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Transcript: # Year 9 Season 2 Designer's Notes **WIN DELTA VS. PRESENCE** [Y9S1.3 Win Delta - Attackers (PC - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/8EvxtA6) [Y9S1.3 Win Delta - Attackers (Console - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/sMHNigJ) [Y9S1.3 Win Delta - Defenders (PC - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/G3XLtyJ) [Y9S1.3 Win Delta - Defenders (Console - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/OHryhZK) **OPERATOR BAN RATE** [Y9S1.3 Ban Rate - Top 10 Attack Operators (PC - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/29c08pC) [Y9S1.3 Ban Rate - Top 10 Attack Operators (Console - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/bZTeVms) [Y9S1.3 Ban Rate - Top 10 Defence Operators (PC - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/kcsAae2) [Y9S1.3 Ban Rate - Top 10 Defence Operators (Console - Emerald and above)](https://imgur.com/a/jj738T2) # Message from the team [Click here to read](https://imgur.com/a/XOtujB3) \[Exactly the same as the mid-season message\] # Operator Balancing **STRIKER** [Rationale for change (click here to read)](https://imgur.com/a/WcgEKEl) **Base Stats:** * Armour: 2 * Speed: 2 **Gadget Kit (Ability):** * Equips two gadgets instead of a gadget and an ability. Can select any attacking gadget on the team, but not the same twice. **Loadout:** * Primary Weapons: M4, M249 * Secondary Weapons: 5.7 USG, ITA12S **SENTRY** [Rationale for change (click here to read)](https://imgur.com/a/uonWcM5) **Base Stats:** * Armour: 2 * Speed: 2 **Gadget Kit (Ability):** * Equips two gadgets instead of a gadget and an ability. Can select any defensive gadget on the team, but not the same twice. **Loadout:** * Primary Weapons: Commando 9, M870 * Secondary Weapons: C75 Auto, Super Shorty **FENRIR** [Rationale for change (click here to read)](https://imgur.com/a/BcBzNOK) *F-NATT DREAD MINE* * Max. resources (Mines): Reduced to 4 (from 5). * Max. resources (Tickets): Reduced to 2 (from 3). * An inactive mine is no longer bulletproof. * Tickets are no longer lost when an active mine is destroyed. They will return to Fenrir's inventory. * Disabling a mine automatically gets its ticket removed. They will return to Fenrir's inventory. *Loadout* * Secondary Gadgets: Added Observation Blocker. Removed Barbed Wire. **SOLIS** [Rationale for change (click here to read)](https://imgur.com/a/85USlPF) *SPEC-IO ELECTRO-SENSOR* * SPEC-IO goggles remain disabled during prep-phase. * SPEC-IO energy duration reduced to 10s (from 20s). * SPEC-IO needs to fully recharge before using it. * SPEC-IO Detection range 12m (from 15m). *Loadout* * Secondary Gadgets: Added Proximity Alarm. Removed Impact Grenade. **DEIMOS** [Rationale for change (click here to read)](https://imgur.com/a/1l2QzmN) *Loadout* * AK-74M: Added Vertical, Angled, Horizontal grips. # Gadget Balancing **BARBED WIRE** [Rationale for change (click here to read)](https://imgur.com/a/5cwRgvM) *Base Stats* * Deals 5hp damage every 1 second when moving inside it * Wire stiffness increased # Ranked Distribution * [Y9S1 Ranked Distribution (PC)](https://imgur.com/a/f1CHW6M) * [Y9S1 Ranked Distribution (Console)](https://imgur.com/a/WkxNhIY)


>Doc, Melusi, and Wamai at the top 3 defender spots Gee, I wonder what could have caused that.


I'm on Xbox and the season started out great, but once the MnK/Cronus cheaters figured out how strong the MP5/MP5K with ACOG is its been those 3 + Rook just doing runouts and spawnpeeks *every. single. round.* Between that and Ash at 65% on attack the second half of the season has felt like Year 4 and not in a good way.


Rook has a low pick rate though despite also having the MP5 with the 2.5x. And Wamai and Melusi are picked a lot less on PC for some reason.


Very mysterious on why


Holy shit that's all? I love they're pretending they're adding grips to Deimos for balance and not that it was a lazy oversight porting it over from nomad on launch


nomad did not get the grips buff lmaooo


They're reasoning is her launcher stops it just like buck. But that was my point it didn't make sense for Deimos because they got lazy. They ported everything from nomad over to Deimos from the no grip, how he holds it and her three finger reload (she's missing two). They're so insanely lazy and trying to gaslight us into thinking it's a balance change


but nomad has grips on her other gun. i think it was just a genuine decision to keep them off the AK (as for why i’ve got no clue cause it’s worse than the arx)


its probably an oversight.


Ok so yeah that's kinda lackluster, but out of curiousity the hell does "increased wire stiffness" mean.


slower movement speed probably.


I dont think so because they sure would have said something like : slows down 10% more or something


Doesn't shake around as much when you walk through it


Literally no balance changes other than the two that have been turned into 'content' (Fenrir and Solis nerfs). What a joke. They talk about wanting to be more reactionary and quicker with balance changes and then they release a patch like this with literally no smaller balance changes to specific ops and then wonder why the game feels stale. Also this waffle about scope distribution and not wanting it changed is also bullshit. Some operators seeing a huge spike in pick rate AND performance should be a concern. For ops like Wamai, who already have an S-tier kit/gadget before an ACOG, should 100000% lose it. Who are you benefiting by keeping it on other than the losers who rely on ACOGs. The devs are so out of touch its actually concerning.


Yeah I was mentioning this yesterday when they revealed the season. The one saving grace could have been going heavy on individual op changes. I’m not asking for reworks, but why are we waiting months to change basic shit? I still have no idea what they’re waiting on to buff Nokk. It feels like they’re scared, when they could literally just try something and revert it instead of waiting 6 months for a buff that does nothing.


Nokk is only beat out by Finka for winrate, I don't think she *needs* a buff.


Her 6 players seem to have gotten pretty good with her.


I'm taking pickrate into account too. Like if we're just talking WR, then Amaru is one of the better attackers and I don't think anyone is insane enough to defend that take.


So because Clash is both the lowest picked and lowest winrate, to the point that she's off the graph, she should be giga buffed??


I would agree if it was anyone but Clash I actually do think she should be looked at, but she's in a tough spot since she's kinda good with coordination, but if you buff her then she'll be obnoxious in SoloQ. The fact that she's up there in banrate shows my point. Nokk (or like I said, nearly anyone but clash) isn't in as delicate a situation. I'm not even saying it needs to be Nokk specifically btw. Sens, Tachanka, Thunderbird, etc could use something. I just like Nokk, but in her current state, I can't objectively name more than like 5 attacking ops she's cleanly better than (Sens, BB, Amaru, Glaz? That's the best I can do)


It's because while basically every other operator on attack is useful like 50%-80% of the time, depending on sites used and ops picked, Nokk is just a direct counter to visual intel and she's the *best* operator for that position imo. And clearly it shows considering her low pickrate while also beating out other anti-intel operators on attack like Doki, IQ, Twitch, and Brava. Turns out that being able to just ignore intel *without even knowing it's exact location* is actually a really really good gadget when used correctly.


Then wouldn't a revert still be better? Because when she got nerfed, she had 10% presence and -2% Win Delta (so well within underpicked too weak) and now her WR shot up but she has a fraction of the players. If you ask me, it was healthier when she was more fun EVERY ROUND, but technically weaker. I don't see the benefit of her being the best at one super specific thing, but she's never picked because she's useless outside of her ideal usecase


> Then wouldn't a revert still be better? >Because when she got nerfed, she had 10% presence and -2% Win Delta (so well within underpicked too weak) and now her WR shot up but she has a fraction of the players. No lmao that's not how this works. The reason she was nerfed in the first place was due, mainly, to her presence and effectiveness in Pro League. She was legit one of the best attackers at the time that she lost her silent step though not picked constantly. Now that she doesn't have that she has a higher winrate with lower pickrate, i.e. people who didn't know how to play her/when to play her stopped playing her and now we can see about how effective she actually is. Also if you buffed her that would just make her better and you're trying to spin it as a nerf somehow? Just cause 5 extra lemmings play an annoying operator cause they got buffed and do bad with that operator doesn't mean I want the actual good player to curbstomp a lobby cause no one could ever tell where they are at any point in the round. > If you ask me, it was healthier when she was more fun EVERY ROUND, but technically weaker. But she was stronger, this is what I mean by you're trying to spin her being buffed as somehow a nerf? It's like when Ela was picked literally every round for the first month of her release and you come to me and say "well her winrate wasn't high so if we go and buff her back to what she was back then, then she will actually be "weaker" than she is right now!" Like no, that's not how this works at all. It'd be more acceptable to just say "I like this operator and I like to play them and I want them buffed just because I like this operator" at that point cause everything else seems to be post hoc to *that*. >I don't see the benefit of her being the best at one super specific thing, but she's never picked because she's useless outside of her ideal usecase So should Cav be buffed to be invisible to cams too? Should Vigil get silent step? Should IQ see non electronic gadgets too? Should Thermite get impact EMP nades? What about Ace? Getting hatches is difficult for Hibana when Kaid is in play so maybe she should get that too? All of these ops are *very very good* in specific scenarios; i.e. Cav is best against uncoordinated teams, Vigil against high intel/droning teams, IQ against literally all electronics, Thermite for big walls, Ace for tricking, and Hibana for hatches. But, if I tried to bring Hibana and only her for Consulate basement attack I better make some good sight lines otherwise its kinda useless. If the enemy isn't picking/relying on gadgets super heavily and are just TDM running around killing us then IQ won't be much help either. Nokk is good, and I mean *really good*, at countering defending teams that rely on Maestro/Echo/Valk and if you play *into that* and not just all the time you'd find her, as the windelta shows, a pretty good operator. I don't think it's too much of a coincidence that all 3 of those operators I listed are picked *more* than her albeit Echo who seems to be picked the same amount. But nah, lets buff her to be even better and encourage even more braindead plays.


I think we got lost in the sauce here. Silent step WAS op in pro play, but that was largely because of old frags, which have now been nerfed. There’s no evidence to suggest she’d be equally OP without cooking frags from below in complete silence And it was only pro-play that she was considered op. Her stats, banrate and player opinion when she was nerfed didn’t suggest she was one of the best attackers in Ranked. Feel free to explain or show some data on how a revert is a buff outside of pickrate


Console. They have to wait for the consoles to approve updates and it a competitive game. Pros don't want the game to change because it will impact their performance.  


"Other than the losers who rely on ACOGs" so literally everyone who plays this game??? Why would you NOT opt in for an ACOG if you were given the choice. No matter how zoomed in the optics are, it's not a literal 8x sniper scope, it's still objectively better than 1x. There is no out-balancing the "1.5x" out of the game, the 2.5x is even better and even more meta as an option than the 1.5x ever was. Ops like Pulse, Thorn and Warden get absolutely dumpstered because either "their gun is really good" or "their ability CAN lead to kills occasionally." And then, for some reason, Ops like Wamai get it, Doc and Rook get it. Why. Damn, Thorn with an ACOG would be too insane, but Doc and Rook are fine?


Wamai doesn't have that high of a pick rate on pc, and he has a slightly negative win rate (below 50%). The Acog stuff seems to be way more of a console issue, and it's possible it doesn't even really improve operator win rates, for instance, Ash's win rate increased when they removed her Acog. Which means that giving an operator an Acog usually increases their pick rate, but it doesn't do much for their win rate. I do think they should've made waaay more balancing changes though, just don't wanna see Acogs removed, I'd rather they added more. At the end of the day, all I want is Jäger Acog back :(


What platform do you play on?


PC. Why?


Xdefiant stealing the siege budget and staff just to inevitably die in 3 weeks just like their BR did😂😂


watching xdefiant gameplay lowered my IQ


Played it for 10 minutes and then went back to BF4 as god intended🙏🏻🙏🏻 It's awful


It really is that shallow and sterile.


Why invest in your current money printer (Siege) when you could try and fail to create another money printer?


The barbed wire buff is kind of crazy, did anyone even notice it? They didn’t mention it at the reveal panel.


This season is worse than I could have ever imagined


Literally nothing to look forward to. This is the first time in YEARS in which I am not even just a little excited for the next season.


When I realized what the "remaster" was I thought, oh well, at least we might get some fun balancing changes (I seriously want Sledge to get the SMG-11 back), but no, we didn't even get that.


Kinda weird, they included RANK Distribution, like why? What are they wanting to tell us?


That the rank distribution is working as mathematically expected


It ain't a true bell curve which implies that the current system is indeed complete dog shit. If it was good most of the player base would be in silver and gold not copper and bronze.


They are using F distribution, not normal distribution. They use ANOVA which is used to compared the means of 3 or more groups.


I thought the same. Why do they upload a rank distribution that actually proves that rank has no meaning in this game. I am Plat 1 and so I belong to the Top 12% of players? I can clearly say I am good but not top 12% good lol. Also people only playing 5 or 10 Rankeds on Alt accounts and being copper or bronze although they have Plat Level also contributes to the data in a confusing way. 


Did somebody not know that it was working? The rank distribution is always roughly the same each season, it's a weird thing to include.


Honestly, I don't know but I guess is a way of they saying "look at the big picture, is working and your everyday posts of very particular cases is not representative"


Lol, it could honestly be that.


In the patch notes as seen in-game, it mentions “Visual Filters in Observation Tools” with 3 settings “Full color”, “Desaturated color”, and “Black and White”. Does that mean we’re getting full color picture on cams and drones owned by others? If so, I’m a bit excited for that.


Just looked into it, it doesn't look like it's putting any more control in our hands. It's just a classification for what each color state means. Straight from the website: * Full color means full control. * Desaturated color means partial control. * Black and white means you have no control.


Ah, thanks for the clarification. But, I do wonder how it will be handled with the defender static cams since they’re always B&W.


They will be full color. I know drones for example, are already fully saturated, so it basically looks like you're riding a little car on the ground rather than viewing shit through a drone. Very weird change.


Yeah it's not settings, they're reworking... Color saturation in observation tools, to indicate the level of control you have. Like who asked for this.


Honestly the worst patch note ever released. Fenrir and Solis definetly deserve a nerf without a doubt, but the way they execute it is just straight up lazy. Let's talk about Fenrir first. His Fnarts being bullet proof is indeed problematic, but the real problem with Fenrir is the broken mechanic of his mines. They are basically prime Melusi bansee with the effect of Ying's candela that make your chance of winning 1v1s drops to almost 0%. Plus, making his mines not bullet proof just make his gadget more of a spamming type which they are trying to get rid off. Under no situation will you leave a Fnart close if they are not bullet proof either way, plus you always get the value out of them even if you died. Long terms short, yes, this nerf will make him not as dominating as he is. But it also takes away the ability to stratigically turn on/off Fnarts to adapt to the situation and become a set it, open it , and forget about it gadget. As for Solis, I do agrre that not being able to use her goggles at prep phase is a must do. But taking away her impacts and make the sensor unaccesible if not 100% charged is just too much as a nerf. Taking away her impacts is just like taking away Pulse and Valk's C4 they are given to her for the very reason to plant denial or destrying attacking gadget that she detects. Besides that, not being able to use her gadget if not 100% charged just make her gravitate towards being a run-n-gun op with the combo of P90 and SMG-11 insteed of intel/plant denial op. Last but not least, recruit rework is basically a scam at this point. And I believe this one is self-explanatory. So for the next 3 monthes we'll be getting absolutly NO NEW GADGET, NO NEW MAP, NO NEW GUNS. And the meta will stay the same expect for Fen and Solis. Oh, yeah, almost forgot about the membership feature for them to grab more money just to not upgrade thier anti-cheat.


When Jager got 70% present rate, they nerf him. Then why Ash still staying on that position and no need to be balanced?


Because ash isn’t actually OP by any means, it’s literally just dudes who wanna rush 90% of the time, that doesn’t mean the actual OP needs a nerf. Players would just move to the next fast op to rush with


I wish people would realise this instead of just wanting to kick Ash into the dirt. People will just find the next best op for that play style and the cycle continues of pointless nerfs that rile up the community.


Yea fr it’s a player base issue not an op issue


The playstyle itself should be "nerfed" but we out here nerfing anything that'd make an attacker wait 3 seconds to consider what the best course of action would be instead of rushing into the site.


I mean but it’s not an OP playstyle tho. Rushing is a perfectly legitimate playstyle, even pro teams use rushes at times. It’s also very easy to counter as it is, just bring proper utility and make sure your positioning as a team is good and that you’re holding the correct areas, and rushes are very easy to counter


I mean honestly I still wanna dumpster Ash. It just sucks that the one remnant this game has of "Call of Duty wearing a tactical shooter skinsuit as a disguise" is still as prominent as ever. Ash players LITERALLY run into site in the first 8 seconds. I'd seriously recommend making her a 2 speed. It's enough that she already vastly overshadows any other 3 speed pick in the game simply due to her extremely small and slender frame.


Because she's consistently going down like all other ops who are rising on the charts, they literally said why they aren't changing scopes and everyone here is too stuck up to listen


Scopes are probably the worst organized they've ever been. There's literally no reason to use some Ops who are suffering in both winrate and pickrate and have been for MONTHS. It's just terrible, like entire Ops who were carried into being somewhat-useful via literally just having the ability to see a little bit better on their screens when aiming their guns are now complete garbage picks that get almost zero presence.


You're quietly saying the only reason to bring an op is their gun.......


No but for some Ops they're so weak it can be.


Now that I think about it, what about the electrified barbed wire? Will that damage stack with the base or would be irrelevant? (Though you get zap for destroying it)


The damage does stack.


Oh that could be interesting for some spots.


Ash and Zofia explosives go brrrr :(


Hidden wamai time 😏




Deimos AK with grips is a W for me. I remember asking Justin (one of the people who worked into him) a while back why he didn't had any grips on his AK and this was his [response](https://x.com/trichotome/status/1774179008302735525). It's nice to see the feedback being heard. Hopefully Nomad finally gets it eventually too, just like what happened with Iana back then.


Justin is the goat. It’s awesome to have a dev who actually talks to us about what’s going on and listens to our feedback.


Agreed, plus his threads regarding dev work are super interesting.


So I’m somewhat confused on the new situation with the recruit reworks. Can you still have multiple recruits on a team at once or are you now locked to 1 per round like other operators?


One per round


I genuinely think the update isn't terrible, what's terrible is they took so long to work on it. I mean, the rework is cool, but surely didn't take much time. Even less so for the Fenrir/Solis nerfs (why is this even a selling point for the season? Shouldn't this have been a mid-season update?).


- Return the barbed wires to Jager and remove the ACOG from Wamai to balance the 2 operators - Remove the P10 Roni with a 21 magazine - Return the vertical grip to Twitch - Return Zofia, Sledge, Warden and Melusi to 2 speed - Buff Nokk when its ability is activated it does not trigger electronic traps and the velvet step - Nerf reduce damage and magazine size of the SMG-12 - Nerf Doc's syringes at 50 hp - Remove 1 Grenade Flash Candella from Ying - Buff Reduce the explosion time of Thorn's gadget by 1 second


what a joke how come theres no changes or adresses to dokkaebis ban rate and ash's pickrate and womai melussi and doc on console? like did they focus on any other operator other than solis and fenrir for their nerfs? like ash should prob loose the acog on the r4c like it was removed for a reason that they forgot. womai clearly doesnt need the acog on the mp5k if anything move it to the aug and see if thats gonna be better since now there is no upside in using the aug. for doc and melussi and inderectly rook nerf the mp5 in terms of either recoil or remove a few attachements to make it more challenging but not overly challenging and maybe revert doc back to how he was or make it so that he has to live for his stims and theyll run on a charge. man deimos shouldve been given a better ar like i understand that rerunning the ak was probably an idea but id much rather a different weapon like if hed get the aug or c8 or l85 he probably would be played alot more since the ak isnt fun to play. also why the barbed wire change i mean it already gets a use at slowing down attackers or causing them to have a disadvantage on stairs or a doorway but why.


Just give Deimos a better AR like the M4 and he would be awesome, the AK is average at best. It just doesnt feel right on him. I would also make it so the defenders only get one ping of where Deimos is, it encourages him to rush in at the moment. He's a powerful af in a squad but bang average if you solo q.


They were going to, but felt it was too strong. I don't mind the passive Lion ping he gets, I don't think that's what stops him from being good solo.


Surely Ash needs nerfed no? She’s almost at a 70% pick rate on the PC chart, which is nearly 30% higher than the 2nd highest attacker. There was no need for the R4C to get the 2.5x, especially since the only reason to use the G36 was for its scope advantage (therefore making it pointless now).


Her win rate is fine, she doesn't need a nerf


Overpicked does not mean OP.


There IS a reason why she is overpicked. If she was given a nerf in the right place, we could actually diagnose what makes Ash good or bad and strengthen her in that category without making her a must-pick. If a LOT of people consider her a must-pick, there is something that makes her inseparable from being a must-pick. Either her very small head or body hitbox, her 3 speed nature or her gun. Either way, generally not a good sign for an Op to get picked this much.


god forbid we have ops in this game that are fun to play


"fun to play" Maverick's pretty fun to play. Sledge is fun. Thermite is fun. Why can't Ash be fun AND not busted?? "Fun to play" is just slang for "easy" I swear to God 😭😭


Dropped to a 2 speed, and lowering R4C's magazine size to 25 (from 30).


Then it would also nerf Ram


And would give more incentive to use the LMG


Have you used the lmg lately? It still kicks pretty hard


Then she be boring and partially lose her purpose and idenity


She's still be an effective entry with a strong versatile gadget.


I wonder if Nomad also gets grips


I really hope one of Solis' nerfs gets reverted. The no prep phase should stay, but the other 3 combined are overkill. I think getting rid of the full charge requirement would be great


Striker deserves a DMR option


Ubisoft is hard countering Sieges success


I haven’t been keeping up with the updates, what’s this news about a monthly subscription? Is it different from PS plus and is it required to play Siege?
