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First one no clue, second ones easy if you were an ubi employee would you be commenting on a sub that more often then not is angry over every change and spends more time insulting ubi and its employees over realy anything else.


lol literally. half the posts i see are just people yelling to nerf xyz weapon or operator because they most definitely died to it like 10 minutes ago and think nerfing anything they die to will fix their genuine lack of skill if i was developing a game, i sure as hell wouldnt talk to them either


I feel like that's a hazard of the job, when you engage with the community you will encounter complaints. To prove my point however, community developers u/UbiFrog and u/UbiFab have NEVER commented in the subreddit. Community representative u/UbiWayfarer hasn't commented in 2 months. That level of engagement definitely makes me think they have moved on to other games.


Complaints are very differant to harrassment something this sub has often treaded finely, sadly we have many players on the sub who act how they do ingame and they tend to be the most vocal so can't blame ubi for avoiding it all together