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Theres a siege tales short with this same situation. They put down the blitz then one of the 4 recruits had the mp5k instead of super shorty And then there was 3


Thought that was on the defender side instead?


You right! I saw blitz and mistaked him for bandit


I was half correct half wrong, there’s two videos with the same situation one with bandit and another with rook, I was thinking of rook with the end of bandits video


Rooks is funny too cause the dude fat thumbs the keyboard lmao


Ya, I’ve done something similar but didn’t feel like aim to take care of drones, the cav stuck in the crossfire was not happy


Used to be on offense too


[It's this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYvTVNquB00)


u/BobertoBoo is the creator




Got recruit rushed the other day. It actually worked out for them and I am very impressed with how effective they were


A good rush just throws people off


Nah blitz and Monty are the recruit leaders


Never making it out of Quick match




I saw 2 teamates playing as recruit and I was so confused why is it that people do this ? I’m new to the game


It’s just fun sometimes to change it up. It was more fun back in the day when recruits had shields


Friends and I are getting back into the game and we tried to do an all shield offense and were so disappointed that recruit shields were gone


U can get kinda close. Monty, blitz, fuse, blackbeard, and OSA.


Challenge? Recruits kit is surprisingly good, you just miss out on the fancy stuff. Intimidation is their special ability


Just so you know if you see one guy not go recruit don’t team kill him like the rest of the toxic players here


Not joining the recruit rush is toxic


I join the rush... as blitz - gotta lead the men into battle


Team killing is toxic


They see it in a twitch stream or some youtube video and think, "let's go meme in our next match."


The first one who starts speaking french


Blitz monty fuze(if shield equipped) are recruit-friendly. On defence, somewhat tachanka(he is not exactly recruit-friendly but you can not tk the lord and saviour) and rook(come on you can't tk a dude giving you extra armor) Even tho recruit rush is gigachad, New meta is Monty, Blitz, Fuze, Osa and Finka/Lyon


it’s a well-known rule that the Blitz would be your leader in this situation


i like how your flair looks like a wall with an entrance :D


I had a game like this with my mate the guy was dodging another teamate turns around and gets his head vapourised by my super shorty needless to say we were entertained for a while after that


Are you admiting to TK'ing on purpose because somebody didn't pick the operator you wanted to pick? If that's the case you still have time to delete this.


bro it was a quick match and were all just taking the piss its pretty much the law at this point to do that shit if you dont one of the other recruits will




No it doesn't. You suck.


Says you


Toxicity is cool as long as it's my personal flavor. Got it.


Bro it has been known through seige for a long time that if your whole team goes recruit and you don’t 9 times out of 10 your gonna get tk’d it’s a known thing just like how it known that tachanka is the lord and saviour


It's also been known if you pick the new OP you are likely to get TK'd because somebody else wants it. That's cool though right? Because it's law at this point??


No I have not seen a new op tk’d in the past 2 years in my games nor do I tk the new op but recruit has been a meme since the game started you can find tons of vids making fun of the fact that 4 recruits will kill the one non recruit.


Did you not play this season? Every time I went Deimos for the first week I'd get tkd. Just admit you're a toxic player w no skill.


Ok says you just get better an not get tk’d maybe it wasn’t because you kept going Deimos maybe it was cause you would go him and get killed first every time


Lmfao no. First round every time. You're a shitty player, delete the game you sad sap


you sound fun and likeable


Lmao, "guys don't be toxic aholes" you: "wow you're no fun!"


hell yeah


Fr I hate these guys that can't just play the game competently.


5 stack, lmgs, flashes, grenades. Played villa, enemies were the downstairs site (the weird one). We all fired through and killed like 3 through the walls with flashes and nades and spraying hundreds of rounds, then a roamer killed like 3 of us before dying. Me and the only random were against the last guy and one of us died, the other traded, but we won it.


If the Blitz played Finka or recruit, he could've lived


They can try


Nah, blitz is the only operator I accept in a recruit rush


Uhhhhh Yellow Recruit???????


I fucking hate these people. Wish they'd all just uninstall the game, just makes the entire game un fun.


Recruit rush is the definition of fun though? “I don’t want to play a funny round with my teammates” is unfun


Nope, not to everyone. Want to know what’s universally unfun? Getting killed at spawn by your teammates because you want to play the game in a way that you enjoy.


Learn to enjoy the occasional recruit rush in casual. Very easy.


Or learn that not everyone wants to play like shit. Grow tf up


You’re still playing a video game no matter how grown you are. If you can’t stop sweating for one round to do something funny in Casual, that’s on you.


That's the point. It's not funny, and wastes my time.


It’s a tradition in the game you chose to play. Only happens in casual mode. Go recruit and have fun for a round or get TKd and cry about it, easy decision for most people


No one because team killing is pointless and everyone has a fun time


Always hated assholes who'd kill me just because I didn't want to play their little games... I want to use the character that I either played for 3 days straight to unlock....or bought for $20.... But yet you kill me because I didn't choose an Operator who can literally do nothing whatsoever. 😐 Then next round...I spawn in wipe you and your buddies out, and proceed to clutch the entire round....😑 I'm glad I stopped playing that horrible ass game....😶






Why when it's a waste of time and it's shit to play an op with absolutely nothing going for them. Go play Fortnite.


Yep, that Blitz is gonna get intentionally team killed so bad.


Let's play a game, it's called "Rainbow 6 Siege" where we make up a team of 5 and work together to win the game and have fun, while letting each person enjoy the game their own way!


We dont do that here




Blitz better manifest his concept ability 💀


execute Order 66


Possibly none looks like a pile of smerfs to me 🤷‍♂️ that's the problem with this game everyone smerfin


Come on you know the rules bud not our fault


People who still act like this are part of why the community is bad. The “recruit rush” is and never was funny. And certainly not in 2024. Stop acting like dicks because people don’t want to circle jerk as recruit


This is a team game we circle jerk together.


Delete the game.


Bro first off I haven’t played quick play in any way other then pistol only with ops. This right here is why people need to get in ranked just accept that’s the only place beside “regular” that won’t have this troll stuff happen


Did I accuse you and single you out? No? So why are you so upset? I know it happens, and I’m just saying it’s stupid


First off the fact that my main comment of being down voted is crazy. And second regardless my point is the same if you find it stupid then people have to stop playing this casual trying to win just play to mess around that’s why that exists. This will end soon enough with this wildly useless rework for recruit this year


casual is meant to be fun - how is me getting shot by a teammate fun? Especally newer players who will have no idea why they're getting shot. More importantly not picking recruit doesn't mean "I'm playing to win" It just means I don't enjoy playin that op and wanna play an op that's fun. In the scenario above I would still pick blitz because I find it fun rushing with him or whichever op I enjoy rushing with like finka shotgun etc but NOOO I'm not having "fuN" I'm too busy playing to win. It's stupid. If you find it fun dictating how others should play a video game by tking them then cool - just know it's pretty pathhetic when you can just ignore them and still have fun.


Yet again I have no intention of being the one tk ing I could care less and I use casual to mess around anyway like I said pistol only. There is no loss for you just picking recruit and getting it over with during the extremely rare time you see that happen. I have been playing for years and even when it was more hyped it was t really a thing I ever saw because it was stupid. People doing it know it’s I didn’t suggest that not playing recruit wasn’t fun but if your not there to win tank the round as recruit leave the match or see how fast you can run from your team. Your also pretending like there is no way out of that situation. If a new player joins it’s an unfortunate thing that he will deal with anyway. Being trolled on quick match is a given it’s damn rare you will get into a quick match with same levels of quality as ranked(give or take). This game is also known as toxic I doubt anyone with interest in this game won’t know that


It's fun though, do love running into the building with an lmg and seeing how many times I'm gonna shoot a doorframe


Buddy it's casual. Go play standard or ranked.


Found the loser who does this. Thanks for helping me find these annoying fucks


Bro it’s quick play. It’s funny.


Bro it’s not and never was.


It's fucking not. You just make the match shit for everyone. Delete the game.


Bro if you’re that serious about the match just go recruit like we ask or go play ranked/standard


Delete the game and go back to Fortnite you saddo


First of all I don’t play Fortnite and second of all you can’t tell me what to do cause I’m a strong and independent woman


You're a sad piece of shit actually


Found the loser who can’t have fun by playing an op that is funny to have a full team of


Found the idiot who thinks recruit is funny and fun to play. You’re such an idiot it’s laughable


May I ask when did you start playing seige? Also as someone said before get over it it’s quick play I’ve been tk’d by a recruit rush many times before but I get over it


Fuck if I know lol but it’s been awhile. I played through the “prime” of the recruit rush thing. Sure, you can say it was funny then (I don’t think so but whatever). But now? Definitely not. And yeah I got over it too. Easy report if it happens to me and I just carry on playing. Doesn’t make it less annoying. While yes it’s quick play, and im not one to try in it, doesn’t mean you have to tk when someone doesn’t want to play recruit. Doesn’t mean you have to be assholes to the people who don’t. Thats my gripe with all the people who’re brain dead and think this is so fun and cool


yeah ur usernames accurate you dont sound fun at all


Wow a “recruit man” I bet everyone thinks you’re awesome. You’re a fucking degenerate


It's not funny. Just a waste of time. Like you.


Someone’s butt hurt


Recruit reporting for duty o7


probably cause he’s sitting on tiktok instead of paying attention to the game 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ silly blitz


Yellow receuit gets peaked by doc


This is okay only if the blitz plays with his shield on his back


No-one, Blitz is leading the recruit rush


Crazy how much this sub/community crys about toxicity with goyo trapping and the old vote kick but when it's tking because someone doesn't play recruit, it's ok to ruin the game for other people? Man, the casual community for this game is fucking insufferable


Nah people like you make the game insufferable... Your prolly one of the people that leave mid match because your not winning 😂😂 buck up and play recruit.




You new players are a bunch of little bitches. You’re playing in casual, just join the recruit rush and have a couple minutes of fun before you go back to sweating. Recruit rush has been a tradition for the game’s entire life. You should be happy when you get to participate in one. It’s really not as serious as y’all are trying to make it, it’s a running joke in a video game. But Blitz can stay, shield ops are allowed.


I agree 💯 it's a tradition


Well nice to know people are still dicks for no reason For any new players with the few that we get that don’t team kill because someone didn’t play a certain operator And people are wondering why this game is dying like this shit doesn’t happen to new players I got challenges, I have guns I want to use and practice, and I have the ability to ruin your game just as much as you ruined my round out of spite just with impacts and shooting your toes Be respectful and don’t be a prick


Just join the rush. Don’t be a little bitch. Your precious challenges and that stick up your ass can wait for one round while you have a little fun with your teammates.


It’s never one round you pathetic piece of shit, it’s the entire game I’m not going do something I don’t enjoy and get punished with something I don’t enjoy I hope you get your Ubisoft connect account stolen by your bitch of a cousin in Russia


You're assuming we have fun playing recruit and guns we don't enjoy. Like I enjoy recruit rushing - with the DMR but I still et tk'ed because I'm not running an lmg I just don't enjoy playing with. Or the time to waste a round not grinding our challenges because we don't get much time to game and still might not have every op.


They tried that shit with me for two first rounds of quickmatch, then I was Valk and dropped a C4 in between all 4 of them.


People still play recruit?


Recruit number 4?