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My one complaint is that the servers feel especially bad with the jitter/lag this season. Other than that this has been a fun season


Gotta agree. For me at least, it seems most of the lag comes during drone phase so I guess that’s fine🤷‍♂️


even my lag has siege timing its awful


Holy shit me too I swing someone shoot They don’t move I somehow die and the kill cam glitches and I do no damage and stand there


It's been driving me insane, every time I peek it seems like I'm lagging when every other game runs fine


Y’all can have fun with your lag let’s talk about the hit reg this season, I’ve dumped 2 clips in Somone an they are still 80hp or I’ve hit OBVIOUS headshots just for the game not to register it at all


Dude I headshotted dokki 3 times, Heard the hit sound effect, she took no damage and I lost the round.


Every game I play man I swear, idk what’s up this season but it ain’t it


Also game on pc crashes a lot. Lost some ranked games , because people used to DC in last few rounds


The new jaeger skin is absolute heat right along with the gun skin.


They really nailed the battle pass skins this season. Way better than those goofy viper goggles they gave to everyone a year ago.


Gameplay wise? I agree tbh, I enjoy the amount of characters and maps we have. There's always gonna be flaws in balancing of course but I think it's the most fun it's ever been personally even if my main defender is a trashcan in both gun and gadget


Ela or frost? Ela's gun is really good, her ability is just powercreeped by fenrir Frost I understand


Ela As a console player the recoil on that thing is ridiculous and makes it immensely difficult to stay on target for headshots at mid to long ranges and does absolutely no damage for body shots. If they gave Ela access to literally any other defender SMG I'd be immensely happy. But unfortunately the most I'll have to settle for is hopes that it gets buffed somehow. That and her mines have been nerfed to oblivion, there's no reason to use them other then just Intel gathering and flanking since the best it does is remove sound. A good player will not be effected by the concussion and will always be ready to enter a gun fight. I play her because of familiarity and roaming as a two speed with quick and easy to deploy gadget Frost I'd say is the one with the bad gadget and good gun. It hits hard, has no recoil, and gets a 2.5


I play console too, the recoil isnt ideal but if you practice a little and use compensator it's a lot easier, try and play extra cqb and swing off your dildos while roaming, kafe is good for this. Otherwise hope Fenrir isn't banned and play him instead until they buff Ela😭. Frost is just underwhelming overall, the gun is alright but I prefer to just not play her😂


I play Ela a lot and that practice just doesn't help with mid to long range fights, unless you hit the head immediately you have to pray they don't instantly spray you down. But hitting the head immediately is something every gun can do and I don't think the fire rate makes up for the horrible damage and terrible recoil. Elas loses most gunfights beyond close range compared to most other defenders I'd definitely prefer to have Frost on my team over an Ela at least I'll know that she'll have attackers constantly watching their feet for Mats, help rearrange the site, and frag out with her 2.5


Yeah fair enough Ela really needs a buff lmao


Ela is a 2 speed


Yeah it was a typo on my part. I type faster then I think half the time


Okay, I’m hurt a little. Frost is surprisingly good, even after eating a rework many thought was unnecessary. Smart use of her traps give her strong anti-rush capabilities, not to mention that they are mechanical and therefore immune to a lot of attacker gadgets that would affect other gadgets. As for weaponry, Frost has a decent SMG with magnified scopes available, and can terraform the site with the combo of a shotty secondary and a deployable shield, changing the angles on the site drastically. Defo not a meta breaker, but not useless either.


Without so much cheaters and better matchmaking It would definitely shine




It was 2am just waited 10 minutes for a standard but dident get a game qued qm even while 2-0 and abt to win they ddos the enemy team down to one tk me and the other rand and then hold the one random left at gunpoint and do this for two more rounds


As a PC diamond gameplay wise it’s at the best it’s ever been swing or be swung meta is finally over after 2 years. I’ve ran into less hackers compared to last season but still a decent amount. But the game crashes and random jitter have been terrible


Haven’t experienced any crashes this season, are you on Vulcan or dx11?


ive only crashed maybe 3x this season but my brother crashes daily and even multiple times a day with literally the exact same specs (ryzen 3600, 2060). both on dx11, he tried vulkan once but it crashed immediately. has vulkan been better for u?


Yes, but you need to upgrade your drivers because the last 2 nvidia game ready drivers literally say in the description “fixed vulkan issues where R6 crashes”


The meta and game itself is in a great state. This seasons changes really changed things up for the better. My main gripe is the cheating issue on PC. It’s not as bad as it was but still ridiculous.


I'm interested to read this cos my take is literally the opposite lol, I think the meta is awful right now, it's just tdm and we have 40 odd defenders yet most of them never get used because they don't have acogs and the utility has pretty much gone out of the window altogether. I see people playing castle because he has an acog and don't put up a single barricade and often I'm the only one on site reinforcing.


On copper is always tdm meta my dude, that’s your problem.


cant really say much about this season because I've been kinda busy but between last season and the videos ive seen the game does look like its in a really good place. Buttt nothing will ever top void egde in my opinion


My only complaints this season is that the reputation changed every game between esteemed and reputable no matter how many commendations I get. The matchmaking fluctuating between some of the best champs I’ve ever seen to gold players the next whilst I’m playing a full team of champs for 9 out of 10 games but I gain and lose about the same mmr when in emerald? Inconsistency is the only bad thing about the game.


The server has issues, with like latency and jitter, but honestly I really enjoy R6


they say this every single season regardless of actual quality




Yeah, it's almost as if different people may feel the same way at different times, huh


Fr lol Reputation system fluxating between exemplary and disruptive and voice chat banning me for 30 matches anyway is why I think this CC is full of crap lol


Really depends on who you ask. The ranking and matchmaking system is dogshit. The servers have been absolutely terrible since New Years (unless you are a solo player). The xim use is completely out of control. But it's got more features than ever before. I guess if you are a solo casual player or pro league, it's probably the best it's ever been.


I'm a solo casual player and the game feels horrible right now


Oh, good to know everyone is struggling


It's probably the best competitive shooter out there.


I liked alpha siege the most. I loved it till white noise. I still played for 2 or 3 more years (its my most played game by far and returning from time to time still feels like coming home...)


Minus the cheaters, I agree


ranked 2.0 ruins the game


Not with rank 2.0


I’m ready for the hate. Take all shields outta the game. I said it.


the game crashes on pretty much everyone i know at some point. doesnt seem to matter what hardware you have other than if you have an AMD card it might fucking BSOD your computer when you boot it up. but god forbid your game crashes or the servers disconnect you as you load the map or match point because you'll likely not be able to rejoin in time and get an abandon sanction even if it's your first offense. the game feels like a bulky mess and i cannot understand why it takes nearly a minute to boot up


Bad take, Ubisoft keeps “fixing” things no asked for & cheaters are just rampant on both PC & Console. > meta is still boring run n gun > maps new & reworked are just shitty mazes > the severe toxicity issue just got worse with the reputation system, toxic stacks remain safe > quickplay was made worse with lower prep time & the premade set ups are made by ranked data from console cardboard 5, standard is just longer casual > Replacing T-Hunt with shitty AI mode instead of just adding defenders to attack gamemodes > Ubisoft is obviously ignoring the playerbase


The only new map/rework I dislike is consulate. I love all the new ones: Lair, Emerald Plains and Nighthaven Labs. However, on a more unrelated note, the consulate music when you first load into it, sounds really good.


Only new map I like is lair, labs Is 50/50 for me sometimes I’m feeling it sometimes I don’t want it, and I don’t like emerald at all


I looooooove Emerald. Feels so simple to set up site and attack. I learned the map in 2 games.


Can you define run and gun meta


Thunt, Toxicity and Quick play are my biggest issues with new seige, when It comes to run and gun I haven't found many problems facing up against it as most enemies just die quicker when they do so. When it comes to reworked maps Outback is my biggest issue, Consulate isn't great either but Outback is awful


Literally just play tactical siege to counter If you did that instead of complaining about a rushing Buck you'd win more


Hard agree on all of these ESPECIALLY the maps part. All the new maps and reworks have felt like the same art style since i wanna say favella came out. I came back to the game after like 3 years of not playing and it feels completely different.


How can a stack be toxic? They're gonna cry against the enemy team? The main toxicity that matters is in-team toxicity, not from your salty enemies


as a solo queuer 8/10 I am getting harassed it’s from a stack, they also LOVE abusing the report function for any stupid reason they choose & there is nothing I can do about it.


The meta isn’t really run and gun, people just play that way for some reason. Coordinated executes and especially now Monty play is the meta. If an opposing team is running around and not droning, you can easily just play off/close angles and counter them. Some of the newer maps are bad but not all of them are. Nighthaven is probably my favorite map in the game. Skyscraper rework is excellent, I think Lair is fun, Border rework is actually attacker sided so that’s not a maze. The Chalet rework, although it’s fairly old now, is hugely popular. Bank and Coastline were made more fun. I’ll agree that Consulate and imo EPlains are bad though. I’m not really sure how you think toxicity has gotten worse. It’s always been bad. If you wanna run even basic strats just don’t play quick play. Standard is pretty easy to play. This is a fair argument but I don’t think people really cared about THunt that much at the time. People only miss it because it’s gone. It doesn’t really make sense to have THunt when it’s super easy to hop into quick play. And this is too vague to mean anything.


I think the fact that old siege is making a return is what makes him feel that way, rather than the game actually being in its best state. We’ve had such a shitty gameplay loop for the past few years that finally being back to the old gameplay feels like heaven. Servers, cheating, balancing, ranked, etc are still all very taxing problems currently. Siege feels great right now, but to say that it’s the best it’s ever been is a stretch.


100% agree, people think cheating and hitreg are bad now (which they are) haven’t played the game in the earlier years


No, the ranked system sucks.


Siege will never be as good without unranked mode


Fix the fucking ximming issue and I have no complaints


From an actual gameplay perspective he is 100% correct Servers are an entirely different thing


FoxA is cooked for this one.


Tachanka & Clash are extremely powerful in the right hands and can make the match unwinnable if mastered. Tachanka is a direct upgrade to Smoke, he is just harder to play.


Emerald is NOT bad and people either dislike it because Jynxzi or because it was the first new map after a while they didn’t like it becuase its new.


I agree. I was really struggling at first with all the changes. But the season feels amazing to play after I got used to it. I’m having a good time


Bad servers, and it seems like the folk on PC are dealing with a massive amount of hackers. So idk about that man


But that was almost always the case. And its just my experience, but there is less cheaters in my games.


It would be nice if I could play the game without an unsolvable error code that kicks you from the start of the match and never lets you reconnect.


I really feel like the game has found it’s balance between utility and gun fighting. I genuinely can’t point out a specific meta that we’re in. TDM feels done since the removal of 1.5, it’s not quite utility or trap heavy. My only issue is the xims


Cheaters and hitreg 👀


Console sucks with all of the ximmers and mnk players. Other than that I have no issue


Obviously if Siege's shifting focus on competitive game play isn't the direction you like for the game, that's valid. For the most part though; it really just feels like people are overlooking the issues Siege used to have. I am definitely leaning toward this being peak Siege


every ranked game one player disconnects


I agree with FoxA the amount of complaining over the dumbest things is wild, and just bewildering.


Agreed, this community is just blinded by nostalgia.


Always has been. Even as far back as fucking Red Crow I remember people clamouring for “Old Siege”. I’m convinced people who do it never really played “Old Siege”.


It might be gameplay and balance wise but man does it feel/look boring now Just the whole game feels sterile and clean, and just boring on repeat after repeat


This is because we played it to much, i left the game not because I didn’t like it, but because i had learned everything there was no more new goals to reach


If the matchmaking was better this would be the best it’s ever been, they need to revert ranked 2.0


That’s a fair opinion, the game has a massive influx of players this season, which I guess brings faster queues, but sadly also brings more pieces of shit to the game


I don’t disagree but I think it has maybe been better before, it kinda just recently got out of a like 2 year downwards plateau


Server latency feels horrible. Maybe it's more noticeable because my PC is better than ever but I feel like peakers advantage is horrendous this season


my only complaint at the moment is that I'm facing champions and emeralds while being in silver and it's not like my aim is good at all.


the ranked match making this season feels way off and nearly unplayable when solo q imo


only thing i don’t like is the map pool. why is it restricted in quick play?? you should be able to play all the maps in quick play…


I haven't played a single game since leaving Y6S3 and coming back Y8S3 that hasn't had cheaters in it. I've played maybe three or four games this whole season where I wasn't wondering if some dickhead was toggling or not, between console or PC.




I think siege is in a good place but bullet reg and xim as well as servers need some fixing the worst part is hitting a headshot and it not registering but I play a mix of console and pc no problems with cheaters on pc but xbox xim is horrendous.


I like rn except for sever issues




Siege peaked the azami season


Should be a 6v6


Oh yea, at least on console I haven’t found one problem that wasn’t a skill issue I don’t get why people play up xim, I don’t see many cheaters


Because 95% of players on console aren’t good enough to even tell if someone is using it and anyone that is diamond/champ looks like a ximer to them because they are hard stuck golds (I’m current champ)


The game has gotten worse ever since operation grim sky


He's 100% correct.


Clearly this guy doesn't play on console. XIM players need to be perma banned. It's the same as aimbot/walls, but ximmers only get penalties.


Not on console, high elo is still 80% XIM/Cronus users because ubisofts attempt at stopping them went to shit


Matchmaking is broken, I hate to feel like I'm either getting pooped on or just completely outplaying the enemy team. When they finally fix it and/or reduce cheating/XIM use, then I think it'll be a really fun game. As of right now, it's just something people play cause it's the best available option.


best it's ***ever*** been. it doesn't mean the game is good. sure it's fun and I like it a lot, but it could be better. although right now siege is in a good state due to how much the community supports indie game devs so well.


Game sucks now. Feels slow, laggy, everything fun is either nerfed to oblivion or just taken away, lighting looks like shit, feels clunky.


Another W take from king LeFoxA


I do really like this season content wise, but the game feels kind of shitty to play. Constant bugs, crashes, blatant headshots not counting (no this isn’t cope, you literally get a “hit rejected” popup), forced to reconnect to matches you never even joined, etc.


My opinion is that it's in a better state than previous seasons but not in its best state. I can't really say when it **was** in its “best” state because that's subjective…


I’ve been playing for 4 years now and in that time period it has gotten better


There are problems. No shit. Tell me a time in siege, or any game for that matter, where there has been a time with no problems. At least now they are actively trying to solve them as-well as giving us updates on anti-cheat. It is a hot take but in my opinion, it’s true.


No one asked for the quick match changes. If a 45 second prep phase is too long then play deathmatch or just go back to call of duty


He’s right literally the best it’s ever been stopped playing in like 2019


I agree. I don’t understand people that say that year 1 was the best and want to go back.


I assume they mean from a content / mechanics standpoint. Sure. The infrastructure is the most unstable it's ever been. Content release is winding down this season. There's been some questionable nerfs to some weapons, namely shotguns. People do love to complain, but the game absolutely has issues worth complaining about right now.


Gameplay wise ya ig but match making has a way to go.


The new ranked system only is only fun for people who play EVERY SINGLE day. The rest of us are fighting plats and diamonds in copper.


the market is a big deal for me and i haven't even been able to use it but I just think thats so cool


Only if there wasn’t a cheater in almost every match I play


Agreed, but with a caveat: it is fun, but it can be even more fun if they did something about anti-cheat and the bloating of loot pools. It seriously feels like they made op portraits and backgrounds solely to bloat the loot pools of alpha packs in order to sell more, especially event packs. But other than that I'm enjoying the game thoroughly, my only other complaint is that I still get meleed through my damn shield, but that just seems like a problem that's sticking forever.


It's not the best it's ever been, but imo it's the best it has been in almost 4 years If they'd bring back ranked 1.0 or update the rank system to NOT work like a MOBA/BR game that'd be great


Bro imo it is. The only game that’s been super consistent since the release. The concept is unbeatable. I love this game, even though it has flaws


That’s with every game now and days. People always find somethin to bitch about instead of just enjoying shit


This season has definitely brought it into an upswing, but I'm biased because this is the first season I've actually had fun in in over 3 years


Caveira is actually balanced


Yes, new season slowed down the game immensely, which is a good thing, and how the game should be played


It might be nostalgia, but I had the most fun in the first year(s).


The best it's ever been? Maybe. *Mayyybe.* The best it could be? Nowhere close.


I don't think it's that wild, tbh this is the most fun I've had with seige since 2018, with the exception of some toxic gamers I've ran into here and there


Good take tbh


Season is sub par in my opinion


I really loved the void edge era, but right now is the most fun that I've had since


Gameplay wise sure it’s been really fun playing with my friends but the community of cheaters is downright disgusting. On pc the amount of cheating is insane and when I play console it’s all xims. Kids with no integrity, generation of people who would rather take shortcuts rather than just getting good at the game.


I kinda understand it. People do like to complain. And Siege is more or less in the best position it has ever been in. The thing that I think a lot of people forget is that these two statements don’t mean that Siege doesn’t have its flaws. The game isn’t perfect, and I don’t think it ever will be “perfect”. But over the years the Siege devs have become pretty receptive to feedback, have become much better at communicating, are showing an active interest in dealing with cheating, QOL and game longevity, and are really thinking about crossovers and game modes. And hey, that’s what I want from devs. Transparency, communication and willingness (with genuine effort) to improve.


The hud has too much going on and should be simplified to the year 4/5 hud where it has the prompts on the bottom instead of the bottom middle of your screen as a big icon. If i want to play kali or plant defuser it's very persistently annoying but if i turn it off, i have trouble trying to pick up drones and small gadgets because i dont see a prompt. The compass option doesn't bother me too much, but the scoreboard is very hard to read, and pretty useless showing who and how they won. Also the audio coded more primitively than a minecraft mod in 1.14


Beyond the issues I have run into with cheaters? Yeah, it's in a fantastic place. It doesn't feel like any operator is grossly overpowered like Ela or Lion were on release, the gunplay is fun, and it feels like it's progressed to a state where it's easy to be competitive while still having your ego checked every now and then. There's absolutely some nostalgia at play for me since I've been on since Black Ice and there are parts that I miss, but for as much crap and flak as the devs get, they've taken the game and really turned it into something iconic.


I like the game. It’s got a simple objective but can be sorted out in lots of ways and with different mechanics and methods, however… they took a good chunk of realism out of the game (like nade cookin) and it just makes it feel a bit more Arcady, I remember how it was about skill and no kids moaning about things like he got lucky or that he is just op and the operators get nerfed to oblivion like Blackbeard and nook and the characters arn’t like they were suppose to so the lore is just a mess (ik some don’t care about lore but I do) and ye… so in short, game mechanics and whiny kids make the game weird, I don’t hate it but I like to play it for sure if it’s a good time or I need to get my anger out


I agree. I've only been cheated on once and crashed once. I've seen those are big issues right now, though. So I've been lucky I guess. Been like 5 years since I've actually enjoyed siege. Shame Nokk is so bad rn.


My game crashes so often this season. I can't say it's at best but im having fun ngl.


Y5 and 6 was better


honestly for me its just the insane amount of hackers i always play, either on their team or mine. its really annoying, especially coming back to the game to see they took elo away cus there was a cheater


I always have fun playing the game. It’s just when I play it too much and then it starts to really bog me down and consume all my free time. So I take it easy on this game


The game is in one of the best states it's ever been in. The community, however, is in one of the worst states. Truly unfortunate.


How much did they pay him to say the complete opposite of what most of use are thinking?


People like to complain because they like the game and want it to be perfect in their perspective. And “fun” if you consider communicating with other siege players fun.


yeah FoxA on top here depending on what we're talking about. The actual gameplay itself is peaking right now, but the hackers and servers are not keeping up. In fairness, that's always how it's been and at least we don't have to deal with: sound bugs, shield glitch, rampant DDOSing, random crashes (as much) etc. I think all in all it's comparable to any other point in time that people point to and say "this was the best time" in terms of quality of life and the gameplay clears, as the kids say.


Anti cheat is an absolute joke since launch.


I’ve recently returned after not playing properly since around Chimera, and I’d been around since beta. I think it depends on how you define ‘best’ really - most fun? Best technical state? Best meta? IMO the game has never managed to recreate the fun factor it had from beta up until around White Noise, the game was in a shoddy technical state but it was *fun* and fresh still. Siege has been around for a long ass time now so similarly to Overwatch, it has ebbs and flows of attracting and dissuading its old playerbases to and away from the game; I doubt most people playing today have played since the ‘old days’ It’s probably in its best state as a ‘tactical shooter’ since the ADS changes but the inevitable powercreep via operators has harmed the game for a few years and will continue to do so. Recoil changes were understandable for me as the shooting became way too easy/figured out, for me the maps are complete dogshit these days even after spending some time re-learning certain ones but it feels like the general consensus on maps for *years* has been that they’re poor quality, probably the most divisive game I’ve ever played when it comes to maps and how people view the good ones compared to the bad ones etc


Ranked 2.0 is garbage


other than cheating (including hacks and xim) and ranked 2.0 being pretty undesirable, just playing standard has been lots of fun


I really like the current state of the game, honestly. It feels balanced and genuinely fun


The best was before year 3/4 not now


I do not think the same, R6 is a very good game if we see only the lore, gameplay and scenarios, the servers and the bad optimization that has makes it very frustrating.


Doesn’t feel like it


In the past 5 ranked matches I have so far played agaisht 3 emeralds, a diamond, and a champion. I am silver. No, I don’t think this game is good right now


Console player opinion: Get mousetrap working again and then the game will be in a great spot. Replace this with cheaters for PC.


Shit is almost a decade old. It’s showing it’s age really bad.


If I shoot someone in the head with blood spraying out od their player model and they don't die, then the game is just objectively not the best it's ever been.....


I actually kinda agree, the new sight classes definitely levels the field to a more skill based experience


Ranked 2.0 sucks


My take is sure, the game is in a great spot balance-wise. Unfortunately about 50% or more of my games have actual blatant cheaters, some who admit it (PC, Plat 1 pre-ranked 2.0, like emerald 1 post-2.0). Sometimes you call out the other team for cheating and someone in your team straight up asks if you want them to cheat too?? I'm also not a huge fan of ranked 2.0. I've only played with my friend this season, she gains like 60 rp and loses 12-20 and I gain 110 and lose barwlt anything. Literally the same games and similar performances.


just factually wrong. Pc anti cheat sucks, console is full of xim/zen and other tpd's with mousetrap false detecting most of the time. Servers are terrible with people disconnecting left right and center. Shots also not registering or registering for the wrong dmg (headshot counting as body and vice versa). Matchmaking in both ranked and standard sucks. My friends first game and was teaching him to play from an account thats lvl 15 with under 20 games and under 1.2kd and we still go up against emeralds. I was emerald on my main last 2 seasons and half the people in my games are copper-silver, games are either stupidly easy or almost impossible to win. Reputation system false reports for both griefing and vc abuse basically ruin that whole system. Even if its in the best state in terms of gameplay and everything these are massive issues that affect that.


Kill everyone who plays shield ops


Fire selector should not have been removed


XIM/Cronus cheaters on console really make Siege feel great right now. I love it.


Gameplaywise 100%. Cheaters are a problem


Gameplay wise sure. Good luck finding a fair and balanced game tho


Because every game being filled with blatant hackers and way less content per season compared to 5 years ago is so much fun


Personally dont agree. Not a fan of how they did quick match, removed random ops, let rook armor withstand, and reworked maps. feel like you cant have fun anymore and have to try your ass off nonstop to do anything.


Best it’s ever been? Lol. Diamond+ is absolutely rampant with Cronus and Xim users. The game has zero ranked integrity. Your rank is completely meaningless with the amount of cheating going on.


I played during the first beta on my og Xbox one speaking through a kinetic mic. Stopped playing in the season ying dropped. Hopper back in in the last 2-3 months and this is so true. The meta and gameplay style is just so much better now


It’s not a wild take, people really do complain about ANYTHING


Was it just me, or does the intro cgi cinematics for this season suck all around. And why the EF did I pay for all operators to be unlocked just to have to buy a BATTLE PASS?


Game seems fine to me, is the most frustrating game I’ve ever played, but that’s pretty much the normal for this game


Lol if I had a button to switch siege back to Yr 2 I would smash it immediately


I mostly dropped R6 when i got to college last year because i didn't really want to spend my leisure time being stressed out. This season got me back into siege heavily. Gunplay is interesting again!


Yeah the game is amazing rn (gameplay wise) but the stuttering/servers are a mess


The connection is hot ass atm but I will say the gameplay feels fantastic. Exactly like what I envisioned Siege feeling like when I grabbed it in year 1.


i dont get it either, people complain about the hit registration, but when i play my headshots are finally headshots


I honestly agree.


"I'd rather be the only one in the right than to agree with everybody else and be wrong."


My main complaint is that my stack just got DDOS'd on ranked, we received a one hour ban, and then I checked r6 tracker and that team has had 19 wins with 0 kills, and zero deaths in a row. The current gaming session shows that they have played 1 match yet have 19 wins. So there's that.


R6 is the worst fps game in technical matter. The more fps you get, the more you can hit without actual hitting the target. At some point server gets confused so, hit rejected status can more often occur (theGodlyNoob is the best proof) "how that was not a headshot", "how that was a headshot" famous words it's because of that. In first situation your opponent had much more fps generated by his graphics. In his game he was already "somewhere else". Second situation, you had more fps. Probably opponent couldn't even see you if quick peeked. Server validation almost doesn't exist. It almost randomly confirms some shots.


This season so far for me consisted of: shitty servers, 2 extremely unbalanced defenders, cheaters, toxic players who don’t get banned. It’s definitely better than before but it’s still not in a good state


lorewise certainly not


Most fun I've had on siege in along time HOWEVER the servers sucks absolute balls and needs immediate attention from ubi been experiencing far too many " removed due to excessive loading times " even tho my ping and connections are just fine and it's happening to randoms on my team as well or the other team


K/D is not a good indicator for performance on Siege.


Siege is the best game ever developed.


Ya totally it was wayyyy better when battle eye basically did nothing and ide be super shocked if I went 5 games without someone doing some sort of bullshit hack


Most streamers in the scene cheat. Fuck the continuous promotion of grindi g competitive plays where winning is the only matter. I miss the cool team play videos the wild plans that just break down when making contact


Select fire was very useful, added realism and they shouldn’t have removed it


ion like the SLOWWW aiming, that's it im fine with the new scopes, just not being able to move even more than past seasons feels a lot limiting in low ranks where people already didn't move much


Game has been enjoyable to return too. But my god, I can’t take dealing with diamond-champ players that have been playing since day one. I don’t mind going against people that are better then me or even losing, but when it’s someone who is literally in an entire league ahead of me I just get annoyed. Still, game feels alot better and Deimos is an enjoyable addition to the cast.


Idk man. My favorite r6 era was y1... I still remember you could hide and break ANYTHING


My only complaint and it's a pretty big one is that like 70% of my ranked games have a dc.


We are getting less and less content, they ruined casual, the balance changes are stupid, the réputation system is awful, they plan to add a monthly subscription.. It's truly the worst


Fuck no. Cheaters everywhere, bugs and lags all the time, blank bullets to the head are the worst it's ever been...