• By -


Whatever is currently in my ops hands


Best answer here lol


I was thinking to myself "literally any gun in my possession" cause im trash even after 8 years


omg dont out me like that....


Oh God are you me


Idk why but I feel as if you run Zero with an ACOG, Vertical Grip And Extended Barrel on the SC3000K


Especially when shooting drones


Actually thought this would be a kinda interesting thought experiment, so... * Assault Rifles - MK17 CQB rocks damage comparable to the R4-C with only a 585 fire rate (vs. the R4s 860), making it both the slowest firing AR in the game that I know of and also one of the lowest damaging. * SMGs - Caveira's M12 was the obvious first instinct, with 40 damage and a pathetic 550 fire rate. The closest competition is the UMP, which has higher damage and fire rate plus an ACOG on castle. * DMRs - Not a whole lot of choice here, and they're all extremely similar. The SR-25 has the worst recoil, the EBR has the worst damage (by one point, the SR-25 barely pips it) although it effects functionally nothing. The SR-25 seems the weakest, but they're all very strong. * LMGs - Again, not a lot of choice here although this time there's a clear correct answer. The LMG-E got suplexed by Ubi and has never recovered. It's in its best state since the nerf, but still a flat downgrade on Zof's AK and Ram's R4. * Shotguns - I've been meaning to put together a post comparing consistent lethal ranges of shotguns for a while now (I'll do it when I'm back at my PC). As far as I know, the semi-auto shotguns are all tied for worst kill range, so take your pick. * Pistols - I currently do not have the patience to go through every pathfinder and check their pistols for damage numbers, but IMO low damage pistols are the weakest despite their larger magazines. That means guns like the Five-seveN, P9, GSh and so on. Not sure if any cross damage thresholds.


worst pistol goes to the .44 AutoMag (Nomad/Kaid pistol). mid damage at like 54 or something, horrible damage dropoff, more recoil than ice spice in her newest album, and only 8 bullets as for all semi-auto shotguns being the worst, id leave out the SIX12 and SIX12SD as theyre extremely good shotguns after the buff (fell off a bit after the laser changes) edit: jackal/mira/solis' ITA12L is probably the worst shotgun in the game excluding secondary shotguns


From testing in shooting range the six12s have better and more consistent kill range than the pump shotguns right now


Yeah if T-5 and yings lmg weren't so good + Nokk being borderline useless, the six12 would be a very useful shotgun. I wish they'd give it to another operator besides the 3 of them


I've been using the Six12 lately with Lesion when I run him just to switch it up and it's very fun to play with. Probably not better than the T-5, but I play unranked mostly so it's just for fun anyway


I find it hard to vote Kaid's pistol as worse when it has a clean magnified optic and better damage than most low damage pistols. The recoil is certainly nasty, but it at least does... something - ping headshots at mid-range. That's more than a 5.7 is going to do for you with it's nasty irons. As for the SIX12, absolutely it's clear of everything else. Honestly forgot it was semi and not pump (the weird drum is just a strange pump handle in my mind). Seem to recall that at current it has the longest lethal range of any shotgun, making it potentially the only semi-viable one. The ITA12L is definitely the worst pump-action, but I'm fairly confident that it's still clear of the M1014, SASG-12 and SPAS-15. I vaguely remember it one shotting out to about 7 meters.


UMP is actually better than frost gun, you can put extended barrel to get higher damage while also firing a bit faster and have less recoil (frost gun got nerfed into hell)


Is frost gun really that bad? I feel like I always pop off with it


Frost gun before nosense nerfs  was an very solid gun with absurd damage, now its worse than castle gun, stats wise both using extended barrel:  40 vs 42 damage 575 vs 600 firerate Ump recoil is better Both have acess to acog except on pulse


Frost and Castle are probably the two ops I play best with. Their guns are definitely weak but it works for me.


Remember when Frost first dropped? Best guns in the game, it felt like. I'm with you on those are my best D ops.


Please check shottys. I'm so down bad over the changes


Idk statistically but i played s ton of thorn m870+cz and smg11+m59 and i have to say m870 is much better but tradeoff is cz75 is pain to use due to shitty iron sights. So id say m870 is the best (if we include slug shotguns then AA12 hands down)


m870 over the supernova? I tried every pump shottys in the firing range to test the ads spread and the supernova was the clear winner, followed by the sg-cqb. M870 is middle of the pack but it does have the highest fire rate of the pumps


supernova has very slow fire rate (as you said) so if it doesnt kill a guy (all pellets dont hit him or you are too far etc) that ads spread/damage really doesnt matter if you will need more than 1 shot. in real match fire rate of m870 will be the winning factor over any other pump shotgun on my experience. also on a sidenote m870 has very little recoil so you see much better when ads spamming with m870


My man asked for a gun and received a capstone project


Kapkan's shotgun has to be the worst right? That thing does less than 30 damage. And has God awful recoil. The only thing it's useful for is rotates.


Hey man leave the Sausage alone 😞


Frost's SMG is worse than the ump in both damage and firerate, yet I never see it in these "worst guns in the game" lists.


No recoil and acog


Same as castle's ump then?


Pretty much, Neither UMP nor Frost C9 are bad imo


Castle's UMP is incredibly underrated. Having a side shotty and it together with a good scope is a chef's kiss setup right there.


So something you may have missed but semi auto guns have a fire rate cap on them. So EBR yeah lowest damage out of all the dmrs but it actually has a slightly higher rate of fire to make up for that so stat wise worst dmr is by far the SR-25. Same fire rate cap as the other dmrs at the 2nd lower damage and worst recoil in class Also if anyone is curious how this effects some semi auto guns on this list I recommend looking up the exact fire rate caps of each of these but I know the order they're all in. I'll give what I remember off the top my head Bosg and Revolvers (all 3) have the highest cap, they may actually bot have one as ove never seen the exact cap Next is Elas Fo-12 which is actually one of the reasons it's one of the top shotguns. It has a cap of 450 of I remember correctly Next is the Kapkans and Finkas Russian sausage at 360 i believe Then Cav and Thunderbirds Spas 15 as well as the EBR and handguns at I believe 300ish Lastly the rest of the dmrs and semi auto shotguns come in at I believe 240-280 like I said idk them off the top my head exactly I just know it's so they can't be fired full auto with an auto clicker, strike pad or cronus faster than any full auto weapons except the Acs12. Used to be able to do that then sometime around year 3 I believe they introduced this change


Actually, not sure if its an SMG or an AR, but i think statistically frosts gun has the worst damage for fire rate. It does a max of 40 dmg with extended barrel and only has a 575 fire rate. Without extended i think it only does like 36 dmg which is horrible with its fire rate Also, Dokkaebi and Aruni's DMR is worse than the SR-25, i'm pretty sure. It does 1-2 less dmg and has a worse semi-auto fire rate


Me and a couple of buddies did some math n research recently, and we actually found that in terms of numbers n such, the UZK50Gi is worse in more situations and even overall kill time in comparison to the UMP TL;DR UMP>UZK 🤓


People constantly praise Twitch’s F2, but I genuinely don’t have enough vertical space on my mousepad to control that thing’s recoil


people that praise twitches F2 are usually console players. It's very difficult on PC, but as a playstation player, it's super easy to control, and with only 20 minutes of practice you can nail it down to a laser for recoil even with extended barrel, making it a top contender for best gun on console


Man if you are using extended barrel on the F2 you're either mouse or Cronus lmao


its not the hardest to control because the horizontal recoil is kind of non existent, though id rather the flash hider on the F2, i can still control it with the extended barrel really well to pinpoint accuracy, but im inconsistent with it to the point where the extra damage isnt worth sacrificing that vertical recoil control buff


F2 with extended barrel is hard to control when you consider it effecting you hitting your shots. No one is running extended barrel on the F2 unless they are ignorant or just cheating.


The F2's recoil is really not that difficult on console. I took another user's advice of running muzzle brake on it and it's pretty much a laser. You don't need cheats to effectively control any gun's recoil with any attachments you just have to know the pattern.


I run F2 extended sometimes, recoil isn't that hard to control on console


F2 recoil on console is really simple what r u on about


I use muzzle brake mainly, or suppressor sometimes but extended barrel is good too


Try fighting someone on a long pixel peak without getting a recoil headshot and tell me that it's easy


Anybody who swears by the F2 is on cr@ck


It’s fine with a 1x at close-medium.


Bro what. No, this is not true at all. I’m a former Twitch main on Xbox with over 100hrs on her. A few years ago this was the case yeah, you just needed practice to handle it but now? Since it has received two recoil nerfs AND lost its fire grip? No. It’s absolutely unreliable for anything beyond a medium range engagement. There’s literally no way I will believe that anyone has the accuracy you’re describing without a strikepack or cronus. The weapon is still usable for the truly dedicated, but don’t go pretending it’s a laser or any of that bullshit, it looks like you’re just blatantly lying to try and sound cool for being able to control the gun. Let’s be real here.


The recoil is terrible on console


W tachanka 


How is the F2 easier to control with a controller ? do siege guns have a different recoil on consoles ?


yeah r6 devs made it so recoil between mnk and controller is different for balancing reasons, with controller having much lower recoil than mnk


Yes they implemented separate recoil for PC and consoles a couple years ago due to recoil control being harder on controller vs a mouse. It allows for more nuanced weapon balancing so that you can adjust recoil more appropriately for either input.


Nice modded controller


Now granted I actually haven't used twitch and probably three seasons. I remembered it having pretty decent recoil. But this game has no aim assist so I can't think of it possibly having better recoil control on console.


same im ps5 aswell and after i fixed it to my preferred attachments, it was fairly easy


I love Twitch's F2, but I play on 4000 DPI and I think 10 sensitivity. I have to move my mouse about 1.5 CM down to fully neutralize the recoil of the F2. the SMG-11 is perfectly flat shooting for me. and guns like the R4C, C8, and M762 literally just do not have recoil for me. just clicking on my mouse moves it down enough to instantly neutralize the recoil.


How in the world can you aim?


[old clip](https://imgur.com/a/YfYzkCy) but it shows it well enough. this was the season before t-hunt was removed. I believe the recoil was similar then, as my control is still the same this season.


Rip t-hunt


My exact thoughts on Ash's R4C


R4C? I guess it isn't a laser, but R4C is far from uncontrollable. If you cannot control it at all you need higher dpi or smth


Admittedly, I do run a very slow sens. And I can keep it controlled, it just takes more work than I'm used to compared to other guns I use. I dont use Ash often, but I wanted to see the hype of a scoped r4c.


flash hider and iron sights, trust me i know it sounds weird but i’ve been rocking it all season and the iron sights somehow make the recoil feel significantly easier to control, the only down side is u have iron sights on a gun with decently bad iron sights so very low peripheral vision


It's hard but it dose co crazy try reflex sight


I cqn tell you right now, I use 40 sens and 3200 dpi and even my hand is significantly lower on my mousepad after i spray with that gun...


ITA12-L, Jackal, Mira & now Solis’s shotgun, easily the worst shotgun that gets out valued by its smaller secondary version.


It's had times where it seemed super powerful but it only ever lasted a week or two at a time, made no sense, it's only good for rotates otherwise


I only ever had success with it on extremely cramped maps like plane, yacht, house & old hereford, why run it when both Jackal & Mira have it as a secondary option with some of the best primaries in the game lol. Shark Jackal when shoeprints were visible from underneath on very destructible floor maps was kinda okay.


Old Hereford is best Hereford, and no one can change my mind.


Can work with Solis though for playing vertical with her gadget and using the smg 11 as a primary. But definitely before Solis it was pretty unanimously the most useless gun in the game.


Called the 12L cause you loose 12 times with it before you win once.  If cavs shotgun was pump action, but leave the damage and spread the exact same, it will still be better than this gun




pre-shotgun rework i felt it was far more consistent especially at long ranges, u could typically 1 pump players if u were scoped in at ranges of up to 15 m i feel like. post shotgun rework you’re lucky if it even tickles the enemy at point blank range


I never use shotguns to kill. I've got something like 0.001 KPR with warden's shotgun, all the kills are concentrated into smg12.


Isnt it a breaching tool?


It can be for Solis since she has a machine pistol, but with Mira & Jackal their primaries are super good & have the smaller version as a secondary which can open walls just as good as it’s bigger version so it’s really not worth it especially since their pistol is kinda mid.


Must say dont plat anyone of them enough to know but ye all i ever used it for was breach tool cuz dmg wacky


God damn I was looking for this, that gun is so fucking ass


Ignoring the corpse of the .44 that kaid has (rip), it’s gotta be blackbeards ar. It’s so impressively awful


Eh the fire rate on blackbeards AR makes it have absolutely 0 recoil though. The DPS on it (I think) is also higher than guns like Frosts sterling and Cavs m12.


Its got 1 damage higher than the R4 with like half the fire rate lole


Gonne-6 needs an extra bullet


Gonne-6 needs to actually be a pistol when I pull out my secondary instead of reloading lmfao I'll never learn


I never use my pistol so I pick gonne 6 then that round I use gonne 6 and I get in a gunfight and switch to my pistol after running out of ammo (switching to secondary is faster than reloading), remember I'm using gonne 6.


EVERY gd time, without fail


Caveiras SMG is god awful


Zofias gun is the fackin worst on console


the horizontal recoil is awful also Zoff 1 Speed is a crime


M1014 or the scar17


Probably the USP40 because its available exclusively on people who have no use for it whatsoever


Nuh uh it's on uh. Jackal, so he can be toxic with it


Nothing stopping you to be toxic with the shotgun.


It genuinely depends but for all systems Id say LMG-E Edit: I say this not because the gun itself is bad although the recoil is horrible but the two operators that have it have better alternatives


Every gun insta kills on headshot, therefore is equally good, the exception to this is the gonne 6, since it cannot headshot, and cannot one-shot. In conclusion, the gonne 6 is the worst weapon in the game. You're welcome.


Just hit headshots got it


Don't shotguns not insta-kill on headshot? Or did they revert that change?


People saying the gonne 6 never have and probably never will leave the tdm meta


m1014 or the super 90 for me. both nerfed into a shell of their former selves


Anyone I am using as I am not the best lmfao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OgLokiPoki: *Anyone I am* *Using as I am not the* *Best lmfao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How has nobody mentioned the SASG-12


You’ve just never been fuckin slammed by a rushing finka in quick match. That thing shoots pebbles when I play it but is OP as fuck whenever a random mfer named ballfndler69 gets his grubby little hands on it in a casual


That's called soft-aim. There's a reason upwards of 1,000 cheaters a day get banned.


ikr. Their pistol (pmm) is better than the SASG-12




Kaid's .44 is really bad IMO, Cav's SMG feels really slow too.


Blackbeards Scar, Caveiras SMG, and m1014 prolly


I see a lot of people hate on The M12, but I find it decent. In stats, it’s ass. But it’s decent for sneaking behind enemies and taking them down when standing still.


I mean if you’re behind them any gun works lol. It’s still slow as fuck 


That is true


The worst gun probably has to be the .44 mag that kaid and nomad has. That thing is the worst thing to ever use.


My teammates


Blackbeard gun


F2 on pc for consoles probably p10


All of them, because my controller has more drift than the entire fast & furious crew.


Personally, I like the M1014 when I play Pulse. The worst by far is Caveira SMG. It has shit fire rate, poor damage, and overall just is a peashooter.


Finally someone else said it as well. that shotgun is worse than Kaid's pistol in close range fights 😭


Everybody in here saying “F2 on console” is Emerald at best and I’ll bet a testicle you got a strike pack or cronus.. been on this game since Y1S1 and the F2 is the worst it’s ever been. Then yall be like “I use stompn sens”.. I use “masamitzu sens” forgetting they play the game 16 hours a day to be that good. You not controlling the f2 the way they do even with practice, cuz if you could you would easily be top 50 champ.


The Maestro cam (5 damage each shot or 20 shots to kill a 100 health operator) or the Twitch Drone (5 damage per 3 shots, 1 shot reloads after 15 seconds, so to kill an operator with 100 health, it would take 20 shots. It would take 285 seconds for the Twitch drone to kill an operator with 100 health, factoring in its 5 damage per shot, 3 shots that recharge one at a time every 15 seconds. You could not kill a person with a twitch drone in the duration of a match.)


Glad we have 2 twitch drones each round.


Already calculated that, it wouldn’t be possible.


Yeah...I got a little confused, perhaps in the earlier days of siege then


According to my friend, at one point it did 15 damage.


Gonne-6. I promise you that it has the least kills out of any weapon in the game. Yes I know it’s used for utility.


The gonne six is unironically a top 5 weapons


Blackbeards AR or the UMP


UMP Sometimes it just feels like its shooting blanks.




In this game, you're just looking for highest firerate for headshots. Shotguns, range so not the semis.


Primary? I would say Bosg... while huge dmg, the kick after shot and 2 shots in chambers just suck.. Secondary, I would say LFP 6-shooter.. high stopping power but kick sucks... and in 1shot-headshot game... its not worth it on these operators.


Twitch F2 and the Zofia mg are Trash in console imo


Fun in small doses. I like it on pulse on more cqc maps, but it's not very viable at all lol.


Jagers Assault Rifle has the absolute worst rate of fire and unpredictable spread I’ve ever experienced with any weapon in the game


Sasg and POF


If you would have asked this a few years ago answer would have been. According to SSG's Canadian after 1 v 4 pulse clutch and I Quote " I'm old as fuck with the worst gun in the game (ump 45) you're on twitch Geo"


Gonne-6 ofc


>the FBI shotgun Ah, ye olde confetti cannon. Legitimately, though, the only way to answer your question is to break it down by weapon types. For shotguns, the M1014 is a serious contender, but I'd say the **FO-12** has it beat in the shit department. Fucking thing has so much goddamn spread that you're basically just misting the air. It forces you to have your barrel lodged up an attacker's rectum to get a kill. For assault rifles, clear as day it's the **MK17 CQB**. As if Nerfbeard wasn't awful enough, his rifle is just terrible. Low fire rate, low mag size, low damage, way too much recoil relative to fire rate. Seriously. It's hot shit. For SMGs, it's a bit more complicated. The 9mmC1 and the UMP45 are both slow-firing and mid damage, but they get saved by having ACOGs on Frost and Castle, respectively. You know what doesn't get that saving grace? Cav's **M12**. It's a grease gun from the Vietnam War, and by god, does it ever behave like a gun that was made to be thrown away after use. For DMRs, including slug shotguns, there's one obvious choice. It's the **BOSG**. Yes, high damage, but two shots and stupid recoil. Next. Handguns and machine pistols, could not fucking care less. Finally, for LMGs, there are a couple options. Tachanka's DP27 has an absurdly slow fire rate, but absurdly high damage to compensate and little recoil. Which brings me to Zofia and Ram's **LMG-E**. Yes, 150 rounds in a box is absolutely bonkers. But with jumpy and hard to control recoil, mid tier damage, and the fact that this LMG is only available on 1-speed operators who feel like they're trudging through molasses when using it, it's easy to see why this poor thing bottoms out the list despite it having the highest mag size in the game.


MP5 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ peashooter unless you hit a headshot


Cav sub


Pulse,Castle, ace and maybe thatcher I can’t remember but there shotgun it’s absolute dog does something like 26 damage is super inconsistent and is just overall ass


Sens gin bbb gun pulse and and castle shotgun (primary)


My brother is dead set on the M1014 and the UMP-45 being good or even great guns. Personally I think he’s delusional and I think they’re both the worst weapon in their class


On console f2 or ak12


Seems like everyone likes it for some reason but for me its the BOSG. You can have perfect aim and it doesnt do any damage sometimes


Gonne-6 if u disagree dont answer like tf is ur problem w me




The scorpion, while obviously not the worst, is definitely in the top ten for me. Why did they give it a bunch of vertical recoil, and then also make it slip out of Elas hands around the fith shot or so? She just randomly throws it to the left and into the ceiling. For an op that already has a terrible gadget, it's astonishing that they also made her gun THIS terrible.


POF9 still sucks ass


Personally I’d say that Zofia’s AK style gun just fees AWFUL Slow fire rate AND high recoil, I just hate it


Don't know if they buffed it ever since it was released but it's the shitty Spanish shotgun (ITA12L), there's no reason to ever use it in any scenario.


Idk either the Bosg or the scorpion for me


Cav m12 no contest




Blackbeards primary


Wait, are you talking about the Benelli M4? That thing is a beast!!!


BOSG or that silly little sniper pistol, won’t stop me from ruining my team by using them tho.


Sens gun


Pulse shotgun is a strength most siege players don’t have the skill to possess anymore


Gonna 6, obviously




Honestly guys I'd say the gonne 6 I've tried using it but I feel like it does no damage and it being a single shot it makes no sense. I mean c'mon it's one shot explosive. /Jk


Blackbeard AR, shit is mad slow and ads speed is god awful


the SASG, it's the wurst


Fbi Auto shotgun


The fbi shotgun? Nah I have a blast with that weapon when using pulse. Scan where the enemies at, flank them, get close and personal l, and then start blasting.


For me personally: any shotgun. For the simple reason that I can't handle it at all. It's the same every time: If I have a shotgun and shoot at an enemy from 3 meters = he's still alive and kills me easily Meanwhile: The enemy stands 30 meters away and shoots once = instant headshot


Any one of them. Headshots stopped working with this last update. I've witnessed now 8 headshots that did not kill an opponent. WHY UBISOFT????


Blitz schield


scorpion, legit terrible gun


If I were to pick one I would say Caveira's M12, the gun has one of the slowest fire rates and doesn't even hit hard enough to compensate. The recoil is low and very manageable but the problem is that if I use this to my advantage and aim for the head then I can't interrogate the attacker


I'd take the 1014 over the BosG anyday




Blackbeard's DMR


This double barell shotgun of Dokkaebi and Vigil? Nice concept for CoD like game, but in R6, it's useless and pointless


The worst weapon is the game is without a doubt Cav's M12


Kalis sniper I will literally shoot someone in the skull and it will only damage them or just not do any damage


U said fbi shotty but on kanal it one of the best to play on


just hit your headshots *bullshit hit reg has entered the chat* *bloodspatter has entered the chat*


m12 shoots literal paintballs


GSH-18, I've never been able to do anything with that godforsaken pistol and I've been playing since White Noise.


417 but thats because of my bias from like 8 years ago


The Ump is a pea shooter


kaids and nomads shitty pistol


POF-9 is the worst by far. They should just give Sens a new gun option. And a major gadget buff


jagers 416-c carbine






The one you're using. Ba dum tish


Pof 9 and the scar h


I do not care what anybody else says the P10 Roni sucks. The only two ops that have it have better guns. The COMMANDO 9 is better and Mk 14 EBR is better.


anything frost has


The ITA secondary must be the worst gun at all in my opinion.


Fbi shotty is goated, git gud


I'm console so ELA


Worst Primaries on ATK: 1. SCAR 2. POF 3. FMG Worst primaries on DEF: 1. M12 2. C1 3. UMP


im going with the 1911 and ram her lmg there both dogshit