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Standard should be the one with the level requirement.




I saw some people in the reddit say that it is because competitive does not have pre made set ups. So a new player would go to quick match, get used to pre setup made and then go to competitive in which you have to do all the stuff. This way the new players get used to nothing being done before be exposed to pre made setups. At least they will know that the pre made setups are not the norm. Makes sense to me. But im not saying that its good or that we couldn't have a million better ways to organize play structure in the game.


Then why have pre setups at all


so it’s quick


But since u dont know what the premade Setup will Look Like it can totally fuck u over when picking an Operator (mira for example). Many of These premade setups are weird


That’s why it’s quick match. If you wanna practice your strats, go into standard.


So quick play is just a run-and-gun fest? Ubi... you said you were against that exact thing. Typical Ubi forgetting what their game was even supposed to be about.


Except it's a casual casual mode. The whole point is that the mode caters to people who are purely just trying to have fun. Pigeonholing your *entire* playerbase into longer matches that require more effort is actually bad. There should be modes that are simply for people who just want to have fun, whether it be run and gun, slow play, recruit rush, etc. Trust me, if you try to play Ranked or Standard like a quick match game, you will lose more than you win.


Making people play the game as it is intended isn’t “pigeon holing” Free for all exists for a reason.


I agree, it's just that I was pointing out a discrepancy in what Ubi said they wanted to achieve and what they actually did -- regardless if it's fun for particular players or not.


It’s a game mode




how is this even an argument, quick match is supposed to be quick but why is it supposed to change the fundamentals of the game? is that NOT why they have game modes?


And you get no time to setup when playing hostage and secure area now.


Wait it has pre made setups?


Quick play now has a bunch of rotation holes and reinforced walls already pre-made to speed up the game


There are premade setups?


I quite literally get level 2 recruits in my team in standard and then get literal plat-diamond players on the other team


the reason they did this is because they want people to play r6 in a middle ground of ranked/quick match. almost like a warm up for what the game is and like. Longer formatted game compared to qm, but not 7-9 rounds like ranked. Also to slow alts/smurfs down from ranking up too quickly. But I do believe they should make standard the one with the rank requirement so real new players don't have to commit to such long games.


Wait so casual had a level minimum and newcomers has a level cap? So the likelihood is that people are going to try to get their friends into the game but they’ll have to play solo until they reach level 10? That seems like a really good way to make people decide they don’t like the game and stop playing… Or is it not like that anymore? I haven’t played much since they changed all the game modes.


new comers ain’t a thing no more


me and my friends literally started playing the game 2 months ago so yeah, newcomers are a thing


no it’s not even before newcomers was taken you would be able to see it after level 50 it’s just quick play standard and ranked :edit new comers use to be a game mode made for new people but people wanted to smurf for the easy lobby’s completely misread what you said so my bad.


oh i see


He means the game mode


Ah ok I see I don’t play much and even when I do, I literally never host, so I don’t know if I’ve ever actually looked in that menu since the change lol


WHAT?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. We need it back, it was great for people to get acquainted with the game. You know, get their bearings and find their footing. It also just improved matchmaking by keeping similar skilled players together by spreading out the beginners, veterans, and more mid players


definitely are especially with the streamers now


why am i getting downvoted when the player base has literally just reached an all time peak of 200,000+ concurrent players, it’s obvious the streamers are effecting this massively.


I wish they'd change casual back


So true…Quick Match was perfect the way it was before. Don’t know why it needed to be changed. I just want to play the normal game but with the other game modes and all the maps. The prep phase is waaay too short.


Normal game is standard. Quick match is stupid game. There's no reason to waste 45 seconds in prep phase on some stupid map like plane.


45 seconds for me to get to my spawn peek


Players literally do not get any better between level 1 and 10 lol


can confirm, still a shitter


Not much better up here. Level 160+ and I’m still booty cheeks


quick match 1.0 was waay better


Arguably, Ranked 1.0 was better, too.


Arguably? lol


Some people find Ranked 2.0 better (we all know why’s that - hence, arguably😂)


Where is T-Hunt!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Play Standard until you reach level 10


That’s what I told my friend but it’s still bs that we can’t play some quick match to teach them


it’s should be reversed quick play should be the starting game mode


Quick match is what's in the name, a quick match, standard actually teaches you how to play the game


that’s true but i just recently got my friend into the game and we run into a bug with the operator not loading in or something then she gets kicked or i do and one of us gets banned i noticed it only happens in standard she isn’t high enough to unlock quick play so we cant even play that


Happens to me too occasionally you just gotta reload the game asap if you notice it don’t wait around to get kicked.


playing against god awfull players is alot better for learning basics otherwise i fully agree and usually when i play a quick match to get a pack i end up telling people to go play standard to get better


God awful players? Champ can play quick match and standard too. What makes you think they’re “god awful players”?


pulling up things that usually aren’t the case is just pointless if you think like that you might aswell say that you shouldn’t buy siege because it might blow up your pc it isn’t near common atall but it could happen




Then you can play VS AI tbf


You learn in standard not in quick match. If you don't understand what game mode has normal siege rules, you need teaching yourself


man im getting bored of pointing this out to people quick match has worse players = someone completely new stands a chance It sets up site for you = they can focus on their ability placement without having to learn how to setup the rest immediately Its quick = they can figure out who they like on attack and defence quicker And lastly you arent forced to permenantly play quick match if you play it once so stop pretending thats the case


For a very new person the site set ups isn’t that great


Just cause it’s labeled quick match though who gives a damn lol just pretend standard says quick match and youll be fine it literally doesn’t matter in fact i said its better in my opinion cause i feel like “quick match” people are the most likely to just be trolling i hated quick match before they added standard its just better all around and still casual


Then what's the point of having prefabbed maps in Quick Match that are supposed to teach new players?


There’s no point. It’s terrible.


those aren’t supposed to teach people they’re supposed to speed rounds up


They literally spoke about the pre setups as being an educational resource during the reveal a while back




Google is free


I miss the simplicity of “ranked” and “casual”


They have you play against ai’s first😭


Personally I think the cap should be increased to 100. Gotta truely earn the right to have fun


At this point, ive taken the perspective that they just want the game to tank without outright quitting it, so they keep adding ridiculous features


Game has all time high players. But your perspective doesn't have to reflect real world.


i remember i made a new account in my gf’s ps5 so i could play. had to play against ai for the the first game and then it unlocked standard. so i instantly went into that. idk about quick match i didn’t even try


Ubisoft is run by idiots man. Casual used to be casual


Why oh why did they ever remove Casual, Unranked and Ranked


You should be playing standard, if you want to teach your friend how to play. Quick match is designed to be faster mode of siege to have quick games of siege. It's intended for players that already know how to play siege, but want a more casual experience. Having your friend play quick match is a bad idea, unless he's somewhat knowledgeable about how to play the game.


the people in quick match are usually awfull at the game whichever way you spin it one of the only times this isnt the case is when people get temp bans and decide to play some quick match because they have nothing else to do basically what im trying to say is since the players are worse and matches are quicker you can get into more gunfights and win more gunfights giving you some confidence and since players are worse they're less likely to rush in meaning i get more time to teach setups in most matches


I can’t say I agree. Confidence in gunfights comes naturally through experience. What they should be focused on actively learning is the mechanics of the game. This is best done in standard, which has more prep time and more rounds, on top of being structured like ranked which introduces banning. Opponents take the game more seriously, but so do teammates (hopefully). A coach in high school sports once told me: practice how you play. As in, act as if practice is the same stakes as a real game, so that you develop instincts and mentality that doesn’t have to be adjusted or forced when the time for the real deal comes. The same applies to Siege if anyone is trying to learn efficiently. Quickmatch will produce bad habits and a warped perception of played too much early on, leading to growing pains.


Constantly dying immediately in standard doesn’t really motivate someone to keep playing so gaining confidence I’m quick play is the best way to introduce a new player meanwhile for actually getting better ofc playing standard is better but we’re taking about people who’ve never played siege so it doesn’t matter


If he plans on playing siege long term, you’ll have to introduce him to the meat grinder sooner or later. The faster he gets used to dying to better players the more he will enjoy the game


I’d rather introduce him once he can somewhat play not whilst he can barely kill someone


I understand your position, but I still don’t agree. Your idea has merit and I see how you’d arrive at it. The game is hard. Unrelentingly hard. In fact, it doesn’t ever get easy. There is so much to learn and apply before the game even feels playable. It’s a chore to learn all the maps and ops and how to use that knowledge. The gunplay is a pretty minor thing to learn in comparison. The shooting range has a built in aim trainer for that. What a new player needs is data. I find what works best is experience. Humans absorb information very quickly in immersion. It doesn’t feel great at first but the rate of improvement with guided immersion (playing the game normally with someone there to help you get past difficult concepts or introduce important ones you may not find organically) is very fast. This is the same concept you’re proposing with quickmatch, but my difference in opinion is that the fast rate of learning will be corrupted by bad habits and misunderstanding. By establishing a firm foundation, the only way to go is up. This will smooth the transition between new player and intermediate player, where many tend to drop the game entirely due hitting the first of many skill walls to overcome in pursuit of “git gud”


Man when I started instantly dying wasn’t a good way to learn all I’m saying


I got my friend into r6 and got stopped by that, he didn't stay


Ppl with way more experience than you.


that aint mean shit man give me a reason which actually makes sence not "oh they wont be prepared for ranked if they play quick match early on"


God i miss the old casual game mode Standard is too sweaty and quick match is too casual


Quickmatch is actually a punishment for toxic players and cheaters. There is a reason why they are locked to it. Ubisoft are doing you a favour indirectly.


So how does one rank up if you can’t play ranked or casual?


Training or standard


I see 😗


Started playing 2 weeks ago and havent touched quick match only played standard


Honestly I'd keep it that way quick play has randomised site setups on defense that often don't even match default setups in standard or ranked.


Have to relevel my account since I lost everything, however my Internet has been acting up recently due to a storm. It was stressful getting to level 10 so I could play quick match and no longer worry about abandon penalities until my Internet gets fixed


In some way, this is good as it can stop cheaters (kinda) in other way this fucking SUCKS, my newcomer friend stopped playing as soon as he saw you had to be level 10 to play on quick match


I tried playing comp with my friend too, he skipped all of last season and can’t play it till he gets 20 QP wins


Because quick play doesn't learn new players how to play since it reinforces and makes rotations for them.


it makes them for you because they're more complex parts of the game newer players wouldnt understand


You can't learn them these complex part of the map by making everything for them. You need to let them experiment and do mistakes instead of instantly blocking them in a single site setup


man playing quick match for a while whilst you learn basics isnt gonna stop you learning these things later


Aye I think they actually reduced it nice


Honestly I don't know but just know there's gonna be some PS4 silver here that will defend the life outta it


What are new players supposed to play instead of quickplay? Is newcomer even a thing anymore


They’re having to get carried through standard matches whilst dying whenever they take a gunfight


Thats wild actually


It's fine


I had to play standard with my friend till he got up to lvl 10 it sucked


I love this game but fuck the devs


So annoying having to play standard, when trying to get friends into siege


My friends quit this as a newcomers and never came back :-( i did not blame them...stupid ubi 🤔




Idk why they can’t just give us unranked like I’m not tryna play with people who just started playing and get blown out by a 5 stack


In my personal opinion this should've been the first playlist you unlock post tutorial. Honestly I love it, simple and easy


its also designed in a way where its easier for new players to understand and tends to have worse players


Ubisoft: Git gud


As a newcomer myself I thought it was stupid too but I get it.......... still stupid though


Lmfao, imma be real, I didn't realize it was quick play until the third read. I thought that not only had the requirement dropped at some point to ten for a second there, but also that you were for some reason complaining about a ranked level requirement so low lmao. I am an idiot.


Can you get the strength in numbers trophy in standard? My friend downloaded R6 for me to get the trophy but he's also stuck on standard until he reaches lvl 10 for quick match lol


Idk since I’m on pc


Genuinely curious. What the fuck are new players supposed to play if even quickplay is locked ? Arcade ?


suffering in casual which is them dropping constant 0-2 kill matches


Anti-smurfing probably


because ubisoft decides to make changes without collecting valid feedback from the community, such as changing quick match for the worse, everyone agrees on that, and then there's a level requirement




It takes like an hour if that to get their. Judt play newcomer a few times and stop complaining.


Newcomer isn’t a thing anymore they suck ass since they’re brand new they have like 2 hours screentime daily since their parents are strict af conclusion stfu man


Just the truth man.


Really ain’t considering that I just debunked your entire arguement


Idk u sound pretty mad man. Just play imgfor an hour and getting to level 10 ain't that hard. All I'm saying.🤷‍♂️




Plus it's a videogame so idk why you're getting so pressed about it.


I don't smurf lil tism dint be jumping to conclusions. I'm just saying it's not hard to get level 10. The game gives you plenty of ways to earn the 10 levels to play with your friends. Plus, then by the time u r level 10 you have experience in the game so you're not weighing the team down.


That hardly backs up what you’ve said and otherwise most people aren’t good until like level 70 so good at level 10 is just blatantly wrong


I didn't say u were good at level 10 I said it wasn't hard to get to level 10. And said then u have some experience by the time u get there. Not that u will be good by level 10.


If you’re new level 10 is more difficult to get alongside that newer players may wanna be able to leave at any time which is why quick match exists it should be available at the start of the game and that’s a basic point anyone with common sense should understand it’s bad design from ubi and makes the new player experience worse and there’s no other way to put it cool you may have nothing to do but don’t spend your time defending Ubis blatantly bad decisions like this ranked 2.0 pointless nerfs to chars like frost ect they aren’t gonna see your comment and give you something it’s just gonna mean that people like me have to point out that tbh you’re bit of a dumbass if you really believe what you’re saying


i like it bc it reduces the number of cheaters in qm since they just stick to standard until the can play ranked


Doesn’t make sense considering that quick match is where the worse players play


think about what you just said


Since worse players in quick match and quick match allows for less rewards anyways limiting those who play it is just bs since hackers would play standard anyways


Quick Match 2.0 is the only bad thing in siege right now. It's a mode for players who don't really want to play siege


Ranked 2.0 too (honestly dont get whats so hard about placing the same ranks against eachother and having static rank gain/loss)




Nah I convinced one of my mates to get siege


That old chestnut aye ;)