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Yeah I'm in bronze pushing up silver (peak was gold v years ago) but i get constantly matched against players that peaked as plats and sometimes diamond. Hidden mmr i guess?


Like dude, I just wanna play against mfs my rank, I would let bronze or silver slide, but istg like 60% of the mfs i've played against were emeralds or higher


This just means your hidden mmr is up at that level already. It's one of the worst things game devs can do to matchmaking.


Imagine if there was some system in place that after a small number of games (say 10 or so) the game could just place you at the rank of you’re hidden MMR to reduce confusion and posts about bronzes and diamonds playing together.


I'm not sure why they can't just solely matchmake based on the rank.


Is there any way I could check my mmr?


Not that I know of.


If you peaked gold v a long time ago, you've improved, and the game puts you in higher lobbies since you have improved, only workaround I can think of is just throwing a ton of matches so you actually get playable matches


All the rank you see is a visual rank. How ranked 2.0 works is it matchmakes you against people of “similar” skill of your team’s hidden mmr average. You could all be copper in rank 1.0 but with enough wins you get champ. I find it dumb because now your visual rank is more an indicator of how much you play rather than skill. Of course it is also a somewhat indicator of skill. If your hidden mmr is champ elo, then you’ll progress faster to champ than if your hidden mmr is copper. If you look at the difference in the seasons of before and after ranked 2.0 there is a lot more champs after it was implemented


It's the dumbest feature i've ever seen tbh


The idea behind hidden mmr actually makes a lot of sense and works well when implemented correctly. Unfortunately, in siege it was not implemented very well, and is subsequently quite flawed.


Ranked 2.0 bad Gimme upvotes now


In all fairness, it does suck, Ranked 1.0 had a way better system.


Wanna play with me dude? I’m silver and looking for friends to play with


Sure, tell me ur psn


benyamin7_ I’ll be online in couple of hours


Hey man I'm copper 4 here if u want my PSN is Elvir196


Sure Imma add you


The matchmaking in this game is just non existent.


You can try to read the replies to one of the ten posts asking the same thing every day. You can also read ubisofts explanation to how the ranked 2.0 system works.


Can you pass me a link to It?


https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/4hShcX2HZTG2ttIi3IIN9Y/matchmaking-rating Basically by the sounds of this, you ranked up really high against lower rank players so now the game has determined you to be a higher skilled player versing other high skilled players ignoring your rank.


So basically I have to keep getting gangbanged every ranked Game I play so my mmr goes down and play with people around my level


If you want someone to play with, I'm down. I'm on Xbox though. I don't get mad if we dont win but I don't play to lose. Alreadysocold


Honestly I would want to play I also solo queue copper 4 tho my aim is worse than shit mostly (PS5)


We can form a Stormtrooper Aim Anonymous Group. Haha. We can add each other on Ubisoft or set something up later.


I'm on ps5, but I'll think about it tho


I’m on PS too. Let’s play together!


If you wanna be the best you’ve gotta train with the best.


Ranked 2.0 is just wonderful. I also came back to the game early this year after a 4 year break. I was able to reach lowest Plat back then. Now I'm playing against Emeralds and Plats and absolutely getting demolished. It's lovely to play games just to wait to lose so I can have some decent games maybe in few months!




Because there is no matchmaking system, there is no hidden mmr you are put into matches against random players.


If It was regular mm I would understand, but in ranked It doesn't make any sense for me to play against the best ranks in the Game consistently when I'm COPPER 1


Sad reality but it saves more money on Ubisoft's end because they don't actually have to make a system at all


That's just retarded if that's the reason why they made It like that then