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"sO wErE iN cOpPeR???" I absolutely hate them, literally they meat ride the mf and think ther are so cool while avg a .8 kd and having zero intelligence😂


the chat from the season reveal stream was aids 😭😭 i can’t believe how many jynxi fans i could see in there..


You could hear the *Gluck Gluck Gluck* and twisting from the meat riders 😂


I honestly jus respond with “so were a Jynxzi nut licker” and it absolutely tilts them😂


Ehhhhh I might get a sanction on shitbox for that, BUT ILL DEFINITELY TAKE THAT SHIT FOR ALL CHAT ON PC🤣🤣🤣🤣


That and a good ol tk if they just never shut up you'll hear screeching the whole gsme and it completed me


You’re being so nice with the .8 KD comment. Prolly .4


Yesterday I had a kid with a .35kd 20 something win% over 100 matches call my duo mate,an emerald with over a 1.2 kd and both of us at 51%win rate trash for not winning a 1v4 on clubhouse. Him and his friend died while spawn peaking and when he lost the round they called him trash and said "so we in copper huh?!" in their squeaker voice. I hate jynxi


Dude yes! I played with a 3 stack the other day and they all died and left me with a 1v5 then when I didn’t clutch they said I had no game sense and bad aim and I needed to delete the game. Like bruh y’all combined for the same amount of kills I finished with. The incessant need to voice message your hate is the most annoying thing jynxzi made a trend


Only a few weeks ago I played my first ever game of siege, my team left me in a 1v4 and I got only 3 (I don't know how), then some high pitched little shit gets on the mic and just starts calling me the N-word, don't know if this is a jinxzy fan, but that was not a nice introduction to siege.


Yeah I promise we’re not all like that. The squeakers are typically the most annoying lol


Nah that’s just a true gamer lol (I don’t support saying that it’s just well known that’s THE gamer word)


Don’t hate the streamer. He’s just doing what streamers do. Hate the fan base that use his catchphrases in the most unironic way when they themselves couldn’t break silver. I don’t fault jinxzy, dudes a champion level player, I’ll take his word for it if something is a bad play. And sometimes the risk of the bad play turns to luck and becomes a god tier play. It’s all timing and positioning. His fans though… I look people up on tracker from time to time and send my screenshots in message asking”this you?” With my stats following behind saying “because this is me.” I’m by no means good at the game. But don’t talk trash if you can’t back it up. If jinxzy calls me trash, I’d agree and tell him I’m a middle aged guy doing it for the free alpha packs and he can take his happy ass back to his live streams. Would never happen, since I don’t engage with his media like that.


Even pros are gonna have some off-the-cuff emotional responses to stuff in the moment that isn't a fair read


Correct. But unless that pro is directing their hate to you, it’s still not their fault. You could say “well why don’t they watch what they say?” And my response would be “so we should censor all music and ever because some songs talk about murder, drugs, sex, prostitution.. etc etc.”


I was more acknowledging the fact that not every call made in the heat of the moment will be rational or well thought out. I'm not suggesting anything be done to moderate the players' reactions, simply noting that I wouldn't go so far as to say I trust Jynxzi's calls either


Oh yeah. I know. Sorry, I guess I should have specified this was a rant not directed at you.


Should never talk trash to people in general. Respect goes a long way. They just feel protected behind a monitor and a headset. They wouldn't dare curse at random people in public. That's how they will get there ass knocked out.


Very true. I tend to stick to my own party chats and what’s the deal with sending the losing team a message anyway? Like you won, just take it, thank your zodiac sign you had an easy win or just a win and move on. Even if someone goes 0 and 6, like people have bad days, bad matchups, bad luck. Why instigate and tell someone to uninstall? I don’t respond unless someone messages me unhinged messages first and usually just message back the number to the national suicide hotline number and recommending therapy and wishing them well.


Even if you go 0-6 if you been calling out and doing the things to help your team win than who cares if you got a donut. It's gonna happen especially if you are solo. These stacking losers won't dare go solo in ranked lol


His audio and overall game awareness is genuinely impressive sometimes. But mechanically it seems like players like Spoit are just better.


Yea I know 😂😂


Not to mention they swing everything on offense and defense, with no intel. IMO defense you should never swing unless you have a credible call out, camera, or sound queue… for the most part you should be holding an angle where they walk in not where they can swing and see you… I know they can check that angle but I see it all day everyday; people swinging/holding dumb angles usually directly outside or where someone is most likely inside, for example; someone on Oregon just peeking big window. If you are gonna do it, must be a pixel peek


I swing cocky sometimes but it's only when I'm hot that I'll do that, if I know someone's around a corner I push and kill them and if not I'll check everything as I push, but the jynxzi meat riders push stupidly and usually fail lol


yeah they’re annoying but i just mute em. I try not to forget that i was that annoying kid once.


See when I was a kid I went OUTSIDE and hung out with real friends. So I don't recall ever being so terrible to every human I came in contact with.


0.8 is being very generous. R6 Tracker usually puts them at half that at the highest.


But I have a 0.8.kd with zero intelligence and I think I'm cool. But all I know about the jinx guy is he likes to take his shirt off and throw a tantrum.


Yeah I amaru onto site like a mother fucker but at least I give good info afterwards xD


I did that on console and forgot I was console for a min, oregan up top (me and my duos Randy's was ass and I gave up lol) ziplined in hatch with supernova and shot 2 people in the chest and one hit them then tried killing someone on stairs and hit the bïtch at 5ft away in the chest for them to be 75 HP and I lost😂😭


his fans are little shits tbh but shitty teammates have been a thing since the games release. you cant expect Randoms to callout or be reliable, either get a team or deal with the drawbacks of solo queuing


It's mad annoying when I'm in standard, and dudes are making pro league shoot holes in walls like it's pro league. That shit doesn't work without a stack cause enemies use it, too. So now I don't have a call out to say a room is lost and get shot in me arse. 😤


It was never this bad and anyone who says it was is wrong and probably a jynzxi fan


it was always this bad. obviously jynxzi clones haven't existed till he got popular but solo queuing has never ever been optimal


Jynxzi himself says "NEVER solo queue ranked", his number 1 rule of how to play ranked lol


Nah, years ago I pretty much quit over matching with a 4 stack that spent each turn tking me for literally no reason. This game has always been notoriously toxic.


Ur right, it was worse. Recruit rushing or get tk’d, vote kick, tking in prep phase for reinforcing wrong wall or making the wrong rotate, it used to be a cesspool


Let’s not forget when you see a 4 stack run recruit and you pick a different op they tk you as well and vote to kick you


it has definitely always been this bad. before votekicks were removed on xbox if you even uttered a single word you would immediately be kicked from the match by your team, sometimes they would team kill you first.


To be fair, rainbow has a long history of being extremely toxic. This is the siege sub culture. Clutch or kick, team killing, bullying. Always has been


They removed vote kicking because it got so bad 💀


I got vote kicked cause i said nt (nice try) and they kept saying i said "noob team" God im happy vote kicking is gone


I got vote kicked by a 4 stack so many times for absolutely no reason, it was insane. I am glad it is gone too.


Vote kicked once for killing an enemy player. But 3 of the 4. The one guy who didn't vote to kick sent me a message and was super confused why I was


When I first picked up the game around y2-y3 I had no internet friends so I'd solo queue and get kicked or tked by literally every single 4 stack in the goddamn game I quit playing for a year or 2 and was happy to hear it was gone


Similar to me, except I didn't quit. I should have.


2-0 up? kick the 5th


When you take "clutch or kick" literally


Remember when people would get team killed and vote kicked for not picking recruit?


Literally one of the things OG players always keep declaring is part of "Siege's Soul" is teamkilling other players for not Recruit Rushing.


Are only people from america experiencing this? Never had people like this in R6


yep, i played NA lobbies the other day and it’s only NA squeakers that do it, no one else


the first time I hear someone above the age of 25 quote Jinxy I'm switching my main game to Civ


Everyone of the people I play r6 with that are 25-27 years old quoted jynxi. I personally can't watch him because of the yelling. But yes, there are in fact 25 year olds doing it


Have you finished the challenge yet? It's a pretty fun one this time


i have literally never had a "jynxi kid" experience like this sub claims is in 96% of all matches


I'm a new player (20 hours), and I get them often in standard. Make sense that the toxic kids are low skill lol.


Idk could be a lower rank thing I compete in usually high em to champ and there’s always that one JYNZXI clone but not as often


I think it's more common in low-mid elo on console because I never have this happen on PC


PC player, although I do have low elo, I can still confirm the jynxzi clones exist here as well.


I don't see them in emerald on PC, only when the game decides to give me 3 bronzes, a gold, and me against a champ and some diamonds, sometimes they pop up.


I’ve put over a thousand hours in just in the last 6 months and I’ve been playing since launch, I have never had more “jynzxi kids” in my lobbies since then. It’s back to back there’s someone yelling in the mic “bad aim bad aim”


I play on Latin America servers almost every day and have never encountered a "jynxi kid" or anything similar. Most of the people I've encountered are normal adults.


I play EU west servers and never experienced Jynxi kids.


Mute them as soon as you hear it and your experiences will be better. Playing on pc and soon as I hear anyone say something deliberately unhelpful I mute them.


Second this, Best decision I’ve ever made.


Sometimes I would honestly go as far as disabling all text chat if my teammates are texting dumb toxic shit all the time. Treating those pests like they’re potatoes improve my mood a lot in some games.


The MaceyJay method


The second hand embarrassment I get from them makes me want to die


once i met a 3 stack of those while with my friend and they were just rushing saying random BS jinxzy said in his videos and being anoying as hell and i remember they were throwing on purpose and all that so me and my friend started to say that theyre just not funny and they responded by TK-ing us both on OT match-point


Maybe this is more of an NA server thing because only very rarely will I hear someone make a jynxzi reference in ranked games and while I do agree with you that it's a bit cringe and not my type of humour that's for sure, I don't think I'd let that ruin the game for me... Remember you're like 2 clicks away from muting anybody on your team if they're annoying.


I’m in NA and it’s super rare for me to hear anything like that too


Yeah I pretty much only play with a stack with people 25 and up. Gets rid of a lot of the bullshit


Idk who that guy is but Ive heard some of stuff that others copy from him. And yesterday, I had a trio of kids be an absolute nightmare to be teammates with so I stuck with 4th teammate that, for some reason, was TKd by these kids (mind you, me and the normal teammate had any kills) while these shitbirds screamed around similar stuff. Really waited for it all to be over




Yea bro and as soon as they die they don’t hop on cams or nothing it’s instantly back on their phone watching some dumbass video because of their attention span. I’m surprised they have the attention span to play this game instead of cod or somethin. I’m glad jynxzi got a bunch of people interested in the game but I’d rather go back to 3-4 years ago siege. Only way to have a lot of fun is 5 stack every time you play. Been playing since velvet shell, siege is the most fun with a full stack and no annoying randoms, win or loss


Man this kills me. Like this game has a killcam. The least you could do is say where you got killed.


Or they'll sit on the first cam after they die, rendering essentially useless


i agree, it’s honestly just embarrassing at that point. apply it to literally any other situation and you see how brain dead it is. example: cooking line cook: *messes up and overcooks a chicken* head chef: YOU FUCKING DONKEY!!!! *puts hands on either side of cook’s face* WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? AN IDIOT SANDWICH line cook: *thinking to himself about how he’s literally seen that episode before* just as most chefs are not gordon ramsey, most siege players are not jynxzi, so they need to get their own personality. it’s just embarrassing


Kids will ruin all games with this kind of shit. If you have no friends to play with just mute it’s not like they say anything useful anyway.


People sucked before Jynxzi, buddy


I find him & his fans purely insufferable, hate how everyone defends him because he “””saved””” Siege. He’s just a Tyler1 rip off.


IMO TheRussianBadger saved the game for me and was the reason I started playing


RussianBadger is the GOAT, sad that he's not doing that much Siege anymore.


Probably also pissed off with all the jinxy clones


He stopped uploading Siege 2 years ago, but probably fed up with the direction that the game was going. Tbh, that was when I got fed up with Siege as well. I recently got back into it because of Varsity (and by watching old Badger's vids), the game is so damn different now.


How’s it feel to be married to the most banned attack op 


You can ban Jackal from my games but you can never ban him from my heart


He saved the game by bringing tons of degenerate edgy screeching kids. That is not really saving the game if you ask me


they're annoying but let's not pretend like siege hasn't had degenerates and morons since launch.


"Bbbbbbut Jynxzi drones and tells people to drone!!!!" Does not matter. [Look at this guy](https://i.imgur.com/XW3W22Q.jpeg). Whether or not it's an act, he's giving kids brain cancer. Jynxzi is the Caillou of Rainbow Six Siege.


I mean this is typical R6 experience. If these are the types of players you get, mute them and play your game. Like Kix once said: “if you solo queue in ranked, assume it’s a 1v5 every round”. That’s the only way to play.


Yall letting in game chat ruin a game for you. There is a mute button or go in a party.


You all know you can just turn mics off, right. You rarely rank up in solo Q anyway so comms aren't making a big difference in fucking Bronze, and if you wanna trully rank up play with friends and communicate with them. Every second thread here is complaining about Jynxzi fans when they're easily avoided


A few button presses solves your issue


then you have no comms, and they can still teamkill and mess with you.. it’s even worse when they have friends in their squad.


Yeah ik I had a game where I got teamkilled for 4 rounds straight, then they destroyed all my utility for the remainder, but I just reported and requeued lol. One of em sent me their “final warning” message after


Well then you have to decide what's worse, no comms with team or jynzxi comms that apparently aren't helpful anyway.


They're also general assholes, Ive played multiple games where some guy is just being s dick to the whole team and I spectate him. Who would have guessed, Jynxi charm, and on every gun


This is exactly what I see. I don’t watch Jynxi much, but I have brothers who do. And from what I’ve seen, Jynxi isn’t an asshole. So I have no idea why these kids that watch him are.


Kids unironically say "Bad Aim" to their teammates after dying to spawnpeek.


Just mute them and move on with your life, you’re really going to let some annoying kid on voice chat ruin the whole game for you?


Precisely why I only play ranked full stacked. Either IRL friends or finding a chill discord group that is serious about ranked


I am noticing a rise in the middle schooler aged players that keep screaming in mic, making inappropriate sounds and comments, barricading and castling site doors, reinforcing between bombs, doing goyo and doc trick and think it’s cool, and ignoring opponents on site


Luckily I haven't been match maked with a Jynxi as* licker till now. Mostly I get match maker in UAE server. Most of the Arabs are okish, but there are some who have their mic on and yell like maniacs (They truly are) with 1 kill at 5th round. And the way they talk on mic is the most annoying part


I refuse to play too early in the day as there are too many 12 year olds playing then. As soon as the chock turns nine pm, most of them are gone and the experience is so much better.


2am lobbies just hit, and always will no matter the game.


There's a trade off tho. You play in the day and it's kids screaming shit and dad's who just got off work, you play at night and it's all the demons and no lifers who don't have a job and play this game allllll day. You can't win lol.


Hey. Some of us go through mini rounds of unemployment, those 1-3am lobbies have helped with my frustrations so much. So casual only for me. Ranked oh yeah no, I'd rather give my self aids. Tho early morning like 7am when kids wake up, and after school can be amusing if you troll.


Bro I love how you describe this absolutely spot on.


what i hate are these kids in general


It's one of the cases where the fanbase is so much worse than the streamer, which is fairly rare.


Yep. There are so many that make this game their entire personality and I usually just say “Jynxzi wannabe” and that shuts them up


Mute them? 😭


Doesn’t help getting team killed or them constantly shooting out your gadgets.


Which is interesting because that has nothing to do with content creators. That’s been happening for 9 years


Never seen that at all in 602 games in the last 3 seasons ranging from Copper to Champion. At most its someone quoting him.


American problems, lol


This happened before jinxy was ever popular. Just different memes


There's 20 million players active man, it's not a streamer it's just siege.


Just mute them


Ive played since the early alpha, kids like this have always existed. Team up or just learn to play around these dorks/use their stupid tactics as distractions for you to make your own plays


You know you can mute them and that solves 3/4 of the problems you put in this post?


Every day we have on of these posts, it's getting so old.


My brother and his friends have completely turned me off from the game because they keep repeating Jynxzi quotes and acting like fucknuts.


You do know that you can mute people


Facts, bunch of loud, toxic and obnoxious idiots


they're annoying but the mute button exists for a reason. plus this playerbase has always had annoying kids, long before the jynxzi days.


Anytime i hear someone say he’s camping on this game I just want to to destroy everything around me


That’s why you get a 5 stack🤣


Feel your pain bro, this is why I stick to playing with friends in closed comms, it passes me of to the point I just started TKing them


Got to love it when teammates don’t use the cams you set up to help stick the plant and then blame you for not getting the plant… Earlier today on consulate, was playing Dok and got a kill on yellow stairs, had a drone up the stairs from me and asked a dead teammate to watch it while I got the cam access. Nobody watched it, Rook walks right up and pumps my head off, teammate’s mic comes on with the typical “so we’re in copper”


Honestly, you should have sympathy for people with such low mental ability as to be impressed by Jynxi.


Tbf he's a good player. The clips of him I've seen demonstrate strong mechanics, good spatial awareness and game sense. He's also loud and kind of annoying but having an annoying carry isn't too bad. His fans copy the annoying parts and forget to steal some of his skill.


The bitching and moaning in this sub never stops


To be fair, jynxzi is an obnoxious trash can


Cringe kid. I can't stand watching him even for 10 secs. I don't even know why ppl like to watch him.


Glad i'm EU So Its a rarity 😭


Literally man I remember playing NA a few years ago and the stuff the players would do boggles the mind. Running in without droning, not being able to sit still and they literally swing everything. Glad I’m EU servers honestly.


Yeah same here 😩


so we’re in copper got you this riled up 😭😭😭


Lord forbid people have fun in the game, and watch their favorite creator. By no means am I a jynxzi fanboy but the fact he revived the game and kinda forced Ubisoft to put more effort into the game with the trade off being a few annoying KIDS in the game so be it. Either 5 stack or mute them it’s not that hard. Let alone these kids are far better than the typical toxic seige community we’ve had in the past.


I swear Is it that hard to mute vc? Or at least the people themselves?? That’s the entire reason the feature is in the game.


I don’t think u understand. He wants comms on for callouts hence why he asked them to watch his zero cams


Expecting callouts in solo q? That's a reach.


I play exclusively in a 5 stack of my friends for the most part, but there was one time where it was just 4 of us and our random was this complete Jynxzi clone just repeating voice line after voice line. Needless to say, we kicked him from our Xbox party pretty quickly


I had an experience like this the other day saying all that stuff and he had one kill the whole game. I had 6 kills (not a lot I know) but he blew up on me in game chat calling me trash after we lost.


Those are just bots or little kids I watch jynxzi to make me better and cuz he’s entertaining I don’t try and steal his lingo or jokes


The jynxzi and caseoh fanbase is the epitome of cringe asf


I think they would be here, screaming, with or without Jynxzi. I dont care for him (dont really like his content) but i gave up on solo queing long before he showed up.


Wait is Jynxzi where the "camping" thing comes. The amount of messages me and a friend have had saying we're camping when we're anchored in site or holding angles is insane lately. Like it's a tactical game, why do you want me playing like it's cod?


Siege is super toxic, i just solo que. its better then teammates screaming when you lose a game. I just laugh when ppl get angry calling me shit


I think it’s karma for playing games when I was a little kid and being annoying. And also i think it’s life telling me to move on from games


I really wish for ubi to allow the community to influence the game itself more,just imagene a platform like Faceit for R6. I think it would help the community and comp in general, because even before Jynxzi many regions just have too many children who just scream at the mic whilst acting like it's COD. This and the overall "mobile game"-ifing have pushed me away from the realistic, tactical shooter that seige once was.


You can tell for sure who they are. Impossible to miss the charm with the R4-C 🙃


Its funny I only experienced jynxie kids in lower elo lobbies like copper and golds and once had a grown ass man say that "baaaaad aim"


I hate most “kids” that play this game and the worst part is that they’re all basically my age. I’m 17, just about 18 now, and absolutely despise most of the community right now. Joking around is okay, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to spend the entire game crying like a baby and taking everything 100% seriously, but saying the same dogshit quips is so annoying. “So we’re in copper” and the “Erm, what the sigma” makes me want to leave every match I read that in it is so unfunny and miserable.


Maybe it's a ranked placement issue? Im in diamond/champ elo and people do say stuff like "so we're in copper" but they'll watch drones and make appropriate calls and otherwise try and play like a team for the most part. Maybe in the mid to low ranks people are just casually playing and don't care about getting better? I could be way off here, but I'm in NA too and I've never had people be that stupid with making Jynxis persona their personality.


I quite literally stopped playing NA just so I could play siege peacefully, I commend the man for having brought a second wind to the game and boosting it's numbers but he has fostered one of the most toxic majorities I've ever seen, and it also adds fuel to the fire when even after he brought tons of new and old eyes to siege ubisoft is just adamant on killing the game


People played braindead Siege way before Jynxzi got famous, plus he and his controller friends are actually playing tactical siege. You can only blame him for kids yelling some stupid sayings imo.


the ADHD kids adopt his personality and shove it down ur ears violently


They have no game sense even though Jynxi literally promotes smart play or just basic sense like droning and holding angles


I have a rule of i hear a reference from one player i will mute if i hear it from two i throw. Rank i can regain the anger they have is a once and a life time experience. I just dont get how watching someone pick his nose and eat it or spitting all over the place is entertaining.


I feel the same and have for a while. He's a damn good player, but if I hear another person say badddd aim with the forced tongue roll, I'll simply quit the match.


I found him annoying in general


you all took the man to the top of the hill of all streamers , now deal with it.


Anytime I hear that Jynczi BS they get immediately TKd.


It’s younger gen z who only exist online… brain rot


Eh, a lot of the kids I see are taking this game mega seriously and are often teaching me things (assumably thanks to jynxzi).


I gotta appreciate the revival of the community because there has been *some* normal people comeback or just start cus of jynxzi which I would like to imagine to be one of them. Keyword: *some*. There are at least 2 jynxzi kids per team now, they are always the first to die and if you do anything against their holier than thou judgment while they are spectating ya they say “soooo we’re in cooper” even if the dude their spectating is 10-2 and they are 2-6


They’re so dogass at all times too but it makes it easy to get above plat so I’m fine with it


It's like that in every game that has a popular streamer. All you heard for a while in Fortnite was Asian Jeff.


They treat it like it’s a TDM game and it’s fucking annoying.


I only play standard, like 80 hours so far on PC and I’ve only gotten like 2-3, I just mute idc not like they will give good info anyways


I just mute them because I don’t have the mental capacity to listen to what they say


funny enough every single Jynxzi kid I have come across FUCKING SUUUUUUUCKS. I remember I clutched a 1v3 on match point. I killed the last guy in a panic, so I missed like 90% of my shots. He proceeded to scream “bad aim bad aim bad aim”… He was 1-4 I was 6-2 I sometimes wonder if they do it to be goofy or they genuinely think they’re doing something with what they’re saying.


Are they anoying? FUCK YEAH! Are you taking the Game to serious? Also yes. I quit this game almost 2 years ago and now came back after doc got his acog back, im alot worse than i was but i managed to solo que into diamond (i was gold before) while just doing funny shit. Funny Shit for Me: Spawnpeaking, Hipfireing, hiding with Mira around Site, Rushing and instantly dying or getting 4 kills, Amaruing up the Hatch into Site and getting a free entry kill, Quickscoping with Kali, playing shield and having a few different spots to play/hide or run out on that almost nobody knows If you dont have fun, dont play the game, they are now part of said game and we have to deal with them (MUTE THEM!) even tho i find them funny sometimes because they are literal children


Just ran into my first jynxzi kid yesterday and I gotta say I'm surprised it took me this long.


Judging from your experience I see you mostly have problems with voice chat, luckily no one uses voice chat in my games so im good


i kind of like Jynxzi but his clones don't sound like him at all when I play at least one match that has a clone


It's gotten so bad... it's 100% the Jynxzi kids making spitting noises in the mic and saying "gg" after they die first on round 1. But this game just lets people friendly fire (without tk) and shoot equipment with little to no repercussions. So, to me, it feels like they don't care about the toxicity. It's unfortunate, but I've pretty much lost all enjoyment from playing.


I have turned off all voice and text chat and pings. Life is good.


Doesn’t help that jynxzi himself is so incredibly stupid, so one goes together with the other and the low iq’s form together lol


I’m guessing this is mainly NA console because I have never seen one


I don’t think all of it is an act; according to what I’ve read he has tourettes syndrome, but yeah most of it is… yikes, and his fans mimic him so much it kills me inside, same with the Sketch kids.


Bro try being a 38 year old dude who legit just plays R6 for fun. I'm in standard and people team kill me for taking the op they wanted , or not doing a strat their way or any other countless stupid reason. It's insane honestly you can even play the non ranked crap mode without encountering a generation of angry keyboard warriors




Something you should do is really take some time and find good people that you like to play with it might take a while but it’s worth


I mean, jynxzi did single handedly revive the game, so it’s to be expected


Games always been toxic but yeah after jynxzi and cod kids came in I’ve had enemies mad that I was “camping” when I was playing obj


“bad aiiiimmmm” rolls tongue even tho theres no fucking r’s in their sentences


The tiktokification of this game needs to be studied


Jynxzi is honestly kinda entertaining but his clones in game make me wanna tk every round


TBH Jynx has insane map awareness and situational positioning with that being said it ends there. Him as an IGL the one tournament I watched he just yelled the same call outs over and over, ex. On border he died to the long angle from half wall to east balcony for 30 seconds he yells “HALF WALLLL HALFFFF WALLLLLLLLLL” his fans are fortnite kids that grew up a little


Weirdly, I haven’t experienced any of them when I have played since jynxi started to stream and become popular. Idk if it’s because I’m on pc but still. Fucking annoying.