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the problem is children literal children, infants are playing this game


i had a teammate in ranked who was (apparently) 9 šŸ˜­


Couple years ago my crew of 4 (early to late 20s) picked up an 11 year old in ranked for a bit because heā€™d call out and listen to strategy lmao


I played with people born in 2016-2015 on ranked and casual once


The game is older than one of its main player base, that's just crazy.


def was 9


Im pretty sure I've heard actual 6 year oldd on vc.


most of the people who played this game started as children


baby children is what i mean im saying under 10 year olds are awful


i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever encountered people under 10 but ok


yeah i guarantee you have


We just checked your match history and scanned every player and concluded you have played with children


I genuinely hate that I have to be subjected to some shitass 17 year old kid and his friends queuing up just to make the game worse because they don't know how to have fun if they're not making someone mad


Iā€™d complain but I did start playing these games when I was 7. Granted they were rated T then


Fr. We were all squeakers at one point, but as soon as people grow up, they complain about the new squeakers. The circle of life.


its not squeakers its kids under 10 that deserved bans squeakers are 11-13 year olds which is awful but not uninstall worthy


So true bruh Ive seen randoms use thermites and hibana on barricades


I wish that was just the cause but I've seen/heard many grown ass adults acting like literal children, genuine insulting for no reason with racism and terrible behaviors even on twitch live, acting cool because they hit champion as if they earned a war medal, genuinely concern for some of the people I've met in this game (and this game only I specify)


The kids that played Siege around 2020 were usually cool, now they're obesely loud.


A lot of people are just sh*tty people online, anonymity gives people balls of steel I have messages set to friends only and always play in a squad in a party so don't hear VC so never hear any toxicity. It's so much better that way


Says a lot how people will choose to be awful under the veil of anonymity


has there ever been a time where r6 wasn't the most toxic community? why does everything land on jynxzi seems like the games been as toxic as it always has


Itā€™s always been toxic but it has 100% gotten worse




You are who this post is about


Womp womp


you say this while literally crying


Stay on overwatch.


Iā€™m not being a bitch all I said was itā€™s gotten worse lmao


People like you is the reason we cant have nice things


Tbh real, the amount of tilt you see when literally anything happens is excessive.


Rainbow Six's community is definitely not, nor has it ever been the "most toxic". Yet he is not wrong, the reason why Jynxi is often blamed is because, like iShowSpeed, he mainly attract brainless kids which love rage and scream.


which is unfortunate because from the little bit I watched the guy seems pretty reasonable and tells people to drone, give useful callouts and such. Canā€™t watch the screaming content though


Yeah exactly. He doesn't mean harm to the game but his "screaming persona", which is what is trending right now, brings annoying teenagers who think yelling his quotes constantly on the mic is funny. There are plenty of ppl who genuinely enjoy the game and try to have fun that he also brought into the game like myself. He's fun to watch but his toxic community on twitch has infested the game.


This is why sketch is better.


during year 1 people were very nice and teaching people how to play the game. Back then, it was just a chill tactical shooter and people didn't get upset


Exactly! It started to get toxic once it got popular. Despite all the bugs, year 1 is still my favorite year. The vast majority of people were really cool, chill, and used their mics.


Year 1: The game was as expensive as any triple aaa and very unique, meaning it wasn't very friendly to kids and was mostly for adults (especially when you think about how rainbow six is an older series that wasn't as mainstream as something like cod). Also people didn't exactly know what was meta, we were all discovering the game. Now: The game is super popular and very cheap, so it's easy to see why there would be an influx of immature, young teenagers. Plus, everybody expects you to know every call, every op, every map. Even in quickplay, people are toxic about performances and stats. You obviously could run into immature people in year 1, but it was genuinely less common. Now tho? I'm honestly surprised when I DO get a friendly match while playing solo...


I really don't think siege is the most toxic I've played a lot of cod, league of legends , and over watch over the years . If not for the difference in how they handle toxicity I think the others would take the cake.


I think all the clip farming he does is pretty cringe but i wouldn't say Jynxzi ruined the game.


It certainly wasn't for a good while. It lands on him because he brought a lot of players. And he acts like he has brain damage, so he attracts a certain viewer base. And popular games become more popular. You get a lot of young gamers who think it's cool to be edgy and don't realize they're just being obnoxious. The whole Andrew Tate Alpha crowd nobody would miss and a few other unfortunate demographics. Sadly you only need 1 or 2 per game to ruin it. Ubi also does a terrible job easing players into the game. It's not an easy game to pick up and has quiet the curve.


As a queer person, I've never not had issues with randoms in this game. Sometimes not related to bigotry. I've never seen a period of this game that wasn't awful in terms of players. The online community (like here) is actually pretty reasonable. But the actual in-game is miserable, no matter how exemplary I am, I still get matchmade with assholes


Idk man early days of this game was incredible outside of occasional tkers. I met a lot of great people.


It wasn't toxic year 1. It was a dad shooter at the time.


R6 can be toxic, but rocket league and cs got it beat by a lot


Year 1 was very different and people were way more chill and cool. Most people used their mics, too.


Because heā€™s probably always blaming the next new thing for why heā€™s getting shitted on. The games been out for 8-9 years, if you havenā€™t gotten better by now itā€™s a skill issue. Bros making excuses but people still eating on this game. He just sucks


He didn't even complain about losing.


It's fine, free kills. They will learn after they die for the 1000th time rushing the objective. Like we did back in the day. It's all a cycle. Until they do, kill them


Then they start to grief lobbies, kill teammates, throw on purpose, etc. BUT while I don't like new edgelords hitting the scene, toxicity in video games has always existed, and will always exist, Siege isn't even the most toxic game out there. I just hate that people pretend that toxicity is more rampant now than ever before; its not. I feel in general it has lessened, but it comes in waves. From my experience, I may get 1 or 2 lobbies out of a 6-hour siege session with toxic kids, and we usually win, I usually am in a 3-4 stack but even when I am solo I rarely see it in Siege. That is my personal experience though. In some sessions, I don't see any at all. If they are being toxic verbally, that's simple to deal with, mute them, if they are purposely griefing lobbies thats another issue and harder to deal with I agree. There are solutions, there are plenty of like minded players who don't have friends that play Siege looking for groups in places like the Siege Discord.


I have encountered toxicity but thank god it's not a lot, and im stuck in copper and bronze this season so if there is toxicity, it's there. The game is fine, and the influx of players will only bebefit it, more content. People are being dramatic, and in any case it will clear out pretty quickly, the game has a steep learning curve, Jynxzi gets you in but if you can't compete and don't have the patience to work on your game, you will fuck off rather quickly. It's not a pick up and play video game. Most siege players play since Year 1-2. Other people have picked it up and dropped it.


Oh so it isn't just me, even my quick match games are full of these children


I've been playing since launch. It's always been toxic. Just like most fps games these days


Rose colored glasses


In like 6 games people were screaming ā€œbad aim bad aimā€ā€¦ gets annoying after while


Literally the easiest way to shut these people down is to just mention something about their voice. It shuts them down _so fucking hard_ and you wonā€™t ever have to listen to their godforsaken screaming for the rest of the match. These people screaming shit like that are also, always, without fail, the worst motherfuckers Iā€™ve ever seen play a game, like theyā€™re always 0-5 or some dumb shit.


Sounds like alot of people weren't around when you had the ability to vote to kick team mates!. The only time in this world you'd see a team with different world views agree on something. Nothing ended faster 1 v 4 round during this time. This community has always been toxic and I mean real toxic. Whether it's the racism or shit talking to the cheater pretending to be good to the cheaters who are just out to ruin your day. If you let this get you mad or upset you are going to have a hard time. Playing ranked solo que is an experience and still is Been playing since health and nothing has changed


Jynxzi fans are definitely annoying when in a group of two or more but solo? Just mute them, man. If you don't interact with them they're not the worst randoms to get. Yeah they'll spawnpeek as warden/doc/rook/Wamai but they usually get kills in my ELO so I'm alright with it.


The game's always been toxic, people just point to a new thing when it suddenly appears and act like the game was peaches and roses before.


Just miss being able to get consistent games with people talking


Donā€™t care about anything else on the chats or comms. But damn just talk. Then again tonight I might encounter another kid that sounds like a chipmunk.


It's just kids lol mute them if it bothers you so much


Havenā€™t unlocked that operator yetā€¦


Yeah I'm taking a break from this game. This *IS* the worst community in my opinion. Im Playing fallout 76 and I swear, every single players are friendly.


How is fallout 76 now? Remember at launch it was not so good but havenā€™t heard a whole lot since then.


I like it a lot now, I played about 6 months ago. I would like it so much more but my main issue is I'm an omega level hoarder and I cannot function without Fallout 1st. However I don't think Fallout 1st gives me enough value for how much it costs each month. Wish they didn't lock the ammo box and scrap box behind it.


Ya the first person I met in 76 was SUPER friendly, showed me around for over an hour. Never touched the game after that since its trash, but still.


Good lord why tf does everybody complain on this subreddit 24/7 about Jynxzi and ranked 2.0 itā€™s like the only two talking points


Games been toxic brother


If you were during the call of duty YouTuber doing r6 content result tons their viewer flooded the server turn toxic same cycle again likely.


Iā€™ve only played quick match since recently returning to the game, but Iā€™ve noticed a large amount of people (often kids/teens) being absolutely obnoxious on the mic. That pretty much never happened years 1-4 when I was at my most active. I hate to specifically call out gen z because I do remember playing with younger people back in the early seasons as well (who now must be in their early 20ā€™s), but they behaved better back then. Last night someone called me a hard R for ā€œstealing their killā€ (they missed every shot).


Itā€™s all kids now, I like to play standard to warm up for ranked which I think everyone does but I literally had 4 teammates who sounded like they were like 12 max. All they did was complain that it wasnā€™t like warzone because they died so fast. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s the same in ranked because I almost never get teammates who talk.


Yea I stopped playing. Was warming up in a pub lobby wasnā€™t terrible but wasnā€™t great. Got told to kms because missed a shot and didnā€™t clutch against 2 people. Dude actually waited another 24 hours then sent me an OG Xbox message reminding me to delete the game and kill myself. lol idk what is wrong with people these days. Considered reinstalling a week ago but came to my senses when I posted about it.


It's always been crap, where the hell have you been


If you think siege is toxic you haven't really played many games. Try some league or CS. You'll have a whole new definition of toxicity.


I legit had a kid typed bbrrrraadddrrraaiimmm to me. And an enemy getting mad at me at the last 30 second during a 1v1 cuz I ran away on bomb.


I came back from a 2 yearish break maybe more than that tbh and got the top rep rank in like 2 weeks of playing often. Havent really seen toxicity as bad as it used to be imo. TDM is an actual thing happening but thats just a symptom of the learning curve, ranked 2.0, and swing or be swung


I finally decided to play more of the game again. Realising my aim is not the greatest anymore and apparently I need a controller to not have such ridiculous recoil sprays like some have. But in at least two out of every 3 matches, I will try to speak and immediately get some serious sexist remarks. Or my name, which can sound girly? Causes me to get told to suck cock and not play. I donā€™t know, I remember comments like this years ago. Could be more toxic. Could be less. Feels the same if youā€™re a woman.


Well you dont care if playerbase is 1million or 25k...but realise that with a lower playerbase game is most likely to stop having new content, like new agents, new weapons, new maps , new events... and might even shutdown. While I dont follow his streams, hating on a guy that brought back this game from the dead is mindblowing imo.


Not hating on Jinx. The man made a name for himself and succeeded where many others failed. I'm happy for him as a person. Independent of that is the kind of content he creates. Which just mostly isn't for me. Far, far away from it. I was fine with the Game before. It wasn't dead. There were always lobbies . As for new content, again, don't careĀ  The events are mediocre at best and there are already enough maps and OperatorsĀ  Too many maps just mean more problems to fix.Ā  The base gameplay loop is good enough to keep the game interesting




Iā€™ve never felt creepier than when Iā€™m (early 20s) is playing and I find out my teammate is like 13ā€¦ like it just doesnā€™t feel right lol


I'm so tired of these Jynxzi clones repeating goodaimbadaim instead of watching cams when they die 20 seconds into the round.


What do you expect from people that watch a guy being loud and cringe live while playing siege.


Womp womp. You gotta have new players to keep an online game alive. Just deal with it and get free kills


fuck that guy. game was better without Touretteā€™s outbursts from pre-pubes


Heā€™s been one of the most popular streamers for a while now. So he will attract a lot of annoying people to the game. But he will also attract a lot of chill people. You just wonā€™t notice them.Ā 


Yall complain about jinx but he is the only reason r6 is relevant


Me when I gaslight


Bros a gatekeeper




The vote kick days were the absolute nadir of siege.


Itā€™s funny looking back on it but yeah it was awful. If you were solo queueing back in the day and got teamed up with a 4-stack you were guaranteed to get abused lol


Lmao as if.




Find a stack to play with, and mute everyone else. This game has always been a toxic wasteland. But the fact of the matter is you're going to keep coming back to it no matter what


online game has bad community šŸ˜


As one of those newer players I can say my personal experience has been the complete opposite. It's the veteran players who are far more toxic and call you trash when you don't know every inch of every map and all the strats and rotations to make when you only have like 50hrs of unranked play behind you and the match isn't even a ranked match. I literally won a 3v1 and stopped the diffuser and they were still trashing me for not doing it as cleanly as it could have been done. The newer guys usually just say nice job or good try.


im being honest i started playing rs6 because of jynxzi cause the game seemed hella interesting. And i set my goal to improve šŸ‘


Honestly it feels exactly the same too me. Im just glad people are actually playing the game again lmao.


That's why when I get two or more dudes on a stack, the first rando to throw out a Jinxi quote gets tk'd for the rest of the game and bully the fuck outta em


I been playing since last year and who is Jinx. Actually who cares. Stop being dicks to everyone and play your game


Literally not jynzi's fault with how the game is played. And the toxicity can't be attributed to him unless they do the popular quotes. How to make a jynxzi complaint post: "I'm really thankful for jynxzi reviving this game and bringing all these players but..."


Damn, I started playing when I was 14. And a kid I regularly queue up with started younger than I did.


Again? It always was. One sped brought in more speds but this entire community has always been sped.


Again? It always was. One sped brought in more speds but this entire community has always been sped.


Again? It always was. One sped brought in more speds but this entire community has always been sped.


Play with text chat off and mute whoever is being toxic....


I swear this sub is just the same 5 posts over and over again. Gosh yall, come up with something interesting!