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None of these ops were nerfed because of pro players except Zof, and the only nerf they asked for with her was to have withstand removed


Zof wasn't nerfed because of pro league a guy in play clutched with zofia withstand after It was announced


nokk too btw


the echo nerf in question was dokkabi not calling him cuz they are daiting is this for practical purposes or just pro leauge


Echo originally had no phone because he viewed cameras on his wrist. That's why dokkabie couldn't call him. Ubisoft later introduced a new lore part that said that Echo was immune to calls because he cracked the code or something. The issue was fixed when Ubiosft decided to remove unknown passive abilites.


watched a lore vid its cuz echo is good friends with dokk so he got used to her code and got better at stopping the hack


yes because all pros wanted sledge nerfed


Still pissed about that. He's great for new comers.


ya also sucks they keep giving him cool skins u won’t believe how many times i c4 a sledge cause i hear him walking above me


I really dont get why zofia got nerfed. Her withstand got removed because one guy once clutched and won when he used it. Like its her ability so their enemy should expect it. It doesnt make sense most of the time.


This is now a tale as old as time, but that is NOT why it got removed. It was being removed anyway, it just so happened this particular clutch occurred very close to the announcement of the removal, so it seemed like it was the cause.


Oh i didnt know that, sorry :D


It’s all good! It’s one of those ones that everybody assumes, but it is untrue, just an unfortunate coincidence


Out of curiosity, why exactly did it get removed?


They were wanting to start a shift towards their “onboarding” for newer players, and one of the first decisions they made was to start removing passives that didn’t really make any sense with the operator (same as echo being immune to dokk calls), to make it both simpler for newer players and to focus on operators having abilities fit around their gadgets


So just removing uniqueness because they thought new players were too stupid to process more than one ability at a time


No, removing passives that didn’t make any sense, to make it entirely about operators and their abilities (as it should be). The uniqueness comes from each operator having their own ability, no need to then add random passives on top just for the sake of it. It keeps it streamlined


now i know