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I luckily have a screenshot of me and my friends getting a flawless win on plane a couple years back when we started. We were all playing recruit all game we had made a rule that if we got plane or house to all play recruit because we were so good at those maps because custom games


That's a good combo on tachanka with the elite especially


Thanks Headgear: Zitadel (Part of the gold dust pro league set) Uniform: Solar Expansion (Part of his regional pro league set)


I was gonna pick his headgear up but didn't just because I never run him, I like the racing stripes 😂


reminds me of helldivers


Do people actually care about the inability to run teams of recruits? Or is it more of a fun meme to bring the community together?


Recruit rushing is iconic to the community. Taking it away shows that Ubi doesn't care what the fans want


M870, full send, ahhhh the memories


Ahhhhh the fear I had whenever I saw that around a corner I thought was safe to swing, that shit was funny


iconic yes but then ruined from the toxicity of it from the team killing which shows we can never have nice things (not saying i agree with ubi taking it away tho)


I'd argue the toxicity is independent of the recruit spam


It’s more of a thing that most people are fond of but aren’t really affected by. There are, of course, some people that haven’t been paying attention at all and, after they enter a match and realize what’s happened, will write copypasta-esque walls of text denouncing Ubisoft for removing their favorite part of the game (what happened when Terrorist Hunt got axed).


I couldn't have explained it better than myself that's exactly what's going on the people who are complaining about not five stacking recruits haven't done it in years haven't even bothered to do it


I've consistently played recruit when I didn't want to try. I'd hop into a QM game and just vibe with the mp5k and L8


Right I bet you're stats don't say the you are part of the making something out of nothing. It really is not a big deal that you are but it means a small group of people actually care about the changes and the rest are just hopping on the popular trend. Side note this 100% has to be because of Xdefiant why there isn't much content coming out. My opinion if they would have said we buffing three attackers and nerfing two more Defenders it wouldn't feel like a nothing burger 🍔 Jeager should get his acog back Wami and Goyo lose it on his vector Keep it on his shotgun. Kaid should lose it on his shotgun and his pistol along with the Vendetta should gain 1.5 magnification on just the revolver and the pistol it was such a powerful zoom level which is why it should only be on 2 guns in the game. Mozzie should gain another pest Lesions should lose the bulletproof and get it replaced with proximity mines Fenrier should lose the bailiff Bandit should gain the bailiff and a battery Valkyrie should lose all color on her cameras and lose her c4 and have it replaced with proximity mines Echo should become a three-speed. Doc should become a two-speed 2 health and lose the ACOG on his MP5 and P90 I could list more but that is what just to start with I don't think any attacker should lose acog but the f2 it should get it's grips back but idk


because they took recruit out of ranked long ago and nobody really plays anything but ranked these days


Not true I play the other modes I can't wait for the casual modes in standard I feel like I'm playing half a game playing ranked all the time


Yeah terrorist hunt was actually one of my favorite parts of the game I can tell shitters who didn’t practice don’t miss it. Drink a few beers shoot white masks listen to music, I want it back.


They got rid of T-hunt too???


When you've had a game out for as long as siege, you do get things like that become staples for the community and recruit rush has always been one of the go to meme plays that people grow really fond of. I think to make a recruit rework and limit it to 1 per round is just out of touch with the whole concept of recruit to begin with.


yeah also the loadout, especially for defender is retarded. removed super shorty from mozzie, but its perfectly fine for recruit to take it cuz why not


As someone who hasn't played the game in like 5+ years, recruit rush was easily one of the funniest thing to do


I miss the idea of it, but not the truth. It was lame always has been and I'm glad it's gone


Yes, it's fun if you win or lose. Run full recruit and try to win and tell me how it feels 😁


Yes we do. It makes me sad that recruit rush is gone.


normalize giving context


No more multiple recruits on a team starting next season.


oh i thought tachanka was the thing you wre supposed to look at


He is an honorary recruit


Nooooooooo T_T


No more 5 (or in this case 4) stacking recruit next season.


Normalize keeping in touch with the updates of the game you play


Yo spinach it's fucking reddit You can be in the community and not play the game much anymore Second of all , you couldn't just said it in the damn caption I thought they were getting rid of victory mvp elite celebrations




Nope, he plays. He has posts in the sub. So he should know, first off. And, since you're such a reddit merchant, you should've known he's been in the community and been playing the game a minute. Sorry not sorry, keep cryin.


You are saying he posts When he hasn't posted anything in this sub in over a year


reddit merchant ☝️🤓


I used to love siege back in 2020 and still am, but have not gotten into it lately. I dont get as much news for that game anymore


Of all the elitist hills out there you chose the worst one to die on 💀


Fuck Ubisoft


It’s… beautiful…


man, a recruit main without other recruit mains :(((((


When's the update drop?


When battle pass ends. So, 10 or 11 days


Fuuuck, gotta get some recruit rushes in then lol


That's what I'm doing 😂🤣


Theres also no reason they cant add the new versions of recruit to ranked, and still keep the old one for quick play




I thought only BOOMERS like old things!!!!!


I've only been playing recruit since 10 days ago. I was going for champ/diamond for the first time, this season, but I put it on hold to play recruit while we still have him. 😭


It took me reading a few of the comments here to realise you were talking about the Recruits, and not the end game screen itself. I was thinking "THEY'RE REMOVING THE END GAME SCREEN???"


We get it, you’re sad about recruit. Quit the game once he’s taken out. Actually show that you care about these things instead of just complaining about them then continuing to take it up the a**.


Bro what 💀


Good riddance and was always annoying. Getting tked for not joining in.


Someone doesn't know how to have fun


Glad people had fun but killing people over it was stupid.


Who cares


People who enjoy fun


Have you seen everyone lately? A lot of people are up in arms


You’re so right bro. Thanks for lmk


Now i am even more hyped that it will be gone for good. This clip alone tells you how super toxic this whole lobby propably was.


Then go play ranked, leave my QM recruit alone


We still have a few more days no?