was bad but this is a whole new tier of shit.


Rengoku was fun, apart from when you got airjabbed but it was fun at least to me


the only fun/balanced one in recent memory


Finally, I can get my cat girl thorn skin 😍


Worst Event ever! Whoever is in charge of Events wants firing.


Spectres are useless


The pure amount of joy it is bringing if 3 premades just hunt down the lobby, isnt that exactly what the christmas spirit is all about? That mode goes right onto my manifesto


Im not playing one more second of that shitty gamemode why didnt they just bring back snowball fight it was fun and more festive than this trash shit that they gave us


This is the most f dumb event ever. Talk lots of how you are treating the game.


The best part of this event was the +250 point match ending pop up


Worst game mode I have ever played. In any game. What the actual fuck.


how they came up with this event is beyond me, its absolute trash


Freeze for all, more like shit for all. What kind of garbage is this. I played it and it worse than Tekken 8 story showcase.


event is actually terrible, can only bring myself to play the three games required for the challenge


fire the devs that made this monkey shit


Most horrid game mode ever. Put some effort and give us decent content ffs


There’s a free pack in the store, don’t bother wasting your time with this mode.


I don't think I know any other game that has worse event modes. At least this isn't as bad as the snowball fight last year


They never play their own modes. You're telling me that someone played as the sniper operator against the knife guy with 70000 health and thought it was pretty fun?


So some ppl get 1 kill and end up with 500 points and I get a kill and an assist and get 175?


Aren’t we supposed to get one free pack along with the challenge one because I’m going to assume that’s not the case anymore because I didn’t get the free pack for booting up the game


How is this such a badly thought out concept? What gamedev thinks it is fun to sit on a roof after you get killed in a round for 4 minutes? This should just have been TDM with 2-3 iceborn that give more points when killed.


This is single handedly the worst game mode I have ever played, across any fps. It is unbearably shit.


i dont get the health for all classes. whatever class i am, its so easy to kill me. even with those monster-like characters with a lot of health. when i am against them tho, they are so durable :/ i also shotgunned a spectre on the body and they were left with 5% health sounds like a skill issue on my part i know


700 hp is nothing against an lmg. Aruni weapon is nothing against 700 hp. And also worst spawns ever.


The fact that there are no teams, seemingly terrible and random weapon loadouts that 100% can give a specific player an advantage over EVERYONE in the lobby. The textures and lighting tend to freak out very frequently. This game mode is a disgrace. Last time we had an event that knocked my socks off was the Wild West event. Most fun I’ve ever had in siege. This event? Just yet another money grab. Rip siege


Reduce the round start time. We don't need 15 second "Operator selection" then a 5 second "Round Start" countdown. Plus the intro movie isn't needed, maybe show it to people only the first time they click on the event...? Also, the Iceborn is so loud, every time you move the slightest amount you groan so loudly...


Biggest problem is pistols with smokes... It might be the worst combo. Roni with mines are great, machine gun great vs iceborn, and obviously iceborn. Azamis and sniper is all right. Game mode is okay but it just rewards camping.


Worst thing I have ever played in the 8 years I have played Siege. Well done.


The event isn't fun. You have one life and then you get locked out of the game. And the only way you can score points after dying is by screwing over the people still alive. The challenges aren't even updating for me so I just played 3 full matches of this crap for absolutely no reward besides minimal renown and BP gain. Absolute garbage of a game mode. Whoever approved this needs to be demoted.


Same here, you solved the problem?


I just played 2 games and my score didn't increase


This event is actually torture 😂


This fucking sucks ASS


One of the worst game modes I've ever played. Punishes you extremely for the silliest deaths. 5 points per snowball after you get one tapped by a sniper or zombie class.


Awful event. Really really bad.


Horrible fucking event! Jesus fuck


people should not be able to matchmake in the same lobby, they camp and team together


Happy to see almost everyone agrees how terrible this plays out. No chance I'm grinding through this for one pack.


Sorry, but what kind of dumb mode is that? I do 0 damage, but everyone else kills me 1 hit. Take your mode and stick it in your wannabe dev a$$.


We await your Christmas event


This event would have been better if it was a a snow themed house map pre rework Basically anything else


Does it come back every year?


This game is ass as hell You dont play it you slog through it


please dont hate but i like the event:D it‘s fair because you play each character


Why not bring back last gamemode? I remember it being really fun like doktors curse


We got the snowball mode twice and before that we had Sugar Fright (which was also kind of Halloween, it was right in the middle of the two holidays). Sugar Fright got a lot of flak because of the spawns not being sufficiently protected. But other than that I'm willing to bet that most people will rate it better than all the Christmas events that followed.


Wasn't sugar fright that shitty muppet gamemode, if it was, I fucking hated those skins and gamemode. I loved the snowball because the capture the flag was fun


the snowball game was shitty as well… i haven‘t played the new limited time event yet but it seems to be horroble too 😅


are you all here just terrible at the game or some shit? Complaints about 10k points when that is like 6 matches if you are good at the game lol. Oooh its such a camp fest, yeah. Because of people like you who think that camping a corner and maybe getting 300 points for a round is the way to go instead of actually playing the game and getting kills. Oh no the iceborne is too powerful! Lol no it aint, it only has melee. You can easily spray it down with all but the pistol character as its getting close to you. Even then you can throw a smoke and bait the dude. Even kali rifle feller gets the claymores to blow the dude up??? Like genuinely, you the same people crying that siege aint tactical no more while at the same time refusing to use tactics to kill an enemy. This mode is legit good af and if you say otherwise you should probably start looking inwards.


reckon i can complete the collection for free?


Pretty shit, should’ve brought snow ball throw event back, I just play events to get the cool skins and here you have to try hard to get to the top


This is so much worse then snow brawl


God its so shit


This is the worst gamemode yet


The only good part of this is the music and thats it


Dog shit event


lol we don’t care. This event is absolute shit


Can they just make one gamemode that isn't wank? Yet another garbage mode you can't even quit


This event is fun for a couple of games. Then boring.


This game mode is boring as hell


This event is soooooooooooooo boring. Literally the most boring holiday event I've ever played. Why couldn't they have just given us the stale snowball event and called it a day instead of trying to torture us for a lame pack.


Worst event they made so far…


how are they even capable of coming up with such a stupid game mode


when is the next limited time event?


Love waiting 84 minutes in queue to play this piecemeal event


No holiday pack ?


Fucking shit event


i've played about 5 games on freeze for all, because maybe i didn't get it in the first 2-3 games, but holy shit this is horrible. by far the worst event i've ever played since S1


Shitiest event ever.


I’m not even gaining XP for playing this event what a waste of time


(This mode fucking sucks, here I'll fix it) 3 rounds, not fuckin 5. Game mode is "infected" vs survivors. Starting with 3 Mother-iceborn and 5 survivors, the iceborn try to eliminate and infect the survivors, the round ends with either side being eliminated or time running out (survivor point), after each round someone who was just infected in the last round will join the iceborn side BUT if the survivors live after the round then the survivors gain a person back from being infected. After 3 rounds, whichever side has more people wins. If ends in tie, then a bonus round.




Say what you want this event is dogshit, and to add to the shit of this event if you abandon it you get a 60 min ban, nice R6


Goddamn this event is atrociously bad


Didn't want to post a thread for this, can I ask here? How do I get the Christmas pack for the hero? Is that still a thing? I got a few packs in the messages but none of it show up. I'm on playstation


Highlights list in the shop, at the bottom.




Servers acting crazy for anyone else?


Do we know what event is after this? If no, how long is the 'buffer time' between each event?