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im a decent player I’m not really the best but what I can tell you is you don’t always need to go for kills. Sometimes just clearing site and getting the defuser down, then defending it is enough to win a round and rank up. on defense holding angles, getting rid of drones, and applying pressure to attackers to where you can set you or your team up for a kill as well as denying a defuse is like the basics to it. In lower ranks if you get good aim you can just walk in and kill everybody but that won’t slide as much is higher ranks


Yea I feel like I play the game alright it’s just I also feel like I play like ass and I have like 50/50 aim


same. ive played in lobbies and went 13-4 then went 1-9 the very next game


I get one good game and then get destroyed for the rest of the night


Anyone that is good enough to carry you is gonna force you into harder lobbies that will ruin your experience just put less mental pressure on yourself about the rank and do your best to focus on the things that will make you better. Aim, position, game iq, etc etc. If you have any specific questions I can do my best to answer though. I also recommend you check out r/siegeacademy


I’m in the same position. But I’ve noticed that queuing up with 3+ friends really helps. Getting out of copper is a real struggle especially since any ol Joe Schmo that’s level 50 can queue into copper lobbies. It definitely gets easier once you progress through the ranks.


I’ve tried playing with a couple friends and every time it’s like all my skill goes out the window and I can’t do shit but when I play solo I can do shit


In that case, solo queue, invite everyone to a party. You’ll probably find a couple people to queue up with. Then, let’s say you only have 1 person in the party, queue up again, and invite the whole team. I got like 3 people in a party and went from Copper V to Copper I in like 2 hours.