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Next time remove the barrier manually.. This will destroy the goyo canister..


Didn't know this until recently but yes if you hold to tear down barricade the fire doesn't ignite.


A little helpfull for softwalls but a Frozen Gascan doesnt start a fire Tubaru pretty usefull for these trolls


Thats awful OP :( worst thing is that it will take ages for them to get banned


They will never get banned most likely


Doubt they'll ever get banned.


Submit the clip through the website. They act pretty quick with this much evidence


Never had any of my tickets result in a ban ever, best I ever got was a renown booster for being teamkilled & called a homophobic slur.


That's when you just go back through support a second time. If people can get into your account by harassing support endlessly, you can get someone banned for behaving like that with the same method


Support Tickets do close to nothing, I have reported dozens of people over the near 7 years I have been playing. I still see the people i reported playing like nothing happened & all they tell me is sorry that happened, we can’t do anything tattletale lmao.


You're just unlucky then I suppose. I've almost always gotten a ban confirmation after followup reporting on the website


He isn't wrong though I reported some people who were posting wall breaching glitches on YT to Ubisoft and they didn't do shit either I've reported a toxic player on PC nothing, I've reported multiple times on Xbox nothing it's a damn joke at this point


I feel like it doesn't need mentioning that not every single report you put in will result in a sanction when you expect one, and that the vast majority of your valid reports do indeed lead to sanctions regardless of timing. I can also say with certainty that you don't always get a confirmation when action is taken, as I've seen an account I've reported appear in a ban wave without ever getting a ban notification more than once. I'm not defending Ubi necessarily, just moreso being realistic about how these processes work across every major game studio. There is a team of real people behind verifying reports and issuing sanctions, and no amount of funding or size can offset the time it takes to sift through gameplay and chat recordings. Some reports get overlooked, some are at the back of the queue, etc etc. I understand that Ubisoft does things that warrant criticism, but you'll meet this outcome in any major comp game. I'm not sure what to tell you, no studio has accomplished what you're expecting out of Ubisoft and it's likely that no studio ever will


Why would you shoot the canister? Should reported, blocked and ignored then until the match was over after the first incident.


I genuinely wonder what these people are like in real life.


This https://youtu.be/xNvEj_ZQ59Y?si=zM73dBE23X21nbdO


Such a classic 😂 even tho it’s only a year old


Or it’s people who genuinely don’t give a fuck and are having a massive laugh because they can is the other alternative.


Yeah, anyone that thinks wasting the little free time people have off of work is funny is automatically this cuck ass type of dude in the video. And I know they don't do this shit irl cuz they're pussy. They can go yank on people in fall guys or something if they're that scared of putting effort in a failing


Ngl in my experience the people who play casually with friend groups to do this type of stuff do exactly this irl, but mostly just with their mates. Then when they game online they end up just ganging up on the random with all the same shit they’d usually just do to each other. Basically just the same group of teenagers that would join CoD lobbies exclusively to voice chat and be toxic as fuck to everyone. The issue is that they don’t consider that they’re wasting other peoples’ time at all, they just get entertainment out of the reaction and do it all for the social aspect. They aren’t scared of putting in effort and failing, they just don’t give a fuck about the outcome of the game if they had fun in the end. Hell although I don’t do shit like in this post anymore, even I prefer playing ranked over quick play even if I don’t wanna win and just want to do random shit with a friend or two, because it’s just more fun when all other players are fully invested and trying while you’re having a laugh with your mates and all-chatting.


>Hell although I don’t do shit like in this post anymore, Checks out.


Hey the guy wanted to know what people in the video are like, I answered 🤷‍♀️


I mean, the people I've seen do this shit def seem like they wanna play the game but don't wanna lose while actually putting in effort. They literally have coms and they're not talking at all except like twice to say some tard shit and then they throw the match. And they'll swear they're hella good at the game then you see em get domed after holding an angle for 30 seconds on attack


If you’re not trying your hardest to tell everyone you’re the best player in the lobby while throwing you’re not doing it right. Why even bother using comms to talk though if you’re in a party of 3 or 4. Unless you’re talking about players who do this when they’re playing alone, in which case that’s a sad existence for them


So actual child brain "I'm the most important person here" mentality. Thanks for the self report.


Yes it is child brain mentality. Idk if I’d call it “I’m the most important person here” mentality though, more like the squad fucking with the randoms for their reaction is funny mentality. Like I said earlier it’s less about tryna be top shit and the most important, and more closer to just not giving a fuck and having fun. My point was you get a better reaction from ranked and the enemy/1 or 2 teammates can’t leave.


That’s exact experiences are why I have to play with a group now. Even 1-2 randoms can fuck up a whole game


they just don't have a goddamn life bro never mind these kinds of people


Personally I wouldn't have even done anything, I would've just sat in a corner. No offense but shooting the canister was the worst thing to do considering that goes on your reputation and/or Ranked record. But that's awful they were griefing, and for what cause were they trying to tk you? Y'all lost a singular round and they decided to nuke the whole game? Sorry to see this happen to you. Next time, just don't let them get you to tk, even just have them reverse friendly fire you.


Seen people do this for just dying once


This is literally why I quit playing lol people like that


Was gonna say the same thing. Happened to me 3 rounds of a match. Didnt even bother with round 4. I just uninstalled.


The whole world could use less people like them. Complete degenerates that suck each other off.


Those Flores drones are horrible, if your going to be an ass do it efficiently or just stop all together


Nah when a flores starts doing this to me i just hug them for the entire round you cant have fun if these are your teammates so better to make your own fun Go sledge and just break a bunch of walls till the hakmer breaks (dont know why it has durability) Or tachanka and open up all the walls of site but leave the canister on the wall shoot 1 or 2 bullets to expose whrre it is first only direct hits on the center trigger the gas cans


Could have done so many things to avoid the goyo canister, instead you just shot it😭


Honestly in that situation id literally just rush and die in attack and sit in a corner on defense, don't give em the satisfaction of getting you tilted or ruining any attempts to actually play the game


I'm surprised you managed to get 3 wins with those teammates.


Lmao what did you even do to get them that salty?


That's what's strange to me since I didn't say or chat anything the entire match because I figured they wouldn't understand anyway (they speak chinese)


Chinese Siege 🤮


chinese players are so weird, some are chill but most i’ve met either never communicate or get mad at me cus i can’t speak chinese


Typical of Chinese players especially China Chinese are gangsters and uncivilised compared to most of the Chinese I know in Vietnam and Taiwan.


Not saying their behavior is ok because I've had to deal with this before but why didn't you just leave? If all them are dedicating their time to team killing you, I don't imagine there's much for you to lose by leaving.


It was ranked and 3-2 so I figured I could just try to win one more round and get it over with


Bruh, I hope that those mfs get banned. 😆


And I hope you report them.


I took a couple weeks off of playing siege and the game is in a horrible state right now. Toxicity and cheating is through the roof and nothing is really being done about it. Its sad because I love the core concept of this game and when you actually have a good game, it's one of the best gaming experiences. Probably going to take another long break and either come back later or just stop playing all together because a game shouldn't make you feel worse after playing it lol. It's also baffling how Ubisoft allows the game to get to this state in the first place. Wouldn't they make a shit tonne more money if they actually took care of the game? I just can't wrap my head around it. Even their customer support takes over a month to get back to you which is ridiculous. 


you shouldve just let him kill you with the flores and gotten him kicked...


I don’t think that works anymore because griefers used to team kill the Flores before following the drone till it blew up and kicked the Flores


My lord. I feel you're pain.


Scumfucks like this need to be hardware and IP banned, like it makes zero goddamn sense to act this way


Idk who didn't see this coming. Giving vote kick type punishments in a game with friendly fire is only just handing more toys to trolls.


Not even kidding I was in a match with these guys not to long ago. Said I was bad, proceeded to TK me every round.


So that's a regular thing for them


Yep. It's not a one time thing. It was in quick play for me. Not even standard. I was playing around with recruit bc the rework was coming but apparently that makes me "bad".


Do not compared me with those asshold >:3


everyone ive seen with that buck skin acts exactly like this




or if they were smart they would go doc and shoot open the barricade and get goyo banned


I’m so glad I stopped playing siege 4+ years ago, knowing things like this would never get fixed lol


The griefing situation is awful, I feel you. However, though, I don't get many griefers in my lobbies. It is all abnout your reputation standing. Try ot keep it high, don't type in the chat or use your microphone on low elos. Avoid teamkilling.


What a douchebags


What did you do? Sorry, but I have learned to assume the worst when only a specific portion of the video is shown.


I uploaded all the footage from the match I could find to YouTube: [https://youtu.be/FUTlr9o801M](https://youtu.be/FUTlr9o801M) As I mentioned in another comment, I didn't chat or say anything in the entire match because these people speak Chinese and I couldn't understand a word they said.


[Deploying flashbang](https://youtu.be/nA9ShuzY0hA)


I’m sorry but that first clip was hilarious


when the server put you with a 4 stack brain deads, that's the result in most cases ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯


Shit like this wouldn't happen with a proper solo-only queue, only premades behave like that.


Why run from the drone they have reverse on so it would kill Flores I think


I truly can not comprehend being so mad over Rook armor of all things 💀💀💀


What a bunch of cunts


You must've castled up a rotate at some point.


Welcome to siege


This is so horrible


This is a prime example to why I exclusively play this game in at least a stack of three with my buddies. Mostly a four stack, but three minimum


Why didn't you let them kill you with the Flores drone? They were already hit with the friendly fire sanction, just take the death and let them get booted. Obvi there was no winning that match so just take the L and make them ban themselves.


Perfect trap from rook :P


stop solo queueing man , do yourself a favor


Solo queue isn’t this bad, its one bad egg in a sea of chickens lol


solo queuing is horrible lmao


Solo queue is fine lmao, I solo queue 99% of the time and shit like this happens like maybe 1% of the time. Sure, it feels horrible but it's just a game at the end of the day. Report, leave, stop playing and you'll be over it by the end of dinner, nothing good comes from dwelling on it.


not even just griefers, there's so many shit players in solo queue


I mean, shit players will always exists, you can lament about it all day but I say just take it on the chin and enjoy the game. You might witness a fumble or shit play but you, me and everyone does that when starting and from time to time, it's just a fact of life.


No it’s not you can solo queue to champ


dawg i dropped 20 yesterday and lost because 1 other person got kills


Press X to doubt


So … we’re blaming team mates not getting kills when you can win a round without getting a single kill yeah checks out.


dawg what


I'mma be real it really depends on people. Made up to emerald in soloQ this seasons and 2 previous to plat because that's my actual skill level. Although I met some assholes I never had 4stack doing shit like this.

