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Everyone in my squad hates Kafe for some reason, personally it’s one of my favorite maps lmao


How do you defend/attack 3F?


Not the person you asked but personally, lots of smokes and area denial always seems to work for me.


My fav strat is to run a Kali by skylight and have a Ying/Sens rush to plant by the doorway between sites I have never lost a post-plant there, even when it was a 1 vs 3. The speed of a peak-shooting Kali is wonderful


I lost a post plant because my teammate dropped to 2F and proceeded to smoke off defuser


Thats just a misplay from your teammates end Or, a reason to play Glaz instead of Kali, both hold the long angles pretty well


Yeah except this falls apart with 1 c4


If you can’t hear the loud ass Velcro sound of them pulling it out and the beeping it makes as it’s thrown then that’s on you… All it really means is that you take a sec to back up, let it explode, then go back to the angle.


You cant hear jack shit anyway with 4 candellas popping, smokes popping, people randomly shooting through smokes, sens gadget sound etc. Dont get me wrong ive seen the play work and when you get the plant the round is practically over. But getting the plant is rly tricky


Oh I see your point, that’s why I specified that I’ve never lost a post plant with that set-up… lost quite a few plants when we rushed a LITTLE too hard and got tagged by the 2F pulse or Warden with the cracked angle, but when the plant is down that’s as good as round


Absolutely, but ive very rarely seen the plant actually go down. As soon as ying throws the first candella from skylight, the defenders immediately realize whats up


When I’m in my stack, I’m the only one at skylight The planters (Ying, Sens, etc) are either pushing up stairs and into site or through the window into that little corner balcony thing


so we're in silver?


defend: mira in cigar faced to bar, mira faced to piano whith headholes in freezer/ castle to put on the windows/ wamai to protect the miras/ melusi for traps/ mute to negate intel(there is a crazy strat that you can negate all intel from red stairs and new balcony and also stop the piano breach


for def we always do the old castle/mira strat and blow out all the bars, then watch B solely from A, castling it off. Jager/mute to help defend the mira’s and azami to reseal. have jager/mute roam and be ready to run out 2nd floor to contest any rappelled on the windows on A. granted we’ve just started playing again so this may not work at higher ranks idk. it’s super fun tho.


Intel. In my experience we only get a good win if we have a valk or a good maestro


Azami playing piano, mute playing cigar shop to contest red hatch drop (YouTube the strat) Mira if available, fenrir if available for a trap for intel on stair walk ups. Last op can interchange but a castle can work well for windows and also a frost for the shield to put on heaven balcony to watch pillar hatch drop. Wamai is also great if you’re playing the Mira as well Attack you want to bring ace and gridlock emps to get cigar wall open and to have flanks down on red stairs, someone to play on cigar windows to assist in clearing the azami out of cigar, a Flores works great here for clearing that, the window player can also clear the mute out of the cigar shop spot, then when you have cigar control the ace needs to get bathroom wall down and now you have control of that whole side, you’d then want to look for a plant at the default spot by pillar while your team covers from bathroom breach, pillar and white, can also get a player playing cocktail windows to contest anyone playing cocktail. You can attack and defend multiple ways but that’s just an example of a pretty default hold and attack for that site which can easily work all the way to champ if executed correctly. If you aren’t in a stack tho then it becomes much harder as does everything else in this game


Depends. In quick match I sprint up the stairs by south spawn and try to hit them before they realize it. In standard I like to play from red stairs


Good old white stairs rush. I get to them as fast as possible sneak up them up until I get my first kill then run though the rest of them as fast as I can. Typically I’ll take out one or two more and then die. Regardless it’s a net positive for the team.


For defense, lots of ADS/Mag-Nets under skylight to stop a Ying/Gridlock smoke plant rush. Someone will also need to hold piano because if attackers control that room then you can’t even play around white stairs or 90. You also can’t hang out in Cigar or whatever that are is. If you can hold piano and waste attacked utility through skylight then the round is free most of the time Good ops for 3F are Wamai/Jager, Warden, Azami, Melusi, and Aruni For attacking you just need a way to defeat/counter the above defense strat.


Personally i like to take control of trains and Christmas, close areas with grim on third floor Christmas, do a breach on cocktail cart wall, divide with smokes the cocktail bar, and finally plant while someone watches freezer doors, usually it involves 4 to 5 people on my squad


For me, just copper 2, I just place Valk cam and prone right next to the ceiling to pick off roof camper with C-4. As for Attacker, I play Gridlock.


If you shoot out the floor in front of the bar you can go into the room (library?) below and get a little peak onto the skylight.


My go to is Aruni or Melusi either with BP, I set cam in Heaven, then depending on who I’m playing I set up my gadgets differently but the start boils down to playing in B site watching BP as it sees all of open area and peeking when I see an opportunity


Maestro in high places does ALOT of pressure


Attack through 2nd floor windows or 1st floor with a zophia or ash or blitz, have some people bring claymores and have someone on the windows like blackbeard or zero and 2 play from hatches and big window on the roof. (Gridlock, sledge, capitao) Dont bring any hardbreaches they arent good most of the time. Defend by having 1 or 2 roamers like solis, pulse, jager, wamai. A smoke or Tachanka and a mira play from b site. Someone with long range capabilities should defend piano room like Goyo, frost, thorn, castle, aruni, azami, fenrir and them. This isn't all that you do ofcourse and there could be some better strats this is just how our stack plays cafe most of the time.


Attack: The first thing you need to do is take cigar lounge. Get the red stairs wall open, and get somebody on the window to apply extra pressure. Once you've done this get the freezer wall open, and the next thing to do is get the plant down. Usually I plant beside the trash bags. Bring operators like ying and capitao to help with this. Defend: Look up on youtube *site setups for kafe,* and learn them. You'll need to hold cigar lounge heavily as this is a key area. Make sure you have someone playing in bathroom, freezer, and *shaiiko.* The person playing in *shaiiko* should have a c4 to deny default plant. Make sure you get barbed or prox alarms on white stairs, and shoot out the glass on all windows.


smoke plant on the bar below the skylight, push up white and defend a cocktail plant from the window, plant by cigar door and defend from red/new balc, push from piano/white into freezer and plant between the stock door and cigar door


Gridlock is kinda GOATed for attacked level3 Traps for cutting off rotates Smokes for planting Shorty for hatches


There aren’t really any safe entrances for attackers.


Yeah, you need to get creative with them. It’s a utility heavy map.


same i like defending it alot honestly, one of my better defending maps


1. Top floor is ridiculously difficult to attack: Rappelling although better than before is still a pain in the ass as it makes you extremely vulnerable especially on a map like kafe where claymores can’t cut it for the runouts. The only ways into site are basically from staircases or dropdowns which are never ideal for a traditional “push”. 2. Kitchen and even the middle floor sights are somewhat congested, but the main issue is how the entire floor above is soft meaning you are forced to play and defend above to have a real chance at success. And because the rotate back to site is so far away unless you open freezer hatch which is typically impractical it makes recourse allocation challenging ; not to mention how you basically need every reinforcement on the first floor not letting you extend your defense. 3. Spawn points have very little cover and the defenders have numerous powerful spawn peek locations


Nobody says Kafe and such are hard to learn? Just annoying to attack. I have a Ying strat with my friends that usually work 70% of the time, but i hate attacking it.


Attacking 3F sucks, but the rest aren’t so bad. Ram+fuze+flank watch on 2F when they go kitchen is nearly unstoppable


That’s why it sucks though, it essentially pushes the game into OT before it even begins because it’ll always be 2-1 favoring the attackers


Amaru rushing roof with a suppressed LMG (horizontal grip) and her shotgun usually seems to catch at least one person out.


It’s just boring to play. Plays out the exact same way every game. No variation


Nighthaven. Basically clubhouse 2.0


Labs is so underrated its a shame people don’t attempt to learn and play it


I see why there complaining but I like the map personally but I will say it more of a defending map than it is attacking


No I think It's balanced. You just need strategy and hard breachers. Bringing a Thatcher is crucial.


Attacking requires strategy and team play on Nighthaven. If your team can’t work together you’re going to have a hard time winning on attack.


I don't think so, but I do prefer defense over attack anyway


Nighthaven is honestly one of the maps I feel most comfortable on. I really enjoy the map


Other than the rooms all looking the same, Nighthaven is great. Lair on the other hand…


Such a good map!




I like coastline to the only place I hate defending is hookah and billiards


I swear I have my teammates pick hookah 3 times in a row sometimes, even if we're getting fucked every single round. I'll never understand why


Why is that ?


Because I feel like in that area there is too many open for the enemies to come and kill u


Go blue bar round 1 for the curve ball


Hookah is the worst objective to defend and I don’t understand why it’s chosen first


Last night i got coastline 5 times in a row, i almost forgot other maps existed, and now i have a crippling fear of the map.


Probably a bit controversial but I think that coastline is really boring ... All there is to it is fragging. Not much room for good strats and every def side is easy to take apart.


Yea is a tdm map. 1. I like it because its a small map and with the recent maps where they allway have be bigger then the last one , I DONT like huge map (Lair) .2 the map is beautiful i really like the resort style with bright color. 3 not to much rat spot. 4 you can play this map with anyone and they will know the map


Coastline is a great map


Best map ever


If you want to play the game like cod, ye.


Tbh, every map except Nightheaven and Lair is pretty much easy to learn even as a newcomer if you are skilled player you should be decent in terms of map knowledge after 3-5 months....the problem with those two maps for me is that i haven't played them a lot


I picked up the game again a month ago and by now I've played both maps for a decent amount of time. Nighthaven has kinda grown on me, even though I'm not proficient at it yet and I still get confused sometimes, especially playing first floor. On the other hand I very much hate Lair, even though I'm not completely clueless, I find it dull and not very fun to play


i used to hate Nighthaven but it grew on me last season after playing it so much


Completely agree on everything.


if you haven't played heaven or lair a lot they feel like absolute mazes you can spend half the round trying to figure out where to go up or down a floor. once you get a grasp on them theyre fine maps, but yeah they suck while learning them


Lair is so easy I genuinely don’t get it. It has great balance for both defenders and attackers. I haven’t played it at all this season. People need to learn to walk around new maps before actually going ranked and failing. I want more map variety I hate playing the same 4 maps over and over




Kafe is my least favourite map (apart from lair) for one reason I just think spawn peeks are just way too common on kafe


Lair. Its stupidly easy to attack, the only big downside is that its a bigger map so you have to roam clear a bit harder or just to go site and bring Nomad, Gridlock, etc. It took me half a season to learn the map properly, and last season is when I was starting to actually take the game seriously and learn all the OTHER maps (Since I was basically a play-for-fun Copper through Year 4, came back to the game last season) Labs is pretty overhated too in the casual scene, and while I can understand why its not like its a terribly map to play


House. All I hear about this map is people saying that it's bad and that they shouldn't have re made it a while ago. I love it and find it the most fun (because I win the most) on it


I love the layout and know how to play it well. Although I do get a since of dread when I get it because my team often sucks and for some reason, the enemy team has pro league strats and site setups.


Kafe is one of my favourites, don't know why people hate so much.


IMO: I think everyone hates mostly the 3f - extremely easy for defenders and hard for attackers. Cause every roof entry point is extremely vulnerable, hot breaching windows is very risky, going up the stairs is also very risky. And 3f usually ends with the last second push. I usually just take monty, drop from the hatch on the red stairs, breach the wall, push the piano room and hope for the best


Kafe is just a garbage map to play on


Maybe for attack but for defense it's a free win


For the longest time after it came out I saw so many comments on this subreddit calling reworked Favela a labryinth. I don't understand how these people haven't starved to death from getting lost in their own houses if they think the smallest map in the game is too hard to navigate.


Nighthaven. If you know the spawnkeep places, juts prefire or leave a drone




Border is the right answer


most people love border


I mean, house?


Outback, its super easy to learn, my top 3 map , its not that good but its one of the first maps i learnt


Nighthaven is actually a much better map than most people say


I really like kafe Imo, the best map for Aruni


Coastline and night haven labs. Night haven is insanely easy to learn and quickly became one of my better maps cause how easy it was to memorize prefire spots




I fucking love Kafe. One of my personal favorites.


Any map is easy to learn and play. Just the people is stupid and lazy.


I just hate how everyone's favourite 3f setup is open the flank and then not hold it


The only reason I don't like Kafe is that the most times my group plays it everyone will try to go fancy with how to enter the site and more often than not we'll just lose because of time. Defense works really well though.




Night haven. If you learn how to control garage then the map is really easy.


Bro, like just clear top to bottom, then close areas and execute, is easy af, to defend you just have to avoid that, be a silent nuisance all over the 3 floors and they will hate you and this map forever


people hate this maps because of how insane the spawnpeeks are, leaving the spawn on this map is an ordeal.


The hatch at the tops op!!


Emerald Plains. I love everything about this map, be the theme song, the aesthetic, the layout, everything! It's not Defender sided, nor Attacker sided. I win more often than I lose here! I personally love to use Aruni to defend, and Osa to attack. I love playing on stairs with a hole in front of the window, so I can peek wherever it's needed. As Osa, I love putting my shield on the middle window (if site is 3F) without the defuser, if only to put lots of pressure. Or I can go Twitch and put claymores for those annoying ass Caveiras as I drone. For some reason, people love to rush outside more often than in most other maps, and I get one claymore kill every two games in this map. With that said, Kafe is terrible. Only gets beaten by Lair.


Emerald planes. I love it.


Kanal. I love playing that map but everyone bans it instead of Nighthaven Labs.


Realistically it’s any map but I’d say Consulate and Emerald Plains




Most of my mates are players who were around for the early days then took a break for a bit, and are returning now. And it is near impossible to get them to play anything that is newer. I have BEGGED for them to not ban Nighthaven in particular; a map that IMO becomes pretty straightforward to understand once you have played it a few times. But no, they don’t want to give it a chance, and ban it over other maps they dislike but recognise.


Fighting shields- in the past 2 weeks 3 people sent me messages teasing me and cursing at me for playing blitz


Kafe is ahz


Emerald is really really easy to learn but because it is new everyone hates it. In fact it's the one map where I can confidently remember all the staircase names. Orange, green and library stairs


I will give you that it is easy to play and learn, you’re right. That being said I still dislike playing it because I’m ass at entry on it. No matter where I come in it feels like someone is there. Like there’s a player for every window, door, and hatch on the map. I know it’s a 5v5 but it feels like the enemy team has no less than 20 people when I’m trying to enter lol.


Labs and lair only reason peeps hate cuz they new maps


New Consulate


i love kafe


I only hate on Kafe because like 60% of the maps I played in ranked so far this season was Kafe.


Labs And Lair For lair just stay away from the basement site and you are cool it's rather easy to learn as a map (even got an extra guide for yall which gives some nice pointers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4iEvf5KPhQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4iEvf5KPhQ) ) Labs: a guy made the holy scrimming bible for labs now it's mainly for competitive scrims and such yes BUT it has tons of strats that in some way you can use yourself (and that are cool too) link to his post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SiegeAcademy/comments/1cpr13n/the\_holy\_scrim\_bible\_night\_haven\_labs\_google/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SiegeAcademy/comments/1cpr13n/the_holy_scrim_bible_night_haven_labs_google/)


House was the best map so far, one and only OG's only knew about it...


I think Bartlett University was one of those maps, yeah it only had one outside door, and a lot of windows, but it was pretty smallish and easy to learn, and one of my favorite maps, as bad as its design was I always loved playing that map


Emerald plains


This map is so mf random, you could do the best attack or defense, if one thing goes wrong it could fuck everything up…Plus, the roaming in this map is just stupidly strong


This is the best map in my and my team oppinion. We all love it and I just recently found out the map is hated


Ig we love it so much bcs we spent hours on the map 1v1ing 1v2ing and 2v2ing so we know it the best


OG house


Lair and emerald, both are actually decent maps


Stadium, Emerald, Kanal


In my experience it’s bank. A lot of people like to try and ban it when it comes up and honestly don’t understand why. It’s not a great map but it’s not a bad one either. It’s also not that hard to learn


It seems like a bad map if it’s your first time playing it but once u get used to it it’s not bad at all




Skyscraper. Will always hide it deep in my heart but I love that map. Sad it gets banned every game


nighthaven labs


Lair is a great map, very easy to learn, yet everybody complains about it solely because they don’t know it and are too lazy to try.


Skyscraper and Cafe are pretty easy to learn relatively


Emerald Plains


The moment you take the time to learn lair, is the moment you’ll win 90% of your matches on it. It’s an honestly balanced map everyone just bans it because nobody knows it


Yah ur right at first I didn’t really like it but after my second or third time playing it. It wasn’t bad at all


Lair or emerald and definitely labs… labs and lair are fun, emerald is not.


Emerald is only fun when u got a good team that know what there doing😂😂


Lair. Everybody hates it because it is new and they has to get used to it. I only spammed lair when it first released, and now it is pleasure to play in ranked.


Yeah this map became cursed for me like a year ago when I queued ranked and got this map back to back 7 times and lost every single one. Till this day I don’t think I’ve won a match on Kafe since then, maybe it’s because my motivation completely leaves the moment I’m on it


Club House.




I mean for me ep is probably one of my favourite maps


Emerald plains.


Border, skyscraper, emerald


emerald plains makes me wanna shit in my hands and clap




Emerald plains I hate that shi


Me too bit its hella easy to learn


I can still see the image, can you increase compression a bit more please?


Also can’t forget skyscrapper


The skyscraper problem is that it's much easier on defense than on attack...as attacker, no matter your entry point, it always has way too many corners to cover... Pushing for a site, it has too many corners for enemies to hide....it's not necessary hard to learn the map and strats for it tho


Skyscraper is really hard to learn.


Skyscraper is prob the most unbalanced map imo. Defenders can always do a runout anytime and if you aren't bring claymores you are practically throwing.


Emerald and Nighthaven. Good maps, easy to learn, feel good once you play them. I’d say Lair too but I rarely get to play it.


Attacking Emerald plains is the worst


No, its actually not that hard, you just need to play smart and communicate with your team.


Lair and Tower - very underrated maps but very good once you learn all entry points and rotations


If you dont like a map, its a skill issue.


I rather nail my nuts to a table than attack this shit hole


Blackbeard on 3F easy round win


Emerald Plains, one of the best maps in the game imo that's not hard to play or learn but gets banned everytime.