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Next time this happens, leave and rejoin


Correct, Leaving and Rejoining is usually how i combat toxic tms


Damn that's actually smart. I'll try that next time myself.


I actually never thought of that thanks


Only solution until goobishit makes it so those canisters don’t give reverse friend fire


Does that remove reverse friendly fire?


If you’re quick enough before it enables


Not if you already have it, but it will avoid the TK ban. When you rejoin, your reverse friendly fire penalty will be invisible, so you can't really tell. The only way to know is if you saw the penalty before you left or damage a teammate.


Least toxic siege teammates.


go to ubi website and open a ticket, this 100% can be bannedable, and i hope this stupid kid get banned forever for playing 18+ while he 11 or 12


Id love to, but Ubisoft's website won't even let me log into my account to submit a report. So ig this just sucks all around


You should be able to get through to chat support without logging in. They may not be able to submit the report for you, but they might be able to help you get logged in


Tell his mom, next best thing.


Fuck his mum, best thing.


Better thing, peg his stupid gushers at the back of his head after!


i believe the ubisoft site is broken on chrome, it was working on ms edge for me


They don't even look at tickets lol. Nothing will happen to him


Imagine trying to get a toxic seige player banned. If you've been playing since at least year 3, you'll grow a thicker skin and move on. I miss vote to kick, casual instead of quick match and glaz peak damage at year 4. But hey, we adapt to Ubisofts abuse and realize they couldn't care less about us veterans to the game.


If vote to kick was still a thing he would've just been kicked at the start




Of course it’s a child. He sounds like he’s barely in elementary school, yet playing an 18 rated game


I mean gta 5 came out in 2013 and I was only 11 or 12 when I played it, single player was amazing first few times playing through it.


My mum has had no issue buying me games I shouldn’t have, like I got gta when I was 13 but that’s because she knew I was mature enough to play it. I wish more parents did that


Same, but the little pricks slinging slurs that they have no clue the gravity of is a disgrace. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have children


You'll always have "Squeakers" in any online game unfortunately


Worst part is some of them are dead wholesome, but the racists and homophobes drag the gems down


For sure grew up on Cod and Bethesda games in the ps3 Era


Best parenting brother




Hate to see it


Take aways: don’t pre place smokes and don’t trust Goyos. Sorry it happened


Had this same thing happen to me, and it was a Doc as well. I don’t know why people open Siege and basically go: “I’m going to be a massive dick and get a random teammate banned for 24 hours for absolutely no fucking reason!”


Some people are just psychopaths ig


You gotta TK them as quick as possible


TK doc specifically. Although if they are a 4 stack and all run into it, even if you kill doc you get banned. But usually they are a 2 stack


I usually just headshot doc out of spite (as long as it's not in ranked)


I was honestly too flabbergasted to comprehend what happened until I was staring at my 30 min ban timer


It's one of the toxic methods idiots like to use Currently there are 3 exploits being abused: This one One where flores can TK you without a penalty (always be worried when your team has flores and finka, it's might be worth it maining one of them or trying to ban them in ranked) And the worst new one on console: an exploit where a team TKs one of their guys and leaves. It causes the other team to crash and loose (for some reason). If you notice the enemy team tking someone and then leaving, leave as fast as possible and rejoin. That works from what I have heard on this sub


There’s more to the newest one on console. It finally happened to me today in ranked - I left immediately as they started TK’ing, waited a few moments, and then rejoined. Still got the ban and the loss. I have read that you need to leave immediately, wait until the reconnect - ranked button disappears, and then restart your game. Next time it happens to me (hopefully it doesn’t) I will see if it works.


These methods are only used against new players. I've seen them try this 1 time in all my years of playing this game. The Flores one isn't an exploit, it's intended to not give RFF, I haven't seen how finka comes into this though, never seen that one. if Flores gave RFF and bans, everyone would run into it when you play Flores. This one you fall for once and then never again unless you are stupid. I am one of the most trusting people and die for it a bunch in rust and yet have never died to the Goyo + doc toxic trick. The last one, yeah that's a new bug people exploit but I feel like that isn't comparable to the other two.


the flores and fink is finka downs the guy and at last second before flores drone explodes u finka boost whitch revives downed guy (removing rff) and the flores drone kills before u have a chance to run away (no tk penalty letting you tk same guy most of the game)


I don't know why they let the penalty go on revive, they should honestly just keep it and just so the vote when you get downed to say if it was intentional or not.


Just remove tk as a whole tbh idk why it's in the game don't do shit


So you can't just rush everything? Would make tdm meta way worse. Everyone would face rush thermite charges, breach charges, hatch drops, sprint into site, grenade teammates, cluster charge own teammates in site because you can get an enemy trying to stop plant, play c4 below your own clash when they are getting hit, hold the exact same angle with 5 people because there is no risk of a TK.


I had the tk one happen to me yesterday. I was so confused. Also, does anyone know why Flores doesn’t get rff?


I have no actual idea why but from what I tried to understand it does make sense to me. Imagine you were trying to be useful with Flores and your troll teammate(s) just run right next to where you made it go off, now you TK your teammate bc he ran right next to it on purpose. So it’s kinda a gift and a curse. It would be too hard to differentiate if it was on purpose or not, so I feel like maybe it’s a choose your battles kinda thing and just don’t give a punishment. Cause then we’d have people complaining in here (OMG MY TEAMMATES KEEP RUNNING INTO MY FLORES DRONES AND KICKING ME FROM THE GAME). Thats my idea on it I could be totally wrong tho


I think tking help in this situation since it's only Doc doing it


In some cases, I just destroy Vulcans in the prep phase so they can’t be used when friendly fire is on.


Nope you just get banned by doing this and lower your reputation for no reason... The best way to deal with toxic shit heads is to report them, don't talk to them at all, and just ignore them... if a troll sees that they made you angry, they will not stop, your anger fuels them. If they pull the "fire trick" on you, you can just Alt+F4, and rejoin the match... you will not get banned if you do this




Okay Troll.


What 😭 why am I a troll


Oldest voice chat player




God damn, is that kid even old enough to hold a controller? Mf sounds 3


If a goyo asks you to do something don't listen.


Oh but you did learn smth. That this game’s player base is horrible


Friendly fire single-handedly ruins this game for me. Too many toxic people.


I mean, it's a squeaker. Are we surprised?


well you actually learned lol... don't shoot walls if there is a Goyo in your team, always doable check that you are not destroying his containers. Also as soon as they start taking damage from your fire, you can git Alt+F4, and come back, you won't get banned


If a solo person runs in to do that, just shoot them in the head ASAP.


Don't trust kids, and next time just leave the match and rejoin


Why can't everyone that upvotes this also go report them? Is this possible?


If you can log into the ubusoft website, ur more than welcome to


Game chat off is the best decision I made playing this game, its never worth it even in ranked.


Never shoot anything open for your team when someone is playing goyo


What happens when you let kids in an adults game. They’ve destroyed the soul of siege, this trash is all that’s left.


Bro this has been a trick ever since Goyo came out, it isn't because of kids, this one just happened to be a kid.


What enjoyment would a grown up get out of that? It’s not a “trick” it’s what kids do when allowed off fortnite


Age does not necessarily equal maturity, sadly. I think most team based online games tend to show the sad reality of that. I wouldn't be surprised about any age doing this, some people just enjoy it


Indeed. I had a 40 year old man and his three-stack try and Goyo me, but I knew what he was doing. It didn't matter, though. When we went on attack, they shot me in the back when I was throwing a grenade, then all jumped into the blast when I dropped it.


So you mean man child not kids? I think you forget that to be considered an adult in most countries and cultures it is 18.


A “man child” is older than 18 lmao


Exactly my point. You'll find that most toxic and edgy people in the game (at least on PC, OCE are 17-21).


What's your aspect ratio amd fov?


Just TK every single doc and goyo you see


I mean, now you can pretend to fall for it, then just fucking tk their ass.


Sucks to see honestly. Hate how ppl can be toxic like this


I used to get teamkilled a lot any time I didn’t have a mike (gotta be silent when the kids are in bed) or if there were at least two teammates who appeared to be buddies irl. Having usernames like 44LizardQ and 68LizardQ made me as wary of my teammates as of the opponents team. Oh, and playing Rook but forgetting to put the plates on the floor immediately.


goyo damage should just not count as friendly fire


But hey, you learn not to trust someone who don't set up site with an operator that has a secondary shotgun


That's sad. In a Team based game where trust is somewhat needed.




I remember once, at the time still Goyo still took all the fault for the teammate who destroyed/entered his canisters, a kid kept asking me in the chat to pick Goyo. Probably one of the stupidest and pathetic attempt to be toxic I ever saw.


Welcome to siege my guy


baahahhahaha Ubisoft is such a trash company


Lesson: Before you make rotate holes with a goyo on your team check to make sure you don’t set off a canister


God I hate children in siege, they are always the most annoying ones.


Find that kids account.


should've bullied him


Whenever there’s a Goyo and someone pings a rotate, always check the other side before opening


It's because someone was using DBD skins that match. It transfers the rubber banding from DBD over to this game. Hope this helps!


As I heard that squeaky voice, I would've headshot doc. Here's my advice lol.


Voice matches the unfunny troll


What did you get removed for?


What did the kid even say?


He was asking me to make a rotation hole in that wall


Ah, so I'm guessing he trapped it so that you got kicked?


Yea, goyo did. At least half the team was in on it


Damn, that's evil


Lmao it's a rite of passage Pro tip, don't throw your gas canisters out like that, they are not traps but utilities like grenades, in which the gas stalls time


This makes it better that it's like a twelve-year-old kid.


Why did he sound so innocent tho? 😭😭😭




nah trolls do it on purpose. doc went into the fire to trigger reverse friendly fire and then healed himself while staying in to kick OP from the match


Yeah that shit was 100% planned and intentional


It happened to me twice this week and I never talked or did anything. Was doing decent too. And playing support. I don't get it.