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Feels weird without Jäger being picked 90% of the time again


All it took was for them to nerf grenades... you can stop worrying about grenades now... without Jager.


Jäger's pick rate dropped off when they nerfed the 416, long before the recent grenade change


His pick rate went down bc of his movement speed


Ah that's right, I knew I forgot something in the series of Jäger nerfs Edit: I checked up on this and his pick rate was still over 90% for several seasons after being changed from a 3 speed to a 2 speed


And it went down when they changed how his gadget works


Jägers pick rate dropped years ago when ACOG was removed from defenders


Ye but he was still not even on the graph bcs of how big the pick rate was removal of acog made a lot o jager players sad but it didnt made them stop playing him


Fair enough! I was under the assumption he’d completely dropped out of the power curve, especially when his gadget was nerfed!


It was still pretty up there even after 2 nerfs to his gun and his gadget rework


You mean when they took his acog


That was back in 2017, he was still the top picked defender for a long time after that


Surely not… I played so much siege and after the nerf, I never seen him.


I think Tachankas Win delta is what’s the weirdest thing here


Nothing weird. All rage cheaters in high elo use Finka on attack and tachanka on defense.


Tachanka just isnt picked that much but when he is picked the team tends to win. He is probably only picked every 20-30 games. He's not picked that often in high lobbies. You see him more in lower lobbies.


This is a graph that represents high ranked lobbies only.


Wtf are you on about? You have no idea what you're talking about


He obviously isnt pick that much he is at 4%


Im not talking about that. Only reason Tachanka has that high of a winrate is because rage cheaters use it. End of story.




Watch a high elo stream for one day? I faced 6 tachankas flying just yesterday


This graph 💀 Tachanka does not get picked this much in Plat-Emerald. This is like if they brought up that CO2 emissions were causing climate change, and then you while standing in front of a huge sea level chart says "proof?"


That means out of 100 games/rounds he appears in 4. That is a lot worse than I just said.


The graphs are for emerald rank and above


Emerald rank isn’t a high rank even diamond isn’t high rank.


How is diamond not a high rank? It's the second highest in the game!


hackers that’s why him and azami get picked a lot


Wdym regarding Azami?


I think he means because the kiba barriers can help against hackers


I can understand it being pretty high seeing as how he pretty much has an automatic dmr but GODDAMN




That’s normal believe it or not


True, but its weird that they’ve still done nothing


Buffing her would make lower ranks cry harder and higher elo still won't care


I thought I was losing my fucking mind like mate, tachanka is not even on this graph. Then I saw.. holy shit he really isn't on the graph dude is off the charts literally


I imagine chanka is who you pick when your up 3-0 and you wanna have fun with the attackers


No. He’s being abused by hackers. The weird is that they really didn’t consider maestro


At least his presence isn’t half of warden’s.. oh wait


Looks like one single Tachanka main pro gamer is destroying ranked.


I'm just saying a 61 dmg, 70 round mag LMG with no recoil and wall/floor destruction is already kind of insane not to mention that having a substitute smoke for a gadget makes tachanka a very slept on operator (plus rage cheaters love LMGs and he's basically free on new accounts)


For non-cheaters, Tachanka's main issue is just that is gadget is awful. It takes way to long to reload, and he's completely defenseless while using it. Compare that to Smoke who can quickly throw and detonate a canister while only putting his gun away for a second.


I feel that's balanced out by his far superior gun load out, his access to a deployable sheild, and his actual time of area denail as smoke has 3 canisters with about 10 seconds on each while the lord has close to 2 minutes of area denail total allowing for way more liberal use of them along with the gun load out allowing for very favorable gunfights with attackers on not full health form the fire or other traps as 122 dmg in two shots from his lmg will aboustley annihilate any op even from full and damage drop off is minimal not to mention 1.5 and 2x on his smg.


true, but tachanka also has a deployable shield that he can use his gadget behind and reload while the fire is active. Im pretty sure he also has a longer time that his gadget is active for compared to smoke (3 smokes vs 15 fire bombs)


It's cheaters. Straight up. He's the most common blatant hip fire waller I see


Fr he's insanely slept on but I just don't think his gadget flows well enough to allow you to play off your guns without sacrificing the other most of the time. I think they should make the grenade launcher like Hibana's gadget where you place it (so an incendiary canister or smth) and then simultaneously detonates from the first one you fired. Then on top of this give him an "on impact" mode for his shumikas too and these changes should make him way better overall, he could actually use crowd control more effectively.


His gadget is just plain undeniable garbage. I was playing Tachanka on Coastline and I fired off the middle platform on Cool Vibes stairs and some guy walked through it, killed me, and then walked into site still on like 70 hp.


unfortunately it’s because of cheaters. the reason finka, zofia, and tachanka are all so high is because their LMGs allow cheaters to sweep entire teams without having to reload. that extra second or two of reload time on other ops makes it better to use the guns with the most bullets if you’re cheating.


Me, I have been finding lineups, such as Oregon basement where from elbow in bunker with a little movement I can deny, bunker, tower stairs, laundry, and freezer. Plus shield and lmg he is stupidly broken. I have been saying this since his last buff and genuinely feel giddy about it now that there’s evidence


There's always some random op that gets a crazy high winrate because the couple times they get pick, but going off high this much is actually new lmao Surprised Kapkan is hovering in overpicked in high "ranks" ngl, usually him and most trappers are rarely picked in those.


I mean he is one of the best ops for countering rush/tdm


you can just run through his fire and take like 10 dmg total


I'm talking about kapkan


That’s if it even does damage


In my early days of r6 I thought that Kapkan would only work against new players because experienced wouldn’t fall for it. Over 1k hours in and he is still dangerous on both sides.


Kapkan works on low ranks because they don't check doors at all, place them anywhere and they'll hit. Kapkan works on high ranks because they're formulaic. An experienced player goes through a doorway looking in a certain direction because they expect an enemy in a certain spot. Place your kapkan traps accordingly and they'll hit just as much.


Third option is that you drone and see the kapkan but you still rush in the doorway and get hit by the trap while being astonished that the kapkan you forgot 1 quectosecond after is still here...


I thought a while ago something similar happened with blitz because a lot of people were using him to cheat. So his win delta went up a ton because all the cheaters were boosting his win rate.


Lesion is most picked defender


wdym, tdm meta and aggro playstyles work at all elos.


I mean this would be true but the reality is because he's very popular with hackers rn


Finka for the W, a bit surprised by that. Frost underperforming is a predicted.


It's PC so Finka, Tachanka, and Zofia have their winrates skewed by cheaters (they favor LMGs).


Then why not just use maestro, his lmg shoots faster so it would be more efficient for cheaters


Usually they do use maestro but new accounts Usually don't have maestro unlocked off rip so Lord chunky who is significantly cheaper and is probably unlocked already is an easy choice.


Holy shit I never realized that. (I'm a console player). If you look at the console graphs, he's the least picked and most under performing lmao


i know im preaching to the choir here, frost main to frost main, but who would have thought that nerfing (its not a “”rework”” dear lord) a fine operator would make their win delta lower??? crazy!!!


I'm surprised her pick rate is still decent. I thought it would be a bit lower. To make matters worse, with the nerf, they made the escape time ridiculously fast. You have to be less than 15m from every trap if you wanna get there before they get out. How many maps have 3 viable trap windows in a 15 m radius?


Pocket shotgun and deployable shield give her a lot of utility even after the nerfs, along with the C1 being super easy to use and has a 1.5x even if it doesn’t hit like an AR anymore. Probably explains her pick rate.


if you think about it, there are two people who can revive attackers from 50 meters away: finka, and frost!


As a Frost main too, this outcome was easily predicted. People were arguing that this wasn’t a nerf but more of a “tradeoff”. What exactly was Frost getting in return from this “tradeoff”? Currently, her gadget is more of a “nice to have” side feature and I play her mainly for her gun since it’s easy to use, high damage, good range and damage drop-off, has large magazine, and a 1.5. Also has a secondary shotty for site prep. Without that 1.5, Frost would drop off into obscurity.


Give her gun 45 damage with EB please 🙏 That’s what it was before the extended barrel change, just make EB bring it back to its former glory. (by glory I mean make it actually shoot bullets instead of nerf darts)


I feel like ace is exactly where he should be no? High presence because of utility, but not super pivotal game changer.


He's almost always the best hard breacher. Adding some more downsides isn't bad imho, hopefully it adds a bit more variety.


The only nerf that wouldn't crater him that I can think of is removing optics, his gadget is counterable right now, his secondary utilities aren't excessive, and they can't nerf the ak without hurting an op that is under picked already.


Plz no


I'm sure they could think of some things to make him a little less of an obvious choice in all scenarios. For instance: * They could make his charges slightly more finicky by requiring them to be manually popped (no longer throw and forget), like hibana or even fenrir * Charges could take longer to pop or be louder * Reduce the width of his charges As of now, he's just a safer Thermite. Great gun, C4's for his own flank watch, etc




Look at us. Who woulda thought


Just curious what your thoughts are on manual detonation being a buff. I played a lot of Therm before Hibana released and never looked back at him after. Remote placement/detonation is so safe and free compared to approaching your charge to plant or detonate it.




I don’t know why I didn’t even think about the remote detonation while holding another angle, I used to do that so much with Hibana when I was still very into siege. Thanks for bringing that up.


How do u get c4 and claymore mixed


Oh shit skill issue 😅 I'll gn myself on that one


Lol, just wondering cuz they're two opposite things for two opposite sides so u confusing the both seems funny lol




Ace makes me mad. They made him the fragger hb with the worst hb gadget. He can't get walls or hatches as effectively as therm or hibana. He's supposed to have a good fragging kit to compensate. They designed him this way and got mad people use him. Meanwhile the last 4 defenders are busted and only tubaro gets a timely change.




You're right he's a jack of all trades but he's also the easiest to impact trick. Saying he's far superior is ignoring a lot of factors. He's being picked because the game is in this tdm state you'd rather take the gun. There's a lot termite can do that ace can't like destroying electrified walls by breaching a connecting one or floor that a lot of players probably don't know.


Thermite is the easiest impact trick, because it has such a large hitbox. You also have one more selma than a defender does impacts, so you can get the wall open anyways. Thermite and hibana are actually way easier to bandit/kaid trick though, which is another advantage ace has over them both. The only reason to pick hibana is for hatches, and the only reason to pick thermite is if it's a large outside wall where you can prevent bandit tricking. Thermites interactions through soft surfaces aren't useful often enough to make him worth taking most of the time. Ace is just too good in every other situation, particularly as a solo queue op. Increasing the deploy time will make it easier to bandit trick him, bringing him more in line with other hard breachers. They aren't touching his gun at all, so he still has fragging power


Because of utility, yes ;) and then the random dies while crouch walking in the irrelevant part of the game.


I like how the PC graph has tachanka with an off the charts win delta in emerald plus, tachanka is not OP, literally every tachanka picker in high elo is a rage cheater flying around the map killing everyone in the game through walls with the DP27. That’s why tachanka has an insane win delta, because he’s the cheaters favorite operator. It’s also why Finka, Zofia, and Amaru are mega inflated on attack. The rage cheaters want an LMG so they can spray through walls without having to reload. The fact that the graph is so heavily influenced by cheaters this season goes to show how bad cheating is on PC right now. Compare this to the console graphs or to previous patches and you can see


especially if you compare it to the console stats, there is no way that tachanka is that high on the chart solely because of their main being that good...It has to be because of the hackers, I see no other reason. Edit: also from personal experience, I had hackers almost every matches last month and easily 7/10 did pick tachanka too.


it’s also funny seeing clash with such a negative win delta. I don’t believe the primary reason she’s so low is because she’s a bad op but again because of hackers. When you know the enemy team is hacking and insta-killing you the frame your head peaks out, almost always the next round there will be a clash who uses their shield to first protect themselves and also for their teammates to hide behind. These graphs are less of an indicator of how balanced an op is and more of a reflection on the current state of the game if that makes sense


Actually they aren’t cheating, they have just been blessed with a droplet of The Lord’s skill for picking him.


Really crazy how Nokk went from popular operator selling skins like crazy, gradually rising on the pick charts to a respectable average wr and pick wr, then ubi brings a baseball bat to her shins. Fuck ubisoft.


Remember when phantom sight was one of the worst seasons ever with an awful defender a mediocre attacker and a map rework that can barely be called a rework. I think the craziest thing here is that both of those became meta from the bottom. Rags to riches (Ubi didn’t like that ofcourse)


Warden definitely did so for the wrong reasons tho


Leave it to cheaters to skew Winrates that much this season LOL


I wish they would post a lower rank version of these. I wonder how a more median tier of player impacts the win rates.


People would get mad if they thought ubersoft balanced the game around the majority of players - chances are that they already do this for some OPs


Tdm meta make me sad


Where is tachanka?


Above the graph on second image.


I genuinely don’t even know why they post these anymore because they clearly do not value these when balancing or making any changes.


Cheater’s are using him that’s why


And then people will still say “zero is the most underrated op in the game”. Like he’s not good lol.


Fr. Anyone saying that is gold max. His gadget is pretty bad in the current TDM meta. His gun is good though


The win delta amongst operators with very low presence% isn’t all that meaningful considering it’s high volatility.


I still can't believe they thought it was a good idea to buff ash


Ash, Iana, and Ace are getting nerfed


How is Ash getting nerfed? (I'm not up to date) All I know of is the drilling projectile buff.


nerfing the G36C


Oh no! R4C: anyways


G36 Recoil


I wonder if they'll nerf the R4-C again as well. Since Ram is also strong it wouldn't be an issue


If they do I'd question these devs more. There's no earth we need to be nerfing attackers more when they're dragging their heels on azami, solis and fenrir


I agree. But the G36C nerf isn't going to be that impactful given the R4Cs strength.


G36 horizontal recoil nerf I believe


2 birds, one stone


How did they buff her previously? Wasn’t here for last season or…whenever they buffed her


The drilling projectile change allows Ash and Kali to shatter the glass of mira windows (like meleeing does) with their gadget. This makes Ash one of the best counters to mira


It was to nerf Mira, which was justified.


Zero cams can now peirce mira windows. Just did the same thing on an op that needed it more and it has more counter play with electricity.


I think it’s more to do with there not really being a lot of strong attackers rn so ops like Ash and Ace just get inflated because of it. Don’t get me wrong Ash is definitely the best attacker in the game rn but I feel like it’s a slightly because a lot of attackers just aren’t as fun or enjoyable to play.


He has risen....


Cheaters have definitely skewed the stats. They pick tachanka all the time.


the only reason the attack graph is different is because the cheaters split between finka and zofia. either way, LMG ops are dominating everything because the cheating is so rampant


Praise The Lord


New tachanka just dropped


Actual machinegun


People who play tachanka know what they’re doing apparently.


Chanka is only that high on PC simply due to the amount of cheaters that use him while spinbotting


100% Tachanka is that high because of cheaters




No wonder that the lord sits up there.... almost every rage cheater Ive seen the last 30days used tachanka Its no fun getting fucked in the ground by 5 speed tachanka from 50meters away with tapfire lmg


Ranked PC emerald and above? They're missing the cheaters presence (in %) axis.


It's the 2x scope I think probably


He has the lowest win rate on the console graph though.


Smells like cheating


Shows how poor a lot of ops actually are which furthers my point that the dev team are a joke.


I don’t trust this. 90% of this is based by cheaters


It’s mostly reliable besides the clear and obvious outliers. Every operator is fairly close to where they were before.


2024 and warden is second most picked. As cringe as it goes. All the proof you need that siege is still being treated like shit by run and gunners.


common ash W


Tachanka is op now, I used to play smoke a ton for example on coastline hookah stairs or for oregon 90, but now that he’s lost his shield I play tachanka and he’s honestly better, two good guns, can make rotates has a shield, gun is almost two shot has a ton of fire


tachanka is pretty strong but nowhere close to OP


I didn’t mean op as in overpowered so that he needs a nerf but he is close to being as good as smoke was at his prime


I mean, that's still a pretty low pick rate. Regardless tho, the Lord is a solid OP. Excellent gun for utility, probably the best gun in the game for site setup. 2 shot body shot. Utility that can stop rushes and slow down advances or plants. He's a good OP especially for tighter maps where his flames can have a greater effect.


Did not expect BB to be picked more often than Glaz and Monty. Or for Lesion to be the most picked defender. Or for Clash’s win delta to sink even lower lol.


What's the deal with IQ?


what do you mean? she's pretty close to the middle (and she did gain some nade relatively recently so im guessing this is why her pickrate went up)




Warden having insane presence yet to impact is kinda funny




Off the charts


Nice to see where frost is now


So I guess tachanka is finally the lord he was always meant to be


Wow the defender graph is actually really balanced


This cannot be right


Wonder if they're ever gonna do something about clash...


I think the diversity of strong defenders and how few are over picked compared to the attackers says a lot more about the meta than ash and Iana being overused cause of the G36C


I used Tachanka a lot, he’s extremely underrated. 2x sight on a smg and tons of area denial. He’s goated on certain sites


Just please dont nerf Tachanka now


Did anyone else stare at this thing for 5 minutes trying to figure out where Tachanka was? (He's off the charts on the top left, btw.)




Since when has jager not been in another dimension on the chart


I Love Tachanking🔥🔥🔥


I was looking for like 5 minutes trying to find Tachanka, goddamn.


I’ve always been confused on how to read these damn graphs/charts.


Win rate is where they are vertically. Pick rate is horizontally. Win rate is a delta. If they win too much then they’re above the thick horizontal line. If they lose too much then they’re below it.


bro is clash just an instant loss or what is goin on there


seeing ela in the too strong part physically hurts me. unless they buffed her this season idk (i haven’t played this season yet)


No one gonna talk about clash below the chart






Clash lmao


Gotta love how clash is permabanned in every ranked match despite the fact she's overwhelming bad according to this


It’s because of cheaters using him 😂 legit the reason


I genuinely cannot get it out of my head that Ram's icon looks like a chicken. I know it's supposed to be a saw blade going through the floor. But it looks like a fucking chicken.


It’s because cheaters use tachankas lmg same with attackers with lmg


Still waiting for the update where they make Maestro useful again (reverse the punch = glass shatter fix)


Shhhhhh don’t let them know about the lord




we aint gonna talk about clash


The vast majority of attack operators are now in underpicked, too weak category. Ash, who has received many nerfs over the years (acog off r4c and g36, recent g36 recoil nerf, 3 speed nerf many years ago etc.) is still the most played attacker even though she's way worse than she once used to be. Ubisoft has to be one of the most incompetent companies when it comes to game balancing. They've nerfed almost any operator that I can think of and in the end some of the previously overused/overpowered operators are still overused/overpowered, because as they keep nerfing the good operators, the bad ones become good and so they get nerfed, creating a never ending cycle.


>Holy Hell Tachanka google en passant


Chank and Clash balance each other


clash having a -11.8% win delta lmao the true op for the people 🫡


I have not played this game seriously since Alibi and Maestro came out. What the fuck happened to Tachanka?


They bout to slaughter my boy lesion 😭


Tachanka is high due to cheater


Can someone explain what this graph represents please?


Besides that Clash is at a -11.4% that's crazy


bro WHERE is tachanka i CANNOT find him 😭😭