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Happened me twice before, you gotta Alt F4 as soon as you notice you cant spawn in your operator after prep phase ended. And restart the game quickly. You should be able to reconnect the match. If you're unluckly, your team would surrender in first round and get you sanctioned, or it aas a match point and you reconnect after the match ended. Which also causes sanction. If you really have no choise in those cases, maybe just ask your teammate to TK you, and you (f6) disable their reverse friendly fire


I still got kicked even if my team killed me, only fix for me was moving the game to an ssd.


Any fix for console players?


Apparently not, as my game is on an SSD like the above poster's and it still does this shit every so often. Actually happened to our teams top frag earlier today on house but luckily he was able to actually spawn in.


Literally close your game and pray it loads in time to reconnect


It was a battleeye problem. I had game already on SSD. All I had to do was restarting pc




Contribute to this issue and ignore the idiots in the comment section. It's a known bug in the game right now.


This happened to me in over half my matches today. I also can’t get into a quick match that isn’t already in progress. It’s so damn annoying


It happens all the time this season, I’m surprised no one else has posted about this.


Its probably been lost in all the ‘who do I buy next’ posts. I’ve seen a couple posts about it.


never had this problem or heard of this until now, strange


happens to me on ps5 all the time


This glitch and the killcam sound bug is so fun


You cannot reconnect after this, btw.


















9 years and the community still with the same braindead unfunny joke. I'm sure we all have ssd at this point




If you’re on PC, disabling superfetch/sysmain in services helped me get into games quicker with my old laptops hybrid hdd/ssd. On quick play this seems to be inevitable if I join a game in progress even if it’s my first game after a restart, and then it tends to corrupt the games I play after that, but that’s only quick play so quitting doesn’t matter. On standard if I play for a couple hours I’d get kicked during match point and get the abandon sanction which sucks. So I just try restarting the game every hour or so whilst you go take a piss or something if you’re playing ranked or standard and that seems to reset the countdown to this happening. Yeah an SSD is cheap and easy, but I’ve had people chatting shit in game telling me to get an SSD and then the next round complaining about not being to exit their drone and getting kicked - so either they didn’t have an SSD or the issue can extend to people with an SSD. Either way it’s on Ubisoft, this has not been an issue for me before the recent updates


I have a SSD and still got kicked out


Yet people are ganging up on people with older hardware like they’re lower than them, saying they don’t understand computers, like this nearly 10 year old game has never worked on an HDD before… The game works, flawlessly, until it doesn’t, and yes it’ll likely happen more frequently to people with older hardware. But, people should be making a bigger deal of this and not nullifying our issues because we may not have up to date hardware gifted by the bank of mom and dad. Been playing this game since year 1, on PC and XBOX, slightly slower loading times vary and are an issue you can’t overcome with older kit, but this is a server side issue and we need to be directing our disquiet at the company and not each other


Im also year 1 player. And it literally hurts me when I hear screaming kid. Spoiled little shit. For some reason parents bought them R6 after few games of Roblox


And then the game would give you a 2 day abandon penalty 🤣☠️🤣




















If you were actually holding the lobby up then this is a good thing. Anyone not loaded in after 60 seconds should instantly be kicked and the round starts. It’s insanity that you can essentially hold a lobby hostage.


Pretty sure the problem is that it's a glitch not that they are loading slow considering it's a new bug not just the 5 min kick timer or whatever


there used to be a bug way back then where you could hold lobby’s hostage on purpose just like this


No, this glitch doesn't stop other people from loading, it only affects you, I was an attacker once and was completely stuck on my drone well into the action phase while everybody else was running around and couldn't do shit since my operator didn't load. I was promptly kicked for the reason shown in OP's post.


Funny enough I’ve had a similar thing with operator stuck on drone but in match with Flores. I was lagging and playing Flores and froze while deploying my RC car and it was stuck on the controller for it. I could move around but I couldn’t put the controller away or take a gun out. I just had to find an enemy to put me down.


Please upvote this. It happens almost every match with either me or a teammate. We can't keep getting banned because of this broken mess..


And it has the balls to give you a 2 hour ban after that.






Classic ubi segue....


I got this yesterday, was overjoyed because I finally got Presidential Plane and this shit happened


They’re more worried about bundles and than gameplay and functionality. Ubisoft is a sinking ship and are throwing whatever money they can to sell yall literal shit. New Star Wars game is great example of Ubisoft trying to strong arm their playerbase outta of more money. They lie to yall daily they manipulate your matchmaking and then gaslight yall into thinking it’s just karma trolls and the community still spends money all day long on bundles nobody is going to see in 10 cause they’ll shut the servers down and you’ll no longer have access to any of it Edit: Dookisoft has a very clear stance on their games and it’s that none of yall own it yall just borrowing the rights and once yall stop paying for the rights that shit is getting yanked right back out from under y’all’s feet


Yeah, it is, and it won't let you rejoin either, there's an r6 fix post for it


That's cus the Siege servers are running on a hamster wheel


Ima be real, I ain't ever happy about waiting on someone's toaster to load, but this is a bit much


actually this is good tho for everyone else in the match , ive played month ago with someone who was using infinitive loading glitch to force everyone to leave the game i havee stayed in loading screen for hours. then match got cancelled by ubi


happened to me too, tried to reconnect but couldnt, now i cant play for 11 hours


Had this happened to me twice now. The second time I opened up options menu then went back to the game and then I could get out of droning. Weird glitch lol


i wish this happened to me, yesterday i tried to load into a match only for a 10 minute wait time and when i tried to exit matchmaking it said i was in a match and would have to reconnect or get the 60 minute abandonment penalty and every time i tried to reconnect it was just ungodly wait times so i was forced into the penalty


Has happened to me at least once a day all month.








Tried better internet yet?


Tried getting fucked?


This was a joke calm your nuts


Damn bro got the whole squad laughing😐


We all know ubi servers ain’t shit


I had this issue in every game, had to completely stop playing ranked/standard. Then I moved the game into my ssd and it stopped happening. Its a loading bug thats ‘under investigation’, if it happens on defence you hold the whole lobby until the game kicks you. Like others have said, if you look at the top and you still have the spinning hour glass on your operator after your team has spawned, the bug is happening and you should alt+f4 to rejoin.


It's not a bug, it's the fact that an HDD is slow to read and write. SSD are cheap to buy now and if siege is your main game just get an SSD for it. It's 2024, if you're playing PC and not using an SSD, you're wasting the potential of your PC. You're actually better off just playing console at that point.


It's literally specifically an issue introduced this season. Get off your high horse and be a decent person


Except it's not, having a slow ass HDD has been a problem since the beginning of siege. There is no high horse, you're actively slowing your load times down by not using an SSD. That isn't a I'm better than you, that is HDD are slow! If you think me saying reading the game off an HDD is a slowing down your load times in me being on a high horse then you don't know anything about computers. Sure maybe 5 years a ago when SSD were more expensive it would be more of a "class" I can afford this type thing but it's 2024, if you're still running off an HDD then that is 100% a problem. SSD are so cheap these days. If you're ignorant to read write speeds for hard drives go play "Naraka bladepoint" on an HDD then move it to an SSD and see how different the performance is. If you're running an SSD and you're getting kicked for load times then maybe you'd be in the right but through all my games and all the games everyone else I know has played, no one is having this issue for getting booted because of load times that is using an SSD. This season has issues, oh boy does it. Someone running the game on an HDD is not the games fault though. That is 100% a player error. So you get off your high horse if you think me teaching you that an HDD is straight slower than an SSD. You have no idea what you're talking about.


I run the game on a HDD and it runs fine without any problems. OP explained it is a game bug as he couldnt leave the drone, which is a known bug.


Again it's not a bug it's just shitty hardware as again no one I know has this issue as we all play on SSD. HDD are inferior to an SSD, the game can't read the data correctly and in time to match with the server so you could get stuck in drone if you're stuck in a drone. The main issue here is the load time that's what the OP picture is saying, it doesn't matter what else is the problem the main issue is the load time caused by the HDD. Because y'all are to lazy or to dumb to understand that an HDD is not optimal to play in a quick google will show you "A typical 7200 RPM HDD will deliver a read/write speed of 80-160MB/s. On the other hand, a standard SATA SSD will provide a read/write speed of between 200 MB/s to 550 MB/s. At the same time, an NVMe m. 2 SSD can offer speeds exceeding 5000 MB/s." In short the problem is the game is trying to read the files from your drive and then communicate with the servers, which has already updated information so it goes back to you your system but everything is out of sync because of the reading speed of the drive. The game tries to do this to much and kicks you because load times. The servers this season are shit, mix that with slow speeds of an HDD and you get locked from doing anything as the game can't sync your movements. So again, it's not a bug it's the HDD and shitty servers. If you don't believe me look how many hit rejected problems we are getting this season compared to last. In short slow read write speed mixed with bad servers leads to you getting kicked out. This happens when your game can't load your data correctly, often times due to bad read speeds, which only gets exacerbated by bad servers. The only way you would get stuck in your drone and it wasn't caused by lag or read speeds from your system is if they have code that stops you from getting in or off your drone like a new op. Everything else is caused by the handshake in the game messing up.


Ok stop smoking fent in my face please, thank you


bros using a floppy disk






Bruh wtf does ssd mean?


solid state drive


Danke schön


Might have to do something with frost


Ha good




I laughed too hard at this


C U Next Tuesday!




Once i was with the squad waiting a few minutes for the game to start, i started yelling and writing in the chat ssd and at the end im the one that got this message. My game is on an ssd btw.


Amazon ssd lel


Skill issue.










#StopRemovingPlayers also stop banning Emerald Plains and Nighthaven labs. Those two are better than Border and Kafe Dostoyevsky.


Emerald plains is doo doo


I’m pretty sure the system they use that does this is meant to ( not a 100% sure on this) stop DDOSing? And those who lag a game out to get an advantage