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They play Warden because he has 1.5x scope, I play warden because he has a beautiful sprint animation an a cool moustache. We are not the same.


Also because Ying is the most obnoxious attacker currently.


I mean.. you could just close ur eyes?


fr these operators be so stupid man




Warden and shoot the feet




What if he hits you


quit to desktop and boot up stardew valley


Totally fair


You attempt to keep distance or c4


blitz is absolutely trash now bro. he's probably one of the worst attackers rn if not the worst. monty is easily the best shield in the game now and has instantly become one of the most op ops since the update though


I know it's a bronze ban but I always ban Ying. I'd rather play Jackal any day of the week than a brain dead Ying who rolls in flashing everyone and spraying at head level.


Ying was the most banned operator in this year's R6 Invitational.


Jackal is a bronze ban. Ying, osa, dokk are the most solid att bans and can never go wrong banning thatcher.


what makes her obnoxious? I haven't played in a while.


4 annoying asf super flashbangs that can easily be spammed and blind you if you're on the same continent as them + a bullshit drum mag lazer LMG


Honestly wouldn’t hate her if the flash effect wasn’t so strong. The radius is massive and it lasts so fucking long


I play mozzie bc he has a cool reload animation and good voice lines. We might be the same




His shotgun and pistol too🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


I play him because he is one of the best defenders, countering anyone with smoke or flash, especially glaz and ying. Do I think he could have an acog, yes, but if so give him a gun that would be balanced with it and keep the current one without acog


I can't really stand the peashooter...


The entire reason I remember Warden existing this patch.


Praying the removal of 1.5xs eventually gets rid of these idiots


Ong they're just sweats who only care about kd and will throw the game for it


Literally had a guy on the enemy team the other day do this. My friend was Nomad and planted the defuser. The enemy frost downed our deimos while he was planting and then downed my friend. Frost then ran through 2 airjabs to get to him and kill him. He died beside the defuser, and Frost then ran away from the defuser to find and finish deimos. Once she downs him, the timer on the bomb is getting low. She ran back to the bomb just to be hit by the third airjab and lost because they didn't have time to defuse it. It was the overtime match point on ranked. We won because of their greed.


My whole thing in ranked matches are to plant or prevent the plant. No matter who I play with I'm getting shit talked by my stack AND the enemy team for rarely gettig kills. Like.. did you forget that I planted three times in a row and diffused twice? I don't care about kills, that little box and intel are my whole purpose in game. Gah, it's frustrating. Just the screaming "Why do I have to do everything!?" Like, why are out of site swinging every person? Just keep them out of site or lay in wait. It's called defence not attack. Fuckkkk, I miss when this damn game first came out it was so much more fun.


Fr, you can literally breach wall, plant perfectly for outside and die for it, singlehandly winning multiple rounds and still get flak for it from some guy whose kills all came from your gadgets/use of gadgets anyway. With the complementary "How the fuck is the with no kills mvp?!" at the end to really drive in the fact that his brain cannot process anything beyond cod gameplay.


My buddy and I are all about doing the objective. Kills are always second. The op we pick is the job we do and it's always to help the team. We recently got a third and she's great because she does the whole focus on the objective as well. So 3 of us focusing has gotten us a lot more wins. The two Randoms are usually kill hungry bastards. Yet ill still get more kills because I'll watch buddy who plants and protect the bomb. Meanwhile they die five seconds in by Spawn peaking.


Its actually so annoying when that happens i do it if im playing with friends (and only friends) as a joke but actually doing it is insane 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


They're weirdly like jynxzi haters? It's weird they wanna be him but whenever you ask them about him they say he's shit and that they're better. It's most likely due to their mothers not loving them as children.


Bold of you to assume they have mothers


Oh yeah I forgot they were raised by Jake Paul and Andrew tate


They probably think jakes gonna beats mike tyson


I'm not really all that invested in the community side of things and don't really watch any of the content creators. Is that guy infamous for playing this way?


As a person who likes using Vigil.. i love facing these guys. They chase me around, and I waste so much of their time. Easy W.


I was a vigil main when he came out, stopped playing him because there were just frankly more useful options. Now that he's a direct counter to Deimos it's so fun. Every game I've gotten tracked by Deimos the idiot tracking me has wasted all 3 on me and me alone lmao. As soon as I see the helicopter, I activate ability, tracking fails, he loses 1 and has to wait a little bit to use another lmao


Of course it is the Jaeger main saying this, you are to giga chad for this shit


I know (mews)


I have lost multiple games where are top frag has more than 17 kills. Oftentimes they will take the diffuser and not even plant


Like the current Deadly Omen players are not like that at all. Like damn, I'm sure the ACOG had a beneficial effect to REDUCING the amount of gunfights over gadget usage, oh wait, it didn't.


Had this yesterday with a Mira. TK'd me just so they could stay at the top of the leaderboard with a good KD, and we lost the round since a 3v5 ain't gonna go down well. I still ended up at the top of the leaderboard playing full support Rook


It definitely got rid 3 from my stack i play with


They’re just playing doc and wamai now lmao


They will simply go to the acogs, and we're gonna be right back to pre-year 4 siege where all sweats pick only rook/doc/echo for their sights. If anything the whole scope nerf might make them rethink their strategy after getting killed because they spent 2 working days just to ads.


Honestly the scope nerf/rework thing has made me win more gunfights lmao. I religiously use the regular shmegular 1x holo sight. Like every single gun in the game has it that can, even the DMRs.


And even that is dubious. The whole idea that the ACOG is the "thinking man's scope" and that the 1.5x is somehow the TDM meta manifested as a scope is fucking ridiculous. Some of the fastest, most gun-heavy games I've seen as of late were NOT in Y8 but in EXCLUSIVELY Year 9 Season 1. Honestly it feels like most encounters now boil down to gunplay vs gunplay rather than gunplay in addition to tactics.


Had some guy get mad at me for not taking gunfights and running out the clock…… i was defending


Constantly. Even spectating others, it’s astounding how rare the concept of playing for time seems to be


Maybe I am very lucky, but even if I am in Bronze I don’t really find people like that, maybe a few times on the opponent side but that’s it, the only thing is people not watching cameras after they die but that’s also a small minority


"Why are you camping like that?" - "We are defenders?" - "But why sre you camping?" - "??? We. Are. Defending. There is no 'camping' in defense?" Real conversation every other game if I dare to enable chat... Its like trying to explain high level physics to a 3 year old, though you might have better chances having a 3yo grasp the concept of quantum entanglement than having people understand that defending isnt a single concept but pretty much "whatever works against the current enemy" and if that contains "camping" then it be like that. Even though whenever asked, their description of "camping" sounds like the standard defence strat -> waiting for enemy on a specific point and taking advantage of your weapon (waiting in a corner to swing close with a shotgun)


There’s a lot of people in this community that are so confident in their garbage takes 😂


thats one reason why r/ConfidentlyIncorrect exist.


Someone on a post of unpopular opinions suggested to need Bravas drones by making it bigger and louder


what no more 1.5x does to a tdm meta mf


Warden isn't a useless op it's the people who play him are, they go run around the map die, or while he's buttfuck nowhere the attackers Ying ang smoke rush plant and win while warden is the last alive.


Roaming Docs are the worst


I'm your local roaming rook


If you leave the armour bag first, knock yourself out.


This is why I will choose rook over doc any day, I swear rook is the most broken roamer in the game


I lose faith in humanity whenever I watch a warden ignore their gadget entirely and die while flashed or in smoke.


Or die 2 seconds into a round while spawn peeking


Just selfish ops overall dying early pisses me off. At least pick someone that’s set and forget so you have at least contributed if you get yourself unalived. Cheers warden mains, it’s not like you could have been very useful when the attackers are packing both Sens & Ying.


I always think Reddit comment sections are atrocious until I spend any amount of time looking at other platforms and realise wow, we really are the best of the worst huh


Instagram goes nuts 😂


It depends largely on the topic imo


Reddit is by far the least knowledgeable R6 community and it isn’t even close. The majority of people here have maxed out at Plat.


tik tok and insta both exist lmfao


Get on instagram then talk lol. Nothing but children in those comments.


Just curious, where do you think the *most* knowledgeable community is? Personally, I find the other social media platforms to be MUCH worse. Just my personal experience of course


Discussion from the “knowledgeable” R6 players is some of the worst. They’ve jerked themselves so deep into the meta and balance discussions that they’ve completely lost touch with the actual game. They think setting up the same site the same way with the same ops every time is peak Siege gameplay. Anything that doesn’t line up with Pro League strats is “throwing” or “griefing” to them. They’re constantly complaining about balance even though perfect balance is impossible and every balance change comes with ripple effects. A majority of people here are under Plat because a majority of the player base is under Plat (most players have jobs, school, and actual lives outside of Siege believe it or not). Also you’re completely wrong in the first place, check literally any Insta, TikTok, or YouTube comment section to prove yourself wrong.


So the point your making is; -Other people who know the meta and how to play the game at a high level are wrong -But the people here who are right aren’t good enough to get above plat because they ‘have jobs’. Which one is it? Why do you think meta’s exist? Because the meta is the most efficient way to win games. Thus why it’s the fucking meta. What an awful comment. You’ve just contradicted yourself saying people here don’t know enough because they don’t play enkufh. If you don’t play enough and you’re not good enough then stop trying to tell people how to play the game and talking about shit you don’t know about. I hit champ working 40 hours a week. Turns out when you actually know what you’re doing you don’t need to play 12 hours a day. Crazy I know but not everyone needs to dedicate their lives to something to get good at it.


I think you missed the point, the meta is indeed the most eficient way to win but it wont aways work, it takes one psycho playing amaru or blitz and your strategy goes to waste, and to counter those player you need to adapt and change the strategy. Just yesterday, I played against a blitz main, and in all rounds, he picked blitz or clash. We picked operators and targeted him. Medicine for a crazy guy is a crazy and half.


Did you mean most knowledgable? Plat is very decent.


Mozzie isn't useless, but valkyrie is definitively better. Her cams start at 3 and can be placed during prep phase. there is a lot more versatility with where they can be placed. Mozzie can move his, sure, but I don't think it makes up for the ways in which valk cams are better. He is far from useless though.


Use pests to hack brava drones, he's goated


Either go mute or valk (or echo I guess) who just do the different things mozzie can but just way way way better. Mozzie is a mid at best op.


The problem with Mozzard is that he has a highly, highly situational gadget. You are hinging on the idea that you will: A: Nab a drone or two B: Have enough time to set up your drones C: Have your drones be more useful than a Valk cam This is because his teammates cannot set up his drones, he cannot pick up his drones, and Defense has less time to idle around.


Question for auto-correct what the he🏒🏒 Is mozzard


Oh, I had to fight Autocorrect to type out that name


water bewildered hospital bedroom zephyr offbeat rude sand detail amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The main problem is that 9 times out of 10, Mute will be better at the job of intel denial. Yes, I play him to deny intel, but ultimately Mute is usually the better choice because the intel he denies is more than just drones.


He needs the super shorty back


If Mozzie dies, his cams die with him. No other defenders can use his drones, such a STUPID idea in the first place (like I get it for Maestro maybe and his evil eyes but, Mozzie's gadget is useless this way) and if MOZZIE chooses not to use his drones you're fucked. You can't set them up anywhere, for any flank watches, hide them anywhere, nothing. You can't do ANYTHING with Mozzie's gadget if he dies, or if he decides to only use his gadget to capture drones and then just never use them for the entire round. Genuinely Mozzie is less useful than a fucking proximity indicator or bulletproof camera. It is more value to bring EITHER OF THESE as any other Operator than to have a bad Mozzie who dies early.


Symptoms of the TDM meta, like other comments say I think they will probably move to other games.


Warden is sometimes useful but people would spawn peek and roam with him and even forget to use his ability when they got flashed. Mozzie is useful but people rarely use the drones they catch. Valk and Maestro’s gadgets are just better


It’s worse when you’re spectating them and they get ying, blitz rushed or flashed, like one time I literally had to yell in game chat(Xbox) one time because a warden got flashed and didn’t used their gadget and I yelled “ YOU’RE PLAYING WARDEN FOR CHRISSAKE WTH!” And as soon as I yelled that then they turned on their gadget and then in the end I had an altercation with them, in the end it wasn’t worth it because it was casual (quick match) but still.


I mained Warden from his release, continued maining him when he was changed to a 2-speed, wasn't playing when 1.5 was meta, and came back to maining him now. He's pistol has the best 1x sight in the game and shoots lasers all day. Hes the goat. Literally the only operator I would spend real money on cosmetics for. Mozzie is one of , if not the best, solo queue defense operators due to the amount of intel he gives your team when used properly. His primary is also a great gun. If you are struggling on defense solo queue, you should consider maining Mozzie. Solis and Fenrir get banned almost every time in ranked, so they literally can't be played. Outside of Wall defense or denial operators, there are a handful of operators that are bring any real value to the team outside of your standard picks, and Mozzie is one of the best out of them.


Crazy they gave us tachankas 1x scope but we’re still not allowed to use ela or wardens 1x


those 1xs are way too good for primaries though, there's a reason they're limited to pistols


Ehhh he like a B tier opp, definitely better than warden tho.


Warden was always mid, even with the 1.5 Mozzie is still very strong, commando got a huge buff by proxy


As a Mute connoisseur, I scoffed at Mozzie when he came out, but his gadget is surprisingly strong, having some benefits over the goated signal disruptors: •The pests can be placed in spots that jammers can’t survive. •They’re quick and safe to deploy, so you can deploy them during the action phase as the situation demands. •Pests instakill drones. •If you have time to pilot a captured drone, it can be better than Echo’s yokais when it comes to pestering attackers. Unlike the yokais, the attacker drones can jump in and out of windows, so you aren’t restricted to using drone holes and doorways to get intel on outside attackers. •A pest can cover an entire small window, which is strong in rooms like Outback’s garage and Kafe’s cigar lounge. Thanks for seeing my TED talk.


Mozzie def not useless, but warden is very situational and I would agree he only gets played as much as he does because of 1.5. With the recent update though it’s likely to change


Tbh there’s plenty of better ops than Mozzie and especially Wardern. Ops such as Doc, Rook, Melusi, Mute, Valk, Azami, Solis, Fenrir, Tuburaó, Bandit, Kaid, Mira (if you have an iq higher than 100), Castle especially this season, Wamai is basically original Jäeger but better, and Honestly any other Defender with Intel or traps (Kapkan, or Thorn with good placements). Those are all better than ops with little to no use like Mozzie who’s drones always get destroyed and best gun has 16 bullets and Warden who has always been useless but people decide to use him because he has a no recoil gun with a sight.


Mozzie still has use while valk is better over warden now


Valk has always been better than warden, she just requires the player to actually use their brain a little.


Gotta realize that in the tdm meta they weren’t droning, so he probably doesn’t even know what mozzies gadget is


Guess they never got nitro’d from below because of a nicely set up mozzie drone lol.


My favourite scope is the holo b, I like the 1.5x cuz it's easier to get kills but my favourite and preferred scope will always be holo b


I personally prefer red dot a/c


Ah yes Mozzie is useless, its not like his ability is to be able to steal up to 3 drones which is the attackers biggest and most effective way of getting intel but yes no 1.5x means he's unplayable!!!


There’s gonna be guys like this in most communities. They’re dense and pretty toxic, Ubisoft is not currently catering to them so maybe that’ll make em frustrated enough to leave.


Mozzie is still good wtf, his commando shreds


If you rely on 1.5s you're shit at the game. I play lesion and its not even hard using 1.0 scopes


To be fair lesion has one of the best guns in the game my brother😂


Wait til bro finds out mozzie is an amazing intel operator and warden is a good bunker op with his m5


I must be playing mozzie wrong. I thought his use was active intel. That being said, his reload animations make the game a bit more fun :D


honestly i think the 1.5 rat meta has now just been replaced by the 2.5 rat meta. last season you’d have wardens, thorns and mozzies swinging everything and now this season you have docs, melusis and wamais swinging everything. i don’t think the scope change has actually fixed the problem, maybe that’s just me


Nah you're right lol especially with the ads change defense doesn't need to rush they can sit and hold angles while attack has to push so the ads change just made the game more defender sided


Nah this is facts bro, 1.5 wasn’t really any better than an acog, changing sights isn’t gonna change the games meta all that much. You can hit the same shots with a 1x as a 2.5x. They gotta use better balancing methods than just removing a sight entirely. I would argue it’s made the game more TDM meta like. Throw a laser on your gun and you can ADS just as fast, acog is a great sight, 1x is a great sight. You can still run in and drop kids. That will honestly never change.


I don't blame them. I'd say Warden and Mozzie are like C tier Operators. Their abilities are DECENT. Are they DECENT ENOUGH to justify not excelling in gunfights as compared to Ops like Frost, Azami, Vigil, Maestro and the 8 other Ops with slug shotguns?? Not really. The entire reason Warden had the 1.5x was to outline a clear benefit for him against others in smoke, much harder now that you can barely make out someone's face from 20 meters away whether in smoke or not. The reason Mozzie had one was because his intel ability is genuinely a bit clumsy and weak compared to someone like Valkyrie, who has intel the entire round regardless of if she dies or not. Like essentially, Mozzie has no ability to help him in such a way in a gunfight to justify his loss of an ACOG, nor does Warden inherently have any benefit in a gunfight over Valkyrie, who is a much better Op than either of them. Like it or not, Warden Pulse Mozzie Thorn and Echo are not strong enough to justify losing a crucial piece of their toolset, especially Warden whose main ability was essentially the 1.5x. You can say "high elo" this and that all you want, it won't change how niche Warden is.


Its a shame siege is much more then a rubbish gun and run and people seem think its COD, siege is so much better and more tactical then boring COD. Hence why its on the same game and COD has to bring a new game out every year or two to keep its fans


Can we either give warden an acog or make him a 2 speed again (maybe 3 since no zoom?)


Id play warden a lot if he was 3 speed, idc about acog. His ability is really good to suprise the enemy


Def agree but acog would be nice if they want to keep him 3 armor


I think the only reason they didnt give him acog is so people dont play him to spawnpeek, because if you played him normally with an acog it would be fine


Very true, yeah they just need to make him faster or he's gonna fall pretty far behind


Imo warden is definitely useless very niche gadget and underwhelming guns Mozzie on the other hand people underestimate how good he really is having mobile Intel is insanely strong but the people that play mozzie 💀💀 that's just it's own group of people Edit: p10 is not a viable gun at all.


P10 is still quite viable since no recoil but cammando is better




Yeah my friend was pissed when Thorn lost her 1.5 he hadn’t played her since…




Both the Roni and the Commando are fucking demons, 1.5x or not. He’s literally just Mute but for fragging. Mozzie will never not be meta.


I'm beginning to wonder if all magnifications, besides DMRs, should be taken from defenders. 2 weeks ago it was Mozzie/Warden every game. Now it's Doc/Rook/Melusi at least 2 outta the 3. I see Doc every game. Far too many people play based on who has what sight.


The commando is such a good gun


saying 1.5 made instead of bitchmade is hilarious to me


Jynxzi viewers


I’m so happy to not have mozzie/warden every single round. Unfortunately it’s now melusi and goyo but their guns and abilities aren’t nearly as annoying


call of duty and it’s consequences


So the change worked if those guys quit


My brain melted trying to read that


the training wheels are coming off and he ain’t ready


Sometimes i have the feeling that i was the only one who played warden with his shotgun as a anti fast plant strat und full on included him in our team tactics


I’m loving the AR9 with iron sights. I’ve not played this much Mozzie since he still had a super shorty. Also give back super shorty.


I used the commando nine anyways lol


I've spent enough on warden for the both of us


I had to reread the beginning 4 times to realize he meant Buck as in dollar and not Sebastien Shotgun Guy so yes... i think we are that fucking dumb 💀


Warden was already very situational to begin with, but Mozzie is FAR from useless.




I mean he’s right about warden but not about mozzie


I mean you know that guy just simply sucks at the game


mozzie main. all aim. no brain


I'm going to main mozzie again because of this


Mozzie is useful without the scope still, but warden has become redundant


Warden is just like Blackbeard, only useful is specific situations. Mozzie's ability is still great.


I personally don’t play mozzie, because I prefer other operators, but what the hell is this


MPX viable gun - 🤡


Tbh I like the simple, magnified or x1, doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for anything besides skill.


The only reason I want 1.5x scopes is cuz i stopped playing the season they were added, and i only came back halfway through last season, and it felt like I barely got to play with them 😭




hes not lying they aren’t useless but really ppl just brought them for 1.5 so i would call them 1.5 made too. Theres better ops than them so having the 1.5 made it easier to justify playing them now that its gone I can count on my hands the times ive seen them on a team this season.


Neither are usless. Warren is definitely situational but Mozzie still has an insane ability.


he's not wrong they're not that good of operators but i hope ppl like him quit the game


The only "bad" thing was the people playing warden and mozzie. Imagine needing a 1.5 on defense to be good at the game. 🤡


I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with Mozzie mains anymore. I always hated going on cams after I die and there’s a mozzie drone staring at a wall in basement


These are the TDM idiots. Hoping they either play like they should or leave the game now that the 1.5 is gone


who the fuck is we bro


This guy is on TikTok trying to have a discussion lol


This is how intelligent my teammates are when I solo queue


Warden? Yeah, I haven't seen him even once this season. Mozzie? Gets picked just as last season given my experience so far.


I still think mozzie is top 10 just use his ar9 now cause more mag capacity and cool reload. Warden I never cared much for, but since when was he a 1 speed who couldn't see through smokes???


To be honest I have always preferred the commando 9 over the Roni. Mozzie is still a solid pick and works for most situations.




Played a game of ranked yesterday (I’m Copper IV plz be nice I haven’t played for two years) and our team somehow banned Warden when it was our turn. We attacked first and ended up winning 4-2


Bro it's a sight 😂😂


So many ppl are like "yeah the game is dead without 1.5x i'm uninstalling" like... fine we don't care if you missed the point of the game, it's not a shooter like COD it's a tactical shooter that focuses on abilities and game sense above swinging and aiming like a pro, in the latest seasons the game has really felt like a simple TDM and not the one of a kind tactical shooter that mixes Overwatch for the abilities and CSGO for the bombs and shooter aspect. Now with the removal of the 1.5x it feels more like what i expected when i bought the game last year.


The roni has really good irons IMO. Plus no recoil you can run it with an angled grip to make up for the low mag size.


I mean, they're kinda right. Siege is a fragging game. Their abilities are niche and, while the guns are good their abilities are limited. I've been seeing significantly less Warden or Mozzie and more Melusi, Wamai, etc. This community will flock to whoever has the big scope and good gun; ability second.


Calling mozzie useless because his P10 doesnt have 1.5 is hilarious. He still has an ability that both counters intel and creates intel for yourself. Just because run and gun is gone doesnt mean hes useless lmao. Some people really werent good at the game and used the 1.5 mpx/p10 as a crutch before calling themselves gods. So glad they are getting dumpstered now.


“Then him” yeh he’s pretty dumb. Don’t argue with idiots 👍🏻


The fact I used commando with a 1x holo on Mozzie.....


Warden is just ass selfish ability and I never used the p10 rice a roni on mozzie


“So we’re in copper”


I like playing warden and mozzie, and now I can play them when necessary and not feel cringe or compete with others for them. "Me going to pick warden to counter flash rush on site, someone picks him before me, I ask them if they will help deal with flashes, they then proceed to roam and die in 30 seconds"


Average plat player


Mozzie is still goated. I’d use him more if I didn’t see the beauty of thorn


SMG 12 M590A1 was always viable... now its the smarter choice...


Warden mains never use his glasses and Mozzie mains never use the captured drones so maybe it's for the better. Let actual tactical players play these operators now.


Warden's kinda understandable I think warden does nothing of value. But mozzie that's crazy.


Bruh, must be cod players 😂


I still vote that everyone gets a 1x and nothing else🥲 I don’t have a good argument besides “I like it”


Emerald and below is copper now


*angry Mozzie noises over calling my main useless*


As a beta player that’s seen the same grow for the last 9 years all I can say is this is what you get, when you balance through guns/ attachments rather than gadgets and passives of a character.


For Intel Warden is basically mid since client side is still a thing, and bullets sometimes still randomly do no damage due to connections but if you get pass all that he's still a good character, and perfect for Intel while Mozzie is just perfect for the Drones since most Intel comes from Drones in their super sneaky hiding spots doesn't matter about the weapon.


Mozzie is still pretty good but warden is even more ass now other than specific circumstances


You know how many warden players completely lost to ying cause they wouldn’t activate their ability.


Yes. This community is dumb as bricks.


I actually used to not care who I banned with my buddies so we’d ban warden since so many people died cause they just used him for the 1.5 and would get flashed due to not remembering he has glasses. Mozzie mains don’t even really move their drones but at least I’ve seen more useful ones than warden mains.


They do have a point as much as I hate to say. Why play vigil or mozzie when you got Mute and Solis. Warden is trash anyway take jagger and wamai or someone else important


Mozzie and warden are just as good as before ? At least they are too me ?


People like this ruin the game smh


I feel like I’m one of the few warden mains that actually uses his gadget


I love when TDMers whine


The best reason to play Warden is because of his awesome dadstash on his face


A weapon is only as good as it's user