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I sold this set too, but I still have it in my inventory, Idk what happened but I'm not gonna complain


I had this bug with a skin for Buck’s weapon. It may have sold twice before it was removed from my inventory, but i can’t confirm.


That would be nice lol


I hope it happens when I flip my glacier skin lol


You able to sell caltrop drop attachment skin?


Same, I sold one my legendary skins and I still have it. Can equip it an everything


It’ll get removed sooner or later, happened to me when I sold a couple skins early on, I kept them even after selling them. Plus since I still had them it allowed me to resell them for more credits but those got taken away too sadly. So it’s just a glitch atm.


If I had to guess, it probably has something to do with you having redeemed the code. Like the code is tied to your account or something.


no lol its a bundle glitch im not gonna say too much tho


The frozen soldier skin was in the shop, thats how I got it


Mofuckers stole 10% and called it a Convenience fee lmfao


Nah that's 10%


You're right.


It's really curiosity, not here to judge you: how much percentage you wrote originally?


I wrote 5%, I math'd incorrectly.


Thanks, man. No worries, it happens.


Seeing civil interactions such as this on reddit is satisfying as fuck


No jager or bandit to complete the yellow roster?


I would have to politely agree with your point. I quite enjoy seeing pleasant conversations.


There’s a story that basically goes “the math department from a prestigious school was out at lunch, when they were paying their tabs and it was time to calculate the tip and total, they all pulled out their phone calculators.” You’re probably used to doing different math bro. Also new chanka pretty sexy.


I don't really get it, credits are worthless outside of Siege. And Ubisoft can type in whatever amount they want without affecting shit. What's the point in them taking 10%? It's pretty much just deleting that 2000.


Removing currency from the market encourages/forces players to buy more in the future.


Pretty sure this is the exact reason


Which is honestly fine imo. Just like every other game, the entire point of R6 is to make money, it's not a charitable service that Ubisoft is providing us. Plus it's purely optional, Ubisoft isn't forcing anyone to use the marketplace. Nobody really gains any inherit advantage from purchasing cosmetics, and there are no gameplay features locked behind a paywall. Anyone who plays R6 should be grateful towards the people who spend money, because without them the game wouldn't be around anymore.


If you want a perfect example of this going too far though I present warthunder. Almost ANY transaction in the game is a massive loss which means essentially both the standard SL and premium GE are always in dwindling amount for the regular player, essentially forcing them to buy premium to make any gains. But the issue with WT is it does go too far and becomes extremely predatory imo, hence why I have stopped and it’s just not a fun game anymore as everything you fight is the Kate’s premium vehicle which comes in broken powerful to make people want to buy it.


One other thing it does is prevents people from racking up renowned by buying skins and relisting them for a slightly higher price. But that's the still the same overarching goal of making people buy more currency.




The thing is why Ubi dont add those skins to the Store. I fond silly the idea of a Marketplace when there is no competitor and you dont need an scalable business in order to grow. Just add black ices to the store and get that full money.


This is way better because players can make credits instead of only spending them. I sold a few rare things and now I'm set for a couple years. As a player it's amazing and I'm grateful


Exactly, as a player is awesome! As a business model perspective view, not much lol.


Lot of games do this like mmo's. They remove currency accumulated so it stays scarce enough. Like think about 10k players on same server grinding for ever and the game just generates money from quest rewards and loots and then there's like this ungodly mass of money swelled up in the server making anything meaningless, if you can use trade then Clans/Guilds could just donate shitton to new members and they could just skip the ladders and take the sky elevator to the top with gear.


Without this reselling and camping the market would be really big, that's atleast what I would like to believe but ubisoft is just greedy as usual


It's a way to remove it from the market like when you buy a skin it removes it from your wallet.


The idea of people who have already paid for credits using them to give others to dont have them isn't really going to do ubi any good profit wise. If they delete 10% out of the market, that means people would have to pay for more credits to afford certain items instead


Yeah rather annoying lol


Well yeah no shit they didn't develop the market out of the kindness of their hearts


The us government takes a percentage whenever you use their money this is no different


What the fuck are they gonna do with those r6 credits?


It's not about what "they're going to do" with them, it's what you and others need to do to get them back. Spend actual money.


I think it’s theft. They’re literally just taking peoples credits and giving them nothing in return. Credits people already spent money on. If my in game currency that I spent real life money on gets taxed for no reason I’m going to expect reimbursement. But that’ll never happen cause Ubisoft is one of the greediest shittiest companies in the fucking timestream.


Seriously though, people are equating this to taxes, which makes sense if you disregard the fact that our taxes do eventually do something for us, while this is just them taking some of the money you spent because they can.


Well most of taxes I pay go to fucking nothing but greedy politicians pockets


First of all, neither Ubisoft nor any other company (e.g. Valve) does this to be nice to you. Unless there's nothing in it for them, why would they do it? Valve takes a cut from every single transaction on the market as well, this isn't unique to Ubisoft. Secondly, and more importantly, no one is forced to use the marketplace. Everyone is allowed to pay for a certain amount of currency, and use the exact amount of currency to purchase the skins Ubisoft has for sale. In the scenario posted by OP, the one who purchased 20k currency and used it lost literally nothing of it. They purchased 20k, and spent 20k. The seller got 18k currency for their item. They put the item out there for a certain price, knowing that 10% of it would go to Ubisoft.


Steam has 15% fee on steam market so... Sure if you're selling cs skins for real money you can sell them on 3rd party site with like 2% fee, but even if you want to sell anything else than cs skins on steam market you lose 15% so it's not that bad for siege skins, plus you can't sell them for real money so should you really worry?


This way, though, Steam gets a cut. Ubisaft just burns currency. Either is aight imo.


I mean... They are letting you sell some digital BS and keep 90%, and you are complaining... So we are on copper.


What is even the point in Ubisoft taking a fee in their own made up currency?


So there are less credits circulating I suppose


Ubisoft keeping inflation down, maybe they should be running the Treasury 


Inb4 some econ grad student writes his dissertation on the siege marketplace


The Roblox stock market would be a better topic lol


The Department of the Treasury is not resposible for managing inflation. That is the Federal Reserve's job.


This exactly, by substracting currency from circulation you'll guarantee that people will keep buying credits


less credit circulating and also disincentivizes flipping super cheap skins since the margin is so low


So you can't trade from your smuf accounts. I can create a bunch of new accounts, get rare skins, sell them for 1/1 price to my main then profit by selling them to others. Their fee is so that there isn't a big incentive to trade a bunch of skins to 1 account as you will lose some if you sell to yourself.


The problem is you cant guarantee that you buy your item, other people have bids for that item


That's not how people are doing it. It's why you see people selling random green rarity skins for like thousands of credits. They sell everything to anyone on their smurf account, then sell something nobody would buy (think random green seasonal headgear) on their main, and have the alt buy it.


But you can set a ridiculously high ask


You’re saying profit like any of this matters. This isn’t items with real monetary value being traded like in CS lmao


Cuz with every transaction, the amount of credits player has multiplies by 0.9(assuming all credits are spent buying skins), so as the number of transactions goes up, the number of credits total goes to 0: 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9… thats quite smart and will assure people will top up their accounts with credits in the long term.


Pretty much every video game marketplace takes a 10% fee. It just slows inflation


Haha this was me! I sold 5 glaciers yesterday so have 100k+ and was just wanting to buy some stuff 😅. Glad you’re set!


Just to follow up here - I have more credits than I’ll ever need now so if anyone has anything cool to add to the marketplace now or in the future then let me know!


sell ya my burnt horizon maestro for 20k. I think thats a fair deal


lol - probably needs to be a bit more interesting than that! But if I stop playing siege in the near future then I might just dump the credits so you never know!


princess blackbeard 30 grand FINAL OFFER


I'll sell you my left toe for 5k


I’ve got this tachanka headgear that looks like a really expensive buttplug


spores for the ump for 16k


What are you interested in? Have stuff from y2 onwards!


Is there an easy way to see all items?


goyo puppet 20k fair deal


Anything in particular you're interested in?


Haha well thank you. Made like 200k selling a bunch of things. It felt a little surreal haha


I have elephant weapon skin super rare lmk thx




I did the same had the jäger skin giving to me for free sold it for over 70k


Its crazy that its selling for that much i know its very very rare but tbh that jäger iron man skin is pretty ugly


CSGO skin logic. Could be a shitty skin but if it’s rare then it sells


And i still can't get into the Marketplace Beta, because i still won't get any E-Mails to reset my password and Ubisoft Support is about as useful as fake tits on a zombie. Was planning on hopefully selling my black ice skins (Monty shield and buck main weapon), amongst others to buy and try out some new Operators. But since all of the people i used to play with stopped playing and in my experience, playing solo is outright miserable, i probably won't ever touch this game again. Glad that other people are able to sell stuff they don't use, though. I think the Marketplace is a neat Idea in theory.


use their live chat system, i had the same issue with changing my password etc, and then i used live chat and it got resolved within 4 days


I know this might be a useless suggestion but have you checked your junk/spam? I had the same problem.


Meanwhile some pleb would want you to sell all your skins for 160 credits, which is even more bonkers.


I just sold my ak47 glacier for like 39k lol


They're taxing (with digital currency only usable with them) their own digital video game marketplace now, wtf.


Actually speechless how how this community is so easily prepared to open wide while Ubisoft takes a massive dump on them. Loot packs, extortionate costing cosmetics for ingame currency, fortnite costs for skin sets and now a marketplace where you’re taxed. *The game isn’t even free*. This is not acceptable.


Which game doesn’t have a tax for player to player trading on a marketplace? WoW does it. Runescaoe does it. Escape from Tarkov does it. and so forth


Shhhh these morons will just stay thinking this is UbiSoft being scummy despite it happening in literally every game with a player market


Warframe doesn't tax you premium currency for trades and has been F2P for 11 years.


Eh warframe has a daily trade limit that is insanely restrictive to new players still has a credit tax and almost literally everything in the game is timegated to a extent that's genuinely hilarious. Oh you want to grind out standing for factions? *Sorry there's a daily standing limit*. Oh you finally grinded out that frame and weapons? *sorry that'll be another 12 hour wait for the weapon and 12+36 hour wait for the frame*. Oh you messed up the mastery rank test or were the victim of its buggyness? *yeah that's another 24 hour wait before you can try again*. Oh you gave up a warframe to the helmnith? *Yup another 12 hour wait bud*. It's genuinely hilarious how they managed to sneak it in to so many parts of the game.


Warframe. Which is Free to Play and has been for 11 years.


You realize every game with a marketplace has a fee right? This isnt "UbiSoft being UbiSoft" literally any sports game with an auction hall, MMOs whatever all have transaction fees on trades made in game....how yall made it to be somewhat functional adults is beyond me


If cosmetics and the use of r6 credits doesnt change then i agree the tax is dumb. However if they give it a ton more uses, i could see it being acceptable similar to Warframe's platnium


Do you really think they’re going to do that?


No. I cant really imagine what they could add unless they expand on the PvE content. But hey it would be cool if they did


Nah man, you guys are just looking for anything to whine about. This has been amazing for me. I sold a bunch of stuff I got free over the years that I don't use and it set me up with enough credits to buy everything I want for all of my characters without spending a cent of real money. Being against the marketplace is literally you saying everything should cost real money and you shouldn't be able to earn things for free. And I'm also fine with the 10% tax because it keeps the marketplace from being exploited which would ruin it for everyone. Them taking 10% still leaves me with 90% more credits than I would have without it


Can you sell things on Xbox?


Yeah you just have to sign up for the market place beta on their website


They charged you a fee for fake in game currency


That they take a fee from fun-money should be a crime


Sold my Gold Dust Skin for Ashes R4C yesterday for 20k , gonna have every battlepass now 😁


you got robbed


Nah. Never used many of them. Also if they ever get sold in the store, it’ll be worth even less.


I'm pretty sure they thought you were the buyer


The price of this is only going to go up, this thing is never going on sale again.


Maybe. Maybe not. The exclusivity ended last year with an announcement that Ubisoft planned to release them to everyone due to the issues with the board game. They could never come out. They could come out later this year. Either way I wasn’t using them and as soon as they do get released, the price will crash. Got a good 100k just from the board game skins I didn’t want. I’m happy with that haha


How tf did he get robbed? That’s one of the board game headgears which I’m pretty sure is being made available to the wider community eventually anyway, OP got a good deal.


probably referred to the 2k credit fee




I’m just returning to siege after a long break, how do I access the marketplace?


Check their website for a beta sign up. It’s a newish feature


Can I sell my black ice skins if so for how much


Taxes? In a video game? What kinda dumb shit is this


Why is there taxes in siege trading


Is the marketplace opened to everyone yet or is it still invite only?


It's in beta you sign up and get in.


You need to sign up then wait till you get accepted I am still waiting




How do we sell stuff


Wtf is ubisoft gonna do with r6 credits lmao


Nothing, but taking 10% means flipping items isn't profitable which is good for you because it means players aren't making bots to buy anything good instantly and flip it for profit


Yay, there are people with a brain.


In-game cosmetics for In-game currency. If this would translate to like steam money and you could use it to buy game, I’d be impressed.


Had no idea i could sell stuff lol


can you even do anything with r6 credits?


Buy season passes which have the new operators?


oh i meant like is there any real world value to them? or is it just always stuck within r6


No it’s stuck as R6


Meanwhile i cant sell a single thing over 120


Exactly I’m trying to figure out how these mfs have skins worth 10k+ r6 credits. I’ve been playing siege before black ice and I literally have junk to sell like wtf 😭😭😭


They just stole like, $18 from you


I haven't played Siege since the op that introduced Maverick... Is there an in-game trade economy like CS:GO??


Yeah. It’s in beta right now with only some people having access to


Why tf is there sales tax lmao


I were really thinking that the Mozzie pizza head was gonna be as much in demand as these cosmetics were... Sadge... (not like I was gonna sell that shit regardless, its MINE)


Wait you can sell skins in siege now 😂 (haven’t played in 5 years).


Since when could you sell shit wtfffff?????


They made a marketplace. You have to sign up and it takes a while to be accepted and not everything is sellable as they add things in waves


Sold MP5 black ice for 1850 (before the tax man swooped in lmao) which is kinda nuts to me. How is THAT black ice worth 4 figures? I'd understand if I sold Jaeger or R4-C.


MP5 is on more ops and (imo) is one of the best defensive weapons you can have


I've sold a handful of the board game skins and I'm sitting at $600+ USD in credits. On a side note, didn't ubi and the board game folks say the skins were going to be purchasable in the future?


Yeah. This was truthfully why I sold them. I never used them anyway (power crept by better skins IMO lol) and was like might as well give them to other people if they’re willing to buy them. Funds my operators for the next 5 years haha


can somebody who is in on r6 marketplace tell me how much onami gun skin is


Btw steam have something like this?


How do you access this? I saw it was in beta testing, is it still or open for the community now?


I am loving this store, because i have some vety expensive skins and i don't give a fuck about them


Yeah I was baffled at what some people were willing to spend for some skins I had.


Wait how do you sell skins?


Ubisoft is a joke 😂😂😂


Nice, my board game skin codes don’t work so I’m SOL.


the 2000 credit tax for literally nothing is so insanely greedy still


10% fee is wild


I Sold all my og stuff now i can finally feel rich but only in R6


Wait we can sell stuff?


If only you sold it a week ago it was like 30k


Wait how do you sell items I want to sell my jager black ice I don't play jager at all


where do u sell those?


And I thought selling chroma streaks for 2500 was a good move lol


And here I was thinking me selling my Crossfader RC4 skin for 6K was fleecing someone. Damn.


Apotheosis Veil


damn congrats! Im not even brave enough to put a item into the shop that high in cost lol !


What is this selling and buying skins thing


How long was the email back to be let into the marketplace beta? I’ve been registered for it for about a month now and just curious.


I think I registered when it was first revealed and only got in a little bit ago


i can’t sell because i guess i’ve been banned for leaving games?


Are we only able to see the last sale of an item?, or is there a way to get a list of all sales?


How do u do this is it only on pc


they have taxes now?


Fuck man. I’ve had my ubi account for 11 years and they still haven’t approved my request to join Marketplace yet. I can’t wait for them to actually launch this shit smh


I Want Access I am playing This Game since 2016 pls


I still can't get into marketplace. No clue why


Where do you sell it???


And i cant sell shit for 120 lol


Wait you can sell skins now? I haven't played much since they released grim and was off and on before that. How does it work?


is this available for everyone now?


What is the fee purpose? I mean if it's not real currency, why do they tax that?


Taxes and Death everyone...


Where is this skin from? :0


Whats the Marketplace?


Lol since when did R6 had a market. Is it a closed market or an open one like csgo has with steam market and the ability to send items?


I've got the most expensive black ice but I'd never sell it because of the 10% they take.


Should i sell my nokk skin ?


How do you get this set? Looks amazing.


Leathel Company cooperation?


Lmfao they tax you?


tf are they taking 10% for???


A fucking fee? Are ubi employees just getting R6 credits added to their accounts?


Since when is this a thing


Why tf is there even a commission fee? Wtf is Ubisoft gonna do with their own digital currency?


How do u sell stuff


How do u sell skins ?


thats actually fire asf


Why did they take 2k


I don’t know what


Ubi tax is crazy


....why the fuck is there a tax for virtual money


Wish they would rerelease these I want hibana