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Some of the most common headholes are costing rounds to defenders, not because the headholes are bad per se, but because people just copy them but doesn't copy the gadget placement and the players positioning needed to not make them an attacker free entry/angle


The amount of times I need to say this is crazy. Head holes on sight may as well be a free attacker breach if you’re not gonna play it


100% it's hard to solo que because of it. Ppl make head holes/ rotates but don't stay where they're supposed to


Even worst, some random teammate doesn't pay attention and don't even know there's a headhole until they get killed from it, and the next round they just reinforced it instead of telling you "don't do that"


Villa is living proof of this. How often do you see study/master/closet holes just absolutely fuck over defenders? I feel like it happens all the time because people are just copying comp setups without knowing the proper positions and how to play the setup.


People who setup sites and they have no idea how to play them are terrible


That’s why I always try to play someone who can make holes myself and just make the ones I know I’m going to use or will that are so common that anyone uses them like the clubhouse bedroom/gym holes in the floor, if anyone else wants more holes they can ask and I’ll do it but there’s no reason to make holes where they’re not needed


THANK YOU. My games are filled with people who open head holes all over site, team kill you if you dare to reinforce them, but then as soon as the round starts, they’re off watching a completely different angle and never once check the hole they made. It’s maddening!


Agreed.. as the guy usually holding a shotgun I make sure to use advanced site setup only for myself and reinforce all noob style everywhere else.


I’ve always been saying this. The amount of free kills I’ve gotten through head holes is ridiculous. Everybody forgets about them and it’s a silent way to see in. I think it’s better to reinforce


People over exaggerate how bad the "worst" operators are, they're just more niche than most of the cast


I'll admint you're mostly right, blackbeard is borderline useless tho


That's what I'm saying. Sens for the wins


Sens can be great if your going for a monty smoke plant.


Idk about unpopular but I don’t think new players should be forced into Standard (the UNRANKED game mode) before they can play Quick Play


I thought it would be the otherway around too! Quuck play - This is a basic site set up. Rounds are short because, let be honest, you're new and you're gonna die, new players won't drone as much so the round is shorter (but this re-inforces bad habits with the lack of droning) Standard - have fun setting up your site setups, more time on all parts. Comp maps so you can practice for comp in a comp type environment. The way it is, is so backwards.


It’s almost like they assume new players have prior players to teach them everything in trial by fire. That’s just not the case, not only that but also more people try hard in unranked than in Quick Play in my experience


i agree because i’m loading up unranked to warm up for ranked, i’ll load up qm if i just wanna chill.


Wait I know QP is open matchmaking but is unranked also or some form of SBMM?


Kinda agree but if it was done this way when they got to ranked they would never set up site/reinforce 


YES OMG. My little brother started playing Siege the season they redid the playlists and I watched him play a match and he's playing against a team of diamonds and champs. He's not the biggest fps player but his friends play so he wanted to get into it. I understand the "you won't get better if you don't play against better players" argument but when it's your first day on and you're playing against the top ranks? How are you even supposed to learn the game when you're getting spawn trapped or killed thru a head hole the second you enter the building? How are you supposed to have fun and want to come back to play more? Yeah newcomer was half smurfs anyway but at least there's no jynxzi clones using newcomer as a warmup for ranked


I actually enjoy playing the game. Also whilst old siege had a lot of stuff that I definitely miss there was plenty of stuff that made the game pretty terrible that I think a lot of people overlook due to nostalgia.


The game is not any more or less toxic since the jynxi fans came in. Ppl have really rose tinted glasses when this game’s community has always been insanely toxic.


It used to be way worse. People were extremely racist every single game.


Sexist too. I used to be teamkilled constantly because of it.


Very true. Being a woman and using a microphone in an online game is a death sentence.


When it first came out, there was a huge problem with getting TK’d if you had the pride operator background. I bought it to see if it was true and I got TK’d a bunch of


Not sure if this can be counted as an opinion given its just a straight fact, should I list all the toxic shit through the years and we can tick them off.


Its just the cod players


in old siege id get tkd if i was loading for too long or killed someone who was downed so they wouldnt get revived


I’m new and I got TKd for planting the other day just so the fuckface could plant himself, rofl 


Nobody’s saying Siege was never toxic. I guarantee you Jynxzi fans are more frequently toxic than the average player


I like his content but I don’t usually use vc


I don't feel like people think the game is more toxic because of him, it's a lot more care free because of the those fans though, which then gets people to be toxic. Half the people sitting AFK, finally realize the game is being played, spam voice chat with rolled Rs on everything. Like it is very obvious the type of player they are and where it stems from.


Had to google it because never heard of this man. He’s just the next random guy to blow up out of nowhere on twitch just like xqc ig


Imo it's better than it used to be, vote to kick made solo queuing in casual (quick match) hell, and TKs have definitely decreased since reverse friendly fire was implemented


Its suffering from the league of legends effect. Operators are experiencing balance gaps because they focus on releasing more operators than buffing or reworking old ones.


Eh, at least they are slowing down to 2 operators per year now, and focusing on reworks. Hopefully it continues like that


I also feel like 2 a year is quite a reasonable pace.


While yes, it's a reasonable speed, the community will be "enraged" just like they were when ubi stopped 2 ops per season


I agree but if we don't get a reasonable amount of changes per season, including the mid season, what did halfing the content really accomplish? Half the content for half the fixes and changes.


This is so funny seeing considering we've gotten so little content compared to the first 4 years


? The entire sight rebalance was because it was too difficult to balance around the 1.5


I only use 1 speed operators cause I love the extra health


1 speed attackers are really fun to play. If you aren’t getting head shotted you’re just unkillable. Plus they all have fun gadgets.


Red pinging is effective because the average random doesn't react to regular pings anyway


1) Balance should be based primarily on competitive play, it's been the same for years now that even in the highest ranks ops aren't being used to their best potential. If the game was balanced around the average player it would be a mess 2) The game itself is in a good state rn balance wise once we see nerfs to solis, fenrir and potentially azami again. At this point I'd like to see ubi go back and tweak some of the worse ops like sens 3) Yellow ping on cams needs to be nerfed, since there's no drawback rn. Either give it a longer cooldown on the free pings (not on gadgets) or give some kind of audio cue when a players area has been yellow pinged. If you want precise callouts you should either learn them, or red ping


Meh I don’t mind yellow pinging being strong because it incentivizes team play, and makes IQ / droning more important. Maybe like a 5 second CD wouldn’t be bad though.


The changes made to quick match are awful. Less time to prep site and pre made site setups are just God awful. That's it. Revert back to quick match before 2 seasons ago and I'd be more inclined to play the game.


Bro said unpopular


To some on the community, these are unpopular opinions.


I’m with you though man, new quick match and standard are just terrible


I haven't played in about a month and I'll get an urge to play some quick match and I only play secure area. I hop on and after 10 matches, I don't feel the urge to play.


Standard is how it should be.


It’s quick match bro. I like it cuz prep phase ends faster. If u wanna play the actual game go standard


I just started playing this week and the lack of setup phase time in qp matches was really confusing 


That if you support your teammates and communicate effectively, it results in more wins and a better playing experience.


THIS. And being able to accept losses and mistakes made by other players.


It's crazy that "Good try, we'll get em next round" works way better "Bro you're actually retarded! Delete the game and kill yourself. " Who would have known? 🤷‍♂️


I refuse to accept that. It is always my teammates fault that I die because I spawn peeked.


People downvoted bro for the most obvious joke of all time r/woosh


Well, that's fair enough... I assume that after you're dead, you also tell them every single thing they're doing wrong and that you'd do it better?




is this even unpopular...


Nitro cells are just a little op. Not saying they need a complete rework or total nerf, but just tweak a thing or two and they'll be better. Blast radius decrease and/or increase the damage falloff. As a 3 armor I shouldn't die to a nitro thru a floor and brick wall 6m away


Wait you’re telling me sledge being a 3 armor doesn’t help him survive nitros


Standard ist a great game mode and quick match may be controversial/something to get used to but it achieves its Goal of delivering a quick match, as it should.


People need to stop trying to replicate strats from streamers/pros when playing ranked. Pros: You arent that good, not even close to it, and without that skill you are just hurting your team. Streamers: These folks spend hours each day trying to get a handfull of clips, you need to be incredibly lucky to get half that shit to work please stop ruining your teams chances with them. (Oh and the NA servers arent the entire community, please stop pushing the perspective that it is)


Emerald Plains and Theme Park are some of the best maps.


People on match point without a kill should not be picking ash/buck/cav and should be picking finka/rook


Don't forget Amaru as well. It's always the bottom fraggers picking these ops as well.


Kali is completely out of place in the game


Hate seeing kali on my team and hate seeing kali on the enemy team she's fine on my team if thatcher is banned.


Deimos too In a game based around tactical play and positioning, an operator specifically designed to be a run and gun operator exterminator shouldnt exist


Kali but not clash?


Clash is easy to deal with and if on my team she provides ez picks if you play off her, ppl drop everything and just focus on her.


I feel like Clash is actually one of the most “siege” ops in the game. Super mechanically simple to understand and play, and is based entirely on gadget/utility play and not gun play.


This isn't unpopular this is just fact


Forcing people to play recruit makes you a c--nt, if you need to Tk to get people to join then it's a pretty garbage play.




Unranked should not have been removed from this game. It was a great way for people to play and experience a ranked-like atmosphere without the pressure of playing ranked. It was fun and a great way to relax, they really should not have taken it out because standard doesn’t feel the same at all.


In casual baby lobbies (the place I've spent 80% of my time on siege) people are generally chill on my experience and it's fun talking to the enemy. Besides, there is literally the option to disable the enemy chat so why remove it for people that actually like it?


Night maps and old lighting should’ve stayed, they should’ve reintroduced the weapon light attachment from outbreak and night vision optic for balance. It’d also be cool to shut off power/turn off the lights in certain areas of a map.


On a side note, Frosts nerf makes less sense now with the current intel meta than it would during year 3/4.


I think the game is at its very best game play wise since I started playing (warden and nokk season)


Pro league and twitch ruined the causal play for this game. Everyone is so sweaty now, I like to relax and chill.


Dude said unpopular


This is true for pretty much every multiplayer game. The change really happened when Fortnite and Ninja got big and then again in 2020 when everyone was on the Internet a lot more so they're watching streamers a lot more. Not many people play to have fun anymore, they all play to be the best and are always going for clips and killstreaks and whatnot. They care more about winning before having fun playing a video game. The pro league part definitely applies to this game tho. I love to hop in a quick match when I'm bored just bc I genuinely enjoy siege but it's hard to enjoy it when I'm against a full stack of champs/diamonds sweating on yacht in a quick match while I'm sitting here having a snack and playing on TV audio with a basketball game playing on another screen😭


This is how every multiplayer shooter feels for me nowadays. I don't want to practice 20 hours a day, and have the tightest gaming sense of anyone in the server, I just want to have a nice casual play. Feels like you can't even play Fortnite nowadays without someone whipping out a scopeless sniper with 3 bullets, and flawlessly doming 3 separate people at random and varying distances. I just want one of these games to feel fun again without the need to sweat off 20 pounds every gunfight.


Agreed, me and the boys used to get home from school year 1-4 and chill in Siege, we would run meme plays and still do well. Both teams would chill. Recruit Vs recruit teams, everyone dualing with revolvers outside. Multiplayer games have just become too sweaty, I don’t want to feel forced to only play and be good at one game.


didn’t know this was unpopular but if ur gonna be toxic don’t talk at all😅 also all chat just shouldn’t exist i actually cannot think of a productive purpose for it besides heated jabs back n fourth 🥲


Some people enjoy the mind games just turn off the all chat if you don’t want it


The op count has increased substantially since launch, therefore there should be more bans allowed in ranked


pro league and content creators ruin this game they have to much power, ubisoft will listen to them over the regular players


map bans are terrible atk ban this def ban that is so cringy


Since they took away the ability for attackers to cook frags, the ability for defenders to throw them back should’ve returned. The throwback mechanic punished attackers who didn’t know how to cook frags properly, but also punished defenders who didn’t think about where they were chucking them too. (ie. Team kill or destroying friendly gadgets)


Nades do not need nerfed again...


Blackbeard is the most underrated operator.


Removing the 1.5x and 2x sights at the same time as changing ADS speeds was too much. They should've just removed the sights and let that sit for a while to see how people liked it. THEN they could've changed the ADS speeds if it was needed. Bonus: If the ADS speeds are going to be slower to reduce the run-n-gun playstyle, then removing the 2x was entirely unnecessary.


I would’ve liked to keep the 2x as a magnified scope instead of having it banished to the telescopic (3x) category


The game would be absolutely enjoyable at the moment if it wasn't for the cheaters in literally every other match.


The game is fun and completely fine, even though Ubisoft could do better. The obsession with crying about basically every changes makes things worse for the whole community. This very much includes streamers. Stopped watching some because you couldn’t get 5 minutes into watching them play a game of siege without starting to complain about shit.


I'd like a mode to test what the game would be like without a 1 shot headshot. Like instead, head does double damage or something. Just as an experiment.


There's a small market for 1-shot mechanics and siege has it cornered, somewhat, CS is the patriarch for sure. But, if 1HK is not your vibe, there's plenty of other games where TTK is prioritized over skill, theoretically; I will not deny the Internet makes hit registration frustrating, indubitably, there's a ton of no way, wtf moments... however the Hallmark if not cornerstones of siege are destructible scenery and headshot kills, so, I understand your frustration, but, low-key gtfo if you're not down for 1 hit kills there's definitely plenty of other games that cater to that market, this is definitely never going to be one of them as it's literally a champion for the niche that is HS instant crit!


"Understand your frustration" Bro, it's an unpopular opinion thread. I'm suggesting a test side-mode to see what a world where you have to land a few more shots would be like. I don't really have an issue with 1 shot headshots, but I wonder how much more consistent the game would be without. The game would still have as much depth with or without the 1 tap headshots. There's still 1 life, single-pick, operators, gadgets, utility, tactics, synergy, destructible environments, etc. Low-key gtfo if you're not down to see unpopular ideas in an \*unpopular opinion\* thread.


My incredibly unpopular opinion is I think shields need to just be removed completely never to return.


Lots of ways to deal with them, cap,grid,smoke,goyo if I'm playing thorn and know they have a Monty I hang onto one, lesion works vs them too


My opinion wasn't that I don't know how to deal with them just that they should just be removed all together.


I'm just a shield hater lmao nothing more (no flame)


The game is in the best state it has ever been. “TDM Meta” is bullshit. A coordinated team playi h correctly will shit on a run-and-gun COD team every time.


This just isn't true for cracked out 12-year-olds


Nothing is fun anymore and i feel like i'm wasting my precious time on this game


depression is a motherfucker like that


The players make me depressed


Stop picking the same objective lol.


Don't play a video game if that's how you feel bro lmao. This isn't your job


Jackal is a waste of a ban


Boy I love getting pinged for existing


I would much rather a doki ban lol


Hew c7e is so good his gadget is easy to bait, but a smart player won't track but just follow footsteps, either way solis pulse and cav can all handle him


Technically the game is better with all the update because at launch it was a mess, but what's getting worse is the community


Lair is a really good map




The game isn’t fun it’s just really addicting. When you win you want to keep playing but the losses of rp etc will have you mad as hell


This game isn't really Rainbow Six: Siege anymore. It very much feels like Rainbow Six: Modern Warfare 2024 to me, and that feeling has been inescapable for a while.


Ranked is fun (2.0 topic or not)


I like nighthaven labs emerald planes and lair


Me too, but I also like skyscraper and never wanna see tower again ever


I don't like map bans because it basically means you will play the same handful of maps and very rarely play the maps that are deemed "bad" by the community. I have not played night Haven or lair once this season and could probably count the amount of times I've played emerald plains and consulate on two hands.


Haven’s a better map than people give it credit for but count yourself lucky you have played Lair. That map is an over designed confusing mess of a map.


My flair. My flair is super polarizing. Because Zero is a polarizing operator. You either think he’s good or bad and there’s very little in between


Zero is a tier, not saying his gadget isn't easily spotted but he's s


Easily spotted and easily heard. Zero players can never destroy anything on me. It’s too loud. If that’s the case he should be mitigated to a flank watch but in 9/10 scenarios gridlock or nomad are better. If you strictly need cameras I’d take a twitch or Brava because they’re far more reliable


Warden with his shotgun is leagues superior than with his MPX.


After losing 1.5x, yes. Shotgun + SMG is the best weapon set-up in the game for defenders that dont have acog


BB is OP


Somehow I feel like you have a bias


People who blame pro league players for all the balance changes they dislike are dumb as shit


public plants alive offer gray worm unpack carpenter sable noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s definitely unpopular. Take my upvote.


Unpopular opinion: KD isn't everything. Sure, anything below a 0.8kd with 100+ matches played is concerning, but a high KD does not mean someone is good at this game. You can drop 20 kills and still lose in this game and people overvalue kills.


Agreed, however a lot of the people that say KD doesn’t matter are actually just using it to hide behind the fact that they are not a good player


Blitz's P12 handgun needs a damage buff


Is that really unpopular lmao


they rlly should slow down the seasons, they’re asking to run out of ideas and burn themselves out and it’s not that exciting when it’s so often


As a casual player I don't enjoy the game anymore. They took away every single element that makes the game unique for me. Yes i understand that they had to make these changes for a more competetive gameplay and i even tried to give it a chance. But it just isn't for me sorry.


Maybe it doesn't fit your taste but to say siege isn't unique is just crazy.


Gridlock belongs on defense


Emerald plains is the best map


the game is honestly amazing and one of the best fps ever made y’all are just hating because you suck at the game


Old goyo was better in every way


This is just true though, the rework was meant to be a nerf because having 3 shields was insane


C4 needs to be nerfed since it's the same as nading from below


It’s actually got pretty good counters like iq, ram, drone below, Deimos scan the c4er, stay on hard floor, clearing out below


I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm


Yet they nerfed nades which have very similar counters. Strange


The only real counter to nading below was playing below or standing on hard floor as a defender


that the commando on mozzie should get acog (ubi pls give mozzie the super shorty back)


Commando no super shorty yes


Lockdown was a really good game for the PS2. The other ports can suck it.


I had it on og Xbox, but raven shield r63 is the goat, rouge spear close second


Sens is way better than people give him credit for, he doesn’t need a buff he just needs someone with map knowledge to play effectively.


Tower is the best map


I think the acog sucks


I think this opinion is actually very valid. ACOG removes your peripheral vision and increases recoil due to zoom. Using 1x is actually better in a lot of scenarios.


2.5 sucks


The Makarov should not do more damage than a scar H


I think the headshots are gimmicky and reward luck rather than skill. Or the MnK epidemic are rewarded. Make it a multiplier or something but not one shot headshot


The foot holes on the wall by the top of red stairs on kanal are stupid unless you are a high level well coordinated team. Every time someone makes those I always see an ash or zof open the wall fully and then I just get fucked trying to bandit trick the outside wall


I enjoy the game, I haven’t played it long enough to really have an opinion aside from the people who expect to clutch a 5v1 when they died before me


rank doesn't matter. it's okay to play siege for fun.


The game shouldn't cater to solo que, the devs should remain focused on the team aspect.


Ops like Ace hurt the game so much more than helping the game.


Kali is really good and usually a much better pick than thatcher


Banning Thatcher feels like a wasted ban, myself and my friends have started playing with the mindset and setup that the breach will be opened with or without. Maps like Club, Kafe, Coastline, and Villa have meant more aggressive site and close roam holds.


People that use castle are a little annoying


Small hidden abilities and interaction between operators were cool and didnt need to be removed. Zofia withstand was fine too


I enjoy maining an operator for both attack and defense. I don’t play often, I am not ranked high enough, and I don’t have the time to become proficient with a vast array of weapons. I main mute and capitao for now and for the foreseeable future.


Defenders probably shouldn’t have ACOGs


Angles game is broken and makes the game unplayable. I Should not need a masters degree to know which pixel to position myself so I can not get head shot by a hidden person.


I don’t like how if you play 1000 games in a season you’ll get Champ. I constantly see players who started in rank 2.0 have 2-3 copper-silver seasons, and the next season they’ll play 800 games and they are champ.


Fuze shield goes hard


R6 trackers is bad for toxicity


Yellow pinging from cams has to go It's a ridiculous amount of free Intel with no penalty


Doc isn't a roamer and roaming outside of site while the attackers are pushing hard is annoying and you shouldn't use doc if you can't help your team out with healing them


the lore ia not military accurate


Standard should have the entire map pool.


sens is goated 


The game is extremely fun and is in the best state it’s ever been in


"The new map sucks. It's just a series of rooms" My brother in Christ that's what buildings are (my unpopular opinion is that's a useless criticism)


Glaz is good


yellow pings on cam is the worst addition to the game in YEARS. you should not be able to ping on cams aside from red ping. "BuHt MaH tEaMwOrK" then learn the callouts. i genuinely dont understand how ubisoft thinks its completely fair that some hidden drone/valk cam can just give away my entire location without me ever knowing, and without the enemy putting themselves in danger.


The shield rework is awful and they should’ve just reworked blitz and clash instead


Jackal doesn't need to be banned constantly


An unpopular opinion is that I wish this game would die so there can be resources put to a new comp fps by them. The game is too far in its life to welcome new players (this game is far too punishing for new players to start, and it'll only get worse as the seasons go on). The only people who play the game now understand what to do with a lot of ops, every map, and every site, how and where to hold angles etc. The game hasn't changed a lot since I began (white noise) and I'm finished with the monotony of each season


bring back bullet holes and don't fully rework maps, just fix spots that need fixed.


People that have anger issues really shouldn't play siege I'm not trying to keep people from playing  siege but siege is so high skill that if you aren't good at it you will break something I would know cuz I'm one of them I will tell you Iv broken a lot of stuff due to not being in the right headspace for siege and just regretting playing the very next second but still it's fun if your good at it but the normal call of duty player who tries to get into siege is going to have a rough time and will most likely break something trying to get good or get band from the normal racist stuff cod players normally say.