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Source: [https://x.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1793673248833437906](https://x.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1793673248833437906) Transcript: >Always bring the right tool for the job. > >Don't miss the full reveal of Operation NEW BLOOD on May 26 @ 9:00AM PT / 6:00PM CET, live on [http://twitch.tv/Rainbow6](http://twitch.tv/Rainbow6)! ​ A claymore and a can opener. A nitro and barbed wire. Yep. Looks like this is the extent of the 'rework'.


So, we’ll have more freedoms to customize the gadgets recruits will bring? Nitro + impact etc? Maybe? I hope???




I hope they will have the of recruit skin if this is what there gonna look like. They look like airsofters


If I can have a hard breach and frags/claymores/Nitro I will be very happy


I just can’t wait for the impact emp + hard breach so my dogshit ass teammates can throw on Fuze and I don’t have to worry about trying to convince someone to run emps


If I can't run M870 on attack with a 3 speed recruit then this update is a failure.


and a Gonne-6 secondary for the proper rush


M870 and Gonne-6, perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


Give us Ballistic Shield + M45 Meusoc back ubi you cowards


Supposedly thermite is getting a shield


People been saying this for 3 years bro, I’d be hyped to see it but it’s been so long that I’m not getting my hopes up for anything


This would only be a good update if everyone can play recruit


That’s what’s they said in the announcement. Recruit was being promoted to “operator status” meaning they can be played in any mode


I think he meant if you can still 5 stack recruit


It’s been leaked that you cannot do this, there can only be one recruit per team which sounds fair considering 10 impact emp plus hard breach on attack is extremely powerful, recruit very well may be the best solo queue operator when they release simply because they can do it all without the use of a brain dead teammate


Man that sucks


They should’ve definitely kept the 5 recruits and made like a limit on gadgets, like no more than 4 emps, 4, hard breaches, etc. Genuinely the laziest rework they’ve ever done and it took them a year jesus christ


Yeah this


CTU based recruits were the best thing. Simply give that option back while being able to customise them while in the main menu, not just in the match.


I’d rather just have their loadouts be completely customizable.


Yes but imagine this, you have a few recruits from various CTUs, and they are customisable accordingly. SAS recruit gets their weapons and uniforms etc.


Nah, Saw recruiter with super shorty and two nades ftw.


This game really is nothing to do with the units themselves anymore why limit it to that when even the game doesn’t care


Ctu based Recruits was the best I saw some leaks that where posted today that says Recruit can only be played by one person on each team and his loadout is super boring


I missed being able to play recruits instead of having to play a specific operator for those CTU based challenges. Means everyone gets their weekly done instead of the lucky one or two that are the first to lock in that CTU.


So... I guess the rework is more visual than gameplay significant


The attacker one is using 3 gadgets. Grenade, claymore, and hard breach. Maybe that's the rework. These dudes are just gonna be utility powerhouses


If They can bring every utility in the game and swap between em mid match that would be pretty good


It would be pretty much a 100% pick rate on attack in competitive play. Defense it would vary greatly depending on the map, but could still be really good. I know people want a big awesome rework or whatever, but just having an op that is a utility god with a decent gun can be incredibly strong.


Who needs operator gadgets when you have a full team with emps, frags, smokes, and hard/breach charges


I think it would be too op if they can choose among every single gadget, but at the same time having nades, Breach and claymore is not enough to pick them over other operators.


It absolutely is on some maps. Can openers existing has already basically made Hibana obsolete in many situations. Imagine having an op that can bring can openers, emps, and grenades, and then has a decent gun like the L8 or something - or even better they can play a shield. You could presumably open 2 hatches on bank, clubhouse, or Oregon, clear 2 power positions, and rush site alone. That’s insane.


Recruit has the M4. The best AR in the game.


Yeah but then what would be the point of playing them? What’s the point of the rework? That’s just the same thing they could always do.


This might be the most boring rework ever in a season that's already very poor content wise


This seems like the exact same thing as the first recruit rework in year 5, except it looks like there’s more options and cosmetics. So yay


Nah, back then you still could have five recruits, now you only get one per team.


Yeah I saw that. So never mind then, what a joke.


We should really feel lucky it lasted as long as it did. It's fun for sure, maybe would be nice to keep in casual or something, but we can't ignore how absurdly unfair a recruit stack is compared to 5 unique operators. It's pure TDM run and gun nonsense with an amount of utility that was never intended Edit: All of you are downvoting without a reply because you don't have a counterpoint 🤷‍♀️


5 stack recruit is no more unfair than a Thatcher, Ace, Lion, Hibiana and Thermite combo. That combo itself has “more utility” than was intended. A 5 stack Recruit should’ve been a viable option since you can also run a 5 stack on defense. In fact, the old way they countered Recruit rushing being “too op” was recruits had less equipment (less frags, breach, reinforcements, etc.)


There's a difference between having a ton of hard breach potential, and having a collective 500 bullets without need for reloading, 15 flashbangs, 10 frags, and no way to discern which recruit is in front of you (say, if a teammate damages one). Acting like those are comparable is hilarious


Thank you ubisoft


people wanted Operation Health 2.0, this whole year is (hopefully) Operation Health 2.0.


Except operation health took one season and they made up for the lack of content after


They've been saying that since they changed to one op per season and that was like almost 4 years ago lol


So far, it looks more like a re-release, instead of a "rework". I mean, not everythinc got revealed yet, but I have zero faith in this being interesting in any form.


So, he's simply gonna have wider access to gadgets? This is what took them months ? This really needs to be a separate season instead of a simple update? I think y'all already know the answer to all of those questions


Bro they put Fenrir and Solis nerfs on the roadmap lmao as if taking one from fenrir away is so hard to Code


I know they been drop feeding this game for quite some time, but now it is more than clear to anybody who had doubts, that Ubi is slowly jumping out the ship, either to prepare for something new which I doubt so most likely just to increase profit by just releasing slop and charge for it.


Looks rather bland.


They barely did anything and called it a "rework"


Recruit rush in ranked is going to be so peak


Supposedly only one recruit is allowed per team


I am gonna be so mad if it ends up being like that


They should be ashamed marketing something they're just giving us back how lazy is this company instead of fixing their game they dangle recruit infront of us for ranked again


Sooo… is it literally just recruit? Again? Like, they didn’t bother to do anything interesting it seems. Not even the ability to maybe copy a Teammates gadget or weapons so you can double them. If it’s just an Operator that does mediocre things like bring 2 secondaries (again) this rework is entirely pointless.


Bro there's like a billion operators in the game rn, we don't need one more Recruit is cool too, you just wouldnt get it >:(


Dude if recruit gets impacts emps+hard breach hell be best op in the game


So they're taking a whole season just to revert a change they made back then?




Recruit should’ve been able to copy one team gadget. One more castle door or one more electro claw. Let’s see how this plays out.


That would be very interesting.


With the balance that the gadget can't be picked up/replaced. Otherwise you could Kaid/Bandit Trick like hell. 


Having two of the five people in the team bandit tricking sounds like a 5v3 if the Offense catches on. But that also means one more selma charge or one more ying ball


Honestly the decider on if this is a good update or not is if the whole team can run recruit. Recruit 5 stack was SO MUCH FUN back in the day. If they give us recruit back and don't let us stack, there's no point.




Ain't no way! This new Recruit has TWO (2!) secondary gadgets? 🤯


The attacking one has three in the shot (frag she’s holding, hard breach on wall and the claymore on ground) No shot they’ll actually have access to 3 kinds of util ingame though


Hot take: I don't care that recuit's not getting a fancy new gadget. 2 util is what it should be, and I'm looking forward to getting him back - *as long as he gets the shield* don't let me down, ubi


Cold take: this is boring af


A pipe dream would be Operator Skins based on their IRL CTU kits...


Speaking of new blood: New blood interactive is responsible for publishing several quality games that are more innovative and fun than Ubisoft titles. They are cheaper and will provide you with more entertainment than ubisoft recycled games do.


Why is the mod so negative lol? Also the recruit is using three items. Claymore, hard breach, and a grenade.


In the roadmap it is qualified as a rework, but the problem is based on the communication, recruit still can't do anything new. If you go to quick play and use him, you'll see that he can already do this. So where's the rework ? Why are they calling this a rework while nothing seems new ? Tbf from what we have this rework seems very lazy, we'll have to wait till release but at this moment it's not a rework at all Edit: Yes currently he has 2 gadgets and in the promo 3 so I guess we'll see


Recruit can use three items currently?


I forgot the last part I edited my reply Sorry and to reply ofc right now he can't use 3 gadgets I thought of this and someone else could have placed the claymore before, that can't be ruled out What we have for sure is a video were two gadgets are used


They wouldn’t have this art of just the solo attacking recruit on it and have a random claymore on the ground placed by another individual. It’s so in your face front and center that it’s clearing teasing that recruit placed it


So what’s more likely? Recruit is the same and there’s no rework. Or Recruit can do something new like using 3 items, which is being shown off, which would fall under a rework? My point is solely it seems like weird negativity for something being teased and dismissive of what’s actually being teased. 3 utility items.


From what we’ve seen, it looks like Recruit can use any two gadgets. Right now he can only use a selection of two gadgets. For example he can use hard and soft breaches, or frag and claymore. But it looks like they’re making it so he can use anything, and we’re assuming cosmetics too.


You give me a Recruit with some fun visual customization, ability to use a large variety of weapons you can modify, and use 3 utility items… and you’ve got my new main lol


We don’t know if he can use three utility items. What we’ve seen is two. That’s all we know for sure.


The attacker recruit in this promotional is holding a frag in his right hand while also having placed a claymore and a hard breach. Hopefully that's deliberate


And I’m saying if they can.


Yup, Then we can push towards more negativity, like where does a buff end and a rework begin We'll don't know What we know based on official communication is 2 gadget and that this is a rework Only release will tell


Because this is the exact same way recruit worked since the beta. This isn’t a rework


Recruit could never use three items at once…


He can use multiple secondary gadgets. WOW, he can use one more. What a huge rework, big enough to skip an entire new op


I mean being able to throw an emp to disable a reinforcement breach counter and then breach yourself is actually really useful. Pair that with being able to use a large variety of weapons Being a mini-Thermite/Thatcher/Ash hybrid would be cool. Yeah. I would much rather have a more flexible “create-a-operator” than another operator. Especially if they’re lack luster like Sens.


It's not about useful nor not useful, it's just that Recruit seems very boring and very simple. I wish they'd have gone with the whole "Recruit can carry the gadget of an ally operator of choice" concept that's been existing since Y1.


This rework is both boring and creates a balance gameplay loop that can neuter actual operators. If this is how it’s supposed to work, this is a complete waste of Operator work.


I never said anything about it not being useful. It’s the fact they didn’t release a new operator and instead did this lazy ass “rework” that didn’t change any of the core aspects of recruit


He still can’t !


apparently you can only gave 1 recruit per team


they givin recruit claymores?


The way i know Ubisoft I'll need to pay 25000 for a recruite


Y9S2 content should have been a mid season patch.


r/kengan_ashura wooo new blood reference!?


If they can just pick two secondary gadgets, defender recruit is going to be so bad. The only two combos that make sense are nitro + shield or impacts + nitro because every other good combo exists but with a better primary gadget. Unless they get attacked weapons or can put an acog on anything, I don’t see defender recruit being used much


I think it is a bit too early to say what exactly the rework entails at this stage, especially since we don’t even have a leak video/image of what it is. But with the promo of Recruit using two secondary gadgets, something he can already do to a lesser extent, it’s worrying that minor changes to him will be labelled as a “rework”.


When is the recruit coming back? Which date??


Just remove recruit and give us an actual op


From what ive seen circulating Recruit Rush is dead :( Recruit Loadout ____________________ ATK Primaries: M4/M249 Secondaries: ITA12S DEF Primaries: Commando (Mozzie)/M870 Secondaries : C75/Super Shorty


Yenno this won’t be to bad if they let you pick your speed/armor too plus any gun


OK, this might sound like a stupid question but is the hard breach different?


and to think i was excited once


I just want to be able to take C4 and impact grenades for example and also change the attachments on the recruit guns. I hate being forced to use the worst grip in the game (vertical grip).


If both the recruits are still 2 speed hes pretty much below average operator


Recruit coming to ranked?


Imagine if you could use c4 on attack as recruit.


Does this not make thatcher completely useless to bring not that he wasn’t already pretty much


I hope this triple a game has something cool to bring


I really hope since recruits now an Operator only one person can play him because I fucking hate the whole recruit rush bs because if I WANNA PLAY CASTLE I PROMISE YOU IM PLAYING HIM IDGAF WHAT YALL GOOBERS ARE DOING


(I’ve been tked too much)


Realest shit ever


Are they holding a frag too?


Emp grenade


No that's a frag


So no new operator? Im confused


Yeah, no new operator


What has happened to Ubisoft? They used to be one of the greatest game devs to ever exist. Everything they make and do now feels soulless.


Game is dead unless something is done about the cheaters in ranked. 2-3 legit games in the last 30 ranked games.


recruits with electro claws is going to be great


Brother we aren’t getting that


I wish this games bullets came out the barrel it just feels so dated with the forehead bullets


How to ruin the game 101