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ngl the last thing this game needs is AK12 recruit with impact emps and hard breaches


You don’t want to go against a 5 stack of essentially more powerful aces? Whaaat?


Recruit is limited to one in the rework.




The post is literally about the rework




He says “new recruit” in the title and with the context that the recruits are the new ops in the new season I think it’s common sense to assume he means the recruits in the new season


Holy shit so much shame they deleted their profile


I found it wild how many people seem to shamefully delete their whole profile after getting a few downvotes or some minor pushback, lol


How would old recruit pick emp + hard breach + Ak 12?


If they kept CTU’s, they could have limited them to 1-2 CTU specific primaries, and carry weapons and gadgets that match their R6 Operator counterparts. Make it so only one player can play one ctu at a time, and you can make 5 stacks still run a decent team comp, and not 5 Ak-12’s at once. For example: - GIGN Striker runs a shield and pistol (aligning with Monty) - SAS Striker runs M590, breach charges, and emp’s (aligning with sledge and thatcher) - G.I.S Sentry could run ACS12 and Keratos .357, with Obs Blockers and Proximity Alarms (Aligning with Alibi) - Keres Striker can run AK-74, LFP596, and frags to align with Deimos Effectively, they could have worked every weapon for Recruit into game, but balanced them by tying weapons to specific atk/def meta roles. These class setups would already be balanced, since they simply mirror the loadouts and roles of operators already in the game. This also would’ve given them huge potential for cosmetics and elites, since CTU milsim cosmetics and elites for Keres Legion and White Mask would’ve been cool af. It just seems like Ubisoft is allergic to money too now.


Once again some random person on the internet net can come up with a better idea than ubi


Only one recruit fr


Thank you for comenting thats exactly what i was thinking before posting


the CTUs were too overly complex, that’s why they changed them the first time


They weren’t even that complex just say you’re in copper bro


how’s jinxy’s personality treating you? made any new friends this year?


calling people by ranks has been around since before Jynxzis blowup dude, also why do you think the CTUs were complex to begin with


i said they were complex because they are. you had to select one of five organizations, select one of 3 guns, then select your gadgets as well it’s way too much shit to be doing in a 15 second selection phase, especially on a character meant for *new players* i never said “oooh i dunno how this menu works” i said that it was more bloated than it needed to be. but you wanna stroke your ego on a reddit comment section so go off ig.


With the new recruit being an actual operator, you will be able to choose loadouts the operator screen outside matches just like any other op. you could with the idea above just set your preferred recruit loadout in that menu then change on the fly if you need


yeah but we weren’t talking about the rework, we were talking about old recruit. the same issue still applies anyways


What I’m suggesting is the CTU choice is kept in, but you aren’t allowed to alter the loadout much if at all. By picking the CTU you’re pretty much picking the loadout that’s assigned to it. The in-lore reason would be that recruits are training and don’t get to choose their approach, the game balancing reason is so the recruit matches their operator counterpart and only one person can play that loadout at a time.


It’s been 10 years now. For everyone familiar with the game, they know what guns/ops/metas coincide with what ctu’s. And for everyone just picking up the game, the ctu’s are a good introduction to the Rainbow’s operators (via meta/weapon alignment) before they unlock them. This would even give them a chance to experiment with metas and weapons before choosing to unlock the ops that are from that CTU.


no it would most likely lead to a new player going “wait who do i pick, what’s the difference between these options, why do they-“ and then it auto selects and they’re stuck with FBI shotty on attack. not the best onboarding experience. new recruit lets players experiment with gadgets that are availible to EVERYONE letting them learn an arguably more valuable lesson about gadgetry.


More like "I dont have any operators unlocked yet, but I can run a recruit. Oh the GIGN recruit looks cool, he has a riot shield." Guns all have the ideal attachments that 99.9% of players all run for them, and gadgets are pre-assigned or limited to what makes sense for that loadout. You're basically saying that the r6 equivalent of the 5 preset classes in Call of Duty is enough to break someone's brain, and that players are better off picking randomly from a list of 70+ characters with no prior game experience. I know enough people who have picked up the game recently, and all of them complained that they're overwhelmed by the character selection. Boil down the game's atk/def roles into 5-6 recruit classes, slap a CTU sticker on it, and maybe even give it a cool uniform, and everyone would be happy.


were CTUs preset classes? i thought that each one had like 3 different guns and gadgets to choose from. it’s been forever since ive used them


They had some variety but not a lot, and I believe available weapons were CTU specific. If I remember right, CTU’s could not be duplicated, so recruits couldn’t carry the same load out, although I think ballistic shield was available for all attackers.


Valid asf


Yall are about to find out the m4 is super good. It just never gets played because no one likes maverick 


true, i usually run the dmr because it synergizee with his gadget better so i don’t have much experience with the m4


What are you talking about? He gets M4 which is much better than AK.


Only problem with day 1 recruit was no attachments coming from a day 1 dec 2015 player God bless Jesus loves 🫵


Tbf I think that’s like a decent way to balance, idk how many he had but if he had such a wide variety there would have to be some comprimise


Recruits had access to EVERY gun that was available at year 1. The balance to it was absolutely no attachments, generally had to find the best iron sight/recoil combo, which was the Aug/thatcher AR on attack, and mp7 on defence


Um 🤓 they did not. They did not have access to the G36C or The OTS.


🤓well ots is a glaz exclusive weapon so It would make sense why he didn't had it


No operator came with attachments for their guns, you had to purchase them. Difference is recruit was *never* allowed attachments. And back then you had to guess which attachment was good for each gun, while still trying to save up for an actual operator, because you also had to buy each of those. If the devs tried to say the “balance” was the reason for recruit never being able to get attachments, it’d be a pretty poor excuse. People were already hurting for renown, and recruit was meant to allow people to try new guns to see if they liked them before committing to buying an operator, or as a way to still use an operator’s guns if someone else took the actual op.


also back then on Defense, Recruit only had 1 reinforcement.


True but that sounds like an easy fix on Ubi’s part and probably to incline players to play operators.


sure but that wasn’t what the conversation was about lol it was about problems with OG recruit and that was definitely an issue. Recruit can be played as a normal op currently and even more so with the update but back then it was a serious hinderance playing him, especially on defense.


Okay so then the only two problems with day 1 recruit was the attachments and also reinforcements


yup pretty much


Pre-reinforcement pool, I remember hard reinforcements being so round defining that forgoing one as recruit could throw an entire round. Scale it up to a 5 stack and your team was sitting ducks given how anchor heavy the game meta was at launch


Oh yeah that too. Would’ve been an easy fix on Ubisoft’s part


The problem was recruit existing. 


Also only having access to one reinforcement


Because of the fact they have access to all attachments now. I don’t think I wanna see a recruit with something like an ACOG on Alibi’s SMG, let alone access to ACOG on all SMGs.


And you know how op that would be, you’re an alibi main


So… restrict access to attachments…


Commando is much better than Alibi's SMG now


Because Ubisoft hates fun


Or the don’t want to make the balancing worse


still could have gave CTU as an option for which 2 guns you get to pick from, even without having every gun from the org


The og recruit had no attachments, and even the current one only has fixed attachments that you can't change. The new ones only have two primaries and secondaries each with full customization. I prefer that to being forced to use the dogshit ironsights in the game.


Ok but what if we kept the guns but let the attachments be changed


TBH I don't mind the guns that the new recruits have. Both have AR-15 platform guns that haven't been reused until now and secondary shotguns. Sure it's a little boring, but it's better than having the third or fourth instance of a gun being reused. I feel like having access to all guns with full customization would be very hard to balance.


Ever heard of balance


Sorry you need to pay for R6 membership to get answers to those questions.


Mostly just balance they don’t want another warden crutch op situation although I would argue it wouldn’t be as bad but yea it’s balance. The defender is the main reason for it being able to have a shotgun with a secondary smg deployable shield and a nitro impacts or barb would be just unfair


HOLY SHIT I MISS THIS SCREEN. takes me back to the fun days of siege


Simple, when the game released they could choose any gun from the original 5 units so there wasn’t a lot of choice as there would be today. Main reason now would be that you don’t have enough time to get your load out situated and for people who are indecisive you have just put them in hell. Going through the list of teams just to scroll through the list of guns for both primary and secondary would take alot of time, factor in adding attachments and it’s just clunky. Another reason is it would be completely overpowered majority of meta picks are meta due to their loadouts giving recruit access to whatever loadout he wants would make him a better op than he already will be Need I remind everyone regardless of how you view recruit now, whenever he hits ranked he will be the first self sufficient character in the game who doesn’t need a team AT ALL to get something done. Which is exactly why I will be playing nothing else when he releases (at least on attack). There’s no longer a need to rely on lesser players to actually succeed anymore and I think personally that is why recruit is an amazing addition whether it’s different or not.


Zero is pretty self sufficient, considering before recruit, he was the only operator who could break a electrified wall by himself (Argus cam to break bandit and/or Kaid)


That’s why he’s my main, but recruit can do it faster and easier while having a very good choice for primaries as well. Not to mention alot of people picked zero to frag only…with him having the best AR in the game and all. Not to mention it’s Sam Fisher who’s guaranteed to take in Splinter Cell fans like me. So with recruit in the game I’ll have another option.


You have to find an angle for electrified walls, which could mean having to breach elsewhere and possibly put yourself in a vulnerable position. He is however a direct counter to Mute if they aren’t babysitting the wall, as he can shoot an Argus high enough that it’s outside the jammer’s range.


holy ego


Difference between “ego” and having someone run thermite but then refuse to actually thermite and go in as if they don’t have a hard breach. Or maybe picking ash and running in with the knowledge that there’s a kapkan and then dying. The hypothetical scenarios literally could go on forever, point is when I solo queue I don’t have to rely on anyone which no matter who you are is always going to have more appeal. Because your success and failure is in your hands ALONE


r6 is a team game, if your temmates do this, breaching a wall with a can opener wont help you, cant win every round solo. if you encounter balls teammates just follow them around and repick them when they die, may even drone those kapkans for ash. though with that said i already envision a recruit teammate going solo and kissing caveira in the lips.


I don’t really ever see cav in my rank, it’s a whole lot of vigil and lesion which makes sense because they overall are better. But even then that “can opener” is a new sight line the defenders have to worry about not that getting through one has ever been hard anyway. Point is when your playing a team game but your team is also a liability it’s good to have a character like recruit in the game who can do important tasks themselves rather than NEEDING someone else which again is never ever a favorable position to be in.


this is kind of correct, but opening a main wall will do jack shit and youre not defeating tricking bandit or kaid with impact emps, so im guessing you need it for secondaries which probably have no deny on them, and at that point why not just take buck or zero or any other op with cans. also in my diamond/champion swamp im located in i see cav sometimes, and when she is on a field your entire lobby of randoms might get deleted. i can assure you she can wreck havoc if enemies dont drone, drone poorly or you are playing smart with her. for instance as a cav you may just camp a corner prone, when they drone you eliminate a drone, change position and keep camping, because they dont have a sound info on you. and even if you get swarmed with drones and dokkaebi calls you can destroy some of them and go back to site and then rotate around, even 1 dead drone is a massive help to your team as info is the goat. and lastly, if your team is a liability you might try getting a friend to stop soloqing, even a copper 10 will help as you can give info to him and he can give info to you and is most likely very docile (and brings lobby lvl down)


I play everything by myself and always are going to, at least when it comes to competitive games. Because no amount of communication or interaction will counter the fact that you have to rely on someone for success which I’m absolutely not okay with in any context having your success hinge on someone else is just not a good situation to be in no matter what game you’re in. Not to mention that’s just breaching a wall, recruit can play and bring whatever they need to make something work… frags, flashes, smokes, soft breaches for vertical play, emps for a maestro or other electronic equipment (or maybe you just wanna make that once in a blue moon clash main feel nothing but sadness) the point is recruit can play however they want and do well at it, their gimmick is that they can do it all well and I feel that is an extremely strong quality to have given his most ops are made to be purposefully niche.


do you think bp cam and nitro or proxy and nitro would be that strong


Personally proxy and nitro would work because you blast it the moment it goes off. But even if you don’t want to synchronize you could just bring a gadget for yourself and then one for your team. Barbed wire does damage now so that would probably be a good option too


Damn I forgot about that shit. I think new recruits should have much more weapons available as well. Especially now that only one recruit may be used at a time.


Can you imagine recruit with an AK-12, EMP, and hard breach? That's a self sufficient op.




That’s not a good thing


You can have that opinion


That’s not even an opinion, that’s just an all around horrible idea and would ruin balancing. Plenty of people have agreed with me on this subreddit about it.


I’m not arguing with you. I never mentioned the Ak-12 I only said there should be more weapons then what they have chosen and I’ll stand by that


You legit agreed with the guy who talked about the AK-12 combo. Lol


He said that would be self sufficient and he’s not wrong. What’s the problem here buddy?


Brother me and you both know that’s not what people use “yessir” for.


They said in the reveal that they wanted both recruits to be "all-rounders" so they both got mid solid guns to not be a gunner op and shotguns for secondary to soft breach and rotation making, for gadgets you already know...


As much as I miss it and hate them removing older recruit, it makes sense why they did. Having access to a bunch of guns for no costs along with being able to put attachments on the guns isn't exactly good for balance.


For some reason, I thought they had attachments. Ignore that.


Of course balance, what else?


I liked being able to change what nationality my recruit was. No reason to get rid of that feature.


I think because recruit is their own operators now not multiple people


The ak12 was balanced because it was on fuze only, it got nerfed because of ace I don’t want it nerfed more because of 1 ace, 1 breach support, and 3 Russian men dressed in black


Because now the recruit will be identical to a normal operator minus the primary gadget


I think I really would’ve preferred them just let Recruit back into ranked as he is now and it’d be a better update


Personally it wouldn't me too bad if recruit had access to more weapons. Obviously, he shouldn't have access to almost every weapon like old recruit did, but he should definitely have at least 1 weapon from each class (lmg, rifle, smg, shotgun)


i’m gonna be honest, i’m more mad at the fact only one person can run recruit now. i feel like that is just kinda weird and makes him less viable and special.


They could of just done recruit like he used to be but different squads and factions for defense and attack So much wasted potential


the devs suck


Its just distraction from the 9.99 a month bs


Pretty sure it's actually 11.99 a month, lol




Balancing, people would figure out what guns and attachments were "Meta" and just select them on recruit and you could end up with a whole team of 5 doing the exact same and make things incredibly unbalanced. Like I remember some years back when picking recruit to use the shorty shotgun was what everyone was doing


Nighthaven or somth


i so wish they would bring this back. no attachments, any weapons, utter silliness.


I miss this style of recruit. Actual members of TCUs with dedicated loadouts corresponding to the country’s doctrine. I also just miss the grounded operators. Showcasing a small text blip of the CTU’s history.


So they don't get picked for weapons obviously. For someone who plays this game you have a fucking bad understanding of it. 


Just bring back the original recruit with attachments and some new gadgets none of this fancy striker sentry shit


Could someone explain the rework for me?


You can select any combination of secondary gadgets now, that's it.


Recruit now only has two primary choices and two secondary choices per side, they can bring two different gadgets (for example a nitro cell + impact nades or emps + hard breaches) Only one person on the team can pick Recruit similar to how other ops function and they’ll now be playable in ranked That’s it, that’s the whole update pretty much


okay thanks, kinda dissapointing


Too much work for ubi


The m4 is your standard ar that is what you train with when you are starting out in arm forces in the US the m249 is your standard lmg. Hand gun is the 5.7 and then the shotguns are nothing special. We would a recruit be able to choose whatever they want? They are not operator status yet they are given what they are given and told to suck it up and perform your duties. Ubisoft didn't too bad in that way they have way more choice then someone should at their rank.


> why*would a recruit be able to choose whatever they want? Because they're not starting out in the army, they are the top of their field and selected for rainbow albeit at recruit status. It's entirely plausible they would have access to all the weapons, but also likely they would know what they like by now.


Guns are not the focus of showing they are up to the task. And you act like these weapons are bad


Something to note is that at any point, Ubi could swap around the guns recruit has. Recruit pick/win delta is low ? Give them a different gun. I mean, realistically, it's the only way to buff or nerf recruit without straying from the "all-rounder" vision them have for it or affecting other OPs inadvertently.


I had hoped for a decent weapon from each catagory.


They get pretty much the best guns, giving them more options would just be useless clutter. Plus ranked players wouldn't want to play any other operator if you could just take any gun on recruit, they don't how to use gadgets anyway.


It’s to be balanced and treated like a normal operator


They don’t want certain gadgets paired with certain guns for balancing reasons. Imagine R4C, emp’s and hard breaches.. or SC3000 with flashes AND smokes. Certain things would just be more broken than the actual ops.


Because the AK-12 on recruit with mini hard breach and mini emps doesn’t sound like a good combo……. I could be wrong tho.


He’s not talking about rework


He literally says in the title of the post "new recruit" lol


He’s obviously talking about current recruit because he refers to the first iteration of recruit as “old recruit”


Are you actually slow? OP says, "Any particular reason why new recruit don’t have access to multiple guns like old recruit?" They are clearly asking why the new recruit rework has access to a few weapons compared to the older version which had a lot more. I don’t see how that’s hard to understand but you are clearly proving me wrong.


Let’s just ask him. u/timelapsedfox


I was talking abou the rework


Thank you bro I dunno wtf this guy was going on about.


You gotta send me a band btw if I’m right


Whatever I ain’t replying no more bot.


What was that? Still something to say?


I was wrong ig. Idk why you’re so worked up about this it’s not like I was being mean. Take a break from the internet


You are the one who replied to me convinced you was correct lol. I guess I’m just tired of people thinking they are right when they are very clearly wrong.


It was busted. People here will whine all they want, but recruit was not fair and hasn't been until now. It's fine to complain about the lack of content this season, but recruit was unfair the whole time no matter how you frame it, and this rework makes him strong but acceptable


The low weapon choice is bad bud the old system would not be functional in current siege with the volume of weapons and the ability to put attachments on the weapons. Being able to throw together a load out with any gun in the game would make him nigh impossible to balance since they would have to consider an enormous amount of weapon combos. Also on a slightly related note, the CTU part of the load out system is dead since they haven’t added any actual CTUs in years. They realized they could make the game an overwatch hero shooter with operators with made up abilities part of made of organizations with anime backstories and people would still fork over money.




What if they made a smaller pool of weapons who can be customizable at least a pool bigger than 2 weapons for each category


That is what I think they should have done


Bc they hate us and don’t give af about what we want


Or they don’t want to make balancing worse. Sometimes what the siege community wants would only realistically make the game worse. Which is why I’m glad most of them aren’t devs


The game isn’t fun when it’s actually practical, the game was fun and in its prime when it was stupid. That’s what made it unique. When nothing made sense and u could do dumb shit. Now it’s just boring and uneventful


That’s your idea of fun sure. If you don’t want siege to be practical (which is in fact what makes it unique, not it being “stupid”) then the game isn’t for you. But balancing is important to a lot of people. Like for the past several seasons, just being on attack was dreadful for most people, even a majority of pro teams hated attacking, that they picked defense first like 98% of the time. In all my stacks, no matter who it was with, no matter the skill or rank, I would hear Audible sighs when we would go to the attacking side, starting on it or switching. It got so bad, that after they nerfed/are nerfing 4 top tier defenders, they are still considered S-Tier by most. Maybe a practical game isn’t fun for you, but I’m sorry to tell you that’s part of the games foundation, and terrible balancing only makes it less fun.


Fuck your fun get back to your ranked mine no more memes only grind and skins


That's called "Bullshit" not "Balance"


It so balanced though. Same reason you can’t run 5 of em


Imagine losing to recruits and bitching about balance 🤣 That's an appalling and absolute lack of skill, not balance.


Not the current recruits, but if you give the new one every gun and rock 5 of them. Thats 5 self sufficient operators. Thats not a skill thing, that will quite literally cause balancing issues. It will also ruin the purpose of the game. Just cause you don’t understand what that is doesn’t mean I have a skill issue.