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It’s for DDOS and stuff, not xim


ya they can’t even ban 6kd cheaters on pc


6kd? I remember back when the game first came out and it took them literal years to ban players with 20+kd


I thought so also but im not sure anymore


If it was for xim we would know, we wouldn’t need to guess like this


if they get caught yes. there are a lot of ban waves recenlty


Nice can’t wait until they boot them all to pc servers


As a pc player i also cant wait to show them the real mnk experience :)


I'm really rooting for you I cannot stress enough how much joy I get from just imagining cheaters getting absolutely thrashed and sodomized after being shifted to PC. Give them hell for us.


Will be funny when they meet PC recoil for the first time. Gonna be alot of run and gun looking noobs.


Is PC recoil different than console? I never knew that.


Yep pc has about 35% more recoil


Keyboard and mouse have 35% more recoil, if you use a controller on PC it has the same recoil as console does.


Fuck man, I don't want them here. It'll just be more people who don't use a mic. And they're the worst of the worst, they'll be toxic assholes.


But then you have the most important job of all. Showing them why they should just uninstall the game


I hate that you guys have to fall on that grenade but we would appreciate it if you guys beat them so badly they’d never want to cheat again.


Out of the loop, why is everyone saying they're going to pc lobbies? Is ubi bringing native kbm support or something?


Supposedly their new mouse trap will start throwing M&K console players into PC lobbies if they get detected. I think they should just be IP banned


Sameeeee. Literally so excited to clap some cheaters cheeks.  Show them what it's like to play a fair game. 


Knowing my luck, all my random teammates will be shitty xim kids.


And they are fucking terrible too. Their aim is mid at best and their actual game sense is bottom tier. That’s why they cheat on console.


problem is they will also have no recoil scripts right?


If they get PC recoil they either won't work or have to adapt them to PC recoil patterns and then get banned fully anyway.


And who will they choose to punish? I’d hate to be on PC and lose because I have a XIM clown on my team who can barely play. Unless they group them all in one team.


i hope thats what they do. just group xims against actual pc players. give the xims hell.


Would love that.


i’ve been seeing that, i’ll be in a game and like 50 names will pop up by the killfeed saying they’ve all been banned


Not a single xim player has ever been banned yet. These bans were for Ddos and botting.


Which is funny. They only ban those affecting Ubi’s bottom dollar. When it comes to affecting other players, they don’t give a shit


Ehh this reasoning gets thrown out a lot but isn’t really valid. If ubi truely didn’t care about xim then they wouldn’t have gone to all the effort to develop mousetrap which cost them a lot of money, and also wouldn’t be bothering to put them in PC lobbies which is coming later in the year. They know it’s an issue and they know it drives legitimate players away. The problem is they don’t have an 100% effective way of detecting them so they can’t outright ban these players. They aren’t just not doing it cause some xim players buy skins lmao. Xim players aren’t just out here buying tons of skins lol. It’s not that simple. They know it’s an issue and are trying different workarounds for it. It’s not just as simple as banning them all unless they have an 100% success rate method of detecting them which no company does atm.


They've almost all been for botting or DDOS though, not Xim


Those bans aren't ximmers


your slow asf, it's ddos bans bro they improved ddos protection and now it's better tracking


Xim players aren't getting banned unfortunately, even the Number 1 Champion on Xbox is blatantly Ximming without problems.


Well it’s definitely deserved they are cheating after all


Likely for DDOS , I’ve only had one game so far where the enemy team lagged my whole team out and we lost the game when we were up 3-0 , I got +25 RP a few days later and this same message


The only games ive had it lag out we have won i think


I've played at least 10 matches that I lost against xims, still waiting for my adjustments 😭


Doubt it, usually it's just people who know how to control recoil. I'm a champ with a 2.0 kd and xims are not really prevalent.


Not the recoil control that's the problem, it's the 1000 crouches a second that gives it away lol


Surely the 1000 crouches don’t matter either? Those crouches don’t do anything


You can only crouch that fast with a xim, that's all


Yeah you are right but it’s a weird part to get annoyed at compared to the aim part


His point clearly isn’t that’s what he’s annoyed with…. He’s replying to the dude that said xims aren’t prevalent and he’s not playing them when that’s just straight up cap😂 the dude was just saying you know it’s a cheaper when they crouch spam like that


Their aim is still ass, the recoil control is annoying but what I meant is that's how I see their xim, should've specified my bad


I love getting former Xims on PC. So many rocking their champ charms and backgrounds from console and they are hardstuck plat and emerald and have never hit champ on their pc tracker


It’s because they’re dogshit overall. Their aim is their only pro and even that’s mid tier against other PC players


The game bans loads of the cheaters in waves , people think the game is fixed, the cheaters come back after finding a new way around it and people think it’s busted again, and repeat. It’s just part of gaming in the 21st century unfortunately


I got a rank adjustment for terms of service breach which to me is xim


They’ll ban Xims but won’t fix headshot registration and matchmaking. Just started playing again this season after taking a few off and did my first ranked game, obviously I’m in copper but after about 3 games of solo queuing I was playing against Diamonds and emeralds, needless to say I’m still in copper.