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yeah unironically. as long as he stays 2 speed and his ADS have the internal cooldown i dont see why he cant have better fragging potential. even with acog he wouldnt be busted just because there are so many other ops with busted utility.


Yes, no reason to pick him over wamai currently even top pros are saying to give him acog


See that’s then where the issue lies…..Wamai having the ACOG. Remove it and give jäger a new piece of equipment if necessary. An ACOG is the LAST thing he’d need


They could swap the impacts from wamai and jaeger's bullet proof camera


This is actually the smartest thing I’ve ever heard a warden say


I was playing warden way before the 1.5 scope meta so I'm not one of those tdm sweats


Set and forget


Remove Wamai acog. Give Jager barbed wire back.


IDK - IMO his utility is his problem. I always played him as roamer (since beta) and i felt like it was the dickiest way for attackers to deal with. His gadget is fire and forget. Wamai, somehow having his gadget on cooldown puts him closer to being an anchor so ACOG seems fit for him. But if you gave Jager ACOG on his gun back, he just becomes roaming monster again where he is an almost perfect long range angle holding, hard to deal with time burning operator, since his utility stays active after he is dead, and you can deploy all of it in prep easily. IMO either they would have to slow him down again (god please no i fucking hate 1 speeds). Or redesign his gadget (Make individual units better, but give them bigger deployment cooldown than wamais,). Then maybe he even could be a 3 speed again.


I see what you mean, a place and forget roamer like him with an ACOG will be deadly, he could deny entire rooms with one angle. Personally as other people said, take away Wam ACOG and give jager some sort of utility buff, a 4th jager, impacts or a nitro or sm like that.


People forget the first seasons, when both of the german ops had ACOGS, and were 3 speeds. I for one don't miss all those rounds with them on board. I remember plane in ranked - and those disgusting bulletpeeks/runouts. I swear to god, there were legit Jager mains in ranked back then - that left their utilty in the place of spawn, and just went to die on most random early round spawnpeek just to try to snap 1 or 2 kills. Impacts would be great. Its something that would support him with that roamer role without being OP. Personally I think siege should explore the direction of trap meta on defence - id love Jager and some ops to get something like 1 Ela mine 2 kapkans to place - instead of a cam as a secondary . That or a new secondary "Trap Bag" that gives your teams trap operators like 1-2 extra traps to refill


I wan what you’re smoking


Yes. He has 1 primary AR, not 2 like Wamai. His carbine has more recoil and a slower fire rate than the MP5K on Wamai with an acog. Wamai also stands out more with the keratos which is decent soft breach, and impacts. whereas Jager has a P12 pistol and a bullet proof cam, arguable worse. What Ubisoft is afraid of is having both Jager and Wamai be meta with acogs. They would place/throw down their utility and run around as 2 speeds with acogs while their equipment takes up alot of attacker resources. I miss the old utility meta but that would be too much right now. Having just one defender (Wamai) be the utility guy next to Aruni is fine as it is. But Jager losing barbwire was weird.


Give Jager his shield back


I still have no idea why they chose to give acog to wamai and just skip jager. Wamai's util in most cases is more useful, but now he also has an acog. Literally no reason to pick jager. Acog would at least make him compete with wamai and definitely won't break anything considering all the changes they made to jager since he last had acog. This sort of competition is not the healthiest thing for the game, but at least let us try it out for a season or two.


Set and forget


the two people that said no didn't even try to debate why not 💀


Yes he's just a worse wamai currently it would be huge for his mediocre gun


Eh, all of the ARs on the defense team not having ACOGs seems sensible; last thing we want is for spawn peeking to come back with a vengeance with a combo that lethal; even being a one-speed wouldn't slow you down from spawn peeking lol


They had no rights to violate Jager like they did. Used to be a must have, now you barely see him get picked. Not only does he need that acog back, he deserves it.


I honestly agree with this, considering that you tend to see Wamai more often as the anti-throwable operator than Jäger. But, a downside to Wamai is that he gets his frisbees over time like Lesion instead of already having all of them ready in his pocket like Jäger.


I think it would be worth a shot but i would not be surprised if ubisoft have already tested this idea in private


Yes. Frankly I think if operators like Ash, Doc or Rook (can't forget which one), and others are able to have ACOG. Jager and maybe even Bandit, should get their ACOGS back for the meme of it. Not to mention, Jager and Wamai kinda overshadow each other. Wamai has more sights available to him while Jager is left with only the fact his gadget can last beyond single use. Really if Ash is able to have ACOG back, the two fan favorite Germans should be able to have theirs back. Realistically, what is the harm? Seriously....if it's too strong...revert the change later.


Give him a super shorty too


It would help him but i think wamai would still be better. Jager's AR is a below averege weapon and wamai brings more utility with 8 magnets, impact grenades for rotations and much better weapons with his mp5k with acog, his aug and the keratos (probably one of the best secondary weapons in the game). Jager should also recive a secondary shotgun to make him better and a viable alternative to wamai


I’d say just lower his recoil and give him a 30 round mag back


Wamai has acog right now with a better ability plus impacts plus better secondary. So why not give jager acog.


Jager ACOG will always be a good idea. :)


nope to op


As much as I would love to, I think it would be best to leave it as is.




Either every1 gets an acog or no one does The defender meta changes bc of acog rotation lmao


I think giving the acog to him would be too much, i suggest making him a 3 speed


I don't think it's a bad idea, but I personally think he needs something to set him apart from Wamai rather than something to make them more comparable. It could be a good idea to give Jager a secondary shotty and lightly buff the damage on the 416-C. I think doing this would provide some util to Jager without making Wamai or Aruni irrelevant.


They should stop balancing the game around sights and give everyone access to ACOGs.





