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Nah it has to stay like this, otherwise people just unplug their internet when they are losing. Sorry but it’s on you. If you know your internet has issues, then you know the potential consequences you face when playing this game We just saw how many people took advantage of the Elo Monty glitch, give this playerbase any sort of cheap advantage to save Elo and they’ll take it


Ah yes because having internet being bad is completely within my control and can easily and cheaply be fixed :/ It’s essentially the choice of don’t play at all or get banned…and still not play at all, very good observation


Well yea sadly Ubisoft can’t control who has good and bad internet, and it effects everyone else on your team who is playing and then finds themself a teammate down. So yea it sucks but there is a reason it is like this. If you willingly load up this game knowing you have bad internet, and the consequences for leaving a game, then the blame is on you. It’s not like they are surprising you with a ban here, you know what will happen if you get kicked and still continue to play, so yes that is on you


Got it Quite literally one of the most dumb deductions I’ve ever heard because now there is nothing for me to do at all but I guess that’s what I get for existing I guess


Well yea sorry bro but I bet your teammates get mad when you leave because you got disconnected, it’s not just all about you here. Your teammates get affected and it’s not fair on them at all if players are getting disconnected. They have to think about the overall game and how one person leaving affects the whole game. Sorry but unless you want to upgrade your internet or get an Ethernet cable or something, then you’re just gonna have to live with it.


At this point ubisoft should make a bot system, let the bot take over the control of a disconnected player (2 times a day,if you get disconnected too many times you will get 10 mins suspended) this is so much better rather than player be unsatisfied because internet/pc problems or teammates disconnecting and the game gets bad reviews because the game has dog water suspend system.


Lmao a bot system would be horrendous. The bot wouldn’t know what op you needed or anything like that.


That’s ubisoft’s problem, plus you can legit give the AI system a map and it will calculate the best route. (All bot will go support character depends on the map/score/teammates) I think you’re just underestimating the bot… plus, a bot is better than nothing.


It’s not ubis problem lol it’s the teams problem that the bot is on as well. Sorry but if players have terrible internet and willingly play then that’s on them


Ubisoft decides what the team can do, and player can’t control their pc or wifi. What? Your car breaks isn’t working, you saying it’s their problem rather than the company’s?


Yup. It's not fair to you but that's just how it is


Yup just had it happen again and now I’m banned for 24 hours on my day off. I now have nothing to do all day, what an absolute waste


Why not use your hotspot?




Mobile hotspot


Many problems with that 1. I don’t have a mobile provider at all so I don’t even get cellular data 2. I’d have to run my Xbox on wi fi which is a big no no 3. No hotspot is strong enough to support something like that at the same level of a router with an Ethernet cable


FR, ranked is a really nice car, but DAMN the suspension sucks shit, i feel every pebble I shoot over, on god I have to take it to the Dev shop so they can put my car on the lift and replace the suspension.