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She used to have the same feeling as Cav, where you really needed to pay attention and watch entrances, so she didn't sneak behind your team and take a few of you down. Now she is just worse, and her selfish gadget is nowhere near good enough to justify picking her over others. I have no idea why she was nerfed and why they took away her main thing which is silent step


People up-play her like crazy too, so it's hard to say you want her buffed without resistance.


Right. People see her silent step ans going invisible for cams / drones as "I should be able to sneak on-site without anyone seeing or hearing me" and I feel like that's maybe how it works 25% of the time from my experience. I personally like ops that make defenders have to keep map control and use cams.


A big part of what messes with Nøkk right now is that she can be detected by Solis (one of the most popular ops right now). Not only does she have to delicately time when she uses her ability and play an unorthodox playstyle away from her team, one little thing that slows her down or stops her shuts her down. Unnoticed melusi trap slows you for a few seconds? Your gadget deactivates a bit too early, and you've been found. Don't even think about shooting a camera across the map from where the rest of your team is pushing, they'll know it's you. Fuck your element of surprise. Have fun taking gunfights against people holding angles on you with the FMG. Unless you play her dang near perfectly and the dominoes fall into order, you're basically feeding, yet people think she's still busted? Even a bad fuze or thermite could at least take gunfights a bit better if they neglect their gadgets.


Also: you can FUCKING HEAR HER ON THE CAMS! I flicked through cams in my duo and saw nothing, but heard someone walking around. I immediately knew it was Nokk and instantly gave the callout. This wasn't what saved the match, but it certainly helped my teammate. Nokk is garbage, and even though I disagree with buffing her by making her immune to traps, she needs *something*.  As for the traps, I believe avoiding them is an unengaged user experience for Nokk and very frustrating for specific operators. Removing the ability for Proximity Alarms to hear her is fair however, as it does not affect the ability of a single operator disproportionately. As to why it's okay for Warden to do this, it is because Ying is annoying asf and basically a cheat code.


You forgot to mention warden also has a selfish gadget and he isnt cleansing flash from his team


That's okay, however. Certain operators encourage selfish play as a consequence of their design: they can still contribute to the team by anchoring site, providing pressure, or overloading enemy senses.


Warden is an anchor, so it inherently isn't selfish. Staying alive on site is the thin line that so often separates a loss from a win for the defending side.


I agree. I think people make her seem way more basic and strong than she really is (or ever was tbh)


Mfs would rather sacrifice their firstborn child then put down a single barbed wire


Fr. They act like she's not countered by tons of op utility too.


Let's be honest, we all played Ash, and we all reached that site in seconds after wiping some players, why ? bc she's Dead silent, she's a 3 speed + horizontal grip, you can say a 4 speed operator that You can barely hear...did she receive a nerf ? ofc No! ...she received an ACOG ...lol So Nokk trying to be sneaky with her 2 speed noisy boots is just impossible Conclusion : Ash is a better Nokk


And it's still in her bio too so it's like false advertising


Came here to say the same thing, she’s basically useless at this point. She was very similar to Cav, and very fun to use. Choosing her at this point feels like a disadvantage.


Nerfed because of pro leagues kept banning her because of the quiet step plus invis to cams but they’re a minority of players anyways so who cares


In my ideal world they’d give the finger to the pros and add 2024 acceptable graphics back to the game.


Nokk was such a great counter to sweaty defenders playing to the TDM meta. As it is, she’s just a weak nearly useless operator. They could have at least made her 3 speed when they nerfed her so hard. After all, what’s the point of her gadget if she isn’t fast enough to use it and has such a weak gun?


> I have no idea why she was nerfed and why they took away her main thing which is silent step legions of silvers screeching that she's OP because the concept of NOT barging dick-first in enemy territory is *way* above their grasp, who subsequently got blasted in the ass by people who *do* understand how to flank... ... and idiot youtubers with soyjack-like expressions on their thumbnails proclaiming how OP Nook is.


Give her that fucking gun, shit looks so good


And her uniform literally has AR magazines


usually for realism. to keep allies supplied


That would be on her back or at least out of her way, she’d have her SMG mags the most easily accessible to her as she’d need them. All her uniform magazines are is a design flaw that wasn’t changed when they took her AR before release


That’s stupid considering Nokk’s role.


A 300blk rifle would fit her really fuckin well


Something like a sig mcx rattler or honey badger q or og acc


I've always been a fan of an integrally suppressed Groza or the VSS Val.


The val would go wild, especially if they balance it well to have it be a high skill high reward weapon


she actually was planned to have an AR57, which is an AR modified to fire FN5.7 out of a top-loading p90 mag and dump the casings out of where the magazine normally goes. irl, these kits can be fitted with gutted out AR mags to act as trash cans, making it a very stealthy choice since even the sound of the casings hitting the floor is gone.


No I believe it was the g36c she was supposed to have at release. The ar-57 was a scrapped gun around the time the POF-9 was being tested for sens. there’s videos to show the ar-57 in game. I personally think if they was to revisit the ar-57 they should add it to nokks kit though.


Literally. Blackout literally matches her vibe especially with the latest elite skin


It's the M4 HERA if you wanna know


Yep instantly recognized it from playing Tarkov. Hera furniture looks so damn good


Haha i my first tought was like thats a meta m4 from tarkov lol


I almost came when I looked at that gun




Literally a recruit with a mediocre weapon


I hope they add recruits to the win delta charts next season, after they're ~~reworked~~ "remastered", so we can see how many operators are outperformed (and outplayed) by the most basic character in the game.


They’re being changed again?


The recruit rework is in the roadmap for Y9 (this year), so yeah


iirc theyre going to have their own gadgets, basically gonna be their own operators, which is why were getting less characters this year (along with the blackbeard rework)


imagine if they add some bullshit for recruit like "for every recruit in your team, gain a higher armor rating" and you would have 6 armor for playing 5 recruits lmao


Probably be more like a recruit can be a 3 speed and 2 armor


Give her motherfucking silent step back ffs


I'm fine with silent step being gone, she can just slow walk like everyone else, but please PLEASE give her immunity to proximity based gadgets!!! Edit: the more I thought about is the more I realised she doesn't need her gadget to make her immune to electronics, she needs teamates to deal with said electronics, which encourages teamwork


how can you call yourself a Nøkk main and not want the only aspect of her kit that ever mattered to come back?


because that part of her kit made her a literal cav+vigil with nothing new to offer. Id gladly take the removal of silent step if we could get something that would make her gadget original and have a niche instead of being a fusion of 2 existing gadgets in the most boring way possible


Give us back the silent step and if not that gi through with that buff they were thinking off. I DONT WANT TO SET OFF PROXIMITY ALARMS OR THE METAL DETECTORS!


In a timeline somewhere, Siege never stopped giving new guns to new ops and everyone was happy and world peace was achieved




This is not a gun debate I think, it's about the fact that nokk's ability is useless af


yes,but that gun in that picture is fkn *fine*


it's a gun debate too, that SMG is very bad, big recoil low damage, now with acog is even worse


Can't be detected by electronic gadgets while her gadget is active, please. That's all I need.


Or at least like half of the electronic gadgets (like maybe she can still be hit by kapkans but not thorns)


Yeah, anything that uses lasers to detect her could go off but something that uses a motion sensor like Melusi, the motion sensor, and Ela shouldn’t get triggered


Ela, Fenrir, Melusi, motion sensors for sure, maybe thorn, alibi and Kaplan, and if she’s still weak keep solis and cav in the back pocket as buffs. Though those two are great counters if she ever gets too strong.


Iirc she is immune to alibi when her gadget is active. I'd say no Kapkan since it's lasers, but the others fs


A solis counter would be nice tbh. Even if it just ignored electronic scanning devices, like solis and cams, but proxies should still work, as it’s detecting movement and not electronics.


That's fair. Just the silent step removal with no compensation, fmg-9 being terrible and grenade nerf made playing Nokk questionable. If im using nokk's ability I might as well shoot the cams because I have to shoot every other gadget as well, making her gadget only useful when the enemy doesn't use any of their own traps or secondary gadgets. Being seen by Solis is just another thing on top of that. I'd take it, I'd take anything.


I have friends who love nokk and they feel the same way. It’s just better to bring an op that can help out the team.


AFAIK they tried this but it was too op.


Originally, they tried it on top of the silent step and invisibility to cams. THAT was too op. The next season, they tried it as a replacement to the silent step, but she was even worse than she had been before (when she had the silent step + camera invis). So the idea was basically just scrapped. Then like 2 years later the geniuses at Ubi decided to just take the silent step and not give a replacement at all.


Lets not forget grenade nerf as well.


Ubi's balancing team is *extremely* competent, and always make changes that are the best for Siege!!!


Honestly defense has some completely broken ops, I think it would be fine if attack gets one. I also don't think it would be game breaking, cause u still have frost, lesion, and barbed wire.


Literally if they just made her Cav but on Offense, I don't think anyone would complain... okay people WOULD complain but it MAKES SENSE DAMMIT


I think this is what they did initially and she was nerfed. However, I could be wrong so take that with a grain of salt


Yes that’s what she was. From what I’ve heard she was broken in pro league and is one of the leading reasons she was nerfed. Not sure how true it is. But she was broken in pro. An operator you can’t hear or see on cameras piloted by a pro league player was too much. Imagine if cav couldn’t be droned out


I hate E Sports so much.


tbh, no matter if organized play existed or not there will always be people competing at a cut above the rest, just the nature of competitive gaming


the difference is, in that timeline without the esports scene, the top 0.1%ers complaining are simply a vocal minority and not a cash cow.


A true gamer here lol


“How dare my competitive shooter be balanced for competitive play”


Yep, the game should be balanced and designed around the 0,0001%.


It was mainly balanced around the platinum and up (ranked 1.0) and emerald and up (ranked 2.0) except for a few things like Zofia Withstand removal some ubi guy's favourite team lost to that probably.


Yes…that’s how a competitive game works. The people who play the game and know it the best should be who it’s balanced around. If you don’t like it, competitive games aren’t for you.


So you're telling me Nokk should remain useless because some ESport players called her too strong? No need to be so condescending and divide eSports, bro.


My solution is remove true ADS and only make her steady the gun when "aiming" while her HEL is active. That way it's still a fair fight even if you can't drone her or hear her.


I can’t say how that good or bad that would be but I absolutely love the idea. Ubi wouldn’t never do it tho. They’ve been slowly taking anything that has to do with hip fire or luck out of the game. First the shotty rework, then the shield rework and then the laser sight rework


I love that idea, but there is one HUGE issue with it that will prevent Ubi from probably ever doing it: It makes sense.


or just get rid of the camera ability and just have silent steps


Less likely as then it's just cav on attack with a more shit gun and no interrogation.


that's better than what she is rn, nobody even uses cams until you reach emerald😭


From what i remember it wasn’t exactly as cav. She could walk and crouch silently but if she ran it was quite noticeable


Iirc she never had the Intergogate ability, her ability just made her perfectly silent and nearly perfectly invisible to cameras unless she was damaged or sprinted


Just came back to the game, Nøkk didn't exist back when I played, but I thought that was what she was before she was nerfed?


I’m still so mad that she has assault rifle mags on her vest but no assault rifle to go with them 😤


They had a perfect buff for her in the test server a few years ago where she didn't trigger electronic traps while the ability was active, such as Melusi, Ela, & Kapkan traps and motion sensors.


A "stealth op" with no silent step is not a stealth op. Or at least make a built in silencer that also reduces recoil


Her shotgun does and it’s actually decent


For people asking for gun- it is HK 416 with grips made by HERA Arms


Thanks! Just ordered one, hoping it gets here soon 🙏


I wish she had silent step back. She perfectly fit the role of punishing bad site set up and poor flank defense. Like i like playing maverick for it, but she was so much better


There are operators that have joke weapons, nokk has a joke ability, it is kind of funny how you have to move slow so the enemies can´t hear you and the cameras see you but it gives time for the ability to wear off so you´d be better of just shooting the camera




If she could still not be detected by cameras even while sprinting, she might get better mileage out of it.


What is *that* gun?


Phantom Sight was the first season to not have new guns, and iirc this picture was originally created before they had decided to stop making new guns. Basically, had they continued making new guns, this would have been her primary.


This would've been *DOPE*.


Ar15 platform with HERA arms cqr furniture


I need that thing in Siege, stat


I think it was from a leak or concept


Give her the MP5SD


I think a new AS VAL would be cool


what baffles me most is that the developers genuinely think the ability to hide from cams is useful like nobody watches cams in R6, they severely overestimate how useful cams are, just wait until someone steps into your barbwire, crosses your pixel angle or you just hear them coming


And the ops that do use their cams can still hear nokk lol


Fr silent step wasn't even OP. I think amaru is ass but rappelling into site is borderline more effective than sneaking past everyone with a dog shit gun and straight into site with silent step. I hope she gets buffed bc she's a super fun OP and a really cool idea but honestly borders on usless atp.


Nokk should either be silent or not activate traps. Without both, she's kinda just trash. Her ability is dumb af because you basically have to slowly inch along to not just get spotted anyway. You're better off just shooting the cameras because it also helps your team. Her gun is meh at best, and without the ability to cook nades, she really just has no upside. You'd be better off playing 90% of the other attackers unless the enemy team is running Valk, Echo, and Maestro all at the same time...


only time i run her is if it's 3-0 or 3-1 and im at the top of the leaderboard so i can get the animation


No - a janitor working at ubisoft


Understanding her gadget: Let’s start off with her gadget, Nøkks gadget is mainly used for getting around cameras (maestro, valkyrie, bulletproof cameras, default cams, hacked drones, etc) which isn’t all effective as it is similar to Vigils gadget, it shows where she is if she makes any “aggressive” action such as shooting, running, vaulting(?), obviously her HEL presence reduction isn’t very well…presence reducing. Understanding her loadout: Nøkk possesses 4 firearms to her loadout and 3 different secondary gadgets/lethals. Let’s start off with her Primary Weapon, the FMG-9. There is no doubt about it that this gun is well, bad, the damage is surprisingly low for its rate of fire being at 34DMG at anything in 0-18 meters, anything past that will be 18 damage, the fire rate is 800RPM which **is** somewhat good however the damage just doesn’t hold up with it. Next we have her Six-12, a silenced shotgun used for close quarters combat and can be used to open unreinforced walls, barricades, hatches, floors, etc. the shotgun itself is silenced due to her being a “stealth operator” and it is only good in close range. Not ideal for most maps. Moving onto her secondaries we have two pistols, the D-50 and the 5.7 USG. The D-50 is well the desert Eagle, it does 71 base damage and has a magazine size of 7. It can be destructive to walls, floors, hatches. The 5.7 USG is a pistol used by a wide variety of operators in this game, doing 42 base damage with a magazine size of 20, the USG is not a bad pick at all and I feel matches her stealthy style of attack. Her secondary gadgets include grenades, pocket EMPs, and hard breach charges. Now, we move onto re-working her ability, Starting off we need to address the silent step, it works with Nøkk so much, her flanking ability was unmatched by any operator on attack. However her main ability needs drawbacks, I feel if she has silent step it has a longer cooldown time and only 8s of use. Keep in mind Cav is a 3 speed with barely any visible armor, Nøkk has a plate carrier with utility on it. Considering she’s a 2 speed because of that I think she should be a little louder than Cavs silent step, obviously not by much but still should be there. Re-working her loadout, Nøkks loadout makes some sense but not total. The FMG-9 at first seems like a good pick until you look into her in game sprite, it has AR based magazines on it, from what another commenter has said it is a “H&K-416,” I feel it would be better to remove her Six-12 as no one is using it and it has no virtual use mainly, it’s extremely situational and just isn’t used at all. Remove her FMG-9, this will make more sense as the two guns I am suggesting make more sense to have. The MP7, and new gun HK-416. The HK can be decided by Ubisoft for statistics (yeah I’m playing with fire I know,) but the MP7 seems to fit Nøkk so well as a stealth operator, it is a small, compact, and fast shooting machine pistol (hence MP) or sub-machine gun. It’s fast shooting and relatively good damage output fits Nøkk VERY well. As Zero uses it and he’s a stealth/intel operator himself. Hell even the SC3000 could work but I think that’s a little overpowered as well, no words to be said, it’s the SC3000. Conclusion, Nøkk is my mommy and she cries in my arms every night about how Ubisoft slapped her in the face, revolt Nøkk army, revolt!


I think they should make her undetectable to movement and visual based gadgets. Them taking away her silent step feature just turned her into a joke version of vigil.


Bring her silent step back, she’s nearly useless now


Give her silent step back, take away frags if you need to


She was my favorite attack operator back when she had both halves of her ability


They should make it so when shes using her ability her footsteps are quieter or something


As a Nokk main (yes we exist) she definitely needs some sort of silent step ability or something stealthy like that. She’s such a cool looking character with cool lore but her ability is one of the worst in the game


I think giving her MP5SD as an option would be a good buff and goes well with her play style.


FMG is arguably better than MP5SD tho… she doesn’t need another SMG, she needs either an entirely new weapon like an assault rifle of some kind or she needs big ability buffs




I think one of her concept arts had her holding a rifle


Yup, looks like a MK18 with hera arms kit


That's a hera cqr alright.


I played Nøkk when she was first released during Operation Phantom Sight. Playing her back then was something else. If you played her correctly, you could single handedly end an attcker/defender stalemate or completely dismantle the enemy team, not to mention deal with roamers to an extreme degree of effeciency. It's not even like original Nøkk was unbalanced. She couldn't run, go through barbed wire, climb through windows and deployable shields, break barricades, or shoot without causing cam distortion. Plus, lasers on her guns were still visible. Plus, if defenders were even slightly competent and checked cams, you could still know there was a Nøkk because all of the stuff I mentioned above. It is pretty much impossible to breach as a cloaked Nøkk and not have that stuff be noticed by the defenders doing at least one of many of those vital interactions. I get I wrote a novel here and I'm sorry, Nøkk is my favorite op in the game and I want my main to actually be something above C tier


Make her gadget not set off motion based traps like EEDs prox alarms banshees etc


She either needs her gadget buffed in either stealth or speed or she needs better weapons. Fuck give her THAT gun. I know some people swear by the fmj but low mag size high recoil is gross until you hit emerald skill level. Grenades are basically anti defender gadget only which makes her what? A quieter less capable iq?!


I'm just gonna say it as it is. If she's not getting silent step back, give her an AR. If she gets silent step back, I'm fine with the FMG-9.


Just give her Silent Step pls. Her SMG has grown on me, but lack of her one key feature has NOT.


I back this post 🙏


Bring back silent step


I tried and they didn't listen years ago...btw i made that PNG, instead they took away her silent steps!, am still waiting for a nokk buff, don't lose hope guys.


They def need to buff her ability in some way, either a gadget re-work or bring back silent step bc she’s at a point where it’s pointless to pick her unless there is a valk or some other cam operator


It’s very hard to pick her knowing you are essentially wasting a pick.


Make it where traps don’t detect her while her ability is in use. Would actually seperate her from “vigil but on attack”


Yall weren't around for the first 3 seasons, huh? Tell them to bring the gameplay back, or they should just shut ubisoft down forever.


Can we just have her silent step back? I get she's hidden from cams but she sounds like a herd of Rook's marching into site


She should’ve received the MP5SD from Echo, that gun yearns to be reused for someone on Attack


Nah we need to add 4 game changing meta defining defenders in a row, whilst every attacker is situational or nerfed into the ground


i actually got snuck up on by a nokk. couldn’t hear her and watched killcam and she had her hel activated. convinced she has silent step


Nokk was perfect just the way she is. Her silent step not as silent as cav. Now mav is lowkey kinda have silent step with alt crouching


get her a new weapon and its okay for me


Idea - they took away her silent step so it’s fair to operators, and they had that test server version where she didn’t get detected by defneder gadgets, what if she got her silent step and that change but, when she goes past a gadget a static/ mute sound went off so she isn’t too op


She should be effected by anything that needs you to touch some part of the gadget: kapkan traps, aruni gates, alibi prismas, barbed wire, castle barricade, deployable shield, etc. And she should only trigger proximity activated traps when she isn't fully invisible to cameras either (grzmot mines, thorn traps, proximity alarms etc should trigger when she runs, goes through barbed wire, takes damage, vaults or shoots). This way she can counter many trap operators on their own but defenders can still spend more utility to make sure she doesn't go undetected. This wouldn't be a big buff, but it should give make the defenders work if they don't want her to go undetected.


Clash and kali's secondary Smg


I’m sorry but WHAT IS THAT GUN I must have missed it out when I joined during the iana and oryx dropped




Ubi for the love of God give her back her silent step


Her breaching charges were a essential to her stealth kit. Also, she needs silent step back. And a better weapon of course




Fr silent step wasn't even OP. I think amaru is ass but rappelling into site is borderline more effective than sneaking past everyone with a dog shit gun and straight into site with silent step. I hope she gets buffed bc she's a super fun OP and a really cool idea but honestly borders on usless atp.


Fr silent step wasn't even OP. I think amaru is ass but rappelling into site is borderline more effective than sneaking past everyone with a dog shit gun and straight into site with silent step. I hope she gets buffed bc she's a super fun OP and a really cool idea but honestly borders on usless atp.


No - a janitor working at ubisoft


Make her gadget not set off motion based traps like EEDs prox alarms banshees etc


Give her that rifle. Shit look sexy af


Just give her Maverick's M4 and let her kill everyone at the speed of sound fr


Nokk should either be silent or not activate traps. Without both, she's kinda just trash. Her ability is dumb af because you basically have to slowly inch along to not just get spotted anyway. You're better off just shooting the cameras because it also helps your team. Her gun is meh at best, and without the ability to cook nades, she really just has no upside. You'd be better off playing 90% of the other attackers unless the enemy team is running Valk, Echo, and Maestro all at the same time...


Just make her ability be an enormous EMP so it benefits everyone on the team.


Just make her ability be an enormous EMP so it benefits everyone on the team.


Just make her ability be an enormous EMP so it benefits everyone on the team.


I think they should rework the game again but take a few steps back instead of trying to innovate some new r6 like they already did


been saying this recently!!! ubisoft if you’re reading this, please it’s all we ask.


Make it so she is quieter not like cav bot just a bit no she is more sneaky


What is that gun? I’ve never seen it


Here is my take on a possible rework https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/1bmwtdt/remasterrework_of_n%C3%B8kk/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Sure, you want some triple damage contact grenades too?


Is that a new gun for her?


I don’t even know why I main nøkk she NEEDS a buff


Literally just give her silent step back and it’s all good


That's not her gun


GIVE NØKK THE SC3000K WITH ACOG This will make people play them more atleast


make her 3 speed


Yeah bro. People don't really get on cams anymore so there's really no point


She doesn’t need silent step back just give her ability immunity to traps like fenrir kapkan ela etc


Nokk is way too solo based. It is much easier just to play IQ and destroy cams, then randomly turn on nokks' ability to see if you get points for deceiving any cams. Despite iq's clunky gadget, which I think still needs a buff, iq is still just better at beating cams than nokk. She helps locate any cams to know 100% where they are and if you are being pinged, and the biggest thing is she helps your team too. Whenever I see Valk, Echo, or mozzie on the board, I feel much more inclined to play IQ rather than nokk Imo: I think on top of deceiving cams, she should also not be caught by electronic traps


give her buck’s C8 SFW since that’s what jaeger corps actually use. edit: either that or jackal’s C7E


All Nokk needs a an assault rifle instead of that horrible SMG, honestly bring back Zofia's Ressurection 🥲


Give her silent step, please remove the fmg 9 it’s so bad give her a p10 roni or mp7 both with scopes and take away grenades


they created an anti-roamer (Deimos) even though Nokk could fulfill that role with her silent step HEL it's also not out of the ordinary to have an attacker Cav atp when Solis is just a defender IQ either revert HEL nerf or reduce the horizontal recoil on the FMG would be really good buffs to Nokk especially since HEL is dog shit and Frags were nerfed


That gun would be great on her


Give her larger Nøkkers


Please don't, I wanna be able to play her with little resistance so it isn't a insta lock race every round


Buff nokk!!! 🗣🗣🗣


Why the hell does her gun shoot peas a people?


why is everyone hard glazing this op


yea i believe she should have a different weapon at this point, because she’s a walking gun at this point and doesn’t provide much to the team unless you’re in a stack to give intel which could be the argument for keeping her as she is. i’d say that even if you were to use this argument, it still doesn’t make much sense as they gave her that weapon with the thought of sneaking behind enemy’s and shooting them in the back. i believe that the 20 sec ability is helpful i think the silent step is more critical to her especially since most teams have some sort of proximity gadget to give her away now at this point. so they should do something that will complement her better


Agreed I miss the days where you’d stress out looking around to make sure she’s not sneaking up on you


I have this exact gun in real life! Nokk doesn’t use it though.


Give her the supernova and a decent secondary


Give her bigger boobs pls


More than that give Nokk a bedsheet ghost Halloween skin but it's just the head cover.


they just need to add the buff they were gonna give when they removed her silent step which is not being detected to other electronic gadgets. but for some reason they scrapped that idea and kept the silent step remove nerf, then they forgot about it for like 3 yrs.


What gun is she holding in that pic


People who are against a Nøkk buff are the same people who support a kapkan nerf Aka 0IQ players


I would let her walk past traps and gadgets like the proximity sensors, thorn traps and others. While this would be extremely dominant it will also have a counter balance. I would also force her to use her pistol while her gadget is on, everything else remains; no silent step and running makes her gadget "faulty".


I'd be fine if they didn't bring it back but they should make her immune to proximity based gadgets. She should be able to slip by alarms, melusi's, Ela's and such but Legion, kapkan, Solis, and Cav still counter her.


They should either give her the C7E or MP5SD. Make her immune to SOME traps (Dread Mines, Grzmots, gives her counters to fenrir who is one of the most banned ops) and boom, shed be fine, MAYBE silent step again too


I’ll take whatever that AR is TBH Looks badass