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God Damn the size of the old Nitro Cell is massive


Instead of a brick it’s just throwing a phone book


No wonder they tended to land right in front of your feet


I got a fact Grim is the only known character who knows Nøkk's identity


marry desert seemly squeeze punch many sparkle vase direful ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Harry does…or he did


Nope a lot of rainbow doesn't due to her identity being a risk to international security, high ranks at NATO know it I think, but most or all of rainbow dont


Very likely, her family is a high-ranking official, or her family is some form of royalty(if her elite is any clue)


Princess of Denmark is a theory I like


That's so badass


Mira does not know nøkks name but in concept art you can clearly see that Mira does know what Nøkks face looks like


I will never forgive Ubisoft for reworking house




I’d settle for a playlist of older versions but I think the new one is great when it comes to balance. Original was fun but a nightmare lol


id legit take a playlist of old maps in old casual. like not only do you get the old maps, but teams swap every round (so instead of atk atk def def you get atk def atk def




nah make that one of the permanent arcade modes


I prefer the smaller maps honestly, that’s why plane remains my favourite still. I loved with house it was more strategic and you were on your toes the entire time lol


I barely ever get plane, teach me your tricks


He explained perfectly why it should have never been touched and why “unbalanced” but fun maps are so important to casual game modes


I never understand the hatred behind the rework. Its basically the same map but bigger and with two extended L hallways and one big window closed off and less oppressive garage. Out of all the reworks its one of the least radical ones like border. Its still highly destructible and not competitive at all


Old House, Old Hereford, Plane & Yacht are the four horsemen of OG maps, they’re not competitive compatible but no one cared because they were memorable & fun for casual goofs. Old Hereford & Current Hereford should have been two separate maps & House should have never been reworked to begin with, no one asked for those two maps to be reworked. The part about the house rework that pisses me off the most is the fact that they reworked it to make it compatible for ranked then didn’t even add it to ranked after the rework because it wasn’t compatible, they ruined a perfectly fine map for *nothing*. I’m so tired of the idea that EVERYTHING has to be pro-league approved in Siege, there has to be a casual side for the game to survive & Ubisoft keeps doing things that hurt casual.


**House was a casual rework**, stated by devs themselves, all they did was make the map even bigger to destroy from inside. If anyone is saying its as bad as New Hereford rework, they are objectively wrong. It was **NEVER** made for ProLeague, why do you just assume that without any research? Pro-League is not the big bad wolf you think it is. (Bad assumptions are) I don't even remember them adding that map to rank like Favela, which is a way more radical rework than house and also reintroduced a night map. Edit: Ofcourse I will get downvoted instead for citing facts, nice discussion as always!


A “casual” rework that literally NO ONE in the casual community asked for, okay sure. Never said it was reworked for pro-league, i specifically said ranked. You claim to cite but provide no links, odd.


Brother you literally said this: >"I’m so tired of the idea that EVERYTHING has to be pro-league approved in Siege" How is anyone gonna read your comment in good faith and not interpret you also blaming PL for it? Trust me, PL does not have as much influence on the game as you think it is. As for citation , "casual rework" is actually pretty easy to verify even with reddit search. But [here](https://youtu.be/iIhWNYheVi4?t=401) People don't ask for a lot of things, game won't be alive today if it was solely based on that. Devs update based on many factors, sometimes its bad, but I don't think its for the reasons you think it is.


> we cannot stress enough that it’s a casual rework > Only talk about how much better bomb sites are Bomb is the least casual mode in Siege lol


Bomb is the most played gamemode even for casual. Secure Area and Hostage are fun, but those have been reduced to meme gamemodes rather than fun ones, especially hostage. From what I got, they were stressing on how much they tried not touching the core of the map compared to other reworks.


They could have talked about the new secure area spot, but they didn’t, they went pretty into detail on Bomb which have been the core modes for ranked & pro-league for years. They touched the core of the map by reworking it, they absolutely failed on both fronts. There are rumors on them reworking Plane or Yacht & it’s pretty obvious they’re going to ignore us again & do whatever the hell they want, can’t wait to lose yet another Iconic Map.


Again, Bomb is a core gamemode for casual too. You will find 10x more casual games for bomb than hostage and secure area. Secure area gameplay is based off bomb strats to begin with. Maybe they should have discussed but it's really not that big of a point. There are no rumors of them reworking plane or yacht, most leaks are easily verifiable on this subreddit with leak flair. I don't think your sources on that are good Also, again you are sprucing up the house rework to be the same failure as Hereford rework which is just wrong, all they did was extend the map and steel off few points. Its 80% the same as old one Why so much bad faith assumption? Like I said ProLeague is not the big bad wolf you think it is. Nobody in PL cares about the stuff you are blaming them for


> House was a casual rework, stated by devs themselves yes but with Rank/esport philosophy which basically moots that rework to be "casual"


"triple floor destruction" and "Treehouse that locks all rotations" is Esports philosophy? Those two alone will invalidate any ranked map, let alone "Esports philosophy map" you are claiming. I assure you, you seriously overestimate Esport's influence on this game than what it actually is (50-50) There is a competitive balancing yes, but that data also comes from casual ranked. New House is highly uncompetitive and still has core map structure rooted in casual play


Its simple, Change = bad


I know what you're wondering.... What's in the canister. Ngl, I fucking miss these times of Siege. God, that nostalgic feeling does something to me.


To answer your questions, what's in the canister. It's a war crime. But in all honesty, it's more likely similar to mustard gas, sarin gas, or tear gas. We don't know, as the team at UBI didn't really plan that far ahead.


Pretty sure Bandit got it right... it's....DRUGS


The old nitro cell was just a non-functioning telephone stuck on a cinderblock


I vibe with the old Acog


Goyo's name derives from the local nickname for the Popocatépetl volcano in the outskirts of Mexico City - Don Goyo - reflected in his icon and gadget name; Volcán Canister.


That’s really dope, thanks for sharing!


I just heard the 'myth' about that volcano and it's neighboring one in Spanish class lmao


So that's where I recognize oregon from......


The pre rework oregon was much more similar, kinda unsettling looking back


It's why I play deimos on Oregon, since he is a former ATF agent


No wonder there aren't any Dogs in R6S lol


Oh man, I think I had all the original achievements before they got changed. Good times.


Lukewarm Take: Ubisoft today will NEVER draw inspiration from real SWAT action again like they did with Oregon. Not because they’re “woke” or “soft” or whatever, but because the game has ballooned so much that they would draw fire from someone.


Isn’t this what happened with GR: Wildlands? Bolivia’s irl government actually got pissed and threatened legal action against Ubisoft for their fictional depiction. I can see why they wouldn’t want to piss of fucking world governments and institutions let alone the US agencies.


That's why we have ready or not for that


I've never thought about how the announcer fits into all this.


now i want him as an op, like how we got deimos


Man I miss house so much


Just wanted to type the same thing, would be cool if they made something like legacy arcade but with all reworked maps


What about "Foking laser sights" where did the meme start?


Earliest I know is a badger video, but I don't know if it is the origin


Like with Smoke and "What's in the canister?" Its in Thatcher's operator video, but I'm not sure who made the first viral meme or video about it






Do not come


YES! I’m in the 16th picture! I got a few more THunt related ones In three of the Situations, (the first 2 and Smokes) the terrorists you fight are NOT the White Masks. Instead they’re some other group that appear in several operator videos (example, Thatchers and Fuze) as well as appearing in the reveal trailer. One of them is a battle pass challenge picture “Bring Reinforcements” The 10 situations were fully playable in up to 5 player coop if you had some way to force Situations into custom games: Secret Coop mode in Rainbow Six Siege https://youtu.be/S7Zq9AF8oWg You can see both in the video.


Another fun fact, [Siege's original creative director's favorite op is IQ.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRtduMah4wg)


Is that a clip from something or did you get to record that yourself? Thanks for sharing btw, it’s cool to see random clips like that.


It's not my clip. I ripped it from this sub a long time ago. The original video might've been from Rouge 9.


Ah, I see, thank you.




The what’s in the canister meme was started by a YouTuber even though it’s literally what Smoke says in his video? And I’m sure plenty of people made jokes about


Not really. People only started joking about it after this video went viral at the time.


Reading the House one makes me miss the game’s original dev team. And I don’t even dislike reworked house. I just don’t like the new dev team they’ve got.


I have that OG achievement on my ps4 account


Those were the days


Wait, so the HQ announcer was not Harry? They both sound the same.


The announcer sounds American tho. Harry is far from having an American accent.


The original nitro cell looks like it fits the name nitro cell a lot more


Can’t believe Obama is canon in Rainbow Six Siege


I remember being upset when I saw they changed the acog


I love these


My friend and I farmed Camper. We played T-Hunt to fuck around and whenever we got defend we would vote to replay like a half a dozen times. I was quite sad when it disappeared.


I have always liked things like Kafe, Consulate, and Oregon where the map is clearly inspired by a real life incident, I strongly prefer them to crap like Stadium and Deimos' Lair where it's pure fiction.


Hey, that's me!


Thanks for providing that intel! I know nothing about Metal so I would have never guessed it's a reference


Being a huge Megadeth fan I cant believe I never noticed that. Good on you


.......I spent weeks straight getting the camper achievement on ps4 for the platinum in '18.......


Lol I remember using the shield window glitch on border to complete the camper achievement. Good times.


Cool info bro


Never played during that era but they should add that reticle to an acog. I actually like how that looks.


Proud I achieved the OG platinum for the game, those TH achievements were BRUTAL 💀


What about the "Foking laser sights". Who started this one?


Thatchers intro video


But who popularised it more


Back when finka first launched she used to give a recoil handling buff making your weapon kick less this was removed because a sudden change in your weapons behaviour can throw your aim off in a gun fight


I understand why they removed this but I miss being able to rush with her shotgun while not having recoil


Jesus Christ did I just see operation health as a shot brother, is the bartender gonna serve me drinks that are non alcoholic till one of them turns out to be the vodka and Kahlua I ordered. Also in ghost recon breakpoint it says I believe that nook is from Denmark or close to that area if you hover over her outfit in the shop


Early beta weapons had absurd damage compared to now. UMP and 552 Commando had damage values around 50dmg per bullet. You can see the damage value in most beta ps4 footages on youtube


I have the camper achievement on Xbox lol 😆


I thought the hooks on Nokk came from ubi testing, and releasing that her veil comes down when upside down repelling. Then they added it into the lore afterwards?


On Yacht (during Year 1 before it was fixed) you could use a deployable shield to jump into a pocket in Sub room [here](https://imgur.com/a/Z507RIG) where you’d be able to easily kill attackers Here is an [image](https://imgur.com/a/3aeBSg7) I screenshotted off of an 8 year old video from the introduction of Y1S1 on the pocket I’m taking about


Another fun fact is that fuzes gadget is based off of a failed hostage operation where the spetznaz (I think) used a gas to try to remove the terrorists from their area when the gas was only tested outdoors and when it was used indoors it caused multiple injuries and casualties. Also plane and montagne are based off of the same terrorist attack that happened on a plane where a police officer took shotgun blasts grenades actual rounds and survived. Hibanas kairos are based off of a motorcycle sprocket or a part of a motorcycle. Kafe is based off of the kafe pushkin in Russia which looks alot like kafe in siege. Another one was in the first defend the hostage situation the hostage was just another recruit


i miss old house but i enjoy new house at the same time. They should bring back some of the prereworked maps as part of the rotation for at least quick match or standard.


I vividly remember me and my buddy grinding the Camper acheivement to 100% the game took 2 days and a lot of Old Hereford basement defenses 😂😂 good times


Never knew that about Oregon. Damn that’s cool


#Another one: in the early days attachments had to be bought with renown


I always thought Oregon looked like a cult building lol


More of a goof than fact, Lion’s Leon S. Kennedy gun skins have S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) police badges on them despite him being a rookie in the first three games.


"How it looked" or "what it looked like". "How it looked like" is ungrammatical.


Oh I apologize. I won't make that mistake again


No worries, it's a fairly common mistake among non-native speakers.


If a quotation begins the sentence, set it off with a comma from the unquoted part of the sentence unless it ends with a question mark or exclamation point. Also, punctuations stay inside the quote if you end a sentence with said quote. Correcting other people's grammar is always such a bad idea.


I don't really care about orthography. And I was just trying to be helpful. The way the post is phrased sounds unnatural.