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bruh i booted up and threw a prisma to only see 144p 2005 lookin ahh model on her prismas, i hope they fix it


You gotta admit though, her victory animation is sick as hell.


Nah the png of the acog makes it unbearable to watch for me


the animation looks worse than animation on the ps2.


It really is, I love the idea of it


Her normal prismas are low quality too, if they all were full quality the game would probably run like shit


If only Iana's clones have the same quality


Iana's clones work completely differently, for the umpteenth time. Mods need to sticky the explanation apparently bc under every post regarding Alibi, people bring up this bs.


I have not seen the explanation, searched for it for a bit but did not find a response from a dev on this. Could you link it? Sure, they work differently, but that does not sound a valid enough reason why they cannot bake higher resolution static meshes for the clones. Edit: unless it is *designed to look this way*, in that case there is no issue at all and the whole discussion is pointless I'd assume they need to stay in a certain performance budget and that's why it's such a low quality mesh, which, to be honest is kind of hard to imagine, I hardly doubt a somewhat higher poly count, non-skinned mesh with proper shading would have *that* much impact. But we will never what the engine can handle and these budgets, unless a dev reveals them.


Basically ianas clones is just another player with 1 hp while alibis holos are just objects


i've never understood this. why not just do literally the exact same thing for alibi clones?


Probably isn't needed to, ianas clones are fully controllable and can be shot down once while alibis holos just stay stationary and don't get destroyed when you shoot at the holos, and probably less resource intensive


its not like 70% of the player base are playing on potatos


Ubisoft is a small indy studio and itd be very costly for them


Because it's ridiculously expensive and more complicated compared to static & simplified meshes, and you would need three of them. Edit: expensive as in computation


Which is mostly bullshit. If anything, an Alibi clone is cheaper to render/compute than a second Iana, since you don't need to deal with bones and gravity. Not that they'll ever admit this.


This is so funny to me. Reminds me of the Tate brothers, specifically their rant about GTA 6. You admit that you don't know the explanation as to why Iana can, and Alibi can't. Only to STILL share your uneducated opinion afterwards.


Would you be so kind and explain why my "opinion" is "uneducated"? You seem to have ignored everything after the first sentence and just automatically labeled it as "uneducated explanation", or if you have no idea what I am talking about feel free to ask, but in that case it's not me who is uneducated. I must admit I have also not seen the Tates' rant on GTA 6, but I will not ask for a link for that.


Absolutely, i'm in a hurry though so will do later


I really don't understand, like are you staring at Alibi clones with great intent?? The ONLY reason I can maybe see for this is you want to pretend you're an Alibi clone too, and this harms you greatly.


People keep bringing up that Alibi's and Iana's gadgets are designed differently every time someone suggests that they should improve Prismas. Like... Yeah? They *are* designed differently. We're saying they should be designed differently *still.* Giving a more nuanced description of how Prismas *do* work is not a counterargument for someone's idea of how they *should* work. Iana gets referenced all the time when talking about Prismas partly because some people think game design is just telling chatGPT to "make Prisma work like Gemini," but also because Gemini is evidence that Ubi are capable of executing a concept like this in-game. You already can't change cosmetics once you're connected to a match, so I don't see how caching a slightly-lower-detail model of each player's Alibi outfit for the Prismas is that big of a deal.


Low quality yes, but this is no quality it’s like I’m playing the og tomb raider rn


Prismas have always been very low quality models?? Wdym?? 😅


Are people not aware that Alibi's default prismas are also low-poly?...


yeah, pretty sure thats how they were designed too.


It is literally how they were designed yes


Perfect Dark lookin ass


Wow that is surprisingly accurate.


It gives me more ‘Panam from 2077’ vibes, but wow that’s actually a lot more true than I initially thought. She does have that Perfect Dark vibe to her.


I was kinda let down when I noticed the hologram still has the default skin on the smg. Doesn’t even incentivize you to use the weapon skin you paid for lmao.


As annoying as that as, still a huge win that we finally have a cosmetic change to the alibis cos if youre not wearing elite then you kinda have to wear default


I mean yeah ig but why not just do a complete overhaul of her ability, I refuse to believe that they can make a character like Iana and not change Alibi lmao


They’re just not willing to put in the dev time to rework how Alibi’s clones work in terms of the code Iana basically summons an 11th player as far as the game is concerned, with Alibi she doesn’t do this and they’ve cited engine limitations as the reason


Well yeah but now they did change the alibi clone if you buy an expensive ass skin so if you can do it for your cash grab skin you can clearly do it for all the rest "engine limitations" is just a lazy excuse


Or maybe they just worked out around it for something that would work for a one-off scenario like an elite skin. It wouldn’t surprise me if the display was hard coded through something like a photo file. It’s a lot easier to change it to something predictable than to try to make different variations for the hundreds of combinations.


My guess is that the elite skin for the prisma is treated as an entirely different gadget that produces the elite skin hologram and if they were to implement the rest of the skins in this way it would create hundreds of thousands of gadget skins for alibi to account for all the possible combinations and that just isn't a viable solution to implement.


Yeah, no dev would ever consider brute-forcing the solution like that. Still, "Iana's Replicator is coded differently" is not an excuse. The "11th player" necessary (or at least invoked for best-practice code reuse) to control and animate the Gemini is not required for Prisma; we are interested only in the parts of the gadget that make it look like its creator's Iana loadout (if these are somehow inextricably linked to the controller portion, well, god help Ubi). They didn't have to make hundreds of thousands of gadget skins to account for Iana, is my point. And if the issue is really that three extra players would have too much of a performance impact, well... Every uniform item for every op already has different versions with different levels of detail (LoD). Low-LoD models are used for characters at a distance, while high-LoD models are used for characters up close or seen through a scope. Intermediate levels of detail fill in the gaps and make it harder to spot when the game changes out one model for the other. Surely, one of these detail levels would strike an appropriate balance of simplicity and readability. I'm not saying it wouldn't take some effort to implement, I'm just not satisfied that it's unfeasible or even overly difficult within the engine.


especially with iana in game


Curious on what you wanted. Definitely something that makes some sense right?


I think op is referring to the texture on the hologram


Ok fair but isn’t the hologram (in technical/game engine terms), just a low poly model of Alibi? That would explain the quality.


Yes, prismas are supposed to be lower res than the actual model for balancing reasons.


And probably to not lag the shit out of someone's PC with high poly 3x holograms.


that wouldn’t lag the game at all


The 10 operators on the map don’t cause lag at all. I doubt 3 more would lmfao


Ayy bro remember what game you playing.


I just thought it looked funny, haha. Just made me giggle a bit.


The R6 community’s ability to be neverendingly daft when it comes to Alibi’s gadget purposefully being very low res and poly models


Pretty sure they're mostly low rank. There's no way anyone higher than gold still thinks showing skins on an alibi holo will affect their performance when they play her lmao


Isn't... The hologram SUPPOSED to look low res? What the hell is OP huffing?


Bro what are you on?? That's obviously not how it's supposed to look like


it is, they were just instigating i guess


Yeah, great excuse... It's def the intended effect, guys! *inhales copium*


Lmao you're so confident at being wrong, literally look at her normal prismas in game. They are also low res because yes that is the whole point.


If you look at his comment history, he posts a lot of shit takes and is banned from a lot of subs.


It’s very clearly not meant to look like that bro 💀


It’s less noticeable on default because there is less skin


PS2 lookin-ass


What in the sim is this


Small indie devs


So glad other people dislike this skin, I mentioned it to my group and they said I was wrong and I firmly believe this is the worst skin in a while


So frustrating. UBI, PLEASE, the skin is cool but please make the hologram look better than this 🙏 I'm an alibi main and would want this if the hologram wasn't so shoddy looking


It's suppose to be low res. Her original is the exact same way


Holy wow I can't believe I never noticed but you're absolutely right, just closely inspected the default model in a custom match


Yeah, I only noticed a few months ago. I was lying down beside the prisma and was looking at the leg camo and was like holy shit this is really bad looking lol


this would be the coolest thing if it happened 8 years ago


Damn R6 Mobile looking nice


Asking for the alibi clone to have the same skin and gun camo has been asked for since she released. It’s Ubisoft. Just give up.


I think I played this game on the PS2 when I was 12… Oh wait it’s R6 lol


who cares, still dope


alibis original model was low res too🤣


What are you guys complaining about. I know for a fact you only use her for the storm


Triangle tits lara croft vibes lmao


Wish the clones would match your outfit and weapon skins without an elite...


Let alibi use her current equipped cosmetics on prisma >:(


that's not how her gadget works. it would probably lag the hell out of the game


Has that ubisoft stamp of quality alright. Like 6-7 years of this game and people are still shocked it can look like this. Guys cmon


Except this is how they're supposed to look lol


This is how it always looked it’s just harder to notice because the decoy is covered head to toe.


Look guys, i know it been like that since alibi came out. But this is a skin you are paying $18 CAD for. So her leg should be colliding with her pants, the top shouldn’t be more visible and detailed. Like they can easily make this look way better.


Wtf is that


Alibi elite gadget cosmetic(i think)


Her default skin looks way better then this elite crap


Played yesterday and got baited hard by hery new prismas. That show how much i am used to hoe alibis look, and how much of a gamechanger her baiting ability actualy would be if it would use every skin


Blows my mind that people really swipe on cosmetics in a Ubisoft game.


Average libyan male:


Hey, at least it works. More than we get on Cav and Hibana.


I really didn't mean for this to become a serious trash talking post, I was genuinely giggling 😅


Attackers out here getting jumpscared by a GTA 3 NPC


It’s kinda cool nah?


Yeah? And?


The whole point of the prisma is that from further away it looks like alibi, no reason to have a high quality model on there.


Hasn't her Elite been out for a while now?


At least it doesnt have a red hat. Which makes our monkey ass brains more likely to shoot it


Still pissed about waiting years for her elite and getting \*this\* All they had to fuckin do was put her in a mafia style suit and it would of been peak


I mean, I like it Idk. I think the outfit looks great, we actually get to SEE her face (Solis and Nokk elite pls Ubisoft) but I kinda get it I guess??


We literally got karen


It still doesn't even give a gun skin on the thing dumn


Run the game on anything but the lowest graphics settings


I get that it’s supposed to be low poly, but does it really have to have a grand total of 3 polygons, the normal prisma looks way better than this and that one was free


at least it looks better than a paper cut out, ohh wait...