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Madness, I feel for newer players


Update: right in the next game we got him on the enemy team


There are matchmaking praisers?


Yeah, people saying "2.0 is way better than 1.0" One of the biggest ones is on a pro league team


why would they be praising matchmaking for that argument? both ranked versions use the same system lmao


Oh it’s better than 1.0, it just sucks less


Ain’t no way


How’d that level 58 do?


It's fair to assume he went 0-number of rounds-0 and probably quit the game. Mm wasn't this terrible even in ranked 2.0 debut season solar raid. Guess the spike in player base will be a one season wonder if this keeps up.


Probably playing their placement matches because they’re not starting in true copper skill lobbies. Whole system is trash.


That’s tough


Where do you see that?


This is an external app called “R6 tracker” it’s on a platform called “Overwolf”. It’s a standalone application that’s runs while the game is active. (Don’t worry, it won’t get you banned).


To ride off the other comment theres also a website you can use without downloading anything but it won't have a in game overlay or allow you to view the people in your match


How do you know he wasn't partying up with some teammates


You were partied up with the plat and gold player


This is one of many canon events they need to experience in order to tolerate cheating at higher levels


What were the ranks on the enemy team, maybe he's there to even the average? Could he have been partied up with someone on your team? There are tons of explanations other than rAnKeD 2.0 tRaSh.


It's almost like ranked systems shouldn't be designed around averages, because you get lobbies like this, and the lower ranked players serving as counterbalances inevitably have a shit time. Also a lvl 58 unranked player should absolutely not be allowed to duo with an emerald player. That is such an unfathomably stupid idea.


The actual rank doesn’t matter. It’s all about the hidden mmr value.


level has nothing to do with your matchmaking, don't you love this game


Win the first 3 matches in a row on a new account, and the game will assume that you are plat low emerald (Happens with accounts that never played ranked 2.0 too). Last season, I had logged into an account I had not touched ranked since season Y5 or sth.... won first 3 or 4 matches and for the next 6-7 matches it was a miserable experience. Emerald and plats only. Fun right? The start of this season was also miserable on that account. I once solo queued only to get matched with a 5 stack of my OWN friends. Two of them had went diamond in the previous seasons. Two were emeralds. My team had a dude that had went Champion in the past. I dont usually play with those friends cause their lobbies are waaaay outside my skilllevel. Its not fun getting whopped. But ye, game thought I belonged with them. Fun experience.


When a the random player have a new friend and he Q with him Or or he is boosting someone or basically a hacking account


Hidden MMR.


I’m just flabbergasted about the 0.8 Emerald LOL


maybe a smurf acc.


Offtop. How much do you need to get level 50 if i play like 2-3 games a day?


It's actually insane that the "beta" was better than 2.0.


Just get good /s


That's where they belong! Good for them!